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DARK SINS ( Sosuke0549 & Yukonwolfspirit )


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“Seems reasonable, having them out and busy will keep them from going stir crazy.” Yukie explained as he shook his head amused that the vampires could blend in so easily and actually enjoy human activities.

“The school rules don't allow any group president to turn down members…but I’m allowed to throw you out if you don’t take it seriously I won’t accept slacking and if I find your just messing around I’ll force you to quit.” Yukie wanted Cedric not wanting this to be a game for the vampire since he had put in lots of effort into setting up things…and well most of the art supplies in the art club room was bought from his own personal supplies and his own wallet. “I don’t want to spend my Saturday babysitting….if you would like to join though…we meet at 10 am on Saturday it goes as long as wanted and after we get tea at a cafe.” Yukie explained as he found the idea silly but when one of the other hunters suggested it well…it had grown on him. 

Picking up a few other supplies as he cleaned up more Yukie stopped at Cedric’s words mulling them over for a moment. “….um…well, I am finished for the day other then a few small errands in town, but I can do them tomorrow” Yukie replied with a deep red blush as he continued cleaning up his supplies. “I…well I don’t drink. I’m a lightweight I’ve never been able to handle even a single beer. You wouldn’t have fun going with me I know the other students do sneak off to drink on ghr weekends” Yukie admitted as he unlatched the easels and set them in the small wagon sitting under the shade of the tree.

 “Plus, there’s the whole…your group would probably kill me…and I’m suppose to you know kill all the vampires here.” Yukie added with a dry chuckle as he clearly hadn’t been asked out to do anything before the poor man floundering on accepting such an invitation.

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  • Yukonwolfspirit


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Cedric smirked alittle hearing the hunters explain how he wasn't allowed to turn down memebers but warned him to take his club seriously. 

" I will.." He said softly. The hunter then told him where the club would be meeting and the time. He nodded. Watching him clean up his area. 


Seeing the man's reaction to his request for a drink. He shook his head. " I didn't mean alcohol silly... I ment the school café. Can I buy you a cup of tea...or coffee?"


When the hunter made a joke about him killing vampires. He raised an eye brow. 

" I don't think you'll kill me..." He gave the man a small smile before reaching for his supply's offering to carry them. 

Cedric wasn't sure why...but he had taken an intrest in Yukie. 

" Shall we?" He asked. The café wasn't far so he'd still be rather close to the other night class students should something happen. 

" I won't bite..." He teased. 

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“I wouldn’t mind that. It would be nice to see the cafe.” Yukie admitted as he couldn’t help the small blush creeping onto his face as he tucked a stray bit of hair behind his ear. Seeing the raised eyebrow Yukie watched as Cedric picked up a box of supplies as he offered to carry it. Yukie of course having to take it back to his dorm after their little trip.

“Hypothetically, if I did kill you….what would happen a war?” Yukie asked as he packed the rest away and after packing up his personal bag with his books he turned and put the rest down in the wagon. Sighing a little before lugging the bigger items behind him in the wagon. Following Cedric Yukie thought for a deep moment as if weighing his options and his duties.

“Humor me, on my question….and I’ll humor you and trust you won't bite.” Yukie offered as a compromise as he walked behind Cedric wanting an honest answer since he secretly had his orders…and being at the school had made him rather conflicted lately.

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Hearing the hunter say yes. Cedric couldn't help but grin. Last week when they first met the boy was extremely rude and hostile to him, you could quite literally see the intense hatred he had for vampires in his eyes...and the two could barely hold a conversation. Now...he was able to convince Yukie to at least get a drink with him. Perhaps this Academy was actually starting to work. Perhaps minds could be changed. 


[ “Hypothetically, if I did kill you….what would happen a war?” ]


Cedric glanced over at the hunter. He shrugged off the question, but he could sense just how serious the man's question was. Which was slightly alarming. He watched as Yukie finished packing his items putting them in a wagon. When he was done. Cedric began to walk. Carrying a box of supplies for the hunter while he followed him. 


[“Humor me, on my question….and I’ll humor you and trust you won't bite.” ] 


Hearing Yukie bring up the question again. He sighed softly. Though he was trying to make the question sound innocent...Cedric could tell how interested and serious Yukie was. 


" Hypothetically... perhaps. I'm not quite sure how the Vampire council would react....tho I'd image my parents would be forgiving. " 

He glanced back at his fellow classmates. "The night class would have a hard time...and this Academy would shut down.... " 

He said rather sadly. 


" When the vampires created the peace treaty with the hunters, one of the agreements was to not kill any Purebloods. In our society...we Purebloods are held in high regard. Basically... like kings or queens... one could say we are even seen as gods.... I never really asked to be born into such a role...and yet...here I am. "


He glanced back at Yukie. 

" Since your so intrested in killing me...Hypothetically...what would you do after my demise? What would be the accomplishment? Would my death bring some sort of closer to you or the world? " 



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Yukie listened carefully to Cedric explain what would happen the hunter letting the man’s words fully sink in. He couldn’t help the twinge of guilt that hit him something he hadn’t felt for any of the feral vampires he had killed before. If he killed Cedric…he would be taking a child away from his parents. He would be taking away a friend and brother in arms to Cedric’s classmates. The realization hung heavy as Yukie watched Cedric walk.

For once, Yukie’s heart was deeply conflicted.

Killing Cedric was his orders, but he questioned what good such orders would bring if it caused others so much pain. The statement from Cedric that his parents would be so forgiving was strange to him much different the vampires where from how his people would have acted when one of theirs was killed. Catching Cedric’s eyes as he looked back Yukie avoided the man’s gaze a clear sign of a guilty conscience.

”Hypothetically, killing you wouldn’t bring back anyone I lost. It wouldn’t give me back my home or ease the pain I feel when I realize how alone I am in the world.” Yukie stated as he continued to walk behind Cedric his voice slightly sad as he talked about his hypothetical reasoning. “Hypothetically, if I wasn’t so strictly raised as a hunter…I would said that killing the kind of vampires you are, it accomplishes nothing. I would also be ashamed…of hurting someone innocent…but I’m reminded I have no say, my life isn’t my own.” Yukie answered his voice saddened by his own deep feelings as he did feel trapped at times.

