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I'm getting too old for this


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Pulling up, Myles stood in shock. He was silent, standing in the driveway alone. This was all ... BIG... 

Maybe too big! Myles felt intimidated to even step inside.... He felt ... Dizzy. He couldn't breathe. The world started spinning--!! Everything was too much!!--

Myles passed out in the driveway. 

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“He’s just fainted. Most likely exhaustion.” Taichi explained as he stood over Myles carefully resting a cool cloth on Myles forehead. “It’s good we did move some things over.” Taichi added as he had moved Myles onto a couch. 

“it’s not exactly baby proofed yet.” Yukie added as he had set up a playpen and put Tama in it leaving Haru to explore a little having locked the glass doors to the pool and greenhouse.

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It would be an hour or so when Myles started to stir.

He gets up slowly rubbing the back of his head. The red head groans from the soreness in the back of his head. "O-ow" Myles whimpers a little. He looks around. "Shit ...." Looking around, Myles sees .... So many windows and the high ceilings and-- he pulls his knees up. Honestly the red head was a little afraid to touch anything! It looked so shiney and new! The boys! "Haru! Tama!!"

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“Relax. Yukie took them to feed the koi fish. He wanted to show them the garden he built for the ancestors.” Tai explained as he lounged on a chair. “You fainted an hour or so ago, you need to make sure to take good care of yourself.” Tai added as he set down a bottled tea and a snack for Myles to eat. “I’m sorry if this was a shock. I couldn’t talk Yukie down from this place his reasoning is that we might want more kids and that he wanted to have space for Yuen and Yuen to stay hence the mother in law house Nextdoor.” Tai mumbled with a small sigh as he picked up a catalog and flipped through the dog eared pages.

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"Well.... It's .... All of this is-- it's all so much!" Myles admits. Tucking his knees more against himself. "Everything is happening all too quickly and it's--" Myles has to stop and take a deep breath resting his head on his knees. 

After a moment collecting himself, Myles peeks out at Tai. "Aren't you .... at all concerned? About ..." He felt the red creeping past his cheeks into his ears. "About us? You seem really .... mellow for all that's happening. Not only have you become a father of two over night, your partner is asking you i to a relationship with the same man who nearly put you in the ground and now we're all hours away from taking a huge trip together... Isn't it ... A little overwhelming at all?"

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“Ah….yeah, it’s a lot. But in all the time I’ve known Yukie well….I’ve kinda learned to roll with the punches. He’s impulsive I’ll give you that but he means well. This is an excessive in amount and space but I understand it more than you would, having known them longer. You see for so long…Yukie and Yue lived very very frugal, their parents struggled to keep their company running and to keep afloat. In the end after their parents passed they were left with nothing but debt from them and Yukies medical debt. It’s why he married up the second he could secure their future…before that they only had the clothes on their back. 

Taichi when I met him he was only 22 he was lost not to mention caring for Yukie alone. They were both so unsure of what to do…I mean they hadn’t known true stability their whole lives.” Tai explained as he sighed a little and looked at Myles smiling softly.  “When we met I was 21, to see them now eight years later so happy and secure in who they are and their place in the world is nice. Sure Yukie can be extremely extravagant sometimes but, he means well. He wants to make sure that everyone is safe and happy and well cared for. Just tell him how all of this it’s a lot right now and he’ll ease off.” Tai reassured Myles as he gently got up. “He’s understanding if you need time to think and space to accept change he’s more than happy to give you it.” 

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"But it's .... More than that.... I know what it means to want stability but it's also just how FAST he moves! It feels like he's on a path of live fast die young." Myles can feel his own tensions releasing as he speaks. " He's just.... He just got back home only a few short months ago and he wants to go BACK to the same place he was trapped in.... How is he not terrified?! It's suffocating to go back, isn't it?" 

The image of his old home is trying to force itself forward.... Myles is all too familiar when it comes to staring your past down. He doesn't want Yukie to feel how he's felt for years when he was left stranded like tye ground was ripped under him. 

He was uprooted from his childhood home and shipped off to another part of the country and the few times he tried to go back it felt like his was being choked. Myles takes another deep breath... He was going down to far into memory lane.

"And I get not having anything growing up.... I'm blessed enough to say I didn't have want for anything in my early childhood.... My teens years weren't..... Easy but I was comfortable.... But I've seen what poverty does to a little family. I won't see and say I know how it feels but I understand how it is.... But the extravagance of all the gifts he wants to give it's .... " Myles can't even say he doesn't want them. He can admit that what has given him are very nice! But he feels so greedy saying it out loud and to actually accept them feels like he's doing something illegal! 

