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An Assassian's Run Away Target (Private with XiuLin x KiraMidnight)


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I watched you very carefully.It wasn't hard at all to know who and what you were.The only thing that gave you away was how you acted twords me,I knew exacatlly what you were them.I just smiled a bit,laughing softly as I finished my plate of food.I then sat back in my chair and closed my eyes,ignoreing all the others around me and letting my mind wander freely.

"What a day today...I hope it rains...I would love to sit in the rain..."

I mumbled to myself as I was laying back

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I finished my rounds of introducing myself to the neighbors and excused myself from the party. Once outside I lit up an cigarette and began smoking it. I looked back to the door way of the event room, expecting to see my new roomie come out after me. I checked my watch then put out the butt under my shoe. I re-entered the party room and said to land lord's wife, ¨Thank you for the kind welcome party, but I must go pack my belongings. Have an good evening.¨ As I was leaving and crossing the court yard, I heard foot steps following me. I turned and saw my target/room mate. ¨Why are you following me? Do you need anything?¨ I asked him in an polite way.

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I smiled innocently and sweetly as I followed you.

"Well,I though I'd be a nice roomate and help you pack,so lead the way!"

My tone was sweet but my eyes showed a bit of curiousity in them.I was now by your side,my hair swaying a bit as I walked.

"Well,hurry up!I wanna get home before Midnight!"

I streached a bit and smiled at you again

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I would not move from my spot. ¨No, I don't want you to come. You will be putting yourself in extreme danger. Please Kyu, just go to your apartment and stay safe. I can pack myself. But thanks for the offer. It's the thought that counts. You will see me again this weekend. It's only an day away. I want you to enjoy the last chances of being by yourself. Okay?¨ My speaking tone changed from concerned to normal and reassuring. ¨Would you like me to walk you to your apartment?¨ I asked him as we stood in the court yard.

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I look at you and tilts my head.

"Why worry?"

I sounded a bit confused and curious,my head did begin to hurt though,but that was easy to ignore. I yawned a bit and took you by the wrist,not hard though.

"Come on,I'll be ok.I can defend mysef from the assassians"

I slightly tugged on you,not really trying to make you follow,more to just tug on you

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I pulled my hand out of your grip and began walking to my car. ¨Don't blame me if things turn bad. I gave you an warnimg, you should listen to it. If you get in an fight, I am not getting involved.¨ I stopped at my car and unlocked the power locks. I refused to open the passenger's side and got right into the driver's side and belted myself in. I then started the car.

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I smile a bit and get in the passenger seat.I buckle myself in and I smile cause I like how the floor felt on my feet.I then look out the window at the people stareing at me when I got in your car and I sigh.But at the moment I feel adventorus and I decide and give them a sentual and suggestive smile,making many gasp and snicker,whispering words I can read as they say.

Again I sigh and look at you,then back at the crowd that has grown to watch and I kind of looked down,using my hair to hide my face

"I hate people....."

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I drove out of my parking spot and turned the car around. I began driving to the direction of my house. ¨You can turn the radio on to whichever channel you like. It's an twenty or thirty minute drive. I just hope no one is home. I want them to stay out of our business.¨ After five minutes pasted I spoke again. ¨Kyu, what do you say to moving out of town with me. I really don't want to be the one to kill you. I never wanted to be an assassian in the first place. Everyone just expected me to be cause I was the only heir.¨ I sighed heavily. ¨I was born to be an killer of man and trained that way. Do you think you think you can trust me to protect you?¨ I asked him as I begin pulling over to the side of the road and turned on my emerency lights to try to give us extra time to change our fates.

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I stared at you.Somehow I could tell you were being true with me.I sighed a bit and took a deep breath.

"Why would you risk everything to...protect me at all...why...?"

my dark hair was now in my eyes and my blue eyes stareing at you with curiousity.I awaited an answer wondering why you really wanted to protect me...I believed your story,it was kind of like mine,just without the killing part.The fact you were true with me,it made me smile at you

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¨I don't know why yet. We are still strangers to each other. I really just want an escape. The only family member that meant anything to me was my kind mother. Now that I have lost her, I feel hallow.¨ Some tears were building up in my eyes. ¨I just want an normal life with someone to charish, to love, to mean the world to me again. I can only show you why.¨ I grabbed your shoulder and pulled you closer to me until our lips met in an kiss. I pulled away and let you process what just happened. I was in shock by my action too. I wiped the tears that were about to fall and tried to suck it up. 'An assassian never shows his feelings. Stop being an wimp. If you want an person to love, find an woman and not an man.' All these words that were spinning in my mind were not my own. I hit the steering wheel. ¨I want to choose for myself what I do with my life!¨ I whisper to myself, then I look at you.