 “All hunters including myself answer to those above us…it can be hard to step away from things that you all preach is so easy. Sometimes I think you vampires forget that just because we temporarily live here and work here, it means things at home will change. Don’t forget.. we will be disciplined by our elders when the school ends. When this fun game of yours ends in the summer…and we all leave whatever we learned here will be wiped away by those that didn’t want us here we will be retrained and disciplined by how they see fit. Anything that we change for the better here about ourselves will be, in the end something that could have us forever branded as traitors and cast out or punished for our insubordination. “ Yukie explained as he had only been able to hear the last month late in the evenings about some of his fellow hunters talk about how they weren’t looking forward to going back home some talking about how they would be retrained since they had become traitors.

“For me hypothetically…I’m going wherever I can board with a hunter family, since I have no family. So I’m going to live with a man I’ve never met in the country who’s a distant friend of my grandfathers . Taking my grandfathers views into account…he will be angry that I haven’t hypothetically tried to end any of you and that I enjoyed school and learning.” Yukie finished explaining with a deep frown.

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Looking back at Yukie...he took notice of how the human avoided his gaze and how his tone and atmosphere around him seemed to changed. He spoke with a deep sadness in his voice. 


[ "Hypothetically, killing you wouldn’t bring back anyone I lost. It wouldn’t give me back my home or ease the pain I feel when I realize how alone I am in the world.” ]


Cedric listened, a little suprised that the hunter was being so honest with him. That...and the fact that they shared something in common. Feeling alone. He listened as the human continued his explanation saying that killing civilized vampires like himself and the other students would accomplish nothing and that he'd feel ashamed. Yet... apparently he had no say in the matter.


This intrigued Cedric. Hearing the other say his life wasn't his own was something he could somewhat relate too..but disagreed with. 


The hunter then reminded him that the student council here answered to a higher authority, and that this little Academy of his and idea of peace was pointless....because in the end the students would eventually leave here and return back to their lives. Some even disciplined....and some would be called traitors to their own kind. 


Deep down... Cedric could somewhat relate to that too. Being different...was sometimes difficult. 


[ “For me hypothetically…I’m going wherever I can board with a hunter family, since I have no family. So I’m going to live with a man I’ve never met in the country who’s a distant friend of my grandfathers . Taking my grandfathers views into account…he will be angry that I haven’t hypothetically tried to end any of you and that I enjoyed school and learning.” ]


" I see..." 


He fell silent for a moment before speaking. The hunter had given him alot of information to process. 


" I seems you and I have alot in common...But what disturbs me the most is you saying that you don't have a choice...." 


Cedric stopped, reaching the café. He gently put Yukies stuff on the ground, and gestured over to the outdoor table. It was shady with a umbrella. 


He continued. 


" You always have a choice. You can either be apart of the problem. Or part of the solution....change isn't always easy or accepted. My family has faced decades of backlash over the years...but that did not stop them. Because they refused to conform to the old ways of thinking... they created this Academy...they stopped a war that had been raging for centuries. In retrospect they have saved countless lives, and found a way for vampires to feed without hurting humans....they became the change to peace between vampires and humans. At some point they had to say no...and defy their superiors. " 


He shrugged his shoulders. " As you can image...being their child...living up to such a legacy can be...challenging..."


He smiled softly. His eyes sad. " I've actually never told anyone this...but I often feel like I'm under alot of pressure to perform....to be perfect....perhaps you can relate to that on some personal level."


He he laughed softly. Changing the subject.

"What would you like to drink? I'll go order it." 

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“Well, you’ll see who had a choice when they come back to school. You can tell who’s free and who isn’t. Unlike you we don’t heal as easily…it’s not like we can drink blood and heal overnight or however your kind does it.” Yukie added as he sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose in frustration the topic overly gloomy and to him pointless since Cedric couldn’t change anything. Listening to Cedric tell him about his own family legacy and duties he looked at Cedric sympathizing with the man as he knew the pressures of parental approval and legacy very much so.

“Maybe you should tell them how you feel about the pressure of all of this. Your parents seem loving, they want change and good in the world…and well I get the feeling they would want you happy over everything else. Maybe they want you to just be a role model for others but to mostly  be happy…not focused on how to change the world.” Yukie stated as he took his seat and stared up at Cedric his eyes only showing how much truth he believed his words held for the man. When the topic came to drinks Yukie fumbled for a moment thinking. “Whatever is good…I’m not really sure what most people find a good drink.” Yukie admitted as he played with a strand of hair amused by the glimpse of one of his hunters out on a date inside of the cafe.

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Cedric could tell that Yukie was getting irritated. The hunter was quick to remind them how different they truly were, and the fact that humans didn't heal as quickly as vampires did. 

"...of course. " 

He said softly. He was a little suprised however when the hunter offered him advice about his dilemma. Suggesting that he confided in his parents. Ah yes...the idea had crossed his mind many times...but he never did. How could he? And even if he did....it wouldn't change anything. He couldn't change his name...or the fact that thousands of people were watching him. Waiting for him to fuck up. It was suffocating at times. 


" Perhaps.." was all he said. If his parents hadn't worked so hard in changing this world...then he wouldn't be standing in front of Yukie at this very moment. You could argue and disagree with the Vladmirs all you wanted. The fact of the matter was...they were extremely influential and were making history. Forcing change. To kill target any one in the Vladimir family would be a declaration of war. 


He just hoped that he'd be able to carry on his parents legacy. He wasn't quite sure how he could contribute to it.


" I'll be right back. " 

He left and walked into the café, getting the two of them honey tea. When he returned he sat the two flower mugs on the table. They were a soft pink and if Yukie took a sniff of his drink, he would smell the honey. The tea would be sweet but not so overwhelming sweet that it would be difficult to drink. 


This type of tea, Cedric use to drink alot growing up. " I hope you like it." 

He sat across from the other, taking his cup of tea but not taking a sip, since it was still quite hot. 

" Yukie... I would like to challenge your hatred of vampires." He said. He looked up at the human. Looking rather serious. " I would like for us...to become friends...." 

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“These cups are beautiful.” Yukie stated as he admired the mugs delicate pink flower petals. Picking up the mug Yukie sniffed the tea the warm scent of honey bathing his senses as he set it down a small happy glow in his eyes. “Thank you, it smells wonderful.” Yukie admitted as he continued to admire the mugs beauty having a weak spot for well crafted teacups. As Cedric spoke Yukie politely listened his amusement clear on his face as he couldn’t help but let out a small laugh.

