KoBu Posted April 16, 2024 Author Share Posted April 16, 2024 "Good from what I here you both deserve it." Myles shoots Tai a glare. He starts setting up the table properly and serves the plates before calling everyone to the table. Tai gets a pinch to his ear, "For misbehaviour." Myles states simply. And sitting down to start in on his own meal, going between his plate and feeding Tama. "So now that we have everything put in motion for the company clean out, when do we need to be at the airport tomorrow? I'll get the boys packed, but should I come back here to meet you both in the morning?" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Yukonwolfspirit Posted April 16, 2024 Share Posted April 16, 2024 “We leave really early you can meet us in the morning there or you can spend the night and ride with us.” Tai mumbled as he rubbed his ear and sat down to eat. ”I have loose ends to tie up so I won’t fully be sleeping tonight.” Yukie admitted knowing he had some work to finish and some last minute packing. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
KoBu Posted April 16, 2024 Author Share Posted April 16, 2024 "Right... So I'll go back to my apartment, pack their bags and come back in a few hours. That way in the morning, we can get the boys in the car hopefully without waking them so it'll male the drive easier." Myles mumbles out. "You've got pajamas here cor them? We can keep them in their pajays so they'll be comfy since we'll have quite a long flight..... Maybe I should have invest in some flight wear myself .... Aw well lesson learned for next time" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Yukonwolfspirit Posted April 16, 2024 Share Posted April 16, 2024 “Pick up some nice sweats and anything else you want to wear it’s a long flight. As for the kids they will be fine. I’ve got a bed here and basics in clothes they can crash in my bed.” Yukie explained as he carefully cleaned Haru’s face. “Also, maybe take a nice hot bath and enjoy a free evening?” Yukie offered wanting to give Myles a chance to relax before such a big trip. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
KoBu Posted April 17, 2024 Author Share Posted April 17, 2024 "There won't be any time before I'd get back. Everything will be closed by the time I get back to town. But I won't fuss on it. I'll be back in a few hours." Myles leans down to kiss Yukie's cheek before going to do the same to Tai before he freezes. "U-um .... Sorry.." And bolts put the door. He groans as he calls a taxi, Myles can't believe he nearly kissed Tai. They were no where near that level yet! Myles was quick to pack up the boys bags, toys, toiletries and all. He skimmed all of his clothes and found a large t-shirt and some loose pants... They'd be comfortable enough to wear on the flight. Grabbing the bags and chucking them in his own car, the red head drove back to the house, being late by the time he got back. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Yukonwolfspirit Posted April 17, 2024 Share Posted April 17, 2024 “Ooooooh- Tai got a kiss~” Yukie teased as Taichi only blushed neon red and didn’t look at anyone the poor man surprised and embarrassed. After they had all finished eating and gone to bed the only person up was Tai and Tama who was overly tiered and fussy as Tai walked him around the living room softly singing in Russian and Japanese. “Tama. Little Tamale…why are you so fussy huh? It’s been four hours of this.” Tai asked gently as he continued to rub Tamas back lovingly and just endlessly rocked Tama who just whined and clung to Tai. “Shall we call Mama? I don’t have anything else to give you we already did medicine if it’s your tummy…but I can give you more in an hour” Tai explained to Tama as he glanced over to check on Haru who had wandered out here at one point and who was asleep on the couch. Haru had fallen asleep with his book on fish once Tai had read him to sleep. Tai had hoped it would help Tama sleep also but it had only put Haru into a deep happy sleep. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
KoBu Posted April 17, 2024 Author Share Posted April 17, 2024 Myles opens the door, walking in as quietly as possible... Before he hears the tiny cries of Tama. "Having trouble putting him down to sleep?" He coos at Tama , trying for his attention. "What's wrong blue bird? You giving Tai a hard time?" Myles holds out his arms to take the fussy baby. "I thought his colic was under control, did you burp him?" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Yukonwolfspirit Posted April 17, 2024 Share Posted April 17, 2024 Tama just whined and hiccuped upon seeing Myles the poor little guy upset even more. “It comes and goes…though I did burp him and I gave him medicine.” Tai admitted as he gently handed Tama over the child instantly snuggling into Myles and quickly calming down a little. “I think he just missed his Mama.” Tai whispered as he smiled at the sight finding it adorable how quickly Tama snuggled into Myles and clung to him. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
