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☆Beyond the Stars☆ (closed M-jow & InkompleteWish)


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Name:CenoRollezim (Ceno)

Race: Odrarian 

Dark to almost completly black skin with silver or hold marking and spots that lights up by reflecting the moonlight in the dark.

They are human built by hasa tail growing out of the middel of their back like a second spind. 

The race comes from a planet which only has 50 days of sun and is therefor more adapted to the long night on Odraria.The all have white translucent eyes pupils can variate but Ceno's is very light blue like a clear sky.

Their eyes are very sensitive to bright light and so Ceno always wears a vail over his eyes

The picture isn't totally accurate but it gives a feeling.



Ceno was just catching himself a break and hidden himself behind the bar. He was tired and exausted. Not that anyone could see it on his face as he leaned against the wall. There wasn't all that many customers around company to the dinner rush a few hours ago. Being a strong physical and mentally being he worked harder and moved around quicker than any of the other serveres. He didn't care for this job one bit though. The moment he had his first paycheck he would be back to Sentary ll to look for that son of a gun whom had jumped off the deal they'd had for him to even come here in the first place. Halfway thought his 3 days travle on the starship the client had just contacted him and said that they'd changed their mind. Fuck assh#le. Ceno hadn't expected it since the deal had seemed so sure and it hadn't even been all that hard. He'd used most of his last money on the starship ticket and the rest getting a taxi into the plantets center cirty. He knew he'd haft to get some money other ways to affort the ticket back. This planet seemed like a dump. It was so remote and far out at the egde. He was kinda amazed they even had this much technology out here. But nothing of what he saw was new so it was properly old tech the colony could affort.

Ceno would pretty much just going to collect his money after this shift and tell them he'd quit. He could get new clinets back on Sentary lll much easier to a much higher rate that what these people offered him. He didn't care what the job intelled either. As long as he didn't haft to offer up his body he could even comit murder if needed be. Lucky he hadn't been offered such job yet and there was much easier jobto choose from. Ceno had killed before yes, but only in self-defence a few times.

He wasn't a cold blooded murder or anything like that.


Although the planet was far out of any regular route there was still a wide variety of races around. He had noted the human at a table close to his session. It wasn't rare to see them but they still caught his eyes every time. From what he knew their race had just learned about other races in the univers in the short time of  a 100 years or so. He didn't really get how a race could completly think they were the only once in the whole univers. It was kinda funny but the race had progress since. He'd never spoken to one himlen so he knew very little about them or their cultur. As someone who'd travled to every part of the univers he was curious.

"Hey" the bartender called out to him in Ruzik he was a four armed creature with tentacles on his back. He wasn't very pretty to Ceno but he was handsome by Ruzha standard. "Your table. Think they wants another round" Abbas the Ruzha told him in his native language.

Ceno looked at the table the male was pointing to and sighed as he pushed himself off the wall. Three Mochlin men had been getting some few rounds in amd was talking and laughing loudly amoungs themself. From their profil he guessed the men were part of a crew but he couldn't tell which kind. The biggest one had chosen Ceno to be their waiter unfortunately. The guy had just pointed and told the others that he would do the job. Ceno had waited on them for their entire meal and now he just waited for them to finish.

Ceno grabbed the tray where Abbas had poured three new glasses of earth beer. Apparently human made pretty good alcohol and it was in high demand.

Cena kept his mouth shut as he worked. He didn't want to be caught into a convince with them. He just walked over and set the filled glass down and reached for the old once to collect. His hand stopped middel air as he felt a hand grab his ass. 

"There is a good amount of meat on these. Could properly handle a few rounds on my hugh cock before it got too soft" the ringleader laughed and the two others laughed along.

Ceno shook the hand off and stepped out of the Mochlin's reach. It only made them laugh even harder as Ceno continued to collect the glasses like he hadn't heard them.

"Never seen a Odrarian before. Heard they are robust but dosen't travle from their planet often" Ceno didn't answer as they continued to talk about him or the things tjey thought of him. He didn't care. But the moment the lead reached out for him again Ceno pulled the male but his arm an threw his own his back to land on the floor behind him with a loud bang. 

