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[Yukonwolfspirit & ZX-MetalMonster] (Private 18+)


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Darcy conceded and followed their host away from the servants, knowing the prince would be disappointed in him if he was needlessly cruel. His demeanor didn't change however and he trained a glare on the man soon after arriving in his office, uninterested in studying the room. The fae's cooperation didn't seem to appease the knight in the slightest.
-"The prince was poisoned and you brought him the tampered food and drink. What do you have to say for yourself?"

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“As agreed with by Luca ever since the kings death we no longer make nor provide the prince with his meals in this house. Everything he eats or drinks is prepared by his own servants though mine are allowed to bring him his food.” Fae replied with a frown as he looked at Darcy. “Look in the past we were ordered to spike his food with iron and poisons so he would build up tolerance since he’s the only heir but since the kings death I have stopped doing such tasks. Hence why you’re carrying food from the palace.” Fae explained not caring to lie about his hand in poisoning the prince in his years before taking the throne. “Plus if I had my hands would be burned from the iron, I’m a quarter demon.” Fae replied with a smirk.

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-"I know all of that already." Darcy answered in an even tone, he willed himself to be patient and keep his composure so the right person can be caught. "I've also been told you can avoid being burned by metals very easily, just by putting on a glove. As for the food being brought from the castle, even if it wasn't made here slipping something in when you carried it to the prince would have been simple enough." The other two knights picked up on the captain's accusatory tone and started to roam the room like predators circling their pray, their eyes never left the host. 

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“Was I wearing gloves though?” Fae replied with a frown as he looked at Darcy. “I mean you were in the room with the prince and was the only one who was in contact with his food other than me. How do we know it wasn’t you I mean the last knight was guilty as hell.” Fae added as he relaxed in his chair. “Not only that but I had his maid follow me the whole way to his room. She only waited outside since we all know the prince is rather shameful at night.” Fae added with a scoff as if he deeply hated that Yukie was so comfortable being nude and it was something he hadn’t successfully gotten the demon to change.

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A vicious smile spread over Darcy's face at the accusation and he stepped closer to hover over the fae. None of what the man said convinced the knight of his innocence and the two guards keeping him company cared very little for uncovering the guilty party and were simply eager to indulge in brutality. "Is that a smart idea, to accuse me of being a traitor? Do you think I will leave you alone and go investigate myself, or will something else happen?"

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“The way I see it you’ve slept your way to a comfortable position and your closeness is suspicious you’re like Luca in that sense always so close to Yukie. It’s strange.” Fae replied as he matched eyes with Darcy refusing to back down or apologize.

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-"You've got it the wrong way around. Being a violent thug got me a comfortable position, sleeping with the prince is a perk." Darcy explained but wondered why he spared the breath to justify himself. The conversation was going nowhere, though he'd learned that again the maid had been involved and their host was keen on shifting blame to Luca. It took Darcy a moment to remember that their host and the the castle keeper had been in a relationship and that explained the bitterness. "I was made to believe you taught the prince how to behave but it seems to me you don't know how to hold your tongue or show your liege proper respect."

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“Mmh well can’t help it, I’ve never failed at raising and teaching a prince to be proper. Yukies the only disgrace to my name that I couldn’t fix. Honestly if it wasn’t for him being the last heir I’m sure the king would have found a way to get rid of him.” Fae added with a smirk as he looked at Darcy. “I never allowed him to sleep freely with anyone beneath him, why he decided to bed you and Luca is a mystery.” Fae explained not having many kind words for Luca. “Honestly I’m surprised Yukie moved on to you. With as hot and cold their relationship was I’m surprised he was bold enough to go after you, I mean Luca was always horribly jealous when we were together. I’m sure you precious prince didn’t tell you why Luca ended it with me? Can’t blame him what Luca did was monsterous…I mean he made me an outcast with my own kind making sure I wouldn’t even go near his precious Yukie in the future. After Luca find out about how the king demanded I raise Yukie, and how he was raised like this since he was young and was able to be sent away every summer the man must have been horrified. Luca after learning about it last winter dragged Yukie out here and made him watch as he cut off my wings with his fathers blade.” Fae explained with a frown as he leaned forward to look at Darcy. “ I was never allowed to prepare anything from that moment forward for fear he would kill me, the prince was only allowed to stay at the manor with Luca present by Lucas orders. I never admitted it but I found it so weird that the king died a bit after Luca found out about what happened. It ended all of Yukies lessons at the manor after his death so I never bothered with asking about it since a king doesn’t need lessons.” Fae explained to Darcy trying to show he really was just following orders.

