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The Ace That Won a King


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Title: The Ace That Won a King

Fandom: Togainu no Chi

Characters: Shiki, Akira

Pairing: Akira x Shiki


Tonight, Shiki challenges his subordinate to the game of poker, in which the loser has to do everything the winner will say for 24 hours. And so, who will be winner, and who will bear the harsh punishment? Read and find out.

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It is another calm evening in the military tyrant’s mansion. Like any other day, relaxing with his loyal subordinate is an inseparable part of his routine and a perfect way to conclude another day.

However, Shiki has different plans for tonight.

That’s right, it’s been a while since they got intimate together. Besides, it should be enjoyable to lull Akira into a false sense of victory before defeating him.

‘I wonder what kind of face he’ll make tonight when he loses.’ The dark-haired male wonders while resting in the armchair in front of the fireplace and staring at the nearly empty glass of fine whiskey.

More so, the thoughts about turning his subordinate into an erotic creature that pleads with his body to be relieved from his sweet torment only make Shiki close his crimson eyes and quietly purr.

However, Akira’s question interrupts his further thoughts. “You look happy. Did good anything happen?”

Meanwhile, Shiki closes his eyes and brings his partner closer to him. “Does having my personal secretary by my side is not enough reason?”

These words make the silver-haired secretary’s heart skip a beat, and his blue eyes reflect the flickering firelight. “… Sir.”

Nevertheless, the dark-haired male places his palm on his partner’s cheek and adds. “However, there is something that only you can do for me.”

After a brief pause, he adds while keeping a straight face. “How about we play a game of poker? However, the loser will have to do whatever the winner will say.”

‘Hmph. It is clear as day that he has no chance against me. But it should be entertaining to watch him struggling.’ The commander ponders while smirking like a feline.

As Akira gives a questioning look, he raises his eyebrow. “Anything you say, sir?”

For sure, his secretary’s genial reaction amuses him, and he asks in a teasing tone. “Are you doubting me?”

Yet, Akira shakes his head and politely responds. “No. Not all.”

Lastly, Shiki gracefully gets up and turns his head before approaching the poker board. “Then grab the cards and prepare the table.”

“Yes.” The military secretary closes his eyes and nods.

Of course, he understands that he should have known that the commander is not different from a cat who, after taking a catnip, is more playful.

Therefore, he needs to keep Shiki occupied until he eventually falls asleep and then he can take him to bed to end the day. Or so the preserved military secretary reminds himself.

A few minutes have passed. After sitting down and placing a card deck on the table, Akira lifts his head after hearing Shiki’s voice. “What are you waiting for?”

The silver-haired secretary carefully listens to the smug commander, who rests his head on his interlocked fingers. “You are the dealer tonight.”

At first, he briefly watchfully gazes at him, but he sighs. “If this is what you wish, sir.”

Just before he places a few tokens on the table, he lifts his head upon feeling someone’s palm on his and pushes his hand away.

At that moment, Shiki only strokes his personal secretary’s hand without removing his thrilled eyes from him. “Put these away. We’re going to play until one of us will strip completely.”

Despite feeling the heat rushing to his cheeks by such newly added rules and how his hand is stroked, Akira only closes his eyes and briefly coughs.

Meanwhile, the commander delightfully studies his partner’s reaction and teasingly addresses him. “What is it with you? Or is there anything you want? Either way, be patient.”

Ignoring Shiki’s provocation, the silver-haired male shuffles the card deck and leaves two cards for his partner and himself while keeping a mildly irritated look on his face.

‘Now, let’s see how you have blessed me…’ The dark-haired wonders as he picks up his cards and keeps an amused look on his face.

Even if it’s difficult to tell what is hiding behind his secretary’s straight face, or he has a better hand than him, he decides to pressure him with aggressive play.

After glimpsing at his received a Queen-Ten Suited hand, the supreme ruler’s face changes to a straight one. ‘Not bad…’

But for now, Shiki taps on the table and impatiently waits for his partner’s turn.

