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DARK SINS ( Sosuke0549 & Yukonwolfspirit )


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The vampires stared at Luca and Taichi as they yelled and chased each other, playing on the roof top. 

Cedric sighed, shaking his head. 

"Well...seems they are still lively as ever. " Eric smiled. 

"I hope he doesn't fall.." Asuna muttered. 

"Who cares.." Lucas said, rolling his eyes. 


There attention turned to the door as Olive greeted them...

"It's good to see you again," Cedric said softly. 


The vampires entered the hunters dorm, alittle surprised to see it rather empty as they were all doing a deep clean of the building. 

"Ugghhh...it reeks in here.." Lucas complained. The smell of cleaning supplies and chemicals making him nauseated. 


Despite them being there the hunters continued to clean. Ignoring Cedric's presence...


They were literally in the presence of a Pureblood.... he was practically royalty in vampire society...but to the hunters...they didn't seem to care. This is what angered Asuna, Lucas, and Eric to no end. 


"Tch...are these humans stupid?" Lucas hissed. Irritated by there lack of attention and respect. 

Cedric lightly padded his head.

( There custom and courtesies are different from ours...its fine...)

He spoke to the red head telepathically, trying to calm him.

"Olive... its imperative that we speak to everyone...immediately...including Yukie...please go wake him."


The vampires waited...tho Asuna, Eric, and Lucus were worried for Cedric. He was too kind and forgiving. To think he stuck out his entire family name in order to protect and free mere humans...ones that didn't respect him...and ones that had ploted to kill him....they didn't understand it. 


They still didn't trust the Hunters....especially Yukie.



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  • Yukonwolfspirit


  • Sosuke0549


“Oh yeah. No….worries I can go wake him.” Olive replied with a small worried smile as she set her stuff down and went off to the bathroom the room dark as night and covered in all of the bedding of the house. Speaking softly she walked into the room gently talking to Yukie and letting him know that Cedric had come to visit and talk to them along with Asuna, Eric, and Lucas. “We would really like it if you came out for a bit…” Olive asked as she shut the door quickly behind her not even thinking about the vampires that could hear her at the moment.

”Nmgh…” Yukie groaned out as he moved under his blankets his eyes looked at Olive from under his mountain of blankets and pillows. The last two weeks had been pure hell for him. Coming back here it had been hard to cut back even a little and after the first week of trying to detox with Taichi’s help again. Yukie had been so afraid of everything and himself…that all he could handle right now was a half a day without dosing or drinking himself to death. “…I feel sick…and look like hell. Mmh…I’m not exactly good company.” Yukie mumbled half awake as he slowly sat up his hair an unusual mess and his body looking so worn and sick due to the heavy detoxing and side affects of of his self destruction the last two weeks as he struggled trying to get back to his old normal self.

”How about this. I’ll make you some tea, maybe you’ll want some cake also and I can give you your daily allowance of drugs and alcohol after they leave as apologies for waking you.” Olive offered cheerfully as she offered Yukie a choice that allowed him to get some desperate pain relief at the end.

“You can’t lie to me and say you don’t want to see him…we all have been caring for you for weeks at home. We know everything between you two.” Olive reassured Yukie as she gently kissed his head and got up. “Come out. Just for a few hours and see them, you can sleep again when they are gone and I’ll make dinner.” She offered softly as she walked out of the room and shut the door behind her giving Yukie time to gather himself.

”…Look, I’m just saying he’s been in there for two damn weeks Taichi, he’s struggling he’s just not going to come out because we asked him to. You’ve seen how he looks now…at what point is enough, enough? How long do we wait before we have to call a doctor? I mean at least calling his grandfather and letting him know he’s sick and to come l visit this evening was the right medical choice here even if you don’t approve of them being around each other. I mean logically the school would be calling him anyway.  You know our only other option is Cedric talking to him and begging him to help, the vampires are still pissed at us…so that’s not really an open option or anything we can ask right now .” Luca hissed his voice low as they came inside the house this being their fight earlier as the two came inside  to join Lucas and Olive the both of them covered in dirt and scuffle marks. 

The four hunters awkwardly stood in the living room a little uneasy as they stared at the vampires who were in their home. “…where….is the house?” Yukie asked gently his voice scratchy and groggy as he stood outside of the bathroom confused by the lack of furniture around him. Rubbing his tiered eyes that had deep dark circles under them it was clear Yukie had not slept explaining his groggy stare, as he took in the scene before him he slowly processed the house really having Cedric and the night students in it like Olive had said. 