Myles has worked hard all of his adult life to get what he wanted and needed, having anything he could want handed to him feels .... Wrong. At least when he hasn't felt like he's properly reciprocated. "... Then there's you.... You and I haven't even had a real conversation .... Do you ... Want any of this?" 'do you actually want me to? ' the thought wormed into the redhead's mind without much warning.

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“I can understand your worry. Yukie is stubborn and runs full force to the things he wants. Sometimes it think it’s a bit self destructive…I think he just wants to really live a little. He spent his whole early life in hospitals and indoors. When he was young they didn’t know how to help him like they do the kids. He went them to being sicker and homeless to then being married and living that shit show.” Tai explained with a small sigh as he looked at Myles. 

“I think…he's doing his best to try and make up for lost time in his life. Making sure we all have a home and the kids have a good life and a good school to go to is his way of trying to fix his mistakes. He’s been working so hard to get to where he is to get this. I know…that he’s going to crash and burn soon…eventually all this energy is going to burn out and he’s going to hit a point of slowing down.” Tai mumbled as he grabbed a pen and circled a few times from the magazine. “As for going back home…my theory is that he just wants to replace all the pain and sadness he remembers with the happiness he’s found. Going back…putting a new future on his old life and finding happiness in the place he is in seems better in my mind than permanently being trapped in the past. Him going back and having fun and being free to explore and live without fear…I think he’s right in trying to get over his fear.” Tai admitted as he sighed.

”I expect him to have problems though…he might need to take a moment to work through stuff…but it’s what he feels he needs to fix himself.” Tai finished before looking at the paint colors and circling some. At the mention of what Tai wanted the man chuckled and set down his book amused by the question.

”well, what I would like is Yukie to be happy. I want that for you too. For myself though that’s tricky…I’m not sure where I stand on everything. I do enjoy being a part of this…maybe one day I would like my own kids.” Tai admitted with a small blush as he looked away from Myles.

“I….would like to say I like you…but I would naturally first to ask you out to dinner get to know you better…but I don’t know how you would feel about doing something like that with me. I’m stepping back a little because things seem busy right now, so I can wait until we can actually have a calmer evening to drink and talk. But for now…maybe we could start texting just basic talk?” Tai offered knowing Myles was dealing with Yukies excitement and well he didn’t want to add more to the man’s stress.

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Myles snickers a little. "What's basic for you.... Im sure Yukie has told you already Im an old man. My idea of basic and yours could be very different...." But the little laughing smile didn't stay for long. "I've told Yukie this before, but ... I'm .... Not exactly the most exciting person to be with. I'm older and tend to be pretty boring .... And there's some terrible skeletons in my closets you and Yukie really shouldn't be involved with.... And I'm definitely not versed in dating TWO partners.... Can barely say I'm good at dating one..." 

Myles stares at Taichi, serious and stern. "I meant what I said when I said I'm open to being with you both .... But there's going to be times that I don't think I'll be able to keep up with you.." Myles admits his worries. He feels like a broken record because he remembers having a very similar conversation with Yukie before .... 

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“Well then we will get along just fine, honestly would be nice to have another sane person around that enjoys evening at home and can take it slower. As for skeletons I’m not to worried…as I’ve bet neither Yuen or Yukie told you what I did for work before I met them?” Tai asked with a chuckle. 

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"Yuen told me you were a therapist at one point, you were Yukie's doctor.... And still seem to be...." Myles answers. That gets him thinking what was HE gonna do for work now? 

He suddenly sighs remembering he was no basically jobless... Myles had savings so he'd be fine when they got nack to Japan but ... How quickly could he get work? He still had rent to pay and bills! 

"Is Yukie well enough to keep the boys for a little while if something were to happen when we get back? " Myles asks. His first priority is ensuring the boys had some place safe to go if ends up getting evicted from his current apartment! Yes sure Yukie had a whole home built with plans for him to stay as well but things could change or plans may be altered at any given moment. 

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“I was a mafia security before I left then security…private doctor and therapist for some sketchy men, then I became Yukies full time doctor.” Taichi explained as he sighed a little knowing going from one varying job to another was rather strange. “Right now I run a nice security firm…from home and am the family doctor. Though I take more days off than work lately.” Taichi admitted as he chuckled a touch and lounged on the chair a little more.

“I suppose Yukie is stable enough… to watch them longer he’s  been doing good but I haven’t really thrown him off the diving board yet why? Have plans to run off for a break?” Taichi asked curiously as he raised a brow at Myles.

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"Wow ... All that while also being Yukie's publisher agent on top of that .... " Myles would be lying if he said he wasn't impressed. 

