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I'm getting too old for this


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Myles rolls his eyes at Yukie, smile still in place. "For the most part yes. Threw him for a loop when I told him diners don't sell Thai food so late." He snickers a little. He still felt bad but making it funny makes it a little better. 

"On the brightside, I may be all yours to do with as you please sooner than I expected. Assist protection worked over time and got me almost everything we'll need. The last of it is just gonna come from your end." He explains with a devious smile. "Then we can plan to step in for a 'surprise' inspection." 

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“Oh really? Well you’ll like the honeymoon suites I booked.” Yukie teased as he kissed Myles cheek happy to have him helping him so much.

”I got them all ready! Tama is angry though he's trying to bite.” Tai replied as he held both kids under his arms Tamas a bit more outward to avoid bites. Tamas face was deep red as he looked on the verge of a meltdown being taken to the car the poor boy not wanting a car ride.

”ooooh fun.” Yukie replied sarcastically as he sighed wondering why Tama was so angry at leaving.

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Myles snickers as he's smooched and cheeks pink from the affection. 

Seeing Tama about to have a tantrum, Myles smiles and holds out his arms for the child. "Lemme take him for a minute and see if I can't get him calmed down." He offers. 

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Tama of course seeing Myles wanting to hold him practically springs out of Tais arm and into Myles instantly snuggling and happy with his mama. “Mgh fishies.” Tama grumbled out a little upset he had to leave the fish to get in the car.

”Tama only likes mama.” Haru stated as he climbed into the car and buckled himself Tama of course following behind him leaving Myles, Tama, and Yukie to get in by their selves.


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"Haru, that's not true. Tama you like other people, right? Haru's being silly." Myles counters, helping the boys along into their seat belts. 

Once buckled, Myles takes his normal spot by the drivers door, "everybody ready? We've got everything packed? Not forgetting anything?" He runs through the small check list before climbing into the drivers seat and started the car and heading for the airport.

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“No. Mama.” Tama stated rather cheekily with a puff to his cheeks as he huffed and snuggled into Myles. Huffing as he was buckled in Tama was quite upset before instantly calming at a soft activity  book being handed to him my Tama who had grabbed him a fish centered one. Settling in Taichi and Yukie both nodded they were ready as they all started heading to the airport. It of course wasn’t long until they arrived and once out of the car Tai handed off Tama and Haru to Myles so he could help Yukie get the bags onto the cart. Once finished he watched as Yukie lead the way already knowing where to go from his last plane ride.

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Myles takes the children, setting Haru on the ground and Tama on his hip. 

He follows after the other two men, boys in tow. "What after are we heading to? I'd like to get through check in quickly and give Tama a diaper change before getting on the plane." Myles knew they'd be on the plane for several hours but at least Tama would start off with a clean diaper, to hopefully ease the take off.

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“We are headed to the third area where we are boarding.” Yukie explained as he waved down an attendant who seemed to be waiting for them. Yukie happily greeted the man in Japanese before catching up for a moment Tai raising a brow.
-I have checked everything but I’m not against another check so long as nothing goes missing- Yukie teased the man as the man laughed and patted Yukie’s back before inspecting all their tickets and applying a matching tag to each bag having been waiting to check them in.

-Bet I’ll find all the strange  and naughty things in your bag.- The man teased Yukie as he chuckled before Yukie moved and took off their carry ons and the man waved over another worker who took their bags back to be inspected and loaded early. -your free to go through straight to security I also pulled a few strings and had the terminal moved next to the children’s play area. You can have the kids play while you wait.- The man added with a happy laugh as he waved at Tama and Haru who both looked confused but well they understood the conversation but didn’t fully care.

-thank you my dear friend. I assume we will have help once we land?- Yukie asked curiously as the man nodded and took out his phone showing Yukie a picture of a man who looked identical to the man before them the two being twins. -I see you are the handsome one.- Yukie teased with a happy laugh as he chatted for a few more minutes to catch up before he thanked the man and turned back to Myles and Tai still holding their personal carry on. “We are good to go to security and get checked. We have a play area near our flight and there’s a family bathroom to change Tama.” Yukie explained having asked the man if they had such a thing. Turning around Yukie eagerly lead the way clearly excited to be heading off on their trip.

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  • 1 month later...

The conversation going on, both intimidated Myles... and made him feel .... a little like he was third wheeling ... 

Did Yukie forget he could understand Japanese? Myles shook it off, Yukie was a natural flirt. He shouldn't read into it... right? Yea the red head knew he was reading too much into it. 

Myles followed along, the boys in tow. Sitting at the gate, Myles set them.up with a few books to look at and some coloring pages to draw on. 

As they waited, the red head pulls out his laptop and glasses to go over some of the reports and papers his loss prevention team gave him. The red head has literally everything to throw the book at these crooks and he knows it. But Myles didn't get good at his old job by letting loose ends stay frayed. No once he had something by the balls, he inspected, surveyed, and went through EVERYTHING with a fine tooth comb before he could called satisfied. 

