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[Yukonwolfspirit & ZX-MetalMonster] (Private 18+)


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Learning the identity of the hunter Darcy considered asking forgiveness from the prince for slaying his kin. However the young man seemed to have no love for his cousins which the knight was glad for. If more of the old hunters were to appear Darcy would be glad to kill them, not trusting men loyal to the previous captain to stay in exile or relent in trying to get rid of his master.
-"Too many people have tried to kill you." The knight pointed out despite being the most recent addition to the list and wondered who made a contract with his guild to have the prince assassinated. If not for that contract he would have never met the other demon, though knowing that didn't mean he would go easy on the person in question if they made another attempt after his failure. "Do you hate me even a little for what I've done." Darcy asked reluctantly while he watched the prince gather clothes for the both of them. It had slipped his mind that all of the young man's wardrobe was more eye catching than what he was used to wearing and he didn't understand his liege intended for him to take the winter cloak.

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“No, one cannot hate a creature of nature for choosing to bite its prey. Just how one cannot blame a person for how it was raised. How one is raised is out of a persons control, it’s what one does going forward after they’ve broken their bad habits that only then I judge.” Yukie explained having told the same thing to many demons seeking refuge in his kingdom and the clan of spiders he had befriended. “Going forward I expect you not to try to full off murder me again. But to try and keep your wounds to less…fatal.” Yukie asked with a sigh knowing that it would take time for Darcy to really learn he could step away from his old life and live free by Yukies side. “But, for now it’s best you go get dressed we leave in three hours for our trip and unless you want me to pack for you you better pack.” Yukie added with a smirk as he wrapped Darcy in his cloak and tied it closed before giving him a soft kiss on his cheek.

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Darcy felt uneasy at being forgiven even for violence he hadn't yet committed against the prince. No part of him wanted to harm the young man however he still couldn't imagine leaving his life behind to start a new one with the prince. It seemed like no matter who he chooses to be loyal to he would hurt either himself or his lover. Luckily, as if sensing the knights growing anxiety, the prince wrapped him in the warm cloak and the small loving gesture helped clear Darcy's head. Not satisfied with just a kiss on the cheek he caught the prince and pulled him closer to press their lips together. "I'll be back when I'm ready." He agreed with a smile that lingered on his lips even as he left the room, unbothered to walk to the knight's quarters wearing almost nothing.

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“I’ll be waiting~” Yukie called out as he sat down and drank his tea the maid coming back with a full breakfast and to help Yukie pack for the trip. Luca sitting down in the kitchen was instructing the staff since he was going to be gone for three days alongside Darcy and Yukie on their trip.

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Darcy didn't slip unnoticed through the barracks, the soldiers having spent the night looking for a feral demon and still on high alert were wide awake. They whispered between themselves as he walked by and from the few words he caught it seemed the knights were having fun at his expense though a few were also upset with their captain for having fun while they believed they were in danger. Darcy brushed all of the comments off with equal ease and once in his room started to gather the few items of clothing he owned, leaving getting dressed as his last priority. It was not long before he headed back to the prince, now presentable though with the borrowed cape still draped over him, the knight having put it back on once he'd finished dressing.

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“My that cape rather suits you.” Yukie teased as he sat finishing the last bit of food. Taking his tea Yukie sighed softly the drink soothing to his tiered body. “I would like you to keep it and preferably wear it through the cold winter months.” Yukie asked secretly overjoyed that Darcy had kept on something he had given him something no other lover of his enjoyed doing. “Now then. I believe we should be off.” Yukie exclaimed as he smiled and practically skipped down to the stables where the rest of the crew were gathered with twenty carts of goods. The party only consisting of Yukie, two servants and a cook, and the group of men Luca put together for their trip as protection. Waiting for Yukie and Darcy where the twos horses at the front so they could set the pace for the carriage that carried the servants, the men having been provided horses.

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Darcy followed in step with his liege though surrounded by armed men he felt uneasy and couldn't match the young man's enthusiasm. Having been preoccupied with finding ways to kill the prince he hadn't put in teh time to form a bond with any of the guardsmen, though they had liked him well enough during their previous travel.
-"I'm thankful for all the gifts you've given me but aren't they... too much for a knight?" Darcy wasn't used to owning expensive or eye catching things and felt odd being given them now. "Someone might think I seduced you to steal your wealth." The demon joked and offered his lover a playful smile but was already on edge and wondered when he'd become so paranoid and worried about other assassins.  

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“Mmh I’m just claiming what’s mine. It’s only fair I shower you with gifts and treasures.” Yukie replied as he smirked and went to his horse only to have it back away uneasy and panicked with Yukie being on it.