”My!” Yukie replied with another laugh tears forming in his eyes at such a thought. “ Wouldn’t that be a sight to explain. A hunter and vampire being friends.” Yukie added with another deep laugh the thought so silly to him. “What would you tell your parents? I doubt they would approve, I mean I imagine they would scold you asking you why a hunter! Don’t you have better friends in your dorms?” Yukie teased with another laugh as he let out another small chuckle before taking a sip of his tea relaxing at the soft honey flavor.

”ah, god….it sounds so silly.” Yukie stated as he sipped his drink before setting it down again. “Hypothetically, ignoring all of that….what would my role be? Entertainment?” Yukie asked giving Cedric’s offer some thought. “ Don’t forget that, I had hypothetically asked about killing you…do you think it would be wise…to accept a monster like me, to even ask me to be such a thing.” Yukie asked with an awkward uncomfortable laugh the man not against Cedric’s offer…it was just that knowing he had vampire blood on his hands from the feral monsters back home it made things for him complicated. How could he be seen as anything but a vampire hunter to the vampires? Not only that he had been given direct orders to destroy Cedric, something he found himself conflicted on since he had received the orders and he knew he would have to answer sooner or later to his grandfathers call. Yukie also he had just started to learn the difference here on vampires and ferals at the school…and well…his view was constantly conflicted making him unable to shake the feeling that he wasn’t worthy of such a title or offer from Cedric.


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Cedric took notice of how the shape of the teacup made Yukie smile but when he proposed the idea of becoming friends... Cedric didn't know what he was feeling. 


Yukie...bursted into laugher making fun of his idea. 


[ “What would you tell your parents? I doubt they would approve, I mean I imagine they would scold you asking you why a hunter! Don’t you have better friends in your dorms?” ]


He teased him, laughing even more. 


Is this what it felt like to be...belittled? It was a rather sickening feeling. No one had ever laughed at him before... at least not like this...he was always given the up most respect through out his life...and in all honest he didn't know how to make friends. At least...in vampire society...if someone wanted to establish a friendship...you would simply ask. Was that not normal? How did humans make friends?

Cedric would hide his disappointment. He felt alittle hurt by the boys laugher. 


[”ah, god….it sounds so silly.”]


( How did you do it...) He thought to himself as he tried to keep his composer. 

( Deal with so many....closed minded people. The disrespect...the humiliation....)

Growing up... he remembered how drained and sad his parents were some nights. Of course they tried to hide it from him and his siblings, faking a smile and pretending like everything was ok. 


( I finally... understand) He understood the up hill battle his family was facing. Was it all....pointless?


No... that was dangerous thinking. 


Perhaps to Yukie the idea and desire sounded silly...in fact...100 years ago...the idea of peace between vampires and humans sounded silly. The idea of stopping the endless cycle of hate, death, and destruction... probably sounded silly...


And blood tablets....

And this Academy....

And Tolerance.....


" Yes...how silly.." He muttered, but he said it rather bitterly. 


He had lost interest in the conversation. His eyes falling to his drink. 


[ “Hypothetically, ignoring all of that….what would my role be? Entertainment?” ]


He contuied to belittle him... but he didn't interpret Yukie. 


[ “ Don’t forget that, I had hypothetically asked about killing you…do you think it would be wise…to accept a monster like me, to even ask me to be such a thing.” ]


Cedric spoke softly. His tone losing it's friendly demeanor. 


"...If we continue to live in the past... we as a society are bound to repeat it... Hunters and Vampires have been killing each other for centuries...but why? And even when the war finally came to an end... why do we still hate each other? I don't know you...yet I'm suppose to hate you... I'm a vampire...but I've never hurt or drank from a human in my entire life...yet you want to kill me...for what? Existing? " 


He put down his cup of tea, slowly standing. 


" You asked about my parents and what would they think. They wouldn't care... they would probably be happy for me...and they would welcome you...because none of us...hate you for what you are....That is why this Academy was built...to craft a better society....If you'll excuse me..."


He turned to leave not even finishing his tea. It was clear something in him had changed...


Yukie had upset him greatly, but it was pointless trying to have a conversation with someone who wasn't open minded. 


Was the idea of being his friend...so silly?

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Hearing Cedric’s response to his questions Yukie looked at the vampire who seemed off and less friendly than before. Listening to him speak Yukie felt rather confused on his response as he had been told all vampires were the same and wouldn’t ever befriend hunters or ever consider them more than enemies. The information Cedric gave him hit Yukie like a knife in the chest…and suddenly everything just clicked. Cedric was just as innocent as him in this war between ancestors and it hadn’t clicked until now. 

“Cedric…Cedric, wait.” Yukie said as he got up quickly abandoning his drink, moving away from the table as he reached out towards Cedric grabbing his hand gently.

“I made you upset…I didn’t know…I don’t know why you’re upset.” Yukie stated as he confused and flustered at why Cedric was so upset to the point of leaving.To him he hadn’t said or done anything wrong since he had talked to him like he would his other hunters.

”If I offended you…know I didn’t mean it. I just don’t understand….I don’t understand…why you’re angry at me” yukie replied as his face turned a bit pink in embarrassment as he wasn’t one to be so public. “I really don’t understand why would you want to be friends…or be around me. The whole concept of hunters it seems silly…because hunters make allies…never friends. We talk about how if we were friends who’s parents would hate who…and how they would be upset it wasn’t someone else higher ranking.” Yukie tried to explain having meant no harm by his words.

”I don’t want to disappoint you or end up embarrassing you. The idea of announcing our friendship…it makes me laugh because it’s so silly and human. It’s so strange and unnatural I’ve never known any hunters to be friends with vampires.” Yukie explained as he couldn’t meet Cedric’s eyes ashamed of who he was at times. 

Yukie letting go of Cedric’s hand as he stepped back to stand awkwardly beside Cedric the act alone making Yukie uneasy and flustered as he tried to build up some courage. “I’m sorry…. Cedric…I didn’t mean to hurt you and I wasn’t rejecting your offer of friendship….I just think out of everyone in the school…I don’t feel I’m worthy of your friendship.”

”You’re so kind to everyone and, well you really want to really change things and make the world better…all I’ve done in my existence is add misery to a world you’re trying to help.” Yukie explained as he finally looked at Cedric wishing he would see that the hunter was truly trying. 

Yukie had changed how he treated the vampires since meeting and first talking to Cedric. It had even gotten to the point he had stopped using slurs and his hunters had obeyed his rules on only using the chosen words the school had given them. Even today the hunters had openly been trying to trust them all of them going unarmed and not leaving groups if vampires had joined. Their change was very small compared to the vampires changes…but it was a start. 

