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I'm getting too old for this


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“Well….then…I made a personal purchase. Just something I wanted and I’m wanting you now I suppose. I do have plans set for us to have just one romantic date just us two. I made reservations and set it up while booking. Taichi get his own date also, but…he’s offered to watch the kids just to give us some alone time.” Yukie explained being outright honest since any anger or pushback from Myles could hurt his plans.

”oh yeah, I planned on tiring the kids out with board games and movies while you two were out.” Taichi added finally piping up as he knew why Yukie had gone to such lengths for their date night.

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The older man sits staring at the pair. Both wanted a date? Alone? With him?! 

"I ... u-um ... o-ok" Myles stutters out. He had figured Tai would want a solo date if only to say they had before all three of them would go out together regularly.... would this be a regular thing? Could they go on solo dates together?? 

He looks to Tai then to Yukie. "I-if that's what you both want, yes I'll go with each of you." 

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“Thank you it would be good to reconnect on a personal level.” Tai admitted with a small blush before looking over at Haru who was looking slightly off. “Does he get car sick?” Taichi asked curiously while Haru just stayed sitting down not really doing much.

”…that’s a good question.” Yukie mumbled as his eyes watched the boy unsure if he was just sleepy or getting sick from the movement.

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Myles looks to Haru, kneeling to the child's level. 

"What's the matter little man? Does your tummy feel funny?" He asks gently, "Or do you wanna snooze for a little while?" Maybe they hadn't got enough sleep? Or the rising so early is finally catching up to the two children.. 

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“I’m sleepy, when are we gunna get to see uncle sparkles?” Haruhi asked while putting away the toys the boy meaning of course Darrius as he looked at Myles the fact they were far from home having not sunk in. Yukie hearing the nickname could only snicker as he watched the interaction between the two.

”Wonder what he will call us all when he starts talking more?” Tai whispered to Yukie as he held Tama the boy huffing in annoyance as he struggled to close the window blinds having entertained himself with the window over the toys.

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The older man chuckles. "Sweetheart, Uncle De isn't on the plane with us. We're going on a trip. Right now. We can call him if you like." Myles looks over to Yukie, "Does the plane allow phone calls once we're in the air?" 


He picks the sleepy boy up, to sit him in his lap against his chest. "Do you want me to hold you and rock you to sleep?" 

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“Oh. Where are we going?” Haruhi asked confused as he looked between the two.

”Yeah no worries on calls. The attendant will let us know of any issues.” Yukie added as he got up to get himself a drink from the mini fridge.

”I’m not tiered….” Haruhi grumbled as he snuggled into Myles the poor kid refusing to give into sleep since he wasn’t fond of any of the change around him.

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Myles debates telling the boy where they were headed. 

"We're going on a vacation to an island country." Ok not totally the truth but not a complete lie either. But Myles still didn't feel the greatest about it. 

He nods to Yukie, a silent thank you in answer to his question. That means he could also make calls to asset protection as well if he needed. 

Turning back to little Haru, Myles gives an airy laugh. "But you just told me you were." The older man slowly, subtly starts rocking, trying to slowly lul Haru into sleep. "I don't do this often in front of others, but would you like a lullaby?" 

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“I didn’t do….anything.” Haruhi mumbled with a small huff as he hid his face hiding away a deep yawn. “I’m not tiered….but Tama…likes your singing.” Haruhi mumbled his voice groggy and clearly tiered as he struggled to fight off sleep from Myles gentle rocking. Tama at this point had noticed the clear snuggling moment and reached out for Myles wanting to be snuggled also despite being wide awake as if the kid never slept.

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"I'm not saying you did anything little man. But I definitely think you're trying to fight sleep." 

Myles sees little Tama trying to reach for him. He holds open his arms to take the baby as well, making room for them both in his lap. 

Once everyone is ready and settled, Myles starts to hum, quietly at first. Rocking them both against. Then he quietly starts to sing a quick and quiet little tune. 