Yukie looking away from the group after staring for what felt like to long, began fo move to the kitchen as the hunters watched him not use to him being out and acting or even in more casual clothes the deep grey sweater being new. The sweater that Yukie wore was a gift from Olive after the vampire attack to keep him warm and hide the wounds so he wouldn’t see them as much. The sweater made of love that once fit so nicely months ago, was now almost hanging off of Yukies body. Yukie while in the suit wouldn’t have shown it much but he had lost quite a bit of weight due to the stress of the last month starting from the vampire attacks, to his grandfathers pressure in killing Cedric, and his new deep addiction to alcohol and drugs. 

Looking in the kitchen Yukie quietly made his way to the table helping himself to a cup of tea before coming back to the living room again. Taking a small sip he looked at Cedric curious why they were all there and wanting to visit.

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Cedric heard Luca and Taichi entire conversation, despite them whispering. It was hard for anyone to say anything without a vampire in the room not hearing it. However, he said nothing and waited until everyone was here.


However when his eyes fell on Yukie...he was hit with a wave of sadness. The boy he once new seemed no where to be found. Yukie looked exhausted and sick...and he had clearly lost alot of weight. He wasn't taking care of himself. 


For a moment...Cedric wondered if he should of done something sooner....if only he had known...


It was rather awkward with everyone standing in a empty room, but he never thought the Hunters would take the liberty of doing a deep clean of their dorms. 


It had been two weeks....he hadn't seen Yukie in two weeks, the last time they spoke was the night when Cedric kissed him...and when Yukie hugged him goodbye...now...Yukie couldn't even greet him. 


" My apologies...for coming here while your cleaning...and while you were resting Yukie." 


The vampires around him, stared at Cedric with pain in there eyes. Why....why was he like this?!


"I have alot to tell you...so please allow me to finish speaking before you ask me questions. "

He looked back as Asuna.  


The pink haired girl nodded and handed Cedric a stack of papers she had been carrying. He looked back at the hunters. 


" Here...these are your release papers..."

He said softly, handing a paper to each hunter, one by one.

" While I was away...I met with the Hunter Association....Each document is signed and stamped with a seal of approval from each of the members of your former council...from this day forward...you are all free from the Organization. You report to no one...you belong to no one....you are free..."

He then reached in his pocket and pulled out a massive silver coin that took up the palm of his hand. On it was Cedric's family crest, a long with Cedric's name engraved on the back. 

" These are my gift to you....each of these coins have my name and family crest. It is for your protection....you can show this to any Hunter or Vampire.... even Human...and they will know that you fall under my protection. Please do not lose these. "

He said, giving each Hunter a coin. 

"As of now...I kind of left the Hunter Association in shambles since all eight of your members suddenly resigned... I doubt you'll be hearing from any of them." He laughed alittle.

"Oh...and there's one more thing..." 

Cedric pulled out a document with a gold Hunter Association seal on it and blood signatures.


"As of today...there is a new organization. In order to prevent further crimes against vampires by misguided Hunters...I had the Hunter Association draft up a new doctrine. Creating the Veil Alliance...With your prior leaders approval, a blood signature by a Vampire Elder and funding from my family, there should be no question to this documents authenticity." 


His eyes fell, as he continued to speak. 

" You are all free to leave this Academy...should you choose...however...I would also like to offer a invitation for you all...to join the Veil Alliance. "


"W-what?! Lucas huffed. His eyes glowing red. 

"Lord Cedric!" Asuna gasped. 


" If what you told me that day is true....the day you all told me about your dreams and your aspirations to co-exist to vampires...then the Veil Alliance...will be the place to do it...no?"


He glanced over at Yukie. 


" As for your Grandfather....the Hunters needed someone to place the blame on for conspiring to kill a Pureblood...and well...since your free...that only left your Grandfather....he's now a wanted man by hunters and vampires alike. Unfortunately he managed to get away and is now in hiding...but when he is found...he'll be sentenced and executed for his crimes...."

He looked away. 


" You can hate me if you'd like..."

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“We are always glad to see you.” Olive reassured Cedric with a warm smile as she stood beside Yukie a little more. As Cedric spoke the four hunters looked down at the papers confused and unsure of what to make of the amazing guesture.

As they were told what happened and of their freedom they each received the coins in their hands the whole while being silent as each of the four glanced at Yukie for guidance. Yukie, was silent as he listened…the hunter only stepping back behind Olive more as Asuna approached, Olive in response smiled kindly at Asuna and held Yukies paper and coin alongside hers. Yukie the whole while focused on his drink so as to not meet the vampires eyes and to keep his distance from them for his own sanity and to not make the vampires feel uncomfortable if he did start to feel panicked.

Listening to Cedric explain his offer and then explain that Yukies grandfather was now a wanted man well they could only look at Yukie who had told them nothing of his grandfathers crimes or the fact Yukie had been involved in such a guesture.