“Can we try again….your offer.” Yukie asked as he looked at Cedric before walking back to the table wanting to start over with the offer if Cedric was willing to give him a chance.

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Cedric paused when he felt Yukie grab his hand. He looked back at the human hearing the slight distress in his voice. 


His hand was warm...Cedric had almost forgotten how warm humans were. 


[ “I made you upset…I didn’t know…I don’t know why you’re upset.” ]


Why was he flustered and most importantly why did he suddenly care?


" You don't know why I'm upset?" 


[ ”If I offended you…know I didn’t mean it. I just don’t understand….I don’t understand…why you’re angry at me”]


He blinked at the hunter. Judging by the tone in his voice, he was telling the truth. 

( He's...blushing?)


Why did he like that expression on his face?

He listened as the human explained himself. Stating that he didn't understand why Cedric would want to be his friend and that hunters didn't have friends, but allies. 


" I see..." 



[ ”I don’t want to disappoint you or end up embarrassing you."]


"Why would I be embarrassed?"


[ "The idea of announcing our friendship…it makes me laugh because it’s so silly and human. It’s so strange and unnatural I’ve never known any hunters to be friends with vampires.” ]


"I see... then...shall we be the first. " 


[ “I’m sorry…. Cedric…I didn’t mean to hurt you and I wasn’t rejecting your offer of friendship….I just think out of everyone in the school…I don’t feel I’m worthy of your friendship.”]


" Yukie... you can stop. I accept your apology. It's ok. I'm not mad at you. " He tried to reassure the human, offering him a smile. 


[ ”You’re so kind to everyone and, well you really want to really change things and make the world better…all I’ve done in my existence is add misery to a world you’re trying to help.”]


" Misery?... I wouldn't say that. Your being to hard on yourself. " 


Yukie finally looked up at him. He could see a sort of desperation in his eyes. He really cared about what he thought of him. 


[ “Can we try again….your offer.”]


Cedric smiled at the human, he was kind of glad that this was all a misunderstanding. He was truly intrested in getting to know the foreigner.

" No need... I already consider you my friend, " he said retuning to the table and taking a seat. 

"I look forward to getting to know you better...Yukie. "


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“I feel the same in a weird way I feel comfortable around you something that I haven’t felt around many others at this school. Getting to know you…with some time to work on becoming friends is something I am excited for.” Yukie admitted as he couldn’t help the awkward blush on his face as he looked back to his drink and gently picked up the cup. 

“So, do you have any classes you particularly enjoy in the night class?” Yukie asked trying his best to move past all of his confession of friendship since he was quite embarrassed to be so open with Cedric.

“I…to be honest quite enjoyed the history one I sat in on and my fellow hunters have been catching bits of lectures from the hallway. It’s brought up some interesting dinner and breakfast conversation. Our current household fight is on what exactly your all eating blood wise if it actually looks and feels like real blood or more like wine. Then our other argument is if you guys can even eat human food or…like even taste it, and then there’s the side fight on what your blood tablets taste like and there’s a bet on who would be brave enough to try them” Yukie admitted as he buried his face for a moment in his hands realizing just how much he had talked about openly with Cedric his embarrassment hitting all at once with a groan and an awkward laugh.While Yukie was talking he was also trying his best to not glance up to much at Cedric only to every now and then oblivious to his own actions actively get caught staring at the vampires beauty.

”Sorry, I’m horribly rambling about such silly things…you make me a little nervous if I’m honest and well it…makes me unable to figure out how to stop over sharing anything to keep from sitting in silence.” Yukie explained as he took another sip of his drink to quiet his rambling tongue clearly having been in very few public social settings outside of his hunter dorms, so it was a given he would be nervous.

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Cedric listened as the hunter confided in him, telling him that he felt comfortable around him. This was amazing progress! Perhaps the night class was finally making some headway. He still remembered the first day he met Yukie, he clearly didn't trust him...


Cedric took notice of the innocent blush on Yukies face. Perhaps he was embarrassed for being so honest...whatever the case... Cedric was really starting to like that expression on his face. 


When the hunter asked if he had any classes he enjoyed. He shrugged, taking a moment to think about it before answering. 

"Not particularly..."


Though this was his first time attending "school" He was very well educated and had been living for quite awhile. 


[ “I…to be honest quite enjoyed the history one I sat in on and my fellow hunters have been catching bits of lectures from the hallway. It’s brought up some interesting dinner and breakfast conversation. ]


" Oh? Enlighten me..."


He smiled listening as the human informed him about his current "household fights." He was actually quite happy that he and the other hunters were so curious about him and the other Night Class students. Once they understood them....then perhaps they could progress forward as a society. It is easy to hate what you don't understand....


When the hunter mentioned trying blood tablets. He couldn't help but laugh softly. 

"Ppffhahaha...Is that so..hahahaha..."


[ ”Sorry, I’m horribly rambling about such silly things…"]


"No no...don't apologize...I'm quite enjoying this."


[ "You make me a little nervous if I’m honest and well it…makes me unable to figure out how to stop over sharing anything to keep from sitting in silence.” ]


" I'm sorry I make you nervous...but I don't think your over sharing at all...I'm actually quite glad you and the other hunters have taken such a intrest in how we live.."


He took a sip of his tea before tilting his head to the side. "Lets see...to answer your first question...Blood tablets have all the essential nutrients we need that we'd otherwise get from blood. It does give the appearance of wine. Think of it as...water down blood...if you actually tried some...I doubt it would taste very food to you. "

He grinned. 

" As for human food..we can eat it...but it doesn't really have a taste.... we use to be able to taste and enjoy human food thousands of years ago...but as we evolved...the need and desire to eat human food disappeared...and with it...our taste for it. "


He glanced over at Yukie and frowned alittle...he kept avoiding eye contact with him. Without really think much of it...the Vampire out stretched his hand, and gently touched the humans chin, lifting his head up. 

" There much better...now I can see your face. "


He smiled again...things were going well and Cedric was really enjoying Yukies company. He probably could of sat with the human for the next couple of hours...but this moment would be short lived. 


( Lord...Vladimir....h-help me!!)


The look in Cedric eyes immediately changed. 

" Excuse me, I have to go. " he said it so quickly before practically disappearing in front of Yukie. He headed back to the main campus where he immediately understood what was wrong. He could smell the blood in the air. 


