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I'm getting too old for this


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Looking at the list Tai nodded and scrolled through looking at each place throughly as he thought of also what Yukie and the kids could enjoy. “Mmh it all looks really good, do the boys have favorite dishes?” Tai asked as he decided on a mom and pop shop that looked really delicious. “I think I’ll do this one. Everything looks mouthwatering, and reminds me of home a little.” Tai admitted with a small blush as he set Myles phone down after showing him the restaurant. “Myles, would you be comfortable holding hands when we go places?” Tai asked his face burning as he asked.

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"Honestly I'm not too sure ... they'll typically eat whatever I put in front of them for me .... I'd ask their uncles first." Myles sheepishly admits. Though the boys have told him what they don't like or can't eat, the red head can't say they've told him they had favorites either. "I try keep a wide variety for them. With Tama's food allergies I have to test out and check all of it mostly. They're pretty easy to feed so I'm happy for that..." myles taks back the phone to see what Tai had picked. "Gina's is a good start. Alot of soul food. Keeps you full and definitely in need of a nap after" he snickers. 

Myles is surprised when Tai asks to hold his hand. His own face starts to burn. "I-i wouldn't stop you if that's what your asking .... " 

The red head holds out his hand as they step out of the car to make to the front door. He feels, again, like a new high-schooler getting into their first relationship. He feels so silly but so giddy at the same time ....

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Blushing Tai took Myles hand his heart melting as he walked inside with Myles. “Thank you.” Tai added with a small smile as he was overly happy just holding Myles hand. Looking around at the restaurant Tai just casually followed Myles lead the whole time holding Myles hand close as if he was afraid to let go and let the magic end.

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Ignoring his own butterflies, Myles leads Tai to the counter, speaking to the cook on the other side. 

"Hey Jer, can I make an order to go tonight?" He's casual as he speaks but his cheeks are pink, with 'Jer' smirking at him. "Oh to go huh?" Myles twitched "sh-shut ya face!!" He explains but never let go of Tai's hand. 

He ordered some of the foods he would normally get the boys, then looked at Tai. "Go ahead and tell Jer what you want...." he tells the other with a gentle smile.

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“Ah…um well….can I get a spicy vermicelli salad, then some spring rolls. Then I think some massaman curry.” Tai replied with a small blush as he was clearly a little shy about ordering. “I think that’s it I added something Yukie would like.” Tai admitted as he held Myles hand a little closer and looked away for a moment.


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Jer stared at him from behind the counter and Myles looked a little perturbed. "H-hold on a moment Jerry." 

Myles pulls Tai aside for a second, "Um hun, they don't serve those kinds of dishes at a mom and pops diner they can serve you salad but nothing like the one you ordered..." Myles explains, not wanting Tai to feel embrassed. "They've got basic menu items here... ya know spaghetti, Chilli, baked potatoes, eggs, toast, pancakes, Chilli cheese dogs are pretty good here ... that kind stuff..." 

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Tai just wanted to die right then and there. While he had glanced at the menu he had assumed Thai food had meant food he was use to cooking or ordering out. “Myles this kinda place is not exactly what I had in mind when you said you wanted Thai food… I thought that’s what we were getting since you mentioned liking Thai food. In my mind I assumed it was a small cafe mom and pop restaurant that sell Thai food so that’s my fault for assuming it would be like that” Tai explained as he sighed a touch frustrated by the communication and being publicly embarassed. For him such a simple error between them was an incredibly uncomfortable situation and made Tai feel a touch unsure on how to correct or fix it. As he gently let go of Myles hand Tai took a moment to steady himself trying to decide what he wanted food wise now as he looked up a menu online from his phone. 

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Myles looked a little dejected when Tai let his hand go. Very much a sad puppy that just had it's stuffy taken away. But he knew Tai was embrassassed so the red head tries not to look like he's just been punched in the gut. 

"We-well yes I love Thai food but Thai restaurants aren't open this late. Diners like this are open because they're meant as stops and rest areas for people on a long road trip .... 'm sorry.." He mumbles the last part under his breath, twisting his hair. 