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“Ever working~” Tai teased as he watched Myles ignoring Yukie who went off in search of sweets and eventually ended up deep inside the kids play tunnels exploring. Resting his head on Myles shoulder he kept an eye on the kids as he relaxed. “Is this showdown going to be a bloody court battle?” Tai asked before looking down at Tama who was snuggling into his lap with a book Haru having headed off to the tunnels to play with Yukie.

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Myles chuckles a little. "Yes well I didn't earn a reputation as a workaholic for nothing. I'm just double, triple checking everything is as we say it is." He explains, tapping away. His eyes briefly flit between the boys, the kids and the gate, watching and listening for boarding time. 

He smirks at Tai. "Not if they know what's good for them and I they want any dignity left in tact. They'll be smart, admit they're at fault and keep what little reputation they have." 

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“I see.” Tai replied as he got up and picked up Tama before settling him in the toddler play area to explore Tama of course exploring the tunnel with fishes painted on it. “Seems our flight leaves soon. Do you want to sit with Tama or Haru?” Tai asked wondering how they would do their seating since they had booked to giant private ‘rooms’ for their family to share.

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"Either one is fine. Maybe give me Tama so you can have a peaceful flight? Babies ears pop and can disturb other passengers with crying. I can at least try to soothe him if he gets fussy." Myles offers. 

Putting away his laptop again, the red head looks over at the boys and Yukie. He laughs, pulling out his phone for a quick picture of their antics. He looks up at Tai, "Why don't you join them? I'm sure it would be fun." 

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“Sounds good. I’ll take Haru thought I wonder if he might worry going back home. I never did ask if he felt abandoned being taken from the only home he knew to live with Yukie.” Tai admitted as he watched the three run around and play only to chuckle at Myles suggestion. “I firmly do not wish to get stuck in those tubes. Honestly I think the only way he (Yukie) isn’t getting stuck is because of how flexible he can be.” Tai admitted as he opened his bag and grabbed a water out taking a sip.

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  • 5 weeks later...

Myles chuckles with Tai. "Are you saying you've no flexibility?" The red head asks with a grin and raised brow. 

"If you stay ram rod straight you'll be fine and it would be funny to see coming down" He says through his laughter, picturing it in his mind. 

Myles sits Tama on his lap, pulling his computer back out to pull up a baby video on a video streaming site for him to watch and sitract himself for a few minutes as they wait for their flight to be called. 

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“Oh I’m flexible, just not so much so I can squeeze into small areas.” Tai admitted as he pointed out where Yukie was the man in a box area hardly bigger then Haru. Chuckling at Myles response to seeing him in the play area Tai shook his head amused. “You couldn’t pay me to get into that place looks to claustrophobic.” Tai admitted as he watched Tama enjoy the tv as they waited for their number to be called.

”I have to admit. I’m growing fond of the idea of parenthood. Might want my own kids someday.” Tai admitted with a small blush as he had grown fond of the kids.

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"Oh? And what if the payment wasn't monetary?" Myles jokes, only meaning to tease the younger man. 

But the redhead's eyes light up when Tai says he might want more children. 

"I'd love more in the future!" He blurts, bubbly and giddy. Yukie already knew, but Myles had always wanted children, a big family. He snuggle Tama closer as they watch the video, a soft, fond smile on Myles lips at the idea of more children for him to love and care for. 

But ... he also knew that was his dream life. Tai maybe thinking about it, doesn't mean the other man is dead set on it. 

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“Mmh still a hard no. I personally value not having to be cut out of a play place.” Tai teased back with a chuckle as he smiled and watched the two. Hearing Myles talk about wanting more kids Tai could only smile at the man’s excitement. 

“We would have to adopt or find a surrogate I don’t have the right equipment.” Yukie added as he came back with Haru who was already tiered and ready to get on the plane. “ why don’t we discuss it more after the house is finished.” Yukie added as he picked up Haru as their flight was called for them to board.

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Myles puts the laptop away, taking Tama with him. "You ready Blue bird? Ready to go on a plane ride?" He comes at the baby boy, "Haru? Come take my hand, bud." Myles holds out his hand for the other boy hand, ready to walk them in. 

"Should one us stay back to settle the boys while the other two bring up the bags into the upper baggage cubby?" Myles looks to the pair, thinking this was a typical plane flight. 

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“Ooooh…you didn’t tell him about your purchase. Mmh someone’s going to be sleeping on the couch~.” Tai teased as Yukie huffed at him watching while Tai grabbed their bags and walked over to the gate the attendants coming out to carry their luggage in as he showed the ticket and went on.

“So…um well….no, there’s no need…it’s just us five on the plane. I bought the family a small plane for vacations Tai wouldn’t let me get a full sized one or a jet. I thought it would be easier than taking a crowded plane with the kids, and hiring help was just a few phone calls.” Yukie explained as he scooped up Haru and lead the way the man having bought a nice sized private plane with decent rooms to sleep in and a full kitchen and tv.