He appeared near the basketball court and approached Lucas who was doubled over on the ground. Panting heavily like a wild beast. Humans had started to swarm him and the human who must of fallen and badly scrapped there knee while playing. 

"Yo L...you ok?"

"His he ok?"

" What's going on?"


"He's fine..." Cedric told the humans as he quickly helped Lucas off the ground. 

" The sight of blood makes him woozy. I'll take care of him... I suggest your friend goes to the nurses office. "


" oh? For real... that's too bad."

"I hope he feels better."


" We appreciate your concern." 


( Everyone...return to the dorms immediately. )

Cedric ordered the other vampires telepathically and they immediately obeyed. 


Cedric quickly walked with Lucas, trying to get as far away from the day class students as possible. As they walked Lucas struggled to keep up. His eyes were glowing red...


He could hear the others thoughts. Lucus was starving. 


Suddenly the red head grabbed Cedric by his collar, baring his fangs. 




The order was but a whisper but Lucas immediately collapsed, allowing Cedric to catch him. 

( That was close....I'm suprised he was able to retrain himself ) 

He picked up his fellow classmate and carried him bridal style. Heading back to the dorms. 


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Blushing even more as his face was gently touched by Cedric Yukie felt like a part of him was bursting inside. Feeling his face and ears burn Yukie couldn’t help the surge of feelings coursing through him causing a mix of confusion and attraction. Pulling away slightly Yukie could only look away in embarrassment as he finally spoke.

“Why would you want to see my face so much?” Yukie asked his voice gently with a slight bit of hesitant on asking as if he was afraid of the answer, but deep inside himself there was an unknown spark of attraction for the vampire in front of him. Building up the courage to ask if he had known any vampires that dated humans…or if that was a thing in his society Yukie was stopped by Cedric’s sudden Excusing of himself. The act itself making Yukie stop as if he felt like he had done something wrong and upset him again. 

It wasn’t until moments later when Yukie received a call from another hunter who was watching from the background.

”Sir! One of the vampires is…something is wrong there’s a student bleeding and he’s…I don’t know exactly. Should we step in he’s looking like he’s loosing it.” Tai asked as he stood back surprised by the sudden appearance of Cedric. “Seems Cedric’s come to fetch him.” Tai informed Yukie as he was on edge at the sight.

”No, don’t…don’t do anything just let them pass through and keep anyone from approaching them. Have two watch them on their way back to the dorms. Just help the student to the nurses office once they leave.” Yukie asked as he gathered his stuff and headed to where they were. 

-a bit later-

Yukie sat on a stood in the nurses office having been waiting on his forms to be signed on the incident Yukie having posted it as an accident that he would later turn into the headmasters office. Letting out a sigh he rested for a moment his body feeling exhausted. 

“Yukie, you okay? You look more pale than normal.” Tai asked teasingly as Yukie shrugged and got up from his spot handing over the papers to Tai.

”Can you turn these in and check on the night class? I’m turning in.” Yukie asked as Tai nodded and Yukie walked back to his dorms only to crash once in his bed not even changing his clothes the poor hunter exhausted from the day.

Tai looked at the papers and then walked to the office leaving them in the in box for the headmaster and after meeting up with another hunter headed down to the night class dorms. Knocking gently he waited for the door to open.


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Cedric sighed as he sat in the common area of the dorms. It was rather difficult to calm the night class students down when they got back. He had put Lucas in his room, and tried his best to calm the other students who had smelt the blood. Despite trying to build their tolerance to human blood, it appears that many of the Vampire students needed alot more practice.

He had sent everyone to their rooms, forcing everyone to turn in rather early for the day ahead. One week down....so many more days to go.

Just when he was about to turn in. He heard a knock at the door. He quickly made his way to the entrance and opened the door. A hunter greeted him. ( If I remember correctly...his name is Tai...)
" Good evening....what can I do for you..."

He was a little bummed that it wasn't Yukie behind the door.

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“Hello, um…I’ve been sent to check on you. Yukie wanted us to see if you were all okay. We wanted to know if there was anything…we could do for something like this next time.” Tai asked as he looked at Cedric and kinda smiled a little awkwardly.

”Yukie was busy with something, or he would have came with us. He wanted us to figure out what you vqmpires would want to do. For us our demanded action is not revealing you and keeping the humans calm while removing any hurt humans. We want to make sure you guys don’t snap and eat them or that we have to fight the humans back for you guys to walk away or get some air” The second hunter explained as he was clearly unhappy with the task and was being quite vocal about it. As he looked to Tai who was the second in command to confirm, as Tai was right now running things in Yukie’s absence.

”Basically we my brother here is saying is that we were given orders to figure out what works for you vampires…so we could in the evenings do some simple practice drills…so we don’t panic like we did today.” Tai explained a little nicer for Cedric as they had all sat down in a mandatory meeting in the evening and had a quick discussion about what had happened, none of them knowing or being prepared for humans getting hurt since they had gone into this thinking the vampires would jump to kill humans the second they got the chance.

“You see… Cedric we all came into this job thinking we would be fighting you every day like it would be war…we all talked about what happened today when we came back to our dorms. Mostly about what each of us dealt with today how to do better…. We all really don’t agree on some things lately or really how things are done still but, we respect Yukie as our leader and his rank, and we are able to do his basic orders for something like this without to much anger or violence between us.” Tai explained trying to be polite as it was clear the hunters were unsure on how to properly act or talk about this with the vampires. 

The two were really  trying to do as Yukie asked despite their different views, but well it was new territory for the hunters. To think and talk about problems with the vampires for starters, it was just as strange to them lately as the act of trying to talk in a civil way among each other.

For the hunters to start to do such a new thing at all and not have it end in a declaration of war to each other or to vampires each time, well it was a huge difficult change for all of them. 

The hunters were now going into each meal together with more questions so there somewhat had been the last few meals less fighting making them act more like friends and family in a strange newer sense of the idea, and since they weren’t always ending things in a fist fights or a fight of slurs they were open to listening to Yukie lately. 

The hunters this last two days, after butting heads with the head hunter (Yukie) were now all actively trying to at least meet Yukie half way on his new rules, even if Yukie himself needed to be a refereed once in a while to help settle fights and grievances between the hunters. 

While it was a very slow and difficult change and there was hard pushback on most new ideas, rules and discussions to each of them this small change was sometimes to hard to handle and to huge at times to understand but to Yukie at least it was something to have them at least listen.