But regardless, Jerry comes back with something like a vermillce salad.... "I didn't have a clue what it was but I had a few of the ingredients in the kitchen try and fill out with if that's alright with you, kid." He yells out over to Tai, "and spring rolls is easy enough, my woman is always hankering  for those so I got some of the stuff back here to make em when she wants but I ain't got nothing to make your curry with but hope ya like what ya do have there..." He says with a sheepish smile. Jerry was just that brute cook with a heart that just wanted to feed the hungry. He did what he could to accommodate. 

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“Thank you. I’m sorry for the trouble. Sad to say I’m still not fully immersed in the culture here to get everything said to me.” Tai admitted as he looked over at Myles. “It’s my fault for not clarifying…if I’m honest the other one is great at finding small food places with lots of strange and unique food but, I would love to try whatever your house special is. I’m always down to try new things.” Tai replied with a small smile as he still felt awkward as hell but was just at this point wanting to be thankful and pay for the man’s kindness.

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A woman chimes in all too bubbly "Ain't nothing to fuss on sugar plum!! You don't like the diner type anyway. You one of them big city fancy boys right?" 

"Now Petunia don't make the boy feel more outta place!" Jerry yells over. 

"Ahhhh he don't feel like that grabdaddy!!" The two bicker back now forth 

Myles stands twisting his hair. Jerry looking over, "I done told ya to stop twisting your hair like that or your gonna go bald!" The old man scolds. Myles immediately takes his hands away. "S-sorry jerry." 

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“Ah no, I moved here from Japan. I’m kinda…the nanny for this one’s kids.” Tai explained as he wasn’t going to out Myles without his permission. Tai watching the scene chuckled finding their squabbling amusing and rather loving in its own way. Looking over at Myles twisting his hair he gently took Myles hand and held it again. “Didn’t know you had nervous habits. Wanna tell me what’s on your mind?” Tai mumbled his question low enough for only Myles to hear.

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Myles doesn't answer right away. He doesn't think he should. His fingers twitch wanting to twist in his hair again. ".... It's not important right now." He says simply. His way of saying we'll  talk about it later, just not right now.

And as if to pull him out of the line of fire, Myles phone dings with a text message. He pulls his hand away from Tai, careful to not yank it back, "Gimme a minute I think this is the asset protection team." He steps outside to read through and watch what the team had sent to him. 

The red head smiles. Asset protection did him justice. He has most of what he needs now Yukie will just need to send him the last few months finances and they'll be set to rip those secretaries a new asshole. Legally of course. 


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Tai just let Myles do his work and played on his phone just then getting some messages from Yukie who was up and loading up bags by the door and doing a final prep before they left. “Yukies up Myles, he’s been hauling luggage to the front door to help prep.” Tai explained with a chuckle as he continued to text Yukie.

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"OK grab the food, tell Jer to put it on my tab and we'll head back!" Myles tells him finishing up his message and getting the car started. 

On the drive back Myles put on the radio, if only to fill the silence. He still felt horribly awkward for embarrassing Tai at the diner.  His fingers started tugging at his hair without Myles notice again, agitated by that fact.

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“Why do you pull your hair.” Tai asked as he held the food on his lap the man finding the absence of talking between them overbearing. “Your doing it again…I’m wondering if it’s because your uncomfortable being with me.” Tai added getting straight to the point as he watched the clouds go by.

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Myles froze at that. " .... I think it stems from when I was young..... I don't hate being around you .... I'm nervous that I embarrassed  you .... " He admits as he tugs a little more at his hair. "My father used to tug my hair when I made him upset and my mother would turn around and stroke my hair while I was crying .... I guess you could say it's  a form of punishment and comfort that just gets .... twisted." 

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“I see, well I’m not mad. A touch embarrassed but I’ll live it’s not the first time I’ve been in an awkward situation.” Tai admitted as he gently reached out and pushed back some of Myles hair gently brushing his fingers against Myles cheek and head. “I’m sorry for your pain” Tai whispered as he then gently took Myles hand and kissed it showing he really had no ill feelings about the incident.


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The red head twitched at the sudden touch. The kiss to his hand sent shivers down his spine. 