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I blushed darkly,not at all expecting to be kissed that way.But in that single kiss I could feel your sadness,I kind of understood what you were feeling and without hesitation I unbuckled my belt and leaned over to you,kissing you back,but not breaking the kiss this time.I knew what you wanted....besides you telling me...I wanted the same,but trusting others had been hard...since my dad had taught me in such a mannor.I slightly deepened the kiss,not knowing what you are planning to do next,and for once,not thinking of the fact that you could kill me in a second,since I'm so close.My mind was clear,for the first time in so long my mind was clear as I kissed you,no fear,no mistrust,and no memories of my past.At the moment there was only us...only this second and it's events were playing in my mind

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I kissed you back just as deep and with strong passion. I wrapped my arms around you as we kissed. My breathing was short and shallow. I was not getting enough air to my lungs as we kissed and had an dance of tongues. I pulled away. ¨The maids can pack and send my things with the moving truck. What would you like to do now?¨ I was panting as I spoke due to the kiss we just shared.

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My face was blushed,and for a while my tongue was tied,I couldn't even bare to speak.But after many minutes I spoke,taking a deep breath

"I think,we should leave together...escape both our lives and start fresh with eachother...not letting anyone or anything stop us..."

I panted a bit,blushing darker and darker as I respoke my words in my mind.I couldn't believe I was letting this get so far,but it felt right...and I liked it as well!

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As you drove I laid my head on your shoulder,thinking where I'd like to call home.I felt the same as you do now,as if I found who I belonged with,and I loved every second on this moment.

"Yes,lets go home for now."

I watched the road with you,smiling all the way down it as we drove.

"Lets go over seas somewhere...where no one knows us...across the country still people could know you or me.Lets go over seas,and strat brand new together"

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Leads you to my room,smiling a bit since techinically this would be your first time in my room and it made me feel a bit shy.But I took you in and smiled,holding the door open for you.

"Money is no issue at all.I have an account too,all my pay chechs go into it atuomatically.And I only use $250 a month.And my cheeks are $200 a week cause I do major overtime at work.So I have a lot of money in the bank.I can pay for our trip.If you'll choose the destination"

I smiled sweetly at you and wait for you to walk in.My eyes watching you,blushing as my mind still thinks of what occured in the car

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I walk in and my eyes go to the bed.¨Do you mind if I make myself comfortible and at home? I am fine with you picking the place we will move too.¨ I take off my shoes and start on removing my pants.

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I turn a darker red,watching you strip infront of me and I look at the floor blushing. I had never before seen a guys body...not even mine....I never really paid attention to myself to know how I really looked. And though I tried not to look,my eyes wandered upwards, watching you again.

"Yes you can,though you already are hehe."

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I then take off my jacket and shirt, revieling more of my body. I wasn't even an little bit shy about showing my body to you. I got on your bed and laid down in my boxers only. I had discarded my clothes on an dresser storage unit you have. ¨I am going to take an nap, your welcome to join me.¨ I smile up at you, as I lure you in closer for you to experience something new. I was used to sharing my bed with females and males. So this was just something I normally did, but some how it felt different. Maybe it was because I wouldn't ever wake up with an hallow and cold heart again, and that I wake up next to someone I could truely love.

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I smiled a bit,showing my shyness.But easily I got over it and got undressed,also being in my boxers.I crawled into the bed with you. I lay next to you on my side,looking at you and blushing a bit as I did so.

"Then I'll happily join you."

I said,smiling a big and sentual smile without knowing that ai was doing so

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I repositioned myself on the bed so I was laying on my side, looking at you again. I place my hand on your hip and let my hand travel and rub up and down your side. I lean closer and kiss you softly on the lips. ¨Kyu? What turns you on?¨ I stroke your skin some more. I slide my hand on your rear end and grope it gently. ¨Do you like me touching you like this?¨ I ask him as we lay there.

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I shiver as your fingers trail on my skin,and I blush darker when he touched my butt.

"Lots of things.Like what your doing,it makes me shiver in all the right ways.And my ear...it's sensitive to touch.Being bitten on my neck makes me moan and many other things..."

I blushed darker just speaking all these things to you,I felt shy as I spoke,but I told you the main parts that turn me on

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I resist my urge to have my way with Kyu by taking my hands off him. I simply give him an kiss on the lips before I lay back on my back. ¨Thanks for sharing that information. Now I know how to pleasure you when the time comes and when you want me too.¨ I say to him as I stare at the bedroom's ceiling. It's hard on me to resist having sex when I am in an bedroom with someone else, regardless of gender. I close my eyes and breath to relax myself as I lay besides Kyu.

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I lay my head on your chest,sland smiles,closing my eyes as I lay on you.I listen to the sound of your heart beat and smile a bit.

"It isn't when I feel like doing that with you,it's when you feel like doing it with me."

I snuggled more against you and pressing my body against yours,blushing a light shade of pink.To me your skin feels kind of soft,it kind of amazes me since you're an assassian...but you did quit for me....and soon we will run away from this place.....and no one will find us,and zi wont care as long as I'm with you. I blush darker as I think,laying my hand against your chest

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