”might want to ride in the carriage.” The stable hand replied as he calmed the horse. “She’s been spooked ever since we found her. Won’t let any demons on her or near her. Might be time to retire her.” The stable hand added as he gently pet the horses face.

”no problem. I’m sure I could ride in Darcy’s lap” Yukie responded with a chuckle as he was poking at Darcy with his option.

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Remembering well how their ride through the woods had ended Darcy was glad to have the prince in the carriage rather than in the open and if the young man preferred to ride in his lap the knight still had no complaints. "Good thing your second option isn't to have me carry you the whole way." Darcy's playful demeanor persisted and with the prince openly flirting he felt confident enough to stand close to the other demon and rest a hand lightly on his shoulder, though the gesture served to ease his nerves as much as show fondness to his lover. "You said you wanted to rest while we travel." The knight pointed out, hoping the prince wouldn't push himself too hard after everything that had happened recently.

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“I suppose I could work on my sewing.” Yukie replied with a very dramatic sigh the prince reluctantly giving in. Sighing softly Yukie gathered himself a up a little before leaning in to whisper into Darcy’s ear. “I expect you to share a room with me though.” Yukie whispered with a devilish smirk the demon planning on sneaking some extra time with Darcy.  Taking Darcy’s hand from his shoulder he kissed it gently before letting Darcy’s hand go walking back to the carriage. “I’ll take a nap then expect me to lead the expedition.” Yukie called out the demon a little more serious as he got into the carriage sitting by the window so he could see Darcy.

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Despite seeming exasperated Darcy was sure Yukie would find ways to pass the time meanwhile the knight had an opportunity to improve at riding, having learned only the basics during their visit to the woods witch. A captain's place was ahead of the other riders however Darcy hardly knew where they were going and his men, being also new to the kingdom, were just as clueless. With careful observation he was able to intuit which way the carriage was heading however the demon whished his master had given him more warning about this trip and time to better prepare. For a time they traveled in silence but Darcy caught chatter from the other knights and was surprised to see one of the men drifted closer, perhaps uninterested in conversation. He recognized him, a young knight, the same one who had alerted him of a demon in the castle. The boy still looked nervous and remembering how panicked he'd been previously Darcy wondered if the knight was fearful by nature. The demon also wondered what motive the young knight had for keeping close to his captain.

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Yukie frowned as he watched the younger knight walk alongside Darcy the demon able to see everything from his carriage. Huffing in annoyance Yukie focused back on his sewing finding the task rather annoying now. Looking at the maids that had joined him Yukie listened to their gossip amused by the workings of his kingdom and how the villagers where doing.

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-"B-Before... we looked everywhere, I was... I mean, I thought you would be upset with us, for letting the demon get away." The younger knight spoke suddenly after having ridden in silence alongside his captain for a time. From the way he stumbled over his words and kept his eyes on the road ahead Darcy couldn't help but wonder if the man feared him more than the beast they'd been looking for all night. The human would no doubt jump out of his skin if he knew Darcy was that very demon and a mean and playful part of Darcy wished he could see that happen. "You were so calm through it all. You must have fought demons before... or you are very brave." The knight's voice faltered and diminished to a whisper but Darcy caught the compliment and laughed softly at the flattery. "You can't keep losing your nerve like this, you're meant to be a knight." Darcy lectured in place of thanking the boy but a fond smile was on his lips to reassure the human he wasn't in trouble. The demon studied his riding companion, nothing how soft and youthful he looked, unthreatening in both demeanor and appearance and perhaps unfit for the job his previous master had sold him into.

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Looking out the window at the fork in the road Yukie stepped out of the carriage covered in a giant wolf pelt and instantly into a giant wolf the creature roughly the size of Darcy’s horse as he guarded the side of the group his eyes watching the trees. “We must be making good time. If we’ve already hit the outskirts of the kingdom.” The maid whispered as she watched Yukie who was a touch on edge. “Darcy! Take a left on the road and there should be a house in the distance we will stop there for the night.” The maid yelled out for Darcy to hear knowing he didn’t know the path they took. Yukie turning back looked at the maid and walked back so she could climb on his back the maid holding a silver sword wrapped in leather close to her body. “We all need to keep together and keep a head count” the maid added as Yukie walked back to the two cows that they had brought the maid hopping down and untying them. Yukie hair raised followed the maid out to the forest to a lone post that stuck out in the deep trees. The maid was quick with her job and tied the cows to the post before climbing on Yukie who carried her quickly to the road as the howling of packs of wearwolfs could be heard echoing through the forest and getting closer. Standing back on the road Yukie had changed back the princes body hidden under the wolf fur cloak as he watched. “No one lay a hand on them. They are just here for the peace offering. We will be moving after we’ve paid our respects.” Yukie mumbled as he looked at Darcy holding his cape closer to his body to hide his nude form. Yukie had taken charge in forming peace alliances with the creatures around his kingdom, because of this his people with offerings in hand where allowed to freely roam in and out of the kingdom so long as they held the kingdoms symbol and an agreed to offering. Most passerby’s would only offer farmed goods or chickens, but being such a large group Yukie was playing it safe. Watching the tree lines Yukie sighed as he saw a well muscled man step out in just shorts the scarred alpha huffing as he looked at Yukie.