He chuckles at Tai thinking he's planning to run off. "No no nothing like that. I don't have a job now and while I've got savings stashed away I haven't a clue how long it'll be before I find another good paying one.... And I can't keep the boys if I become homeless." He states simply 

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“Pfft yeah that’s the real job keeping him in line. The man drives me mad with his damn deadlines.” Tai admitted with a deep laugh as he smiled happily glad to be talking to Myles like this. When Myles mentioned being homeless and not having a job he sat up a little more serious. “Myles no matter where you live you’ll always be allowed the boys. Yukies made that very clear. If your worried about living arrangements you can live here Yukie got a mother in law suite separate from the house until you where ready to move in.” Tai offered as he gently sighed and looked at Myles. “As for work, I don’t see you needing to. With Yukie selling his family company and getting his half finally in the divorce well he’s well off and the book signing paid well also. There’s no need to worry about losing the house either he paid cash upfront. Call him reckless now on spending but he’s saved up for a long time for a family home.” Tai explained before gently taking Myles hand. “If you really want to work though…I know a few managers at the publishing company looking for help. Yukies deadlines are always tight and they need editors.” Tai offered knowing a job might be a sense of pride thing over anything else.

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"I can't just live here for free Tai. I could never do that I wasn't raised that way." Myles states simply. "And I know Yukie wouldn't just up and keep the boys from me but if shit hits the fan it's a parents job to ensure their child's well being first above everything else. I can't do that if I haven't a place to live! Besides this is just in case something does happen, I wanna be sure Haru and Tama at the very least don't enter the forster care system." The red head sits up a little more himself to meet Tai eye to eye. "And while I'm appreciative of you offering me the job, how do we know I'm a proper fit? I've helped to build and run the finances of the company Reed has. I don't know much about running anything in a publishing office! I edit and fix mistakes on panels and handle money for budgets and payments ... Anything else I can do or used to do can't really help ...." Myles explains calmly. 

At the office he may have looked like one of the regular workers but Myles was the reason their company stayed in the green between managing peoples pay and keeping any and all supplies well within budget and still keeping up the best quality for their designers and designs. All the clientele they had were repeat and return customers who loved how well the whole process was so easy and worth the asking price, they tended to leave huge tips despite the company not really asking for them. And all of it done behind the scenes by Myles.  And when he wasn't handling the budget, Myles was also in charge of checking the drafts, first and last drafts and final products of the company's graphics and designs with a fine tooth comb, catching any and every little mistake that could've exploded into something disastrous, or cause so minor inconveniences. They only ever missed a deadline once and Myles had spoken to the client stating he was personally handling and fixing the situation and would have the final piece hand delivered to the client himself. 

One of the rare times the red head actually showed his face to the any of their clients..... He was told that he had to call in a courier from then on. 

Yes, Myles had skills, but these were skills meant to stay behind a screen or a voice on the phone. "Unless your publishers need financial help, I doubt I'm gonna be a good match. Don't fuss on it I'm sure I'll find something out there. "  

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“Actually…it would help having someone firmly telling Yukie no. He’s able to push everyone around at the company. Honestly we’ve been going more in the red the last two months on his deadlines than anything else.” Tai admitted as he sighed and looked over at the setting sun shining through the windows. “I can’t keep him in line as well as I want and everyone else is stretched thin…there’s only six of us running the whole thing. Thats all Yukie could afford for a startup I mean he was blacklisted after his stunt running away and leaving them as he did.” Tai explained as he huffed a little still sore about helping Yuen clean up that mess. “I need someone who’s not a pushover and can make sure he’s making quality work. I had to fucking pull teeth with this damn order and it’s only book one. There’s twelve.”If you did accept you would have room and board here it would Be easier then traveling an hour each way. Besides the company’s only twenty minutes from here” Tai explained as he stopped and looked over at Yukie who standing in the doorway and was soaking wet and holding two dry and giggly kids.


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Myles stares at Tai raising a brow. "I thought Yuen had him under his thumb, and you were the enforcer..." The red head pauses a moment. He huffs a little, then holds out his hand. "Give me your current records and budget book and then any and all budget books from the past six months. Lemme see if this really IS a crisis before I even think to agree." If he agrees, Myles can at least rest a little easier if he decided to stay here.... It still felt weird thinking about it. 

But if anything, Myles just thinks it's a tiny thing that new young kids think that they can start a business with pixie dust and a dream. 

Pulling out his glasses, Myles sits up ready to take any files Tai will have for him. 