KoBu Posted April 17, 2024 Author Share Posted April 17, 2024 Myles chuckles softly, cuddling Tama against him, smattering kisses on the baby's head, before blowing a little raspberry into Tama's lil cheeks. "Naww my wittle blue bird being a fussy bubby." He sets them both on the couch, starting to hum softly and rubbing the baby's back to start getting him ready to sleep. "You can head to bed if you like, I'll get him down. We've got a few hours before we need to get up and ready again for the flight." Myles was already used to getting up early despite a lack of sleep. He'll be more likely getting everyone up and out before either of the other two do. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Yukonwolfspirit Posted April 17, 2024 Share Posted April 17, 2024 “Actually…I wanted to kinda learn from you. You settle them really easy and are really a natural at it. I kinda….wanna watch you for a little bit.” Tai admitted as he had rather enjoyed spending time with the kids the last four hours. “I have to admit…I’ve enjoyed staying up with them.” Tai explained a small blush on his face as he awkwardly stood to the side unsure if he should offer more help or anything as he watched Tama just snuggle into Myles with an angry tiered huff. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
KoBu Posted April 17, 2024 Author Share Posted April 17, 2024 "It's not very difficult. All I do is try all kinds of things and see what works best." Myles explains with a smile, bouncing little Tama gently as the child fussed. "What works for one child may not work for another. As long as you remember kids don't come with instructions, for me it made it easier to try and figure them both out and in doing that you also bond with each kid better." Myles explains gently. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Yukonwolfspirit Posted April 17, 2024 Share Posted April 17, 2024 “I see, well from what I’ve learned is Tama is very clingy? If that’s the right word. He likes being cuddled and smothered with love to the point he gets upset if you step away too long. Haru…he’s interesting.” Tai admitted as he tried to think of how to best put his words. “He fell asleep to me reading about terrifying deep sea fish. He likes the one that has razor teeth and a light on its head.” Tai added as he looked at Haru who mumbled in his sleep and clutched his book even tighter the lad having become rather obsessed over his book taking it as a comfort item. “I know the aquarium was picked for Haru to see the fish for a day, maybe sneak in a new book or two.” Tai said with a chuckle as he settled down on a chair and let out a small yawn. “Tell me about yourself. I only know what Yukie tells me but I want to know what you like to do and your favorite things…maybe your dreams and such” Tai asked gently refusing to sleep just yet since he could snooze on the plane since the three of them could take shifts with the kids. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
KoBu Posted April 17, 2024 Author Share Posted April 17, 2024 Myles giggles. "Yes he's a very clingy baby. We call that a velcro baby here in the states. But we'll wean him from that soon enough. There will be alot of crying." He admits with a sigh. The redhead watches Haru a moment, a smile crossing his face. "Yes he's always adored marine life... I feel he'll have a career dealing with the ocean one day... " When presented with questions about himself, Myles wasn't sure what to really say, "Well I've told Yukie many times already I'm an old man whose pretty boring. I tend to be a homebody more... I don't know if there's much to really tell you..." Myles laughs airly. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Yukonwolfspirit Posted April 17, 2024 Share Posted April 17, 2024 “Well I meant do you like walks on the beach? Or wine tasting? Do you have any hobbies? Personally I enjoy going to concerts and trying out new restaurants.” Tai explained trying hard to explain what he meant as he blushed. “I want to eventually be able to take you on a good date…that starts with knowing what you like and dislike.” Tai finished as he covered Haru with a blanket. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
