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Fantasy cafe~ (18+ closed)


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“While we do it I can play twenty questions~” Yukie teased as he snuggled into Alex. 

“Go shower you two so I can get back to work.” Ryou added with a sigh as he looked over his desk full of work. “Don’t forget to behave I don’t need any phone calls about you two.” Ryou mumbled with a small chuckle as he walked over to his desk and sat down looking over more paperwork.

”yeah yeah. We will behave” Yukie added as he got up and lead the way to the bathroom. Turning on the shower water Yukie waited for it to heat up before digging through the small dresser looking for extra clothes that Ryou kept handy. “Ah…Alex? What size of clothes are you?” Yukie asked a little embarrassed to not know his lovers clothing size.

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"Yeah, a shower sounds good." Alex said as he got up from the bed after Yukie and followed the shapeshifter to the bathroom. He raised an eyebrow when Yukie asked him about his size and said: "Well I usually go for XL given these..." He grabbed his own bulky, muscular breasts and chuckled: "Honestly it's kinda a pain in the ass to buy clothes. I've ruined at least a dozen shirts cause the buttons just won't hold." He then thought back to Ryou's own rather impressive muscular mounts and said: "But I think Ryou's shirts would be fine." 


Alex went into the shower when the water got hot enough and let out a deep satisfied sigh. He then grabbed Yukie's hand and pulled him into his arms and smiled: "So... about what Ryou just said earlier... why do you like me so much? We've pretty much just met and apparently I'm already one of your favorites? May I take that I'm just that good in bed?"

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“We can buy you some custom shirts they make clothes for lots of different forms and I’m sure they can make a nice fitting yet comfy shirt for you” Yukie mumbled as he picked out a nice set for Alex. Standing around as they waited for the water to heat up Yukie could only blush red as he was pulled in once the water was hot. Looking away nervously at the loaded question Yukie only chuckled softly. “It’s hard to explain why I like you so much” Yukie admitted as he let the water run over his smaller muscles enjoying the heat and relaxation it brought. “ The best way I can describe the feeling, it’s like a string of fate. I’m drawn to you like I’m drawn to Ryou, Taichi, and Souta. It just feels different with you so I like being around and with you” Yukie explained as he started washing his hair.

“You could also add the nice bonus of you being amazing in bed and I really enjoy that.” Yukie added with a smirk as he soaped up the rest of his body the demon becoming a hot soapy mess.

”isn’t that a nice sight” Tiachi mumbled as he walked into the bathroom just wearing his underwear. “Wish I would have stayed up longer to join the after party~” Taichi teased as he dug through the drawers for some sweats and socks to change into.

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"Well... I'm quite... flattered that you think this way about me. I guess it's kind of love at first sight huh?" Alex said as he pressed a soft kiss on Yukie's forehead and caressed his cheek: "To be honest I feel something special about you too, and it's not just because you smell and taste absolutely delicious... You've been nothing but kind, caring and generous since we first met, and it's been a while since I felt such... straightforward affection... If I'm a few years younger I might have just asked you to marry me already... But it's been a long time since I was in a serious relationship, so why don't we take it slow at first and see where this goes?“ 


As Yukie began to soap off his body Alex too proceeded to wash off all the filth on his skin, though the succubus in him couldn't help but feel like it was a waste of perfectly good and delicious sweat and cum. But it wasn't like he could curl up and lick his own stomach or anything, and even if he could that would be... weird. As the two continued to wash and each other Alex noticed Taichi looking through the open door at the two of them under the hot shower and said: "Oh don't worry sir, I'm sure there will be a next time." 

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“There better be I’d get to miss out on this again.” Taichi added as he stopped realizing Alex had called him sir. “Don’t call me sir. I’m the same age as Yukie” Taichi mumbled with an annoyed huff.

”yeah best not to call any of them sir. We are all around 25” Yukie explained with a chuckle as he rinsed off the soap his eyes closed. “Souta will rip you a new one if you refer to him as sir or any variation or it. Ryou and Taichi just get annoyed.” Yukie added as he fully rinsed and searched for a peach smelling conditioner from the basket full of products. Digging around Yukie pulled one out and lathered his hair up wanting it nice and soft.