For you there’ll be no crying

For you the sun will be shining

‘Cause I feel that when I’m with you

It’s alright, I know it’s right


And the songbirds keep singing

Like they know the score

And I love you, I love you, I love you

Like never before



To you, I would give the world

To you, I’d never be cold

‘Cause I feel that when I’m with you

It’s alright, I know it’s right


And the songbirds keep singing

Like they know the score

And I love you, I love you, I love you

Like never before


Like never before; like never before.

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“Pretty.” Tama replied as he gently snuggled into Myles oblivious to Haruhi who was out cold the boy having easily fell asleep due to Myles singing. “Bye,” Tama said as he squirmed out of Myles arms and ran off to cause mischief.

”You should do singing more often, you have quite the voice for it.” Taichi said to Myles with a small smirk having enjoyed the show Yukie of course sitting awestruck at the show and kicking himself for not recording Myles.

Tama who had vanished into the back room weirdly came back with a big bag of socks, some candy, and a bottle of alcohol. Setting the items down he worked on opening the bag of socks first busying himself with  arranging them sets in different shapes while making a huge mess.

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"Keep him from spreading too far out please?" Myles says, wanting Tama to be safely nestled in before they take off. 

"Blue bird, you'll need to sit in your seat soon, we'll be setting off into the sky." Myles tells the child, in a whisper to keep Haru from waking up.

He looks to Taichi, satisfied Tama won't go far, a smirk of his own and brow raised, "I've heard that many times before, but I'm no performer. Haven't got the look for it, and my voice likely wouldn't wow a crowd. But it's enough to get my boys to sleep and that's what counts for me." 

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“I would beg to differ. You have an amazing look and your voice is angelic.” Yukie replied to Myles as he cleaned up Tamas mess the small boy huffing and trying to stop Yukie until he was given a large bag of small hand sized plastic animals to mess with. “You should give it a go though. Record stuff, even if it’s just for the boys. For the record though I personally enjoy hearing you sing.” Yukie added as he settled Tama into his seat and set down the tray and let him play and stack his toys to his hearts content Taichi sitting across from Tama to watch and keep him busy.

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Myles rolls eyes. "Tell you what, you catch me doing it, you can record all you like." He says off handedly, not really believing Yukie would buy into it. If anything, Myles is under the impression the younger will quickly forget in the midst if writing stories, drawing the novels, and whatever adventure he gets himself into. 

Laying a sleeping Haru beside him, Myles settles in, digging through his own carry one, pulling out a book, ready to settle in completely for the long flight. 

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“I’ll keep that in mind.” Yukie replied with a smirk as Taichi chuckled at the fact Myles had slipped up. Yukie grabbed his things and went to his own seat to do his work and keep busy leaving the kids to Tai and Myles.

”Rawr…” Tama growled out as he made the animals eat and destroy everything even the herbivores.

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The hours little by as the flight continues undisturbed, with Myles pausing now and again, asking the crew if and when they'd be serving meals, asking if they had alternatives, worried for Tama's allergies and Haru's pickier preferences. 


When he wasn't in the mood to read any longer, Myles took out his own sketch pad and pencils, doodling and coloring. It felt like ages since the older man had just drawn to draw for himself. Working under Reed at the old company and keeping eagle eyes on the finances didn't leave him much leasure drawing time. 

He leaves empty books and crayons out for the boys if they wish to join him. 

Eventually Myles looks up to take a peek at his watch. "When do you think we'll land in Japan?" He whispers to his ... companions? Boyfriends? Myles doesn't know what to call each other ... ah well they can figure it out later. 

Anyway, he whispers so as not to make the boys worry. After all none of them really know how they'll react coming back to their homeland. 

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“We have another hour at least before landing then we can go to the hotel right after.” Yukie told Myles as he looked up from his computer having been deep in his work not even breaking for the meals served. “I rented a car for our longer trips but public transportation is easy here, Taichi offered to drive the car as needed also.” Yukie mentioned as he looked at Taichi who had finally crashed while Tama was still entertaining himself with toys and now was heading over to go color with Myles. “I have a list of places we can relax and eat the specialize in allergies and keep medical supplies on hand it will be easier then eating here.” Yukie added knowing Haruhi had to have been hungry having only ate a small bit of his food.