Thus, Akira places his closed cards aside and deals the flop: King of Hearts, Eight of Diamonds, and Five of Hearts.

For sure, it pleasantly surprises the dark-haired male, and he fixes his hair while keeping his emotions in check. ‘Hmph. In this case, I’ll peel him off his uniform in no time.’

After the preserved secretary places the Nine of Clubs as a turn card, he studies his partner’s expressions with ice-cold blue eyes.

Lastly, Akira reveals the last card, which cracks Shiki’s poker face and makes him briefly turn his head to hide his visibly frustrated face.

Apparently, the Ace of Spades and Akira’s revealed Jack-Ten of Spades declare the winner of the heated battle.

Despite his utter defeat, Shiki fakes a smile and remarks while removing his tie and unbuttoning his white shirt. “It’s only the beginner’s luck. So, it’s early for you to celebrate.”

After exposing his well-built upper body, the dark-haired male tosses his removed piece of clothing at Akira, whose cheeks are dyed in a lovely tone of pink.

Meanwhile, Shiki adds in an irritated tone. “What are you staring at?”

For sure, it makes his subordinate fix his posture.

When Akira puts all the cards back into the deck and swiftly shuffles in his hands, he lifts his blue eyes upon hearing another demand. “You look so tense. So, why don’t you pour something for yourself and me?”

At first, the silver-haired male hesitates and suspiciously glares, but instead of arguing, he nods and stands up.

Before leaving the card deck on the table and heading towards the mini-bar, he glances at Shiki, who only gives him a teasing look.

Soon enough, after pouring the whiskey into a couple of one-shot glasses, he returns to the poker table.

Despite feeling the commander’s eyes on him while carrying the glasses, Akira ignores him.

Even if he is unsure about his underlying motives, he has no option but to abide by his rules. The secretary decides as he approaches his partner’s side and places a glass for him and for himself.

After picking the card deck into his hands and reshuffling it, he is about to deal cards, yet the commander interrupts him again.

While Shiki lifts his glass filled with the amber-colored liquid, he suggests. “Come on, take yours for a better luck.”

And so, after their glasses touch and both take a quick shot, another round begins.

Game after game, the layers of clothing are tossed away, and the ruthless ruler only managed to peel his secretary off his shirt. Even the poured whiskey failed to break Akira’s stone face.

More so, it doesn’t help that the only thing that he can read from Akira’s face is his demanding eyes, which fixate on him remaining in his bare underwear.

There is no greater humiliation and shame than underestimating his opponent and almost being defeated.

Either way, he may still have a chance of reclaiming his victory and making the silver-haired male pay a triple price for his arrogance. Or so the military tyrant convinces himself.

After showing his cards on the table, Shiki reveals his hand of the Pocket Eights. Unfortunately for him, Akira’s Ace-King-suited hand, which finally combines a Straight, shatters his last hope of having another round or rematch.

Nevertheless, he forces himself to swallow his pride and accept his bitter fate. When Shiki closes his eyes and presses his lips, he stands up and grasps into his underwear.

However, his subordinate’s voice stops him and makes him lift his head. “Please wait.”

Meanwhile, the commander opens his red eyes, which follow Akira, who gets up and approaches him. “You don’t have to do it if you don’t want it.”

After the silver-haired male picks up the shirt, he wraps it around his partner’s shoulders and explains. “You have lost this time, sir. However, you still did a good job, and it was enough for me. So, it was already a huge win for me being able to play with you tonight.”

Despite his partner’s gentle words, Shiki stubbornly backfires. “Hmph. Just cut down to the business. What do you want me to do?”

At first, Akira briefly averts his gaze from the commander and ponders. After returning his gaze, he bites his lower lip and holds onto his partner’s shirt. “I’m not sure if it is an appropriate thing to ask…”

Yet Shiki immediately responds with a straight face. “Just say it.”