”aren’t you overly chatty.” Tiachi mumbled as he slipped on a shirt glad it fit along with some shorts and socks. “Ryou finished your paperwork, he only need Alex’s picture then your free to leave” Taichi added as he fixed his hair and watched Yukie and Alex. “Feel free to come home for dinner sometimes or at least invite us to visit at your place” Taichi mumbled his voice a little embarrassed asking as he left to go back to work.

”sounds good” Yukie called out as the door shut quickly Taichi having been overly shy about asking to visit Yukies home. “You okay with a family dinner?” Yukie asked curiously to Alex.

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"Really? So you're all... younger than me?" Alex looked at the shapeshifters in surprise as given the wealth and power they seemed to have, and the fact that demons apparently can live for hundreds, if not thousands of years without aging, he'd assumed all of them must be ancient. He let out an awkward chuckle and said: "Well... you guys sure have accomplished way more than I have... almost makes me embarrassed for being just a salaryman at my age." He followed Yukie out of the shower and dried up while Yukie applied conditioner to his hair. One of the benefits of being a half succubus was that he didn't really need to do much to maintain his appearance, not that he put much effort into it in the first place. When Taichi mentioned that Ryou needed his picture Alex said: "Oh I've got one in my wallet I took a while back, hope it's okay." He put the ID photo on Ryou's desk before returning back to Yukie's side . He shrugged at the demon's question and said: "Yeah, I don't mind having dinner with you all. Well it's been a while since I had a family dinner of my own so it will be refreshing." 

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“Well not really we’ve existed for a very long time but age wise we all stopped aging at twenty five. But existing wise we are couple hundred of years old” Yukie explained as he looked at Alex amused.

”you shouldn’t be embarrassed when it comes to real world experience you could probably navigate the human world better then the four of us can.” Taichi admitted as he slipped on his shirt and lead the way out to Ryou who was deep in his work finally setting down his tools picking up the ID he looked at it before copying it carefully to the demon ID.

”don’t expect to much it’s just a simple dinner and maybe a movie.” Ryou added as he huffed and set his collection of tools down before stretching out his arms. “That should do it. I even included marks to allow it to connect to your phone when you get one.” Ryou explained having put in quite a bit of detail in the creation of such an important piece of plastic. 

“Thank you again for hand making it.” Yukie mumbled as he walked out of the bathroom drying his hair with a towel. 

“Next time though go through the normal process. It’s a pain to rush order such delicate items” Ryou grumbled as he sighed he body stiff.  Because of the  works delicate and time consuming runes such an item was rarely made by Yukies family anymore. This sort of mundane task was left to machines and deep quality checks by demons under their watchful eyes giving demons the usual wait of around a month for new IDs and replacements. Having handmade Alex’s with the same care he had done Tachi’s and Yukies he was able ti skip a lot of steps and provide Alex with an ID on his first day allowing him to get a head start on things he needed to thrive in their world.

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"Oh, that makes sense. It sure seems nice to stay 25 for the rest of your life. God I miss it when I was that age... not that I'm dissatisfied with my body right now. If anything I may feel even younger." He went to pick up the ID card from Ryou and looked at the little piece of plastic curiously: "Seems not that different from my ID in the human world... Thank you though, for all the trouble." He smiled seductively: "Do remind me to repay you for your kindness at some point. I promise I'll make it worthwhile." Alex then went back to Yukie and took the shapeshifter's hand and said: "I think we've bothered your 'dads' long enough. Time for us to continue our date~" 

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“We aren’t his dad!” Ryou and Taichi replied with an angry huff making Yukie laugh.

”ease up on that or you might get chewed out” Yukie teased Alex with a smirk. “Seems we should have started correcting everyone to begin with. The whole they are my fathers rumor has gotten out of hand” Yukie admitted as he took Alex’s hand. “To be fair we kinda just rolled with it at the time it was easier to go with the story they where my fathers it kept people from constantly pushing me into sex and relationships. You wouldn’t know it but at one point the thought of even sleeping with anyone disgusted me.”