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Darcy had a hard time telling apart what of the story was true and what was fabricated out of bitterness and hatred for the keeper. The previous captain had almost certainly killed the king, not that it changed anything if Luca was responsible in stead. Darcy's only concern was Yukie, not the royal family or uncovering how they'd all met their end and whatever harm Luca had done to the fae was well deserved.

-"I was suspicious of the keeper but taking into account what you've just told me I doubt he would hurt the prince. It's very kind of you to clear his name." Darcy wouldn't trust Luca so easily but couldn't help letting the fae know he was digging a deeper hole for himself every time he opened his mouth. Following orders was a poor excuse and he harm he'd done in the past wouldn't go unpunished by the knight, even if the keeper had made their host pay for it once already. "Maybe you think what he did was monstrous... but I promise you, there are other things that can be cut off as punishment, if you don't learn how to treat your king." He took hold of the fae and forced him up and out of the chair, feeling little pity for him. "Between my temper and Luca's, I think there won't be much left of you by the end."

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“You’ve only come into the kingdom your really think you know all but in reality how could Yukie a just throned king get the title of demon lord in such short time. I mean the princes father sent each of his sons here to be molded into his ideal heirs. Lucas the only keeper who’s ever shown any hatred towards what happened.” Fae added as he grabbed at Darcy’s wrist to steady himself. “I serve the king I have gained as best as I can but only because I don’t fear the one that was lost.” Fae replied with a huff as he looked at Darcy firmly in the eyes. “You have no idea the hell that prince is going to be in and the enemies he has.” Fae whispered as he laughed a little knowing yet again his words and warning would fall on deaf ears like the second witches warning to the king about Yukie.

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Darcy had heard enough and was long past paying attention to warnings about the prince and the terrible things that awaited him in the future. He freed one hand but only so he could close a fist and swing back at the fae, not holding back in the slightest. While still hidden in human form he perhaps couldn't crush bones like he'd done the previous time the prince was hurt but the knight was still strong and trained in combat. He was forbidden from killing the man at any rate and his two fellow guardsmen closed in as well and would provide more help than even necessary. 

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“Beating me wont change my answer you don’t think I haven’t been beaten by the kings royal guards before?” Fae roared back as he kicked at Darcy in anger.


Yukie sitting near the fire looked at the guards that accompanied him. “So, how are you liking the kingdom?” Yukie asked making awkward small talk.

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Darcy shifted only enough to keep the fae from landing a painful kick but kept an iron grip on him. He wished he had silver on hand to rightly torture the creature and pay him back for when he'd done the same to the prince. In truth he'd made up his mind somewhere along the way and believed the fae hadn't poison his master, at least not this time. However his anger boiled over and he considered slitting the man's throat despite the order not to take his life. In the end the need to return to his lover's side and make sure he wasn't in danger again won out and he threw the man to the ground, giving him a sharp kick before stepping away to make room for the other two knights to continue his work. It felt wrong and cowardly to leave the gruesome work to anyone else but Darcy knew the guards would be thankful he handed the job off to them.
-"I have better things to do. Take his tongue, he's said enough for a lifetime." He ordered the men as he walked out and didn't bother to look for their reaction or the fae's before closing the door behind him.


Of the guards in the room with Yukie only the youngest had spoken to the prince before and despite not being very outgoing he felt more comfortable answering him than the others. Forgetting his manners he allowed himself to sit by the prince and smiled softly at the demon, hardly able to imagine he was the same beast who'd torn up the building. "It's different... It takes some getting used to." He faltered and looked like he would lose his nerve again but added to the small talk in stead. "Do feel better... You looked... out of sorts when we came in."

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“Sorry, I must have been terrifying to see being in such a state. Sometimes I get ill and can look off.” Yukie explained with a small sigh as he smiled at the guard grateful for the small talk to make things less heavy. “You’ll like the festival we do in the winter. It’s fun, we all dress warmly and light a bonfire and drink, have a feast and lots of sweets. It’s something the villages like to do to relax after a long year.” Yukie added with a smirk as he looked at the knight. “Did you train to become a night or where you forced? My father would always take the eldest son to fight for him. With as many wars as he was in they didn’t get much training.” Yukie admitted as he moved his blankets to snuggle down more.

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The young knight was caught off guard by the question and looked for the right words to politely change the topic, though he appreciated Yukie's attempt at getting to know him. Before the silence stretched for long enough to make things awkward Darcy arrived and Everett breathed a sigh of relief even though he could see the captain was high strung and best left unbothered.