"Ellla dem hinsa do zhe whazemma mochin" he hissed at them in the Mochlin's native language (pay your bill and fuck off befor I hurt you all Mochlin)

No one properly knew anything he was saying aside from the three mocklins.

The lead looked shocked on the floor lime he couldn't belive what had happened but his two men rose to their feets with hard faces. Typical Mochlins. They all itched for a fight to prove they were the strongest. Ceno took care of them both in a instant as they ran towards him like they was gonna smash into him. He dodged both and knocked the air out of them with a hard punch to each of their stomachs. But passed out on the floor as Ceno shook his wrist. He was royally annoyed and look the to leader of the group and stuck him with an open palm right across his face as the Mochlin called a black devil bitch.

"That was for touching me. Now pay up. Your business here is done and take your filth with you" Ceno sneered at the guy and waited till the male threw a few credits out of his purch before he dragged his two comrades with him out of the restaurant.

Of course the commotion hat attracted a crowd and alerted the owner whom snatched the money out of Ceno's hands angry as he passed. "You get out! You are done here don't ever come back"

Ceno just smiled stiffly at him. "I'll leave once you pay me what you own me. Then you’ll never see me here in this shit hole again" ceno wasn't leaving without his pay. Fuck the job he only needed that.

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(Sorry for not replying sooner. Got down with a nasty summer cold and even had to go to emergency an evening)



**Name:**             Ryuu Takahashi

**Race:**               Human

**Age:**                 21 years

**Short Bio:**

Ryuu is the young and new heir of the human born Takahashi line that specializes in space trading since the earliest years of discovering space flight. His father died in a freak accident with a normal car of all things! People rumor that it might be as easy an explanation as that, however. As the only child of his parents that is also of age he inherited the company from his father.

Ryuu however, while trained in leading a company, has no prior knowledge of space flight and the trade in general. So his father’s retainers got the idea of him exploring the trade himself (aka work as a small scale trader for a while) to get the feel and practical knowledge for it. Of course they just want to get rid of him and lead the company themselves. But Ryuu is clueless and agrees since he wants to explore space and all it has to offer.

Thus he finds himself in a bar on a new planet, ready to take on his second job. The first one was small and easy to finish but he had trouble with some raiders along the way and was thinking about hiring a bodyguard to guard him and his future shipments.


Around 1,80 cm height and average weight. Not much muscle mass and exudes a general sense of “rich young master” in gait, appearance and speech. Short brown hair and the most notable feature are his unusual striking orange eyes that are a family line trait. No piercings or tattoos.

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Ryuu sighed into his cup of ale, or what was considered ale on this planet, yet again. The first job he had taken was picked by his father’s old retainers and it was quick and easy to finish but the young man was sure that not all the jobs would be as easy as that. While he was interested to explore space and all its wonders, he was not ignorant that it was a harsh place to live and work in at times. Even his small scale job had attracted attention due to his name and the human had to pull up some impressive stunts in his ship to evade said raiders successfully.




“Maybe it’s time to invest in some defenses…” he thought and flipped another site in the brochure that was lying in front of him. The planet advocated a ‘safe and controlled environment’ whatever that meant. Ryuu could just see a lot of questionable people trying to make a living here. Not just once he had to keep a hand on his Omni-tool so no one could steal it or install some malware on it. This was not what he had envisioned when he thought about glorious space and new adventures. “But I guess it’s to be expected to not be much different to earth…” he muttered under his breath and flipped another page. “Oh look, ‘newest planetary guns to protect from space raiders’ my ass. They almost shot me down and one even malfunctioned and didn’t move…” Ryuu continued talking to himself.

This planet was a hovel if anything, a lot of unsavory types around. Suddenly he remembered the old farts voice ‘Make sure to stay safe and find an adequate bodyguard. We wouldn’t want anything to happen to the young master after all.’ and here he was, in a seedy port after dropping of his first shipment searching for a bodyguard after accepting his second assignment. Ryuu guessed that he could find someone strong here for sure but they would be after his money at best. Maybe he should travel to Sentary III and search there; it might even be safer walking around there than it was here. With a sigh he took a swig of his ale and cast a glance at the group of Mochlin a few seats away. They were pretty loud and rowdy, the human felt sorry for the waiter that had to serve them, was that a hand on the other’s ass? Even sexual harassment? Damn, maybe Ryuu should really scoot soon. Who knew what they would do with him if they encountered him in an alley. Suddenly a glass went flying past his head and ripped him out of his thoughts.