Yukie had before the weekend changed some things, one was  that all of them were openly getting a free voice to explain how they felt at home and around the vampires.  For Yukie it showed to them that they didn’t always just take orders from one hunter like they were raised back home. Getting the option to lately speak freely to Yukie without punishment or fear well it was changing things. Even thought they sometimes would speak about (and to) the vampires with anger and some only in slurs to the vampires and to Yukie, well he was seeing how it was really a hard change for them all. 

Yukie had begun to realize it this free voice act was really something the hunters never would have been allowed to do with their own  families, elders or even other hunters, the four all having been stuck believing such change and freedom could never happen. It wasn’t really until Yukie had asked questions to Cedric that one night that he had realized he could create his own voice.

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[ "Hello, um…I’ve been sent to check on you. Yukie wanted us to see if you were all okay. "]

Cedric blinked at the hunters a little suprised that they were showing any concern...but then again they had come on Yukies orders.  The idea of the pale hunter checking on him and his fellow classmates made him...rather happy.

"Oh yes, of course. "
He took a step outside and closed the door behind him. He would of offered for them to come inside but he assumed they wouldn't want to be in a din full of vampires.

"I appreciate you for coming. "

The hunters quickly informed him that Yukie was busy with other matters and that they were deeply concerned and uncomfortable with what happened today. They wanted guidance on how to act, should something like this happen again.
Having the hunters actually take intrest in this was truly remarkable to him. It seems they were actually wanting to communicate.

They wanted to know what worked best for them.

" I see..."

[ “You see… Cedric we all came into this job thinking we would be fighting you every day like it would be war…we all talked about what happened today when we came back to our dorms. Mostly about what each of us dealt with today how to do better…. We all really don’t agree on some things lately or really how things are done still but, we respect Yukie as our leader and his rank, and we are able to do his basic orders for something like this without to much anger or violence between us.” ]

( Yukie....)
Cedric wasn't sure what to say. This was all Yukies doing? Were they finally making progress...even just a little? Cedric wanted to thank Yukie...whatever he was saying to his peers....it seemed to be working. The hunters were less hostile then before.

" I see...well...I assumed what happened to day was a possibility. I just didn't expect it to happen so soon. In order to keep the peace and maintain order...it was crucial to have a Pureblood attend this Academy. You see...I have certain...abilities that allow me to...hmm...how should I put it....stop my fellow peers from being a danger to themselves or others... i was immediately alerted that Lucas was in trouble...which is how I arrived so quickly. If I'm around...then I can easily calm or stop my fellow classmates from hurting anyone...but....I suppose we shouldn't soly rely on me...."

He paused for a moment, thinking.

" Should this happen again, I think it would he best for the Hunters to get any near by humans to safety.....and in order to help the vampire...it would be best to subdue them until I arrive or they calm down.... You see...many of the Night class students lack the tolerance for smelling blood. I have been working with them but it's an extremely difficult skill to master....Should this situation happen again, it would help if you covered our noses so the smell of fresh blood is dulled."
He sighed, taking a moment to slightly bow before the humans. This kind gesture was unheard of?! A Pureblood Vampire, bowing and showing respect to human hunters?!!

" Thank you for not interfering today and getting that human to safety. I would also like to thank you for coming all the way out here and having this conversation with me. "
He slowly stood.
" Sorry for worrying you. " He smiled.

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“Should we worry about these abilities being used for wrong?” Tai asked the news of vampires having abilities quite a shock to the two as they looked between themselves. They were tense but listened to what to do since they were told to not come back until they had a solution.

”We understand…it will be interesting to see what we will do going forward. We need to figure out how to make students leave without making you all seem….different.” Tai explained as he sighed and thought for a moment. “It’s our job to take care of everyone…even if we don’t like some of the…things….um creatures.” Tai started as he was quickly flustered on the proper wording taking a moment to clear his mind and figure out what to say.

” We are doing this for Yukie…because we won’t be let back in our dorms if we don’t…besides…even if we don’t care for you it’s still our job.” The second hunter piped up being less filtered then Tai. He was trying to help his fellow hunter not cause problems while speaking but he was becoming more tense as he looked away from Cedric feeling uncomfortable just like Tai was starting to.

”Yukie, well…he said we could ask you questions if we had them…and well..” Tai started unsure how to really ask his question. “Fuck it, fuck being nice when speaking…damn it your the only creepy ass vampire that…well…why do you keep doing that bowing shit. Like are you asking for us to kill you or some shit?” Tai asked in frustration as he looked at Cedric quite a bit of tension in his body as he spoke the feeling mirroring the other hunter as they had watched Cedric bow.

To the hunters the act was strange it was unpredictable and well it meant something completely different in their society for them it was a sign of weakness of failure to bow before one’s enemy. Doing such an act would call for your execution in the hunter society proving you were of weak linage and not worth more than the vampires you kill. The act of bowing before someone who wasn’t your head of house or your “master” was essentially groveling for your life.

Yukie of course wasn’t raised by this hunter rule. For him being born and raised overseas he knew the act as a respectful one and one of honor. This was often the reason he clashed with his fellow hunters…he had been raised completely different from them and in a way if made some question if that’s why he had been brought and forced into the school.

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“Should we worry about these abilities being used for wrong?” Tai asked, the news of vampires having abilities appeared to be quite a shock to the two of them.

Cedric glanced at Tai who seemed rather fearful of his abilities. He shook his head.
" I try to avoid it..."

[ ”We understand…it will be interesting to see what we will do going forward. We need to figure out how to make students leave without making you all seem….different.” ]

" I'm sure you'll think of something..."

Cedric nodded in agreement. Tho he was growing tired of how the hunters kept stressing the safety of the humans and the fact that Yukie was practically forcing them to behave.

[ "We are doing this for Yukie…because we won’t be let back in our dorms if we don’t…besides…even if we don’t care for you it’s still our job.” ]

" I appreciate the reminder. "

Out of all of his siblings he and his older brother were known to behave very well when it came to their tempers...but for some reason...Cedric couldn't help but feel slightly irritated by the two men in front of him.

[ ”Yukie, well…he said we could ask you questions if we had them…and well..” ]

Cedric waited to hear the man's question...only to be suddenly insulted for trying to be respectful.

[ “Fuck it, fuck being nice when speaking…damn it your the only creepy ass vampire that…well…why do you keep doing that bowing shit. Like are you asking for us to kill you or some shit?” ]

" I see....so in your culture...bowing is disrespectful...hm..."