After a brief pause, the silver-haired male shakily respires and answers with such determined eyes. “I want you to be my maid for a day!”

Suddenly, he widens his blue eyes and covers his mouth as the heat spreads on his face and ears.

He definitely angered the commander with his shameful and disgusting request. Nevertheless, he has no choice but to accept the consequences of his words.

More importantly, even if it was the whiskey talking, it doesn’t change the fact that somewhere deep inside him; he wished for it. Akira thinks while preparing to be slapped and punished for his so-called brute behavior.

Yet Shiki only smirks like a feline while how his prized possession shrugs like a scolded puppy.

A second later, Akira silently whimpers as someone lands his palm on his head and ruffles his hair.

“It cannot be helped, then. I forgot that even someone like you has such desires.” The dark-haired male replies in a purring-like voice while stroking his partner’s hair.

When his palm slides on his cheek, he gently holds his chin and adds in a suggestive tone without removing his thrilling eyes. “However, I need to see how much effort you’re willing to put in.”

In the end, Akira honestly confesses while his partner wraps his arm around him and brings him closer. “As much as you need.”

‘How adorable…’ Shiki blissfully narrows his gaze and sits his partner on top the poker table. More importantly, his subordinate’s loving eyes and drunken honesty make it difficult for him to hold back.

It is the beginning of the new day.

Even without opening his eyes, Akira is certain it is still an early morning. Perhaps even a bit too early than usual.

However, his dry throat and dizziness immediately remind him about having a few drinks with the commander.

When the memories of yesterday before dozing out flash in his mind, the military secretary opens his eyes and immediately sits.

As he feels the heat rushing to his cheeks, he covers his mouth and lowers his gaze. ‘Hopefully, I have done nothing wrong to embarrass the commander.’

“Ah, you’re finally awake, Young Master.” The gently yet strangely familiar voice speaks up.

Certainly, it catches Akira’s attention, and he turns his head in disbelief. “… Sir?”

After noticing this person, he lowers his shoulders. He switches to his straight face while staring at this tall, busty maid with a slim waist and pale skin, long braided ebony hair, and bewitching crimson eyes, wearing a long-sleeved black shirt and matching color skirt that seems to cover her ankles and snow-white apron and headscarf.

“Who are you? And what are you doing here?” The silver-haired male asks in a strict tone.

At that moment, the dark-haired woman only smirks like a feline while resting her palm on her cheek and holding her arm. “Oh, my… Where are my manners?~”

When she closes her eyes, she sweeps a low curtsy. “My name is Shikiko.”

After fixing her posture, she keeps her hands close and introduces her further. “I’m your new personal maid, who was selected and assigned by Shiki-sama to serve all your needs.”

Yet Akira is confused and doesn’t trust this woman at all. Nevertheless, he decides to clear his doubts and raises his eyebrow. “I know all servants in this mansion. However, I do not recall anyone being hired recently.”

After a brief pause, he exhales and adds. “If you really telling the truth, then you shouldn’t have any issues if we go together to see the head maid and ask about you.”

Meanwhile, Shikiko is entertained by his response and does her best not to snort loudly. But for now, she comments while keeping a strangely familiar smug on her face. “My… It seems poor Young Master has hit his head and has forgotten that Shiki-sama is on an important trip and will return in a couple of days. Ah, but should I help you to get up first?~”

While the daring maid approaches Akira without making the slightest noise, he frowns and refuses to show any signs of being intimidated. “For a housemaid, you are allowing yourself a lot. Or have you forgotten everything that you were supposed to learn in your training?”

When Shikiko is close to him and rests her knee on the bed, she leans closer and grabs his pajama shirt. Upon narrowing her gaze, she backfires in a deeper voice. “Then why don’t you discipline me? Or are you nothing but a coward dog that only barks, Akira?”

After realizing who the owner of this voice is, he widens his big blue eyes. “Co-commander? What… Why are you dressed like this?”