The young Odrarian, and Ryuu was sure it was one after going to his mental list of known alien races, just send the ruffians flying. What kind of strength did the other have?! Looks wise he shouldn’t be much older or differently build than the young human but man, he seemed to hide his strength. “That could be useful…” the human yet again muttered while observing the spectacle and stood up to clear away his documents and take a last swig of his beer before his table was almost overrun with a horde of onlookers.

Ryuu saw the Odrarian get shouted at and fired. Maybe the other would be searching for a new job and maaaaybe Ryuu had a vacant bodyguard spot. Talk about coincidence, time to step up his ‘charm’ and get a new employee. With that plan in mind he squeezed through the crowd, which was hard given all the muscle mass Ryuu had to shove aside, to get to the font to get a better look at the bartender and Odrarian that were in a heated argument.

“Excuse me sirs, I am sure we can settle this civilly. This was a special occurrence after all. The three, ehem, esteemed gentlemen did pay after all and Mr. Waiter only defended himself.” the young man spoke naively with an almost condescending voice to the bartender. In his eyes, the waiter was in the right to protect himself from the filthy wandering hands and rowdy behavior and should get his deserved pay. Maybe this would earn him some brownie points and would ease the business conversation he wanted to have with the other male.

That Ryuu might just get kicked out of the establishment or even get punched himself wasn’t even in his mind. Instead, it was already filling with contract details and a future where he didn’t have any problems with people like the three assholes that got kicked out just now. The fact that the other was rather handsome to human standards as well was……maybe also a point but shhh. No one had to know that the Takahashi heir might be swinging a different way than the norm.

Edited by InkompleteWish
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Ceno wasn't shy about getting into the big man's face. He already knew he could match him in strength and he really didn't have a chose to leave without his pay. There was no way he'd get another job on this lousy planet. And he wasn't getting off without money. The owner wasn't one to talk reason with. Blame it on his race but Ceno wasn't a push over.

Ceno only took his eyes off the owner when the guy turned his head to a customer who spoke up.

The Odrarian look at the human through his veil with a frown. Not really getting why he was getting himself mixed into other's business. Human were so weak compared to any other humanoid races.. well not to all there were those who was worse off but really. The only thing human had going for them was their erotic looks and their resources. Again he didn't know much more about the race. But where the guy got the confidents from to get in between them was beyond his understanding.

The owner too didn't understand why this small fly of a guy was getting himself involved. "It's not the problem. I don't care about how handsy they were. Those guys as core customers and this guy isn't even a girl to get angry about those things."

Ceno rolled his eyes under his Veil. "Then can I grab your ass too?" He grined wickedly. Earning a growle from the other as he took a swing at him but Ceno duck just in time to avoid getting hit.

Ceno smirked. "Oh, no?.. why the fuck should you mind it, you aren't a female are you?"

Ceno look back at the human. He had spoken quite well so he must have some experience.

The owned clenched his jaw as he turned but signaled for Ceno to followed him to his office. 

Ceno touched the human's should ad he passed him. "You should be careful getting involved in others business. Although this place is a dump there are some quite rough typs around." He warned the guy in a neutral tone.

He soon stepped out off the office with most off the money. It wasn't all that much but Atleast enough for him to catch a ride to the next planet. Ceno walked out of the restaurant with the money hidden away on hos person. He was just gonna get his back bag and be off. Yet he couldn't help himself to look out and see if the human male still was inside.

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The fact that he could very well get socked in the face for involving himself into the argument was not something Ryuu thought about. While trained as a future company leader, his people skills and practical experiences were near null. If you thought about a sheltered rich boy, Ryuu would probably fit the bill. Not knowing the problems of real life and thinking everything can be solved with talking about it and making compromises. As such, the human had trouble to actually notice certain cue’s from others. Until now nothing happened but now that he was exploring space with not only humans to talk to but other races as well, it would be hard not to offend someone accidently due to him not knowing.