”So many demons started getting pushy about being close to me, mentally I couldn’t handle it. Those three made up a story that they wouldn’t let anyone date their precious son…and well people stepped back being afraid to test that boundary and those three also helped with the crazier fans who had met me in the red district. They stepped in by seducing anyone who was overly interested since they didn’t want me to be pestered like they where by other horny demons. It gave me the space I needed to to figure out things sexually in a more fun way outside of their safe relationship…with their help I moved into the human world to escape and take a break romantically. I visited when I felt like I wanted to have fun and it was nice not having people want me as a notch in their bedpost or with a motive to get what they wanted from the other three.” Yukie explained this explaining the contracts and the very limited amount of partners the demon had due to pressure and hounding from overly needy partners.

”Ryou, Taichi, and Souta have always been understanding that I’m not always wanting to be like them. And I’m grateful they don’t push me to be more apart of their harem.” Yukie admitted with a small blush the demon embarrassed about being so open with Alex.


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"I see... well sorry for calling you guys his dad, and thank you Yukie, for telling me all this," Alex said as he held Yukie close and pressed a soft kiss on the shapeshifter's lips. He then smiled: "It would seem that we both had to do a lot of self-searching and figure out who we are... though in your case it seemed to be a lot more troublesome, whereas mine self-searching has been nothing but fun and fulfilling... all thanks to you." He then turned towards Ryou and Taichi and said: "In any case, I think it's about time we take our leave now. I'll certainly come back to visit with Yukie in the future. And thanks again for all your help~" He waved goodbye to the two older shapeshifters as they walked out of the office and then out of the building. 


Looking around at the busy streets for a moment, Alex then turned back to Yukie and asked: "So, where do you go shopping around these parts? And speaking of shopping... what do demons even need to buy normally? I hope they don't like... sell human meat or something.."

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“Ha! Human meat that’s a newer one but not original.” Yukie added with a small laugh as he looked at his phone to plan their route. “That kinda stuff isn’t allowed here, we try to not piss off the humans. If there became a bunch missing just to be eaten or anything else then the government would have our asses.” Yukie explained as he took Alex’s hand and lead the way to wards an underground subway. “We have an imitation meat thought it doesn’t taste as good according to Souta.” Yukie admitted knowing Souta was one of those old age demons that did scare the hell out of humans for fun. “As for what we buy, depends on the demon. I buy blood pills and raw meat for diet upkeep as do Ryou, Taichi, and Souta. I know you can get cum and imitation cum on the market part of our world. I don’t think we have darker markets at least none that I traverse and oversee.” Yukie explained as he continued leading them to a spot where a subway stopped the train stop quite empty.

“Usually for shopping it’s just fun toys and more human like products like phones, music, clothes. It can be a wide variety of items and different shops really depending on the demons interest. For us four…our favorite is more based on where we where born originally as demons, and what we where accustomed to. For me and Souta our comfort is feudal era japan but we have found ways to modernize and meet in the middle in a more modern Japan. It makes sense since we first met as two families trying to get along to merge kingdoms.”

”Taichi is I think old Russia possibly…and Ryou I think he was more of a nomad. Ryou travelled a lot and didn’t really stick to one place and Taichi doesn’t really speak about it or doesn’t remember much.” Yukie casually explained not wanting to mention that they had a history museum in the main city with them as a founders section. Yukie and Souta back then where hell bent on murder as rival princes fighting in human kingdoms for power and land so there’s was rather shameful with their hatred for each other. The two only setting aside their differences when they realized feelings and after meeting Ryou who offered them a new world to rule alongside two others like themselves. Pushing them away from humans and with an end to the bloodshed the three created a more relaxed socitey where demons could be demons.

Eventually for the four it all kinda clicked and a hundred years later they had the start of their base harem. “I prefer the hot springs up in the mountain they are nice and relaxing I often go there to bring back oils and bath salts that they make” Yukie admitted as the train stopped and Yukie got on and took a seat by a window.

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"Hmm. sounds like they've been around a lot, which is only natural given their age." Alex said as he followed Yukie to the subway station. If not for all the different species of demons walking around he could almost mistake this place for any regular human city.  It really drove home to him just how similar humans and demons are despite their obvious differences, though he was equally sure that he shouldn't take all this calm and order for granted, as most of these demons walking around the place could probably break him like a twig or would tear him apart if he was a regular human who somehow got lost and ended up here. He entered the train along with Yukie and said: "Hot springs by the mountains sounds absolutely wonderful. God, it has been years since I last went to one... I went to this pretty old hotel in this small town deep in the mountains during autumn, it was an outside bath and the scenery there was to die for! It was so nice just to relax in a hot spring drinking sake while looking over the whole mountain range where all the leaves have turned beautifully red and yellow. We should definitely go together at some point."