For sure, his subordinate’s visibly confused puppy behavior entertains him and only makes him want to eat him right here, right now.

Despite the strong temptation to tease him, Shiki only curves a satisfied smile and releases his shirt. “Took you long to recognize me. And if it wasn’t me, you would have been already dead by the enemy’s hand.”

When he withdraws from his partner, he sits on the edge of the bed and explains without removing his eyes from him. “Hmph. It seems you forgot completely about your wish. So, looks like I would need to train your memory too.”

But for now, the dark-haired male keeps his smug feline face and studies Akira’s still dumbfounded face.

A few moments later, Shiki closes his eyes and sighs. “You have twenty-four hours left. So, do whatever you want. Or do you want me to decide what you should think?”

While fixating his blue eyes on his partner, he nervously swallows the saliva and responds in an unsure tone. “I… I see…”

‘It seems it may take even weeks for him to make his mind…’ The dark-haired wonders.

As Shiki corners him, he suggests. “Then why you don’t you treat me like any other maid?”

“Are you sure about that? Will you be fine? Then please take care of me, sir,” Akira immediately questions him without hiding his concern.

‘Hmph. Let’s see how this dog behaves when his owner is not home.’ Shiki ponders while grasping the bedsheet.

The dark-haired male backfires in a flirtatious, feminine enough voice. “Have you forgotten who am I? I’m just your maid, Shikiko.”

After gracefully getting up, he adds before taking his leave. “You have a bunch of time until the next morning. So, use it wisely, Young Master.”

After a while, somewhere in the kitchen. After pouring a few spoons of coffee into the teapot, Shiki carries it to the hot water machine.

Thus, upon placing the teapot, he clicks the button, and the boiling hot starts running.

However, as he wonders if it should take this long to fill, his thoughts are interrupted by feeling an unpleasant presence behind him.

Suddenly, Shiki widens his eyes upon a large hand and slaps his bottom.

The middle-aged man asks while groping his new victim. “Who is this little lady? Are you new here?”

Meanwhile, the dark-haired male in a maid’s dress closes his eyes and curls his lip.

Despite the bone-chilling and murderous aura around the supposed-to-be-poor-woman, the perverted man cracks a nervous smile and steps back. “Come on, don’t be shy. So, why don’t you-?”

Suddenly, Shiki turns around and douses the scalding hot water into the bastard’s face, making him lose his balance.

As the middle-aged man screams in pain, he curls into a ball and covers his face. “YOU… YOU BITCH!… MY EYES! FACE! IT FUCKING HURTS! I CAN’T FUCKING SEE!”

At that moment, the other kitchen staff freeze in the same spot and stare at this couple without daring interfacing. Not after these deadly crimson eyes pierce through anyone’s soul.

However, it doesn’t affect the dark-haired male, who only looks down at the pathetic creature below him with his piercing gaze.

But for now, Shiki lifts his eyes and notices a large hanging knife on the magnetic board.

‘That should do it.’ He curves a sadistic smile while scheming how he would torture his attacker.

Just as the dark-haired male takes a step, someone grabs his ankle. Instead of wasting time, he shakes off the fiend’s hand and stomps on his palm several times.

“You dare to defy me with that stupid face? Don’t make me laugh. Fools like you don’t even deserve to crawl like mud worms.” Shiki comments in a cold and condescending yet feminine voice before sending a powerful kick into the lying man’s face without shedding the slightest emotion.

Suddenly, the sound of familiar rushing footsteps growing louder with each step alerts even a fearsome tyrant like him.

‘Hmph. A dog always can sense when his owner needs him. Good.’ Shiki wonders, while lowering his head and cracking a proud smile.

And so, after closing his eyes and tilting his head, he drops to his knees. Lastly, he turns his head away and covers his face while patiently waiting for one certain person to show up.

Suddenly, the kitchen door slams wide open, and Akira enters. “What is the meaning of this?!”