The young male watched the other two interact some more after giving his two cents to try and escalate the situation and it seemed to have worked somewhat. Now that someone else was involved, the owner was probably less likely to act violent to his former worker and that was all Ryuu was actually trying to accomplish here. “Being touched by others without wanting it is always a cause for concern, be it female OR male. Ignoring it would just be wrong. Also, I noticed that this establishment or the whole colony in fact, seems to attract the unsavory type. But that’s why I am trying to find someone to protect me on my journey.” he stated to the waiter when the two passed him to talk without having an audience, hinting at his reason for being here. Maybe that would sow some seeds of interest in the other now that he had lost his job as waiter. Just in case, Ryuu would make sure to stick around and wait for their talk to be over. So far, this guy seemed to be the best choice out of the bunch. The Odrarian seemed to be the most level-headed and approachable. It was worth a shot. If this didn’t work, the human would just try and find someone in the next port once he completed his second assignment. The ratio of people that seemed approachable on this hovel of a planet compared to those you shouldn’t approach seemed abysmal. He wasn’t keen on encountering the raiders again if he didn’t find anyone here.


After waiting a little bit of time, it became clear that it was going to take a bit longer than anticipated for the other male to exit the office so Ryuu decided to step out of the restaurant and lounge around outside. After the skirmish it might be time for some fresh air. Outside the restaurant were some run down benches thankfully and the heir sat down on one of them. He passed the time waiting with flipping through the brochure again. Thankfully there was a basic map of the main city attached and Ryuu decided to study it for possible stores to fill up his inventory before setting out into space again. Due to the raiders coming after him on the way here, he had to get rid of some stock to decrease weight. The only thing that was left was his shipment and the most essentials to survive for a week without visiting a port so it was important to fill it back up. Ryuu would rather do that with official stores than get scammed in the seedy markets down in the slums.


He was almost too busy planning his shopping route to notice the alien leaving the restaurant while looking around. Maybe his words did garner some interest. Just in case he was overlooked, he send a charming smile towards the Odrarian and gave a small wave. With a questioning look and a gesture at the bank, he also invited to other to sit and have a chat. Let’s see if he could interest the other in a new job. Payment shouldn’t be a problem, so hopefully he left a good first impression. Humans rarely made it here it seems, at least Ryuu hasn’t seen many around, so just being who he was might also play into his hand. The human just hoped the other would take the bait to have a conversation. "Hi! Hope i am not to rude asking but i wondered if you are interested in a new job after the fiasco that just happened." even if he might not be able to interest the other for a longterm job, he was hoping for a least some company to the next port. With someone actually able protect his shipment and him, maybe he wouldn't even have to take such stunts like before and drop precious resources. Just having someone on the gun would already help really, he was only one guy, taking care of a whole ship was......hard.

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4 hours ago, InkompleteWish said:

"Also, I noticed that this establishment or the whole colony in fact, seems to attract the unsavory type. But that’s why I am trying to find someone to protect me on my journey.”

Ceno had want to laugh. Not shit he would need protection with that sheltered vibe he was airing. He hadn't missed the hint when the human had looked right at him when he'd said that last part. Ceno was actually curious about that. But then he thought it properly wouldn't be worth the trouble. He was basically be babysitting. He also didn't know what the guy would even expect as he again didn't know much of humans. He'd never been to their >Earth< planet.. amd really who named a whole planet after dirt when it was mostly water?? 

Ceno shook the thoughts from his head and got his bag. He turned towards the direction of spaceport when his eyes caught sight of the human sitting around all by himself. Ceno stopped with a frown. Was the human asking to be rubbed? He looked around and could Atleast see two others watching him although they pretended not to. They were properly waiting to get him alone at a more secluded location.

Ceno didn't know why but he didn't like walking off knowing the guy was close to getting mugged. How couldn't he even see that?.