He covered his face. His eyes turning and glowing red.
" Hunters...I think it's best we end this conversation here... " He looked at the two men...his gaze was probably rather terrifying for a untrained hunter. He was finally showing them a glimpse of his true nature.
" I apologize if my eyes frighten you... I've just grown tired trying to hide myself. I will never bow to any of you again...and if you ever speak to me like you just did now... ( looking at Tai who cursed at him) I will make your life a living hell at this Academy. "
He smiled.
" If you'll excuse me...goodnight."
He slammed the door. Groaning in irration.
( Mother...lend me your patience....)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

As Tai and the other hunter began to walk back from the night class dorms... a dark figure began to emerge from the forest. Alarmed the two quickly went for there weapons...only to pause seeing Asuna slowly step forward. She was wearing a pretty purple dress, her pink hair in pig tails...she looked so innocent...almost like a doll.
" Are you crazy! What are you doing out here?! We could of kill---"
Asuna slowly walked towarded the hunters who were now gripped with unshakable fear.

In seconds the hunters fell to their knees. Tears streaming down their face and bodies trembling uncontrollably. One even wet themselves, while Tai found himself vomiting.

In seconds...they saw their lives flash before there eyes... one moment everything was fine...the next... they were beheaded like helpless lambs sent to the slaughterhouse. To them...the vision of there sudden gruesome deaths would feel and seem so real....

Asuna glared at the two pathetic hunters looking down on them.
" I don't like the way you spoke to Lord Vladmir."
She muttered. She knelt down to Tai...who was a complete mess.
" If I ever hear you say something so foul to Lord Vladimir again... I will haunt your dreams...and make you wish you were dead."
She gently pocked the boys cheeks. Being playful, but by the tone in her voice, she was being serious. She eyes were glowing too, just like how Cedric's eyes were mintues ago.
" Do not forget that all the Vampires here follow Lord Vladimir...and that this is his families Academy. We only play nice for his sake...not yours. You keep thinking we are level Es...but your clearly not trained to deal with real vampires....You insult us...So... use tonight as a friendly reminder...ok? That we are the superior species...and that we could kill at any moment if we truly wanted to...Your lucky Lord Vladimir is so forgiving...I on the other hand....am not..."

And with that, the girl suddenly disappeared in the night...releasing the men of whatever trance she had them under...but it would take a couple of mintues for the two hunters to collect themselves and calm down...they had just witnessed there deaths.

Asua was an aristocrat...and had abilities that had been passed down to her for generations...one of them...was dreams and...she could see the future...though she didn't have full control of all her abilities yet...she could be quite terrifying if she wanted to be. Againest a women like her...you weren't even safe in your sleep.

If she wanted to...she could drive someone mad...haunt them for hours...days...until committing their own death would be the only way they found peace.

Asuna has sent a clear message to the hunters.
1) Do not disrespect Cedric
And 2) The vampires were only behaving because of Cedric...not because they feared the hunters or what they might do.

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When the hunters had finally made their way back the commotion and backlash that had happened from their outing sent the hunter dorms in a frenzy. 

Between the three vampires they were all arguing and fighting even worse amongst themselves, showing just how quickly their kind could become uncivilized and turn on each other. With all the screaming and fighting about what had happened it had woken Yukie who wasn’t pleased.

The head hunter had gone to bed early for a good reason. Yukie had become sick, something that was quite common for him since he had been born rather frail and often when overworked or stressed, well it was know to cause him to collapse from exhaustion. 

Standing in his doorway he was in no mood for the hunters shit and promptly smacked them all upside the head with his house slippers until they shut up and sat before him on the floor so he could sort out the mess. After about an hour of talking and scolding he sat in a chair and covered his face.

”Seriously….it was one task you two! One damn task. Go and be polite and ask some questions.” Yukie groaned out as he couldn’t help the cough that shook his body as he fixed his face mask trying to keep from infecting the others. “I’ve explained over and over that it’s respectful to bow like that…just because you are raised like feral hunters doesn’t mean you can act like it just because I’m gone.” Yukie grumbled as he got up with a sigh.

”wait…where are you going? It’s late. We already talked to the doctor he said you should take it easy and stay in bad for a few days…you’ve had such a fever for the last four hours” Tai asked as the three followed Yukie not liking the anger and unease that came off of him.

“I’m going out. Seems like I can’t take days off to heal because I’m babysitting your asses…You three will pack your shit, and while I’m gone I’m going to think of how to make you all realize that this fighting shit is going to end between us.” Yukie replied with another exhausted cough as he grabbed his jacket not bothering to change out of his pajamas. Slipping on his shoes he grabbed his phone and walked his ass down to the night class dorms before loudly knocking on the door.

Standing outside he waited shivering slightly as he couldn’t help another deep cough escaping his lips. “Fucking dumbasses…can’t do simple paperwork or even basic errands.” Yukie grumbled as he knocked again on the door wanting to talk things through with Cedric, hell he had a plan for his hunters. He had angrily stormed the whole way here thinking of what would help the situation… but depending on what happened…Yukie was worried if they would even talk to him he was so unsure of what to do past this point other than grovel for forgiveness.

Yukie had came to the dorms without much thinking into being unarmed, he had not even came wearing thicker clothing mainly because he was so sick he forgot…but also because in a weird way he trusted Cedric wouldn’t intentionally hurt him because the vampire had only ever shown him kindness.


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(Please ignore first post I timed out editing some of my writing :3 )


When the hunters had finally made their way back the commotion and backlash that had happened from their outing sent the hunter dorms in a frenzy. 

Between the three vampires they were all arguing and fighting even worse amongst themselves, showing just how quickly their kind could become uncivilized and turn on each other. With all the screaming and fighting about what had happened it had woken Yukie from a deep deep sleep, the hunter now groggily awake wasn’t pleased by what he was hearing and seeing.

The head hunter had gone to bed early today for a good reason. Yukie had become suddenly sick, something that was quite common for him back home since he had been born rather frail and often when overworked or stressed it made him sick and at times…well it was know to cause him to collapse from exhaustion. 

Standing in his doorway he was in no mood for the hunters continuous shit and promptly smacked them all upside the head with his house slipper that he removed from his foot.

Once they shut up and sat before him on the floor he easily sorted out the new mess. After about an hour of talking and scolding and the threat of and other slipper to the head he sat in a chair and covered his face in pure embarrassment and exhaustion.