As the train moved from station to station and more and more people got on, the cabinet became a lot more crowded, so much so that Yukie and Alex were pretty much pressed against the wall. "Are you okay Yukie?" Alex asked worriedly as he looked at the poor shapeshifter whose face was pretty much buried in his muscular chest. 

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“Yeah. Little more crowded then usual” Yukie admitted as he blushed enjoying being so close to Alex. “Must have gotten the times mixed up and we hit the work rush” Yukie added as he gently held onto Alex even more a touch embarrassed as he was pushed just a little closer. “At least our stop is next” Yukie mumbled as he fidgeted a touch not liking being so crowded and packed among other demons. “I actually don’t travel by train often, usually I use portals but if I did this time I would be too exhausted by the distance we traveled to do anything but sleep” Yukie explained not wanting to crash from exhaustion at their first stop.  Letting out a small huff as the train stopped Yukie grabbed Alex’s hand pulling him behind him off of the train as quickly as he could. 

“okay…next time we will check the times” Yukie mumbled his body covered in a light sweat from the heat of others. Pulling out his phone Yukie checked the map and station name before leading Alex up the stairs. Once to the top Yukie smiled a little as he looked upon the medium sized city that was more technologically advanced then the others. “This is the birthplace of anything technical you need going forward. They also do custom orders.” Yukie explained as he lead the way to a high end electronics shop. As they door opened the staff smiled softly and welcomed the two to browse the shelves full of fancy tech.

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Alex looked on curiously as Yukie lead the way to a more modern and technologically advanced part of the demon world. He could see demons walking around with phones, headsets, and other kinds of gadgets made especially for their physique, which was quite interesting to see. After all, you can't have a 10-foot-tall giant use a regular-sized human smartphone or give a blob of sentient slime a pair of human headsets. Soon hty arrived at a fancy-looking electronics shop and he was surprised to see a familiar logo on the door. "Why am I not surprised that they're in the demon world as well?" Alex muttered as he followed Yukie and looked around curiously. "Do you need anything Yukie? New phone? New headset? Accessories?" Alex asked as he looked at the price tags of all the products around here and was relieved to see that in addition to that weird symbol which he presumed to be some kind of demon world currency, they had a different number showing human world money, and everything around here was within his budget. He smiled: "Give me a chance to show my appreciation, for everything." 

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“Please I’m well off on this stuff. At most you could invite me to spend a weekend at your house.” Yukie asked as he stayed close to Alex his arm wrapping around his lovers waist. “At least let me see what kind of place you live in.” Yukie added with a smirk wanting to learn more about Alex and his human world. “I’m curious what it’s like living like a human. What kinda things you do and where you go usually.” Yukie explained with a small blush knowing the request was rather ridiculous.

Letting Alex go Yukie stopped thinking for a moment before letting Alex go to go look over at some cute phone charms. Coming back with a matching pair of very sparkly charms that looked more designer then anything else. “Or…you can buy us a set of matching charms for our phones.” Yukie teased not wanting to force Alex into an uncomfortable situation since he had realized that Alex might like to keep both worlds separate.

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“You wanna visit my place? Sure, why not? It's certainly a lot tidier than yours." Alex chuckled slightly and said: "Seriously though there's nothing special about my home. Just a regular small apartment close to my workplace. If you do decide to come and visit I'll sure show you around. I'll try to make it as entertaining as possible. And if nothing ended up impressing you then you still have me to play around with." He watched Yukie curiously as he walked away to look at some accessories, and soon returned with a matching pair of sparkly charms that was by no means his style normally, but the shapeshifter was simply too adorable to refuse. "Of course, just wait here." Alex took the charms and headed for the cashier. After paying for them he soon returned and handed one to Yukie, while strapping one of them to his own phone. He then said half-jokingly: "You do realize this is a slippery slope right? First, we start with matching phone accessories, and before you know it we'll be wearing matching couple clothes and then even have matching rings on our fingers. Do you fancy matching gravestones too?" 