The human must have noticed something because he suddenly looked up and waved Ceno over. The alien looked town the pathway he had planed to walk.. but some in him just felt bad for leaving. Ceno however wouldn't be caught in an ambush or anything and was on alert as he walked up to the human. He didn't take the seat when offered but he did set his bag down.

He didn't say anything and let the human say his peace first.

"You want to hire me." Ceno asked just to clarify. He didn't feel like commenting on his last job cause as he'd seen Ceno had parted from the place on not so great terms. "From what I can gather it would be for your protection." He glanced back towards one of the guy's who was still pretending he wasn't listening in on their conversation. "Do humans usally travle alone? It foolish to just trust strangers. Especially out here"

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Thankfully the other approached and while not sitting down, he seemed open to talk. Maybe Ryuu would get lucky after all. While explaining his plan to the other, the human noticed some hesitance in the other’s body language. Now that the bait was taken however Ryuu didn’t want to let the other go without explaining himself.


After stating his business, the young male listened to the other and took a second to think about it. It was true, it must seem strange for a human to just start chatting up a random stranger and also butt into other peoples’ business but sometimes, if you wanted to achieve something, you had to take risks. Ryuu was send out alone and only now did it seem weird to him that his father’s retainers (they would never be his) would send him off without making sure the last of the Takahashi bloodline was adequately protected. This whole mission suddenly took on a whole new look and Ryuu was a bit downtrodden by the revelation that he might have been set up for failure and maybe even death.


His gaze shifted over to a stranger standing a few ways away, leaning on a dirty wall. With a short hum he turned back to the other male and spoke “You are speaking the truth. I seem to have gotten in a spot of bother. It’s a long story and would be best kept for later. I indeed would like to hire you as a bodyguard. You seem to know your way around areas like these and what I saw in the restaurant spoke of your strength. My name is Ryuu and I work for the Takahashi Trading firm. I seem to be a bit…..unprepared in some areas, this is my first time actually leaving earth and it’s also my first job. I guess it was a bit naive of me.” and withheld his last name for now. Saying you are the upcoming CEO of a big trading firm seems unwise. While not completely lying, he withheld some of the truth just in case this didn’t work out. “I am trying to rectify this now however. The space raiders on the way here showed me that it was foolish to travel alone.” he added. “Though my ship isn’t big and flashy so I had thought not to become too much of a target. Guess having the Takahashi emblem on the hull is a big enough target.” he muttered to himself.


“So……might you be interested? We can talk more in a different location if you want. I can show you my ship to prove that I am actually a trade’s person? We can also talk about payment there if you are inclined to accept.” Ryuu offered and stood up from the bench to hold out his hand in a greeting. While sad that they were trying to passively get rid of him, Ryuu was more determined to show them up. He had to survive first however so it was paramount to find someone that can protect him and his ship in the future.

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The human seen to realize his situation from what he said too. Ceno follow the human's eyes and saw that he now had noticed one of the guy's why was watching him. The guy seemed to become more tense in his posture after this.

The name 'Takahashi Trading' did seem to ring a bell at the back of his mind but he couldn't exactly remember what they traded in. Atleast the man looked like someone who had money backing him. Something he and everyone else could see.

Ceno wondered if he could have turned out this naive. Although Ceno wouldn't mug the guy.. Ryuu off his possessions. It was still damn foolish to fin hire this way. But this way equally big risk for Ceno.

"I will listen if you pay for the meal. I got my pay but it only leaves me with enough for a ticket to Sentary III." Ceno told him as he took his back bag again and turned directly to stare down the guy's trailing after the human. He tilted his head to glare through the veil at them so both could get a glims of his sharp pale eyes. He didn't want any confrontation with them and looked at them like he had just marked their pray for himself. His tail flickered by his feets. Making the iron shin sharply in the sunlight.

Both aliens looked to get the hint and slowly made their way.

"I take they weren't friends of yours" he shrugged as he turned back to look at the human. "Everything on this planet is sucks but after a month you get to know places. If you want something decent to eat follow me. Name is CenoRollezim by the way, just Ceno is fine.. and just know I will not hold my punches if you are trying to trick me in anyway. I've been in tight spots before and it wouldn't be the first time I flipper someones world upside down." He informed and proceeded to take him to a small almost rundown cafe. The waiter there recognised Ceno and waved him in to a free table.