”your late? I thought we agreed you would be here early morning.” The alpha replied his voice stern and cold.

”mmh you’ve known me long enough to know my morning means afternoon.” Yukie teased slightly as he mentioned for the man to follow him to the back cart to pick out his items of choice and so he could take the last two cows. “We should be passing through for only three days at most five if we run into trouble.” Yukie explained as he stood beside the alpha who chuckled.

”my offer still stands that you can come live with us. No need for capes if you want to roam naked.” The alpha teased Yukie as he picked up the heavy grain sacks and a basket of vegetables. “Though seems you have an actual traveling party this time last time you only had four men and you drove a wagon yourself. Seems you got your kingdom back and running.” The alpha added as Yukie shrugged and handed him the leads to the cows. 

“couldn’t have done it if you wouldn’t have kept the boarders safe.” Yukie admitted as he blushed before turning away from the alpha who only smirked and with ease left a kiss on Yukies cheek before heading back to the woods leaving Yukie to resecure the cart.

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At first Darcy didn't know what to make of the delay, uninformed about this aspect of the journey, though by now he'd accepted he was out of the loop. He tried to piece together what his master's intentions were but the scene made no sense until he heard beasts howling in the woods and stiffened by instinct. The warning not to harm the wolves was perhaps directed at Darcy but the prince should have been more concerned about the other guards. The men had spent hours on high alert expecting a demon to strike at them and didn't appreciate having to face another breed of beasts in short succession. The prince's words fell on deaf ears and every armed man in the party looked high strung and ready to draw his sword. Beside Darcy the young knight struggled to keep his mount standing in place, the animal having sensed it's riders panic. After a stern look failed to call him back to his senses, the demon resorted to gripping the young knight by the wrist, steadying the man more so than the restless horse.

Watching Yukie banter with the wolf from a distance Darcy himself needed someone to center him but he was no one's priority at the moment. His black eyes narrowed on the stranger with thinly veiled animosity meanwhile his grip on the younger knight tightened, becoming severe enough to cause the human pain. The knight endured without as much as a sound and when Darcy came to his senses and turned to him again he met the demon's gaze with an apologetic look.

-"Don't apologize again, do better." Darcy lectured the man but leaned close to him and kept his voice a whisper so no one would overhear them. He didn't mean to publicly shame the boy for being afraid and knew the knight was bearing the brunt of his anger just by the misfortune of being the closest person at hand. The demon softened, the sting of guilt gradually overcoming his rage until he looked regretful and motioned wordlessly to his new companion to go, the party on the move again along the path the maid had indicated. It surprised Darcy to notice the knight still lingered by him like before, if a shade more composed.

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Having finished securing the cart Yukie hung back a few steps the demon taking the moment to talk a little longer with the alpha. “You’ll have to go easy on the group as we travel. They’re new to the kingdom, they’re most likely terrified at the sight of you.” Yukie teased the alpha who laughed amused. 

“Well then? I hope you’ll come visit me? I’ll make sure to have plenary of sweets.” The alpha teased back as he smiled fondly at Yukie who only sighed and shrugged. 

“Mmh might have to stop by.” Yukie replied as he waved goodbye and ran behind the group keeping up in a few short sprints. Looking at the front he continued walking barefoot with his cloak wrapped tightly around his body until he was behind Darcy. “Sorry, I didn’t expect them all to visit they must have been alarmed smelling all the new strangers.” Yukie explained as he walked alongside the men.

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Darcy had lost track of where the prince had gone, happier to think of other things until his temper calmed and convinced his involvement was unwanted after he'd been warned not to behave as a knight should and draw a sword in the face of danger. His lover's voice caught him off guard and looking down at him walking by them still dressed in nothing but the wolf pelt he couldn't help giving the young man a puzzled look. However he was quick to halt his horse and offer the prince a hand, disregarding the justifications he was being given as to why the beasts had approached them. His riding companion slowed down, unsure if the right choice was to press on ahead or stop alongside his captain. His final decision was to still linger close by Darcy, though he looked away, shy at the sight of the prince dressed so inappropriately.

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“Mind if I catch a ride? We might meet another group in a few hours and it’s best I introduce you this time.” Yukie explained as he looked up at Darcy. “To be fair I should have had you met all the demon elders before this trip…” Yukie added feeling guilty as he gently pet Darcy’s horse to keep from feeling so awkward.