Even when he checks on the standing staff and lowers his gaze, he becomes more confused. Despite that, the blue-eyed secretary keeps a straight face.

“That brute…” Shiki whimpers without facing his savior. After resting his palms on the ground, he lifts his head and fixates his pleading eyes on Akira.

The silver-haired male feels slowly wrapped around his partner’s finger, but all he can do is listen to this innocent cry for help. “It’s my first day at work and all I did is… All I did was prepare coffee for Akira-sama before that man assaulted me. So, please forgive me for my clumsiness and taking so long.”

One older maid leans closer and whispers to the kitchen assistant. “That newbie won’t get away like this. If no woman before her moved Akira-sama’s heart, why does she think she is any different?”

“That’s right. It is only the matter of seconds before she’ll get fired. So, she is just wasting time on tricking Akira-sama.” Another maid in the middle responds.

“She should be glad if anyone will let her work as a cleaner.” The kitchen assistant whispers back in a bitter tone.

Meanwhile, Shikiko’s words and vulnerability pull Akira’s heartstrings and don’t leave him indifferent towards this version of his most important person. He even forgets about the suffering man with the burnt face.

Besides, the commander is the commander, even in this shape and form, even with the new name. Therefore, his well-being should be above anything else.

“Shikiko…” The silver-haired secretary whispers. After approaching his partner, he places his hands under Shiki’s armpits and picks him up like a large cat. “Please stand up.”

Soon enough, he widens his blue eyes when Shiki buries his head into his shoulder and clings to him. Of course, he understands that this might be nothing more than fake, but he is surprised to see a new side of the supreme ruler.

A second later, Akira remembers where they are, and only closes his eyes and respires.

When he puts on his poker face, he orders the entire staff. “Call the medical help. When you’re done treating him, lock him to the basement. Once you are done, inform me immediately.”

After a brief pause, he lowers his gaze and withdraws his partner’s face with his palm. While he gently holds Shiki’s chin, he slightly softens his voice. “You. Please come with me. We need to discuss this incident with the head maid.”

Meanwhile, the so-called Shikiko only narrows the thrilled eyes and makes his prized possession’s heart skip a beat. “Yes, Young Master.”

Certainly, if it weren’t for being disguised as some woman, he would ravish his subordinate despite his protests or caring about such petite details as place and time. It cannot be helped... He has to keep his new persona for a while. Shiki reminds himself and pushes Akira away with a small purring-like noise.

Before leaving, he turns his head and prompts the silver-haired male. “I suggest you leave them cleaning this mess, Young Master. So, shall we go?”

Instead of saying anything, Akira nods and follows Shiki.

After all, who knows what else may happen if he doesn’t keep an eye on the commander or how he may endanger himself if anyone recognizes him? With that in mind, he closes his blue eyes and sighs.

A few hours have passed, somewhere in the study room. While the dark-haired male wipes the dust from the bookshelves, he feels Akira’s eyes on him.

More so, each time he checks on his subordinate, he keeps his poker face while quickly brushing through the book spines with his fingers or turning his head away. Yet Akira’s inquisitive behavior makes him more interested in him.

Suddenly, the unsuspicious secretary gets startled by the gentle voice. “You’ve been staring at me for a while, Younger Master.”

However, Akira faces his personal maid and backfires in a formal tone. “Am I?”

Before he says anything else, he widens his big blue eyes as Shiki corners him.

“Is there anything you want from me?” The dark-haired male asks without giving his partner even the slightest chance of escaping his trap.

Meanwhile, several books from above shelves are wobbling on the edge, and in a matter of seconds, they are about to land on their target.

Fortunately, Shiki’s sharp reaction is faster. Thus, he hits with the elbow the flying books, one by one.

When they land on the carpet, either being spread or lying on the side, Shiki brushes the hair from his face and returns his gaze to the dumbfounded secretary.

“Oh, my… are you hurt, Young Master?” The red-eyed male places his palms on his partner’s cheeks.