-"No trouble here I hope?" Darcy asked the prince in stead of the guards, the men still not having won his full trust. He noted how the knights kept their distance and was thankful at least one had staid by the prince so he wouldn't feel isolated but lightly patted Everett's shoulder so he would stand up and make space for him to sit and speak quietly with the prince in stead. 

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“I think I made them uncomfortable.” Yukie admitted as he looked at Darcy feeling a little bad if he did. “Did all of your men volunteer?” Yukie asked gently not wanting to keep any of the guards trapped and forced like his father had. Resting his head on Darcy’s shoulder Yukie took his lovers hand holding it close. “So, how was it?” Yukie asked softly as he gently rubbed circles on Darcy’s hand.

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Darcy remembered the nightmares his men had had of the prince before they'd met the demon for the first time and though many of their fears were proven to be unfounded he had no doubt some of the guards still feared the prince, if only subconsciously. Of course he wouldn't sadden Yukie by telling him about the guard's night terrors.
-"No, some of them were sent by their previous lords. You treat them well though, I don't think any of them are eager to get away." Darcy reassured the prince and allowed some of the tension to dissipate, helped along by his lover who moved closer with no invitation needed.
-"I still have a few people to question. I just had to check up on you."

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“Oh, well I’m fine. No more tea drinking tonight for me” Yukie teased as he rested his head on Darcy’s shoulder. “I’m tiered though but it’s hard to relax with you gone.” Yukie admitted as he snuggled into Darcy a little more. “Will all the guards in the room turn away from us?” Yukie asked gently wanting a moment to adore and love on his mate without so many watchful eyes.

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Darcy couldn't help a smirk at the request, glad to see the prince use his authority though amused that he felt too shy to do whatever he had in mind while other could see them. He wondered if what his lover wanted warranted privacy but expected his men to already be watching for anyone approaching in stead of observing the two of them. Still he briefly studied the knights, wordlessly motioning a command to any who were slow or reluctant to follow the order given to them by the prince.
-"I don't like leaving you either but our traitor wont just go away, unfortunately." Darcy admitted in a hushed voice, tempted to stay with his lover in stead of having to go out again and deal with another one of his enemies.

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“I see, well I’ll have to be patient and steal what kisses I can for now to hold me over until I’m safe.” Yukie mumbled as he moved over and leaning in kissed Darcy softly on the lips the kiss holding a touch of fear at his mate leaving his side. “I hope you’re playing nice.” Yukie added as he broke the kiss knowing if it went further they poor knight would hear more then just soft kisses.

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The brief show of affection though welcome made Darcy more reluctant to leave the prince and the knight stalled, watching the demon with a soft smile while lightly brushing his cheek. "It's a bit late to play nice." He admitted and hoped the prince wouldn't question him or find out what he'd done just yet. "Though we can always run away together in stead of hunting down traitors." 

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“Mmh I can’t, abandoning everyone would be horrible. My father was a kind ruler to those in the castle to an extent but, his people suffered. Some winters were harder than others and with my father always involved in wars any sons left to help were drafted as soon as they were of age.” Yukie explained with a frown as he gripped the blankets tighter. “I can’t leave my people to suffer again, no matter how much I want to just be with you.” Yukie admitted his voice sad as he buried his face in his lovers neck. “So instead I’ll make sure you stay with me forever.” Yukie mumbled with a small blush at the idea of keeping Darcy forever by his side.

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Knowing that the king had been more cruel than his servants would admit Darcy wondered why Yukie needed to right his father's wrongs and believed himself responsible for the kingdom. However he was already asking for trouble by persuading the prince to neglect his duties within earshot of the other knights and wouldn't risk pushing the matter and bringing his loyalty into question. He wondered if servants other than the fae considered his closeness to the prince to be nothing more than a ploy to gain power and wealth. "If anything happens to you, where do I stay then?" Darcy questioned, smiling playfully in a poor attempt to mask his concern and sadness at the thought of being left by himself without the prince.

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“Mmh you act as if I haven’t thought of my death at one point.” Yukie teased back as he looked at Darcy. “Mmh I’ve arrange so you inherit the throne. Kinda our kingdoms tradition in our cursed bloodline that when the kings heirs all die the next in line is the knight who is made king or the keeper. I never felt Luca was right for the job when I was younger so I put my money on a knight.” Yukie admitted as he blushed a little. “I re solidified it before we left…you know in the event I met my demise the elders agreed you would be a good king.” Yukie added as he held Darcy closer to his body not liking the idea of leaving Darcy behind but well he wanted to make sure his men would be in good hand and his lover would be happy in life.

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