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Darcy had already intended for the prince to take his hand and climb on though he'd been stubborn and avoided speaking to his lover to invite him. "Come." He said softly and beaconed the prince with a motion of his hand. "There's no need to introduce one of your guards to lords. Warning me we'll come face to face with something dangerous would be appreciated though."

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“To be fair they normally send the younger pups out to grab their supplies.” Yukie admitted as he climbed up into Darcy’s arms. Blushing softly he settled down in his lovers lap the cloak completely covering his body so to spare the young knight beside them. “The harpies are a lot nicer and less intimidating we will meet them when we go up towards the mountains.” Yukie explained as he blushed softly secretly enjoying being so close to Darcy.  “I usually head out to meet them and drop off supplies but it’s good for them to get your guys’d scent in a neutral setting.” Yukie added as he rested against Darcy’s body.

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Darcy shifted carefully when the prince settled in his lap, riding by himself wasn't yet natural to him let alone having a passenger. However he prioritized keeping a firm hold of his lover over correctly controlling his mount "I didn't know there are so many beasts in your kingdom, or that kings need to pay to travel their own lands." Darcy pointed out still in a poor mood after having met the wolves, though having the prince pressed up against him was helping soothe him. "I don't appreciate strange men openly flirting with you. Warn me if we're going to meet more of them, so I can be someplace else when they have their fun." The knight whispered by the demon's ear, having to vent his frustration. 

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“I pay for protection and to keep peace. In turn I get services from the other “beasts” “ Yukie explained as he sighed knowing it was a strange step for a king to take but Yukie could only see benefits. Hearing Darcy’s displeasure Yukie frowned deeply as he looked at his lover not like he was upset. “I’ll make sure to keep them at bay and warn you of the more flirty ones.” Yukie mumbled back feeling a touch embarrassed and upset he had made Darcy uncomfortable. “Are you fine with being introduced as my lover?” Yukie whispered so only Darcy could hear keeping in mind of the young knight beside them.

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Darcy wasn't one for diplomacy so even after the prince explained the benefit of keeping the peace with various odd groups across the kingdom the knight felt his liege was being cheated in the arrangement. His lover's apology also caught Darcy off guard as it hadn't crossed his mind the prince might not have noticed he was upset, though it still meant he'd been overlooked. Feeling jealous at seeing the young man blush and smile at other men seemed like common sense to the knight, though he'd give his lover the benefit of the doubt and believe he hadn't done any of it with the intention to hurt him.
-"Yes." He answered in a soft whisper though his feelings on the matter were more complicated and he felt oddly unsure of himself. "We're almost at the house. Do you still want me to stay with you?" The demon asked and despite his efforts some of his insecurity seeped into the words.

The young knight meanwhile blushed and tried again to keep his eyes on the road, clever enough to understand what his captain and the prince must be whispering about. Darcy appreciated that the human didn't try to ogle at his lover and noted his insistence in staying close by, his first instinct was to be suspicious of the young man however he also considered he might become a loyal subordinate, though he'd have to teach the knight to make him useful in a dangerous situation.

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“Of course. I wouldn’t even think about spending a night away from you. I’ll even sleep in the soldiers quarters if I just.” Yukie replied as he rested a hand on Darcy’s cheek before moving his face down so he could kiss him. Softly kissing Darcy’s cheek and then lips Yukie gently pet his lovers face. “Now then? Care to introduce me to your new friend?” Yukie asked knowing there would be more time later for soft kisses and gentle love.

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-"The soldier's quarters aren't so bad." Darcy protested knowing the prince provided for him and his men better than any of their previous masters. Already with his lovers hand pressed gently against his cheek Darcy smiled, he couldn't help giving into the prince no matter how upset he'd been before. He lost himself in the kiss just as easily as when they were alone but didn't think it would end so soon and gave the prince a puzzled look when questioned about his companion. It took Darcy a moment to start thinking with a clear head again but it ocurred to him he'd never asked the younger knight what his name is. "I would but I don't think I've even introduced myself." He admitted and the young knight having found himself invited to answer mustered the confidence to turn to them and finally meet their eyes. "There's no need sir, I know your name of course... we've spoken once on the road to the castle... I understand if you don't remember." He spoke with a polite smile but ever since he'd witnessed the two demons kiss his mood had been different and difficult to read. "It's an honor to meet your acquaintance, your highness." It had slipped the human's mind that he was conversing with a king and he hurried to introduce himself properly. "My name is Everett." He found it difficult to speak about himself when in the company of men of higher station however the warning Darcy had issued him was still fresh in his mind and pushed him to keep his composure.

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