For sure, these crimson eyes mesmerize Akira, and his cheeks are dyed in a lovely tone of pink.

But for now, he widens his eyes as Shiki presses his palm against his forehead and comments while keeping his poker face. “Do you have a fever?”

“Hmph. It’s only a false alert. Good.” The dark-haired male narrows his gaze and removes his palm.

After a brief pause, he closes his eyes and lowers his shoulders. “In any case, I would need to rearrange the bookshelves so that one day you won’t get killed by a simple encyclopedia…”

But for now, Shiki picks a small pocket watch from his shirt pocket and checks on time. “My… It’s almost time for the afternoon teatime. So, I should be going, Young Master.”

When he turns his back and is about to leave with elegance, he feels how someone grab his hand and stop in the same spot.

“Sir, please wait!” The silver-haired secretary demands.

When Shiki turns his head, Akira fixes himself while containing his emotions. “Er, I mean, Shikiko. You can leave it to anyone else. So, can you stay here and keep me company for longer?”

After releasing his hand, he keeps it close to his heart, but without removing his eyes from his partner. “Of course, if you don’t mind…”

‘What a needy master I have to serve. How cute…’ Shiki ponders while looking at his subordinate, who is nothing more than a puppy.

Such a request amuses the so-called Shikiko, and he curves a satisfied smile while keeping his hands close. “If this is what you want, I cannot say no.”

“Then do you know how to play chess?” Akira gives a questioning look.

“Before being able to serve you, I had to learn how to keep Akira-sama entertained.” The dark-haired male explains in an unusually soft tone.

Instead of letting himself be completely captivated by Shiki’s charms, the silver-haired male closes his eyes and coughs. “I see… In that case, before we start, can I ask you something?”

After taking a deep breath, he adds. “If I win, can you grant one wish?”

“As if I’m not here for you, Young Master.” Shiki sighs.

Lastly, Akira fixes his back and speaks up with firm determination. “Please do not forget your words, Shikiko. And make yourself comfortable while I prepare the table.”

Meanwhile, the dark-haired male cannot help himself but smirk like a feline before elegantly walking towards the armchair.

After intense gameplay, it seems someone from above is in favor of the preserved military secretary and helps him win the match.

Meanwhile, Shiki tries to calm himself and mentally prepares himself for the worst. But for now, he congratulates the victor of the battle in a polite tone. “As I expected - no less from Young Master. So, what do you want me to do?”

At first, Akira hesitantly averts his gaze from his partner and thinks. When he faces Shiki, he nervously swallows the saliva and briefly instructs him. “First, I need you to follow me somewhere where no one will see or hear us. It’s just something personal.”

From his tense shoulders and posture alone, the dark-haired male can tell Akira has dark ulterior motives, which he has planned all along but is still ashamed to voice.

Nevertheless, he has no choice but to follow the military secretary to whatever place he’ll humiliate him in this weak form before finishing him.

‘In the end, you’re no different from any filthy animal in heat. I’ll make sure to remember it all.’ Shiki wonders while slightly trembling and narrowing his gaze as step by step he is getting closer to his own execution.

More so, he doesn’t like how his partner anxiously looks on the sides, as if anyone could follow them. For sure, it only makes his guts twisted.

However, he is immediately taken aback by the concerned secretary.

As Akira places his palm on the doorknob, he turns his head and asks. “Is everything alright? Are you feeling sick?”

When Shiki closes his crimson eyes, he lowers his eyes and sighs. “Do not mind me.”

After opening the bedroom door, the silver-haired male holds it open for his partner. “Alright. Then after you.”

And so, when they are both inside, Akira locks the door behind him while Shiki waits for a fate worse than death.

After a brief pause, Akira exhales and addresses his partner while fixating his blue, serious eyes on him. “Do you know why did I ask you to come here, Shikiko?”

However, Shiki only lowers his head and shakes it.