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While it was hard to correctly interpret the others mood due to his eyes being covered by a veil, body language is still a thing. He saw that the other, Ceno he said, was still unsure and wary of his offer but it was better than an outright ‘no’. And the offer of talking over a meal was already a success. Ryuu mentally gave himself a fist pump.


When the other turned his head away and seemingly stared at the guy at the wall, Ryuu could deduct that it was with some vitriol and he saw the other’s tail flick in agitation and probably also warning since the guy turned away and made his way down the alley. Just now the human thought that he might just have evaded a mugging. “No definitely not. You are actually the first non-human that I am having a real conversation with. Earth doesn’t seem to really be interesting to many alien species.” the young male stated and continued staring after the leaving guy. He still has not noticed the second one leaving as well.


Once he could not see the possible mugger anymore, Ryuu turned his body back to Ceno to pay adequate attention to what the other was saying. “I arrived here two days ago and I can definitely see what you are saying. Also, don’t worry. I am just a human, how can I possibly do anything to you. The way you handled those guys in the restaurant……you would break my arm and then my back easily.” he said with a slight chuckle while following the other to the café. His orange eyes swept over the ex- and interior. It was more rundown than the restaurant but it didn’t look like a seedy place so Ryuu followed the other inside without saying anything, naïve yet again.


Apparently Ceno was known here though and they were quickly shown a place. After sitting down opposite of the Odrarian and swept his eyes over the other for bit closer look. Like the human stated earlier, it was the first time to actually hold a longer conversation with an alien and despite the obvious differences, Ceno didn’t seem too much different than a human in body structure at least. Ryuu just wondered what the other’s face actually looked like under the veil. The human knew that Odrarians were sensitive to sunlight since their planet was mostly covered in darkness so maybe the veil was to guard the eyes? Maybe if this deal went through, Ryuu could ask the other about his species. Textbooks and online information only went so far after all. It would be interesting to hear firsthand information.


Ryuu ordered a simple sandwich since he rarely ate alien cuisine before. Humans tended to stick to their food preferences and it was no different in the mansion. Who knows what a ‘sandwich’ actually consisted of here. Better to start basic and feel his way around the otherworldly culinary cuisine. While waiting for their food, the human started up the conversation “So, as I said before, I am part of the Takahashi Trading firm and we don’t specialize in a specific product. If you want something human made, you can put in an order. We are quite universal in that regard.” he started and waited if the other already had questions or if Ceno wanted to immediately jump to his contract details.

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Sure the café wasn't as nicely looking as the restaurant they'd just come from. It was much closer to the slums too but atleast here he knew they didn't use unfavorable species (like rat) to replace the meat. Unfortunately he could instantly tast it if someone tempered with the food. He had often eater bugs while growing up on Odraria and one could never forget the tast.

Therefor he wasn't worried when the human ordered a sandwich. Ceno ordered a dish called 'gellam' a raw blent of fruit with cooked meat in cubes, drizzled with a spiced pink nectar sauce.

Ceno looked to the human whom soon began talking again.

"I'm not looking for products." Ceno answered flattly and shook his head.

"You say you have a ship. How many people on your ship. If you travle with cargo you would have a solid weapon system for defence too. Even with an AI you would still have atleast one more person with you who understands machines." Ceno threw out a clear guess. No one travled with product on a small vessel and you'd always haft to look out for raiders while maintaining the ship. Not to say if you travled along for weeks like that anyone would go nuts with the lack of sleep. Kinda why he didn't own a ship either. He couldn't affort to do something that risky. Sure there was big money in the game, but only if knew how to sell and what product did sell. Ceno wasn't a sells person. He was much more the type of guy whom knew how to get good stuff. Not sell it on. He wash a people's person as such.

His food was served in a bowle together with Ryuu's sandwich.

"This place isn't exactly the best place to find recruits for you interstellar business. But you are still here in this dump so maybe it's Lucky for me. But I'm risking anything eith my employers. Where are you headed next after this place?" He asked as he looked at Ryuu over his bowle.

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