”The plane isn’t a bird. It won’t land so it will just fall.” Haruhi piped up to Myles question as he sat holding his tablet having been playing some learning games quietly. “Or will it land in water? Like ducks?” Haruhi added curiously as he looked to Myles for the info.

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"I think we should take the night to settle at the hotel first. Considering somebody decided not to eat this entire flight." Mykes says with a scolw pointed directly at Yukie. 

The older man is up and placing a blanket over the sleepy Taichi, side stepping the little boy happily playing away. Myles pecks Tai's head before he sits back beside Haru. 

He laughs at the boys statement. "Not exactly, little man. There are some planes that can land in water, but this plane is going to go down slowly and start to roll it's wheels when it lands on the ground. The wheels will glide onto the runway to takes his to the airport." 

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“Oh, so crash got it.” Haruhi replied as he continued playing with his tablet completely glossing over the logical explanation as he giggled a little at Myles silly explanation.

”I planned on eating dinner, I’m just busy finishing up some last minute work. Not to mention giving Yuen the finger on not having everything tidy. We’ve been going back and forth he’s threatening to quit as my editor…I told him a monkey could do a better job.” Yukie admitted with a smirk enjoying having egged Yuen on the whole flight all the while working on the work Yuen was bitching about.

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"Yukie .... now that isn't nice." Myles scolds, looking displeased. "You shouldn't say that to Yuen whose worked very hard for you! You better call him and apologize!" The older man reprimanded Yukie, sounding very much like a mother scolding their child whose been caught bullying another, standing in front of the younger man, his hands on his hips, "If you don't call I will and apologize in your stead and that's likely to make him more angry." 

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“Relax didn’t you ever tease Gio? It’s normal to give your siblings some hard ribbing, besides I’ve almost finished my work. He acts like he hasn’t dealt with this before he’s just being impatient.” Yukie added as he looked at Myles and sighed before grabbing his phone, and walked to the back small bedroom to call Yuen the two arguing heatedly in Japanese for quite awhile before eventually laughing and chatting like normally.

”Mama!” Haruhi gasped in amazement as he had crawled up curiously to look out the window amazed by the ocean. “Loooooook!” He squeaked out all excited. “It’s where the fish live!” Haruhi added as he looked back excitedly at Myles.

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Myles smiles when Yukie gets up to make his phone call. Teasing or not, Myles does believe in giving Yuen a break from at least some of Yukie's antics. 

His attention is pulled away by little Haru getting excited about the ocean. He smiles to the child and comes to look out the window with him, feeding into his joy. "Do you want to have a job studying fish when you grow up, Haru? Be a marine biologist? Maybe a wild ocean life preserver?" 

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“Yeah, I want to go deeeep in the sea! In one of these!” Haruhi explained as he showed Myles the deep sea submersible on his tablet having been watching sea life videos for the last few hours. “When I do I’ll bring you back a blobfish.” Haru promised with a smile as he continued to look out at the ocean not even noticing the land starting to come closer into view.

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Myles doesn't want to tell Harubthat the only reason blowfish exist is because those fish live very deep in the sea and when they're brought from such a deep place, their bodies tend to .... disintegrate. "W-well.... Haru, sweetheart I'm not sure that's the best idea" He says trying to still keep his child reams alive. 

The older man does nothing they're defending and Myles points to where the airport is. He goes over to Tai, a gentle nudge trying to wake him dngather up their bags and the children's things. 

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“…oh, then I’ll get you a giant squid! We can keep him in the pool!” Haru exclaimed with deep excitement as he giggled and showed Myles the drawing he did of the squid in the backyard pool. Humming happily he went back to adding Myles to the picture now with hearts showing he loved his new squid.

“Mmh time to land?” Tai asked sleepily as he sat up and started immediately cleaning up their stuff. “Yukie done on the phone yet?” Tai asked as he packed up the kids toys keeping busy putting things away right.

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