When the preserved secretary approaches his partner, he grasps his braid and confesses. “There is one thing that only you can do it. So…”

After wrapping his arm around the dark-haired male’s waist, he adds. “Please, return the commander to me!”

Thus, with one sudden movement, he pulls Shikiko’s wig and reveals the owner of this body.

After it reaches the ground, Akira pulls Shiki into a tight hug and sinks his fingers into his messy hair. “I’m so glad to see you again, sir. So, welcome back.”

Suddenly, he gets alerted upon grasping the commander’s unusually slim waist and sensing a pair of soft breasts pressing against him. “You… You really went that far. Please do not misunderstand me, sir. I’m happy that you kept your word and done for this for me, but…”

Meanwhile, Shiki uses his chance to escape from Akira’s embrace and complains. “Hmph. Then help me to get out of this thing.”

As he approaches the bed, he gives an irritated, demanding look.

Of course, Akira follows him without a second thought.

When both sit next to each other, the dark-haired male removes the apron and starts unbuttoning his shirt.

As Akira watches how his partner tosses the maid uniform shirt away, he covers his mouth with his palm upon noticing a large bust under his white t-shirt. “How… How did you manage to get a surgery in the middle of the night? Don’t tell me… You also risked your health and escaped the hospital…”

When Shiki briefly stands up to lower the skirt’s zipper on the back, he removes this piece of clothing and explains. “Relax. It’s fake. Tsk. As if I let any freak to deform me.”

“I… I see…” Akira responds in an unsure tone while his partner removes his t-shirt and reveals the reason his waist is so thin. Surely, just looking at that wine-colored corset crushes him.

Upon noticing the light-skinned color silicone cosplay gear attached to Shiki, the silver-haired secretary secretly feels relieved, as if a large boulder was removed from his chest.

After removing it, Shiki aims it at an already thrown a pile of clothes and throws it.

But for now, he turns his back to Akira and briefly commands. “Untie it.”

At first, the military secretary hesitates to bring his hands on the corset. Soon, as he undoes it, he asks. “That looks painful. But how did you put it on?”

Meanwhile, Shiki only cracks a smile. “I called one of the maids when you fall asleep.”

Upon feeling how his internal organs and lungs are released from the pressure that was restraining and slowly killing him, he closes his eyes and deeply breathes.

After a brief pause, he turns to Akira’s side and adds. “Since one day I’ve spotted one of your men watching together a very questionable type of content, I immediately recognized one of our servants. I could have simply fired her, but I decided not. So, last night, I called her to cooperate with me and threatened to kill one by one of her relatives and friends before exposing her if she won’t keep her mouth shut.”

The silver-haired male holds his chin and lowers his gaze. “Even so, that was reckless of you. What if anyone else discovers that you were dressing like this? You may have put not only your reputation but also your life at risk…”

When he closes his eyes and tightens his lips, he sighs. “I appreciate your effort and what you did for me today. I really do. But I really don’t want anything bad to happen to you, so please prioritize your safety.”

Suddenly, he widens his blue eyes and silently whimpers when the commander lands his palm on his head.

As Shiki ruffles his subordinate’s hair, he calmly replies. “You worry too much, you idiot. As if I’ll let any filthy insect touch me or spit nonsense.”

A second later, he adds. “Haven’t I told you already? You are the only person who is worth of staying by my side. Or do I need to remind you why?”

These words move the preserved military secretary, and he pushes his partner on the bed. While pinning his hands, Akira looks at him with loving and longing eyes. “It might be selfish of me, but… Can I hold you?”

Meanwhile, Shiki only turns his head like a prideful feline. “Don’t ask stupid questions when your twenty-four hours are not over yet? Do as you wish before I changed my mind.”

In the end, Akira leans close and whispers. “Thank you.”

And so, even if the whole evening and night are still ahead, the silver-haired secretary will do anything in his power to make sure that Shiki is showered in attention and care which he deserves.

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