KoBu Posted April 21, 2024 Author Share Posted April 21, 2024 "I've never tried either of those ... Living in the city doesn't give much chance for walks on sandy beaches and I started drinking hard liquor too young so can't take too much on my kidneys. Considering they weren't mine before, I don't make a habit to indulge too much anymore." Myles admits, laying Tama on his chest as he sits further back into the couch. "I'm.... Probably more content just being home.... Watching tv, crocheting, maybe order out for food because I'm feeling lazy and not wanting to cook ..... I have loved going to amusement larks lately. It's been fun taking the boys to the zoo.... " Myles smiles remembering the time he had taken the boys to the local zoo to watch animals and shows all day. "I'll try new things at least once though so .... Don't think too hard on trying to make the perfect date..." The red heads blushing is showing on the tips of his ears. He feels silly discussing this all over again.... "Safe to assume you like wine to? Yukie seema to enjoy it .... He worries me with how much alcohol he drinks ..." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Yukonwolfspirit Posted April 21, 2024 Share Posted April 21, 2024 “I didn’t know you had a kidney transplant.” Tai added with a raised brow as he worried for a second about Myles health but well he let it go thinking that Myles was alright since he he knew he adored the boys and wouldn’t go to crazy into drinking to the point of hurting his new kidneys. Smiling at Myles adorable interested and like’s Tai made a mental note on what gifts to get the man in the future and just relaxed more on the couch. “Well, I drink socially I like fruity drinks and the occasional wine. I enjoy a drink after a long day of work and stress but I mainly stick to tea and sweet drinks.” Tai admitted as he thought over to Myles worries about Yukie drinking after a few minutes he decided to let Myles in. “…I should be upfront with you Yukie’s drinking problems is due to his past marriage. I know this because he’s confided in me in therapy…he says drinking mades it bearable to drown out everything that hurts inside. He…well…he doesn’t like to talk about it much it’s hard for him to really talk about any of this…and he may never bring it up casually to you but…he worked in modeling and films at a point.” ”His ex promoted his stuff and pushed him out there into the public he adored making Yukie a pretty eye candy. Since he enjoyed showing Yukie off he also made sure to make a pretty penny off of Yukie. Yukie by this point was fearfully submissive since he had been ‘trained’ thoroughly by his ex and knew his place. The problems started when Yukie was allowed out of the house it was only for social parties.” “Yukie was expected to drink and socialize properly…and eventually he experienced drugs on their own as a fun treat..and then when he was difficult his ex put them in his drinks to make him more bubbly and easy to parade around. He was always safe when doing them I mean he was tethered to his ex the whole time. His exs goal was for him to be enchanting and breathtaking beautiful, and submissive. You know the whole “wife” that would make others insanely jealous. Package he could show off.” Tai mumbled as he sighed. ”The problem is when you act like you happy and push away everything difficult down with drugs alcohol for so long…you end up wearing a mask to the point you can’t tell who you are anymore. He got sober after the divorce before he moved here…I mean he was struggling but was doing so good keeping clean. After Yukie went back to fix things…it was hard for him to stay clean and well…he does better now but he struggles with it with being reminded of how things were. I look the other way if he gets drunk…because it’s better him being hungover than the other ways I’ve seen him sick”. Tai planned with a sad sigh as he covered his face feeling bad for the sudden mood change. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
KoBu Posted April 25, 2024 Author Share Posted April 25, 2024 "But if you keep looking away, he'll destroy his body with all the alcohol!" Myles counters. "I can understand indulging now and again I can even step aside when your trying to cover up a part of your past you don't want to see, but there also has to be a time when you have to move past it so you can enjoy the time you've still gor ahead of you ..." The lights begin to flicker in the house. Aileen stands behind, or rather, hovers behind Myles looking rather heartbroken. Her son speaks of facing past hurts yet, he himself cannot bare looking into his own past ... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Yukonwolfspirit Posted April 25, 2024 Share Posted April 25, 2024 “Well…not everyone could do that. I mean I’m sure you have your own things you can’t face.” Tai replied as he chuckled and looked out at the garden below full of flowers. ”Hello ghost lady.” Haru whispers as he looked up from the couch watching the woman watch his mama. “Mama says you shouldn’t eavesdrop. Your nose will be stolen if you do.” Haru added as he rubbed his eye fully awake now. “Have you come to live here? The old man that lives with mama is grouchy….” Haru explained. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