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“Mmh Ryou would get a kick out of getting everyone in matching couple sweaters.” Yukie admitted with a happy laugh. “He’s tried for the last ten years to get us in matching outfits for family photos. Honestly it’s kinda a game to see how far he will go to get us dressed up nice” Yukie explained as he showed Alex some failed photos all where Yukie and Taichi where arguing and Ryou was seen crying to Souta to help him and contain the chaos. Flipping though the more calm photos it was clear some sense had been knocked into the three by the head of their household. “As for rings well the real question is which of us in our relationship who would have the guts to propose first” Yukie added as he smirked and poked fun at Alex amused by his teasing and well it did make him curious if the time came if he would be on one knee or Alex...

“Even then You wouldn’t be my only suitor, I mean I’ve got quite a few proposals lately so you would have to propose very lavishly~” Yukie teased with a deeper smirk as he linked arms with his lover his voice joking but a touch serious about the other proposing.“Not to mention the same goes for gravestones who’s to say if I could die we wouldn’t just share a coffin and be buried together?” Yukie added as he chuckled at Alex’s ideas of their future together.

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Alex couldn't help but laugh at the chaotic photo Yukie showed him. It is ridiculous moments like these that showed just how tight the family of shapeshifters really was and the love they had for each other, which was something he couldn't say about his own family. It wasn't like he hated his parents or they treated him badly or anything, it was just that his relationship with them was rather... cordial, for lack of a better word. His father worked an office job like him while his mother was a full-time housewife. They were not negligent nor overbearing, they were caring enough to provide Alex with all of his needs with their middle-class salary and were always there to provide support or advice. It could be said that his parents were the stereotypical image of the stereotypical "good parents" to the letter, almost too perfectly. 


"Yeah, I bet there's a lot of people who want a piece of your ass. I'm just glad that I'm getting exclusive access for the moment." Alex smiled as he took Yukie's hand and said: "Now come on Yukie, we shouldn't waste too much time on just one store alone. There's so much to see, so much to do around here!"



(we could skip ahead either to the hotel or even to the end of the date if you want to)

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(Down with time skipping.) 

As the day went on the two visited all the sites in each city the two making their way to the hotel reservations Yukie had made. Yawning a little Yukie looked at the empty taxi driving them up to the hot springs in the mountain. “Souta and I use to come here every full moon and drink and soak. We use to hand out for the whole day alone before the Ryou and Taichi came up to spend the night with us. Thinking back it was so strange spending alone time with Souta but I’m glad I did.”

”It made us close in a way that we all found our own closeness with each other.” Yukie mumbled as he looked at the grand bathhouse that towered above them the demon  reminiscing. The car by now had slowly moved to a stopping point at the entrance that grated them with a sign posted no vehicles past the gates. “I believe it was a passion project of his that he made this place to remind him of his old life. Course it was also peace offering gift for me in a way. We had only lived a month at that point together and we kept butting heads so much at home it was hard for everyone.”

”Coming here neither of us could fight or even argue with each other so we kinda got to know each other in a better healthier environment.” Yukie explained as he opened the door and hopped out letting the inn keepers take their bags to the room. Stretching a little after the long ride Yukie stopped a moment as he caught a familiar scent. “Seems we will be sharing our room tonight” Yukie added with a small look of confusion, the demon being unsure if Souta would even like Alex.

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For the rest of the day, Alex enjoyed every moment he spent with Yukie going around the demon world, doing some window shopping, and sightseeing. It really made him feel like he was back in his teens when he was going on his first ever date, everything around him was so new, so fresh, so exciting; and the person beside him, so kind, so adorable, so sexy. If Alex wasn't as old and as cynical about life as he was, he might even say that he had fallen in love with the shapeshifting demon despite the fact that he'd only known Yukie for less than 48 hours. 