”Hold on…wait, the man we called this morning…that man who spent hours kindly speaking to Yukie and inviting him out to visit for a few weeks…he’s a wanted man? Yukie…why did you talk to him if….Why didn’t you tell us all of this!” Taichi asked his voice full of deep hurt and burning anger as Yukie refused to speak to him and stared into his drink giving them the cold silence they had grown accustomed to the last two weeks when they had tried to ask questions. 

“Taichi.” Olive warned instantly defensive at how angry Taichi was getting with Yukie as she glared at him shutting down any further talk for now about that subject.

”Cedric, this offer…to join your Veiled Alliance-what would it even mean or consist of?” Lucas asked as he and Luca looked over the items at hand the two speaking more for the whole group in questioning what a future meant working for Cedric.

”…We most likely won’t be treated like we were under the hunters thumb. There is the question of rules and our jobs….our place in the school and if we all choose to stay for schooling as students or as…well we aren’t even hunters now.” Luca added as they were all rather ambushed with the information and all trying to make sense of it.

”I don’t think Cedric’s group approves…of us being granted this though.” Taichi added having caught the clear anger from Luca’s and Asuna at the four being offered the opportunity. “We might be stepping on toes…not only that we know nothing of how your society works we might cause problems.” Taichi told the group as he stood beside the four.

”I…don’t hate you.” Yukie finally spoke up to Cedric as he looked at the Vampire his eyes showing honesty as he spoke. Yukie while he was detached lately from everything…due to how he was feeling it didn’t mean his own mind wasn’t taking in everything they were told. “Thank you, for doing such a kind thing for us.” Yukie added as he sipped his drink finally. “…They obviously have questions can you…answer for them.” Yukie muttered out trying to speak out for the four to make sure they were heard since he knew he could speak privately with Cedric at a later date.

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Despite all the good news he was delivering to the Hunters... Cedric couldn't help but take notice in the humans strange reactions, especially Yukies. He hide behind Asuna, letting her take the documents and coin for him...and even tho Yukie was really in no postion to lead, the hunters kept looking to him for guidance. 


( He's...not even looking at me...) 


Cedric thought to himself. He remembered a time when Yukie...couldn't stop staring at him...how odd that he was actually missing it. 


[ ”Hold on…wait, the man we called this morning…that man who spent hours kindly speaking to Yukie and inviting him out to visit for a few weeks…he’s a wanted man? Yukie…why did you talk to him if….Why didn’t you tell us all of this!”]



Cedric's eyes widened slightly as he glanced over at Yukie.... It seems Yukie had a habit of leaving things out and uninforming people. Oddly enough Yukie reminded Cedric of himself...they both had a tendency to shoulder the world's problems on their shoulders. He could hear the anger and hurt in Taichi's voice...but Olive was the one to gain control of you situation while Lucas asked the important question...what would their lives be like now if they joined his Veil Alliance. 


When he asked for more in depth details about his proposal he tried to smile. 


[”…We most likely won’t be treated like we were under the hunters thumb. There is the question of rules and our jobs….our place in the school and if we all choose to stay for schooling as students or as…well we aren’t even hunters now.”]


" No...your position in this world would be...extremely new and difficult..." He spoke honestly. " If you wanted to maintain your role as students, then that can be arranged..."


[ ”I don’t think Cedric’s group approves…of us being granted this though.” ]


Cedric bit his lip, struggling to smile. He sighed. 


" This is...a very delicate and unique situation."


He was trying his best to keep the peace...but it was hard when people kept intrupting him and letting their feelings speak for them. 


[ “We might be stepping on toes…not only that we know nothing of how your society works we might cause problems.” ]


" You think?" Lucas glared. " Anything else you'd like to fucking say that's obvious." 

" Lucus..." Cedric shot a glare at the other.




[ ”I…don’t hate you.” ]


Everyone's eyes fell on Yukie as he finally spoke. Cedric slowly looked away. He may not hate him...but he definitely feared him. 


[ “Thank you, for doing such a kind thing for us.”]


Cedric didn't look at Yukie...but the rest of the vampires stared at him. 


 [ "They obviously have questions can you…answer for them.” ] 


Yukie specifically asked Cedric...but right now...the pureblood was feeling overwhelmed. 


" I think...it would be best to end this conversation here...Everyone needs time to process all of this...and address their emotions." He sighed. 

" I will set time aside to meet with each of you individually to answer any and all your questions... As of right now I'm at a disadvantage with everyone's distain and lack of trust..." 

He turned to Lucus, Asuna, and Eric.

" Please wait outside. "

The vampires nodded, quickly leaving the hunters