“I well…I made some other investments outside of the printing business. I did it for fun and to hedge my bets I also fully got my half of the rest of the company from back home…and well…I did really really good on my investments. I kinda…made a lot.” Yukie explained as he showed his tickets to the lady and continued leading the way to the plane before they were greeted with absolute luxury.  “I upgraded some stuff last night just hotel rooms and such everything else is the same plan wise. Though I wanted to discuss savings and collage for the kids and any future kids.” Yukie admitted as he set Haru down the boy imminently going off to play with the basket of toys the attendants provided.

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Myles can do nothing but-- stare. He's flabbergasted.... dumbfounded. Complete and utter disbelief!! 

The red takes a deep breathe. Myles has so many emotions rolling through he just .... can't act on them. Mainly because which emotion should he start on?! 

So instead, he just quietly steps onto the plane. Quietly goes to his seat.... and quietly sits, eyes closed and seeming to silently meditate. 

Ok... first things first. 

"Yukie ....  how long ago did you buy this plane?"

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“Well…it was after you two left….to go get food.” Yukie explained as he sat in his own seat and looked at Tai who refused to step into the fight ring. “I thought it would be good for us, it was easy to ask around for one and it’s second hand I got a good deal from one of Yuens co workers who flys. It’s been inspected and everything.” Yukie explained his voice nervous as he awkwardly grabbed his phone and worked through it before pulling up his bank account showing it hesitantly to Myles that it was very large amount nestled in his account upwards in 5 million.

“Yuen…ended up finalizing everything. I bought the house with my book earnings…and then the printer shop to keep money coming in. I didn’t expect him to actually get me more than some basic furniture and a small nest egg from the company. It explains why my ex went after the kids and dragged me back….he lost a lot and was trying to get me to break the condition of taking six months to fix us. Staying with him I thought I only woke the kids but…Yuen made it so I won my half of my exs home, half of his finances and full untouched payment for any future things I worked on or starred in and then half of anything his company earns under my fathers name. Then there was the other things like jewelry furniture, and then Yuen also took him to court for the abuse and everything. It took him three years to fully finish fighting My ex. I made sure Yuen took a very generous cut. I just didn’t know how to tell you or Tai…because I’ve never really dealt with so much money, I mean I don’t know how to set it up for you and Tai to be cared for for life or what to do for the kids. I thought I just had the printing company to fix to keep us cared for…but honestly I don’t even know if you have to fully adopt the kids first either or if I can only set this up. I was gunna wait until the trip was over to explain after you had fun.” Yukie admitted as he looked away from Myles much like a scolded child who’s been caught eating cookies he wasn’t suppose to.

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  • 1 month later...

The red head sits, silent. Deathly silent. 

Ok.... so even if Yukie's business went under, he'd still be fine. They all would be. But the point is, Yukie his this detail from him!... but on the other end Myles can't truly say he blames Yukie either. When people know you have money the worst kinds of bugs come out of the wood work. 

Myles does think he and Yukie should sign a prenuptial however. So Yukie can rest assured what's his stays his, if they don't work out. But that's neither here nor there. 

The red head takes a deep, long breathe. Pinches the bridge of his nose, debating how to approach his next conversation. 

"Yukie.... let me be very very clear. I don't want to seem ungrateful you're doing and how hard you're working. You are an adult, making your own money. So under normal circumstances I would say spend that money however you please. And even though you've got a massive amount in your account and savings, we're in the middle of a finacle investigation at your company. This will look like your taking your money and stealing from the company. With the numerous big purchases you've made thus far while in the midst of this investigation" Myles looks at the younger man, a little disappointed ,"anyone who we're going to nail will try to counter sue you and say you were stealing. They'll obviously have no way to prove it because you do in fact have your own money, but it won't look favorable on you. I suppose this is more concerning your public image and reputation, in turn any future sales. Do you understand what I'm getting at?" 

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“I have paperwork proving where I got the money. Yuen documented everything.” Yukie explained as he understood Myles worry. “I made sure to have everything signed and we even have a witness for it and it notarized how I got the amount I have. Plus, my personal account is separate from my business. They don’t even share the same bank…” Yukie added as he pulled up the proof and showed Myles how careful he was with having lawyers every step of the way and taking extra measures. “I did everything I could to cover myself.” Yukie explained with a small sigh. 

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  • 4 weeks later...

The older man takes hold of the records, looking over them carefully. 


Yukie was correct, he did in fact cover his tracks and ran his bases well. Myles breathes a sigh of relief. 

"Alright....." He finally huffs out, before turning stern again. "Next time, as your partner, your boyfriend, please, can you at least discuss big purchases like this with all of us together, first? As your boyfriend, we should talk about things like this first." Myles tries to give a middle ground. With how spontaneous Yukie seemed to be, he wants the younger to at least give him a better warning first before he takes such a big chunk out! 

"I'd say as your business partner, you should've gotten my approval first, but this is your personal money." 

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