Yukie drowned him in compliments, was treating him like a princess gonna be Tai's love language?! Myles wasn't sure how he would keep his heart in his chest. 

His face was red, Myles feared he may start glowing. Clearing his throat, the older man focuses on the road ahead as he started up the car to head back to the house to get ready to take the trip to the airport, Myles stutters out, "Don't think on it .... not like your the reason I do it to begin with...." 

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“Alright then. Let me pick your mind then. How do you feel about the trip? Do you really want to go? I know Yukie can be…a lot to deal with.” Tai stated as he stared out the window still holding Myles hand. “For me…I’m not sure going back is a good idea fully. I’m not sure how we all will work together since we’ve never even shared a night together as a family.” Tai explained having his own concerns that they would all be unable to find common ground.

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A sigh left the red head. "I want to go .... but I think it's a bad idea to go soon after he had just left .... his ex may have agreed to let him leave but what if that same ex tries to drag him back?" Myles posed the question, with a white knuckles grip on the stirring wheel making a conscious effort not to squeeze on the hand in his other. "From what I've heard and pieced together his ex has dirty under handed tactics in his arsenal and Yukie .... doesn't seem to be the best under pressure. " 

He relaxes when brought to the question of how they'd all work out. "Well it'd be the same if we had entered a relationship as a duo instead of a trio .... we'd still have to see how we all work and mix together.... things need balance .... and compromise and a willingness to work together. I think if we meet what we're trying to have with a little bit of open mindless and patience..... maybe it can work.... humans can't tell the future more then a few seconds in time but you can't know anything until you try and see what the path brings you to...nothing ventured nothing gained you know?" 

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“Makes sense.” Tai admitted as he thought for a moment. “You shouldn’t worry so much about his ex. He’s high society when I helped Yukie book and plan things we took places he would less likely be. The only thing I’m unsure of is if he would have eyes on us.” Tai admitted having gone to the extra trouble of securing and making sure the trip was extra safe. “I called in some favors from my old mafia family’s…Yukie doesn’t know this but I got extra secure sleeping arrangements and driver escorts….along with a few men that will blend in expertly to watch over us.” Tai explained knowing it was good to tell Myles since he might pick up on two men watching over them from four cafes back. “I don’t want to take chances with the kids. I want us to have fun and explore and bond…we can’t do that if we are worried all the time.” Tai explained as he pulled up his phone to show Myles pictures of the two men that would be boarding the plane soon with them that for that moment would look like simple business men.

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"Less likely doesn't mean no chance, Tai ... but the extra security does make me feel a little better." Myles says with a smile. He does appreciate how Tai took his own worries into account ... even if he doesn't realize it. 

"You haven't shown this to anyone else, right? Normal people will be looking over their shoulder for those men and possibly blow their cover." Myles comments. The less.these men are known, the more likely they'll succeed in keeping them all protected.

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“No I won’t out them. Thought there’s six total they take shifts so we are covered 24/7.” Tai admitted as he put his phone away. “They were my co workers, I would trust them with my life if shit went down.” Tai explained as he chuckled his phone alerting him to the cameras as he looked seeing Yukie and the kids outside with the koi fish and exploring. “Seems they are ready to go. He’s got the bags by the door and the kids dressed.” Tai added as he showed Myles the video of the three feeding the fish and exploring the garden.

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  • 1 month later...

Myles smiles at the video, making the drive as quick as possible.

Once home, Myles immediately moves to load everything into the car. He tells Tai to bring the boys and Yukie food and let them start eating while he took care of loading and last minute checklist before they go to leave. 

In between, Myles receives another call from the AP team. More good news for him and terrible news for the secretaries. He hopes no one sees his absolute menace grin on his face. 

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Yukie yawned as he came out and looked at Myles who had beaten him to loading the bags. “That was quick, you seem more excited.” Yukie mumbled as he ate his sandwich in peace having left Tai to finish cleaning up the kids. “You and Tai have fun?” Yukie asked curiously as he smirked as if teasing Myles about Myles and Tais trip out of the house as a couple.

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