”Seriously….it was one task you two! One damn task. Go and be polite and ask some questions. Give me a break tonight, learn how to get alone and who your new friends should be…we’ve had no issues all week!” Yukie groaned out as he couldn’t help the cough that shook his body as he fixed his face mask having slipped it on once things had calmed down as he was trying to keep from infecting the others if he actually had a cold.

“I’ve explained over and over that it’s respectful to bow like that… hell its so kind and honorable for him to be so nice! I mean just because you are raised like feral hunters and have no common sense doesn’t mean you can act like there’s no progress or rules between you all just because I’m gone for a few days!” Yukie grumbled as he got up with a sigh.

”we…wait…where are you going? You shouldn’t leave it’s late. Besides boss the doctor he said you should take it easy and stay in bad for a few days…you’ve had such a fever for the last four hours” Tai asked worriedly as the three followed Yukie not liking the anger and unease that came off of him from their mess.

“I’m going out. Seems like I can’t take days off to heal because I’m babysitting your asses…You three will pack your shit, and while I’m gone I’m going to think of how to make you all realize that this fighting shit is going to end between us and them!” Yukie replied with another exhausted cough as he grabbed his jacket not bothering to change out of his pajamas. Slipping on his shoes he grabbed his phone and walked his ass down to the night class dorms before loudly knocking on the door.

Standing outside he waited shivering slightly as he couldn’t help another deep cough escaping his lips. “Fucking dumbasses…can’t do simple paperwork or even basic errands without fighting.” Yukie grumbled as he knocked again on the door wanting to talk things through with Cedric, hell he had a plan for his hunters as punishment. He had angrily stormed the whole way here thinking of what would help the situation… but depending on what really happened…Yukie was worried if the vampires….no if Cedric  would even talk to him he was so unsure of what to do past this point other than grovel for forgiveness.

Yukie had came to the dorms without much thought into being unarmed, he hadn’t even come wearing thicker clothing mainly because he was so sick he forgot…but also because in a weird way he trusted Cedric wouldn’t intentionally hurt him because the vampire had only ever shown him kindness.

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" Tea Lord Vladmir?" 

Cedric offered a smile to Asuna. " Yes please...thank you." 

He was sitting in the common area near the fire place, while Lucas and Eric played a game of chess across from him. Most of the students were wondering around the dorms...since many of them didn't require sleep, but it was quite and rather peaceful tonight. 


Even though Cedric was reading his book, he found it difficult to focus or comprehend what he was even reading. He was distracted. 


He wondered if he had done the right thing. Perhaps he shouldn't have said anything to the hunters. They were probably more afraid of him now...


Suddenly.... his attention shifted to the door. Someone was here?




His fellow vampires looked at him as if he knew who was behind that door. He glanced up at the clock in the room...it was two in the morning. Who could be knocking on there door at this hour? "Don't worry...I'll get it.." 

He slowly stood, hearing the person knock loudly on the door again. Who ever it was seemed rather frantic. 


When Cedric opened the door, his was surprised to see Yukie. The hunter was dressed in his pajamas. He looked tired....sickly. 

" Yukie?... What's wrong? "

He quickly opened the door for him. 

" Please come inside... your shivering. " 

He turned to Asuna. 

"Asuna! Bring a blanket and another cup of tea. "

" Yes. Lord Vladimir. "


Asuna couldn't help but feel extremely nervous. Cedric didn't know about her encounter with the hunters just hours ago...Had Yukie come to reprimand her...or worse... Cedric?


Cedric helped Yukie inside, guiding him to the fire place so he could get warmer. 

" You have a fever...you shouldn't be here Yukie. Especially at this hour...why have you come?"


Cedric couldn't hide the concern in his eyes as he gently touched the man's forehead. How long had he been sick?

"Please..have a sit." He must of been exhausted walking a mile and half here in the dark. 


Asuna came back into the room with a fuzzy red blanket and a cup of Camilla tea. She gave Yukie a nervous smile, offering him the items. 

" You don't look well...Yukie...." She said softly, sounding sad. 


" Must suck to be a human....such fragile Immune systems." Lucas muttered. 

" Not now Lucas..." Cedric snapped at him. 

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Yukie of course nodded and came inside grateful for the welcome in as he was lead to a warm fireplace and to a chair. Sitting down he couldn’t help the deep cough that hit his lungs the act of breathing feeling like it was burning and suffocating. Apologizing for the cough Yukie was glad for the mask covering most of his face the human still somewhat ignoring his illness, and the fact that it was getting worse. Hiding behind the mask Yukie was grateful for the item as Cedric gently touched his head making his cheeks burn bright pink from the man’s kindness.

Yukie well he knew he could easily brush his sickness off as a small cold if needed to the vampires…since he had done it so casually back at the dorms for the hunters. 

Yukie couldn’t have fooled the hunter doctor, the doctor having immediately saw through Yukie’s lies since he had dealt with Yukies sickness once before while traveling with him overseas. Yukie at the time while traveling wouldn’t admit it, but the act of traveling and the stress of the vampire and hunter war had thrown him back into a harsh repetitive sickness when he became stressed. To him though this was something that had been quite common when he was a child and continued being common as he grew up. So he had become rather numb to the whole thing.

“I’m fine Asuna, thank you for the tea and blanket. Honestly it’s a small cold I just need to rest for a few days. Colds for humans are regular occurrence…most often get sick when living in close quarters with others. Honestly I get colds so often in the warmer and colder months so no need to worry.” Yukie mumbled with a small smile, his voice kind as he spoke of his half assed lie as his body to him unknowingly melted into the blanket having not realized just how cold he had gotten outside. 

Taking the tea he just held it while looking at the vampires before him not sure where to start. “I’m sorry for bothering and waking you up if I did. I came here to speak to Cedric…alone….if that’s okay.” Yukie asked gently as he looked at Cedric his eyes showing just how serious the talk he needed to have with him was. “I don’t mean to be rude though…but it’s easier for me to grovel for an apology on behalf of my hunters for their words earlier today without such a huge audience. Not only that I would like to discuss something they told me and well offer a solution to some problems You mentioned earlier too.” Yukie offered as he looked back at his tea taking before removing his mask and took a small sip. 

Yukie once his face was revealed couldn’t hide the rampant fever painted on his face. Taking another sip he looked down at his tea almost distracted by the fact he somehow had acquired tea since he was a bit out of it. “This tea is nice. You made it really nice Asuna the smell and flavor is good…what kind is it.” Yukie asked almost completely distracted by the drink in his hands.

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