Eventually, the day was coming to an end, and Yukie took him to the hotel he''d reserved for the night. To Alex's surprise, it turned out to be a hot spring resort in the mountains. "And I was just talking about enjoying hot springs earlier today. It must have been hard for you to contain your laughter at that moment huh?" Alex said as he entered the rather grandiose bathhouse, looking around curiously at the interior decoration. He raised an eyebrow when Yukie suddenly mentioned something about sharing their room and asked: "What do you mean sharing our room?  Are you expecting any visitors?" He thought for a moment 

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“Well not really expecting. But I should have assumed that Souta would visit here” Yukie admitted as he looked at a very angry demon who was wearing a loose kimono waiting for them at the counter.

”your very cruel leaving me out of a play date.” Souta replied as he glared at the two his body flush from the heat. “Having to throw everyone else out but the bath keepers for the weekend is such a cruel thing to do.” Souta added as he stepped down easily from the counter and looked at the two. 

“you reek of heat suppression drugs. Where you really that hurt I didn’t visit to the point of taking medicine to make the trip out here?” Yukie asked gently as he sighed feeling a touch guilt for not even saying hello to Souta.

”you said you would leave them alone…” Ryou mumbled as he came out of one of the baths holding a towel Taichi following with a confused look. “That was what was agreed when we decided to come here.” Ryou scolded Souta who only huffed in anger. 

“Alex. This is Souta. While I know his intentions where more out of loneliness at me not showing you off to him at this point you can refuse to stay with the three. And it can be just us for the evening.” Yukie added with a frown a touch annoyed that Souta had roped the other two into his plan. Yukie was not wanting Alex to be forced to share the whole place with them if he didn’t want to.

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  • 2 weeks later...

"Souta... that's the other Shapeshifter who helped raise you right?" Alex asked just before the devil he spoke of showed up. It was clear that the demon was still in heat, and the scent of sex emanating from him was almost intoxicating. If the demon wasn't on heat suppression drugs Alex might have just collapsed from pure lust and climbed to Souta's feet begging to be fucked. Soon Ryou and Taichi joined them in the conversation, and Alex suddenly found himself surrounded by all four shapeshifters, all incredibly sexy and each smelling delicious in their own way. He was starting to feel lightheaded from the sheer amount of sexiness in this room, but thanks to having quite a full belly from his previous love-making sessions he managed to keep a clear enough head. 


"Nice to meet you Souta. I had the great pleasure of being in a relationship contract with Yukie and met Ryou and Taichi earlier today." He offered the shapeshifter his hand and said: "As much as I'd love to learn more about you.... I would appreciate it if you'd allow me to spend the night with Yukie alone. He has put quite a lot of effort in our date and... the least I can do is to stick to his plan and enjoy it to the fullest." He went back to Yukie's side and held the demon's hand. 



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“You could say that he helped in a way.” Yukie mumbled as he looked at the three a burning anger hiding behind his eyes. Watching as Alex introduced himself and put Souta in his place so casually made Yukie snicker before laughing with his face covered. The atmosphere had changed easily for Yukie as he still tried to keep from laughing. “At my lovers request we will see you in the morning.” Yukie reaffirmed as he couldn’t help but wear a very smug grin as they made their way to their room Yukie a little more smitten by Alex’s ballsy move.

”oooh~ such a fierce lover. Seems Soutas been replaced~” Taichi teased as Souta huffed and stormed off to go sulk in the bath the other two demons following.

“Be nice he hasn’t been replaced.” Ryou added as he lightly scolded Taichi for his rash speaking.

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"Hope I didn't piss Souta off too much." Alex said as he watched the three other shapeshifters leave them for the time being. Judging by the signs around the place they were probably heading for the bath. Turning back to Yukie hen then said: "Well, I think it's about time that we head to our own room now. Gotta say, even with a full belly, I am starting to feel tired after a while day of sight seeing. It would be nice to finally settled down and chill for a bit, enjoy the bath then head to bed. Does that sound good to you?"



(Sorry for the super short reply)

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“Don’t worry about him he…well he’ll get over it” Yukie replied as they made their way to the room and he unlocked the door to reveal a very lavish room complete with a private bath. “We will say hi in the morning those three did good setting up a romance room for us” Yukie admitted as he looked at the fancy wine on ice and the candles lit outside by the bath and the he bed covered in fresh roses. Sighing softly Yukie stripped as he crawled into the bed the poor demon exhausted. “I asked for some wine didn’t expect this” Yukie admitted with a small blush as he patted the bed beside him wanting to cuddle Alex.

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