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“Alright, I have a copy here with me, I was planning on scolding Yukie for it but hell I wouldn’t even know where to start.” Tai admitted as he grabbed his work bag and pulled out a file that was quite thick and full of the company expenses and budgets for the last year. “They were bought out before Yukie left. Actually…around when left and got the kids to bring them here. His reasoning was he needed a backup incase things didn’t work out. While they seem to be doing better it’s more red lately then we would like and I have no idea who to contact for repairs and such other than Yuen. Back home I had connection's here not so much.” Tai explained as he watched Yukie head off to dry off and show the kids around the rest of the house.

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"Don't forget to dry your hair to! You'll get a headache otherwise!" Myles calls out to Yukie. 

Looking through the files, Myles scowled. "These numbers are off..... " he comments quietly. He goes through a few more papers. " .... Did you hire anyone new around February to May?" 

Myles was already seeing spikes in purchases. The highest being between those two months and after it starts to pewter out but only slightly. Then like Tai had said the last two months they were in the red because there was a pick up of those purchases. "Or have you maybe gone to a new partner for anything like your supplies or a new printing company? Because somebody is hemorrhaging money from you all and putting under 'company expenses' .... While everything else has a specific description, these other what looks to be random purchases have no real label text ..." Myles explains putting all the papers side by side. "You've been in the red because somebody is dipping their hands in the petty cash jar and not paying it back ...." 

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Yukie jumped at the sudden mention of his wet hair and blushed nodding quickly before running off to find a towel with the kids following.

“I’ve honestly checked everyone even the three interns. The only people we’ve dealt with lately that’s new is a new supplier but Yuen ran them through a deep security check and recommended them. Other than the other publishing company for the twelve book series we haven’t needed anyone else because we were running fine.” Tai explains as he tried to think of anyone who could be suspicious.


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"Run everybody again and get drug tests done as soon as possible. Because either this is somebody whose been with you long enough they've started flying under the radar, or somebody new has been brought on and figured out how to get into your expenses and hacked your company card if you have one." Myles explains, looking through all the papers again and again. None of the records add up at all. And each time it seems to be around the same times of the month. "When does everyone get paid and how often do you know?" 

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“Bi weekly and Yuen handles all the paperwork for payments and hands them directly out. Only people allowed the company card is Yuen and Yukie.” Tai explained as he sighed frustrated. “Everyone that was brought on was with the company as it was bought out. We didn’t want to fire a bunch of people so we signed them on under new contracts.” Tai explained as he pulled out his tablet showing all the work information that he had connected to it.

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"That's exactly the problem. These people have been working this business for years. They see a couple of young kids taking over they'll see that as easy targets and take advantage of that and start skimming off the top. Yuen and Yue may have the physical card cards can be hacked or scanned from afar." Myles counters as he scans through the list of employees they had brought on so they wouldn't lose their jobs. "Again, get new and I mean NEW background checks done AND drug test. Not a swab test either. Urine and blood test." Myles says firmly. He wasn't about to play this ring around bullshit. He takes out his phone and scrolls through his own contacts. Flipping it around to show Taichi the office they used when he had helped Reed start his own company. "Call this office, make appointments. They aren't connected to you or anyone so there's no way anyone can or will tamper with the samples. Call the number below it to have new background checks done. Forward them my email they'll know who I am and give me correct results." He explains. "YUKIE! Can you come here please!" He calls out. 

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“Seems you should really consider joining us. None of us would know any of this” Tai added as he smirked and went outside to make some calls and fix some shit. Calling Yuen next Tai continued to plan out and have Yuen oversee everything since they would be gone soon. “You should talk to Myles for everything he’s got it all under control.” Tai explained to Yuen who agreed and went forward with fixing everything up.

”yeah?” Yukie called out as he came out with the kids behind him the two boys already exhausted from running around and playing so much.

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"I'm only helping real quick just so you two don't run yourselves into the ground." Myles states staring from over the rims of his glasses with a smirk. 

He stares at Yukie sternly. "Do you know your company could possibly go under in the next few months?" He asks bluntly. And he wasn't kidding with the way Yukie tends to spend money and with this mystery person spending roughly the same, Myles thinks he SHOULD'VE been bankrupt a year ago! But somehow they scrapped by. Luckily, Myles has caught a discrepancy and he can turn it around but he's gonna have to stay on top of it all. "Tai! Tell Yuen to freeze the account attached to the company card! We keep the thief out at least that can't spend anything else! Have the cards changed as well! " 

The red head flops the paperwork on the table to show Yukie all the excessive spending that wasn't his own. "Now all of this could've continued had the person not listed them as 'company expense' ..... Any all your other transactions have clear labels and descriptors of what they were purchasing. Your thief has some skills but they don't have my years experience. They knew you wouldn't have a clue what to look for and so just stole from you in plain sight and have been for the past year...." 

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