KoBu Posted April 28, 2024 Author Share Posted April 28, 2024 Aileen smiles at the child, bringing her finger to her lips. 'Shhhh go back to sleep sweetheart, and I'll tell you in your dreams.... And you don't need to worry about that grouchy old man any more' she reassures before she's but a whisp in the wind. Myles does his best not to twitch at that. " I've..... " he can't look at Tai as he speaks. "My own troubles are something for me to handle. They were there before and I've moved on from them ...." He feels his own guts twist. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Yukonwolfspirit Posted April 28, 2024 Share Posted April 28, 2024 Haru just nodded and grabbed his blanket and book to go snuggle down with Yukie. —— “would you want Yukie to treat his troubles the same? His drug issues and his issues with his ex are all something from before. You shouldn’t try and face everything alone…it’s cruel to yourself to do that.” Tai explained as he got up and stretched out. “I’m going to get food. Wanna come? I know the kids will be hungry in a few hours and I don’t want to risk missing our flight to stop.” Tai admitted as his stomach growled. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
KoBu Posted April 28, 2024 Author Share Posted April 28, 2024 "Of course not. I'm just saying my troubles were around before you all got here and I took care of them long before even Yukie was in the picture .... Mostly...." Myles mumbles the last part if only to make himself feel like less of a liar. He stands carefully, trying to keep from jostling and waking Tama in his arms. "Let me just settle him in bed and I'll drive. I'm sure you're exhausted as it is." Myles offers heading for what he assumes to be the boys' room. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Yukonwolfspirit Posted April 28, 2024 Share Posted April 28, 2024 “He’s got a small cot in the room by the bed.” Tai explained as he went inside and grabbed his shoes and wallet. “Yukie hasn’t moved anything yet he wanted the kids to pick out their furniture.” Tai admitted as he looked for Haru in slight panick only to relax upon seeing him snuggled down beside Yukie who was out cold. “We can watch through the cameras. The house is covered in them…Yukie had them installed upon buying the place.” Tai pointed out to the secure camera on the guest room wall watching over them. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
KoBu Posted May 3, 2024 Author Share Posted May 3, 2024 Myles leans against Tai without thinking,pressing against the younger man's back for a better view. The red head smiles feeling relieved that he can always watch for his boys. "We should still leave a note regardless so Yukie won't worry we're we went if he wakes up in a little while..." Myles suggests, plucking out a pen and paper to scratch out a note. Leaving the note and grabbing his keys, Myles calls out, "anything special were feeling tonight? I wouldn't advise fast food before a long flight though..." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Yukonwolfspirit Posted May 3, 2024 Share Posted May 3, 2024 Blushing a deep neon red at Myles leaning into his back the poor man could only hide away his face for a moment as he tried to gather his composure. “Um, just something light?” Tai added his voice a touch shaky as he tried to calm his racing heart more embarrassed than anything at his reaction. Tai while he was fine being by himself had to admit having gone so long with out casual touching he was rather overly sensitive and embarrassed by it. “I don’t know exactly what’s good…I just kinda eat what everyone else is eating.” Tai explained as he followed and got into the car climbing into the passenger seat. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
KoBu Posted May 3, 2024 Author Share Posted May 3, 2024 Myles snickers, "You and Yukie both are terrible. You haven't went to try anything new on your own?" Pulling out if the driveway, Myles takes out his phone, clicking on an app and handing it to Tai, "Here these are some of my favorites I like but they recommend a few other places as well if you prefer. It's gonna take us awhile to get into town so go through the list and see what catches your eye." On that list included a few different Thai restaurants, Thai food being one of Myles favorites, but there was a lot of other Asian options as well. Myles thought process at the time was he wanted to try and make some of the boys cultural food at home and the people who ran those places were always so kind and patient with him when he took the boys with him. "Most places may be closed this hour so try looking at some mom and pop diners, but a few places on that list like me enough to make a late night snack for me." Mtles explains as he drives along the quiet highway. He always tipped extra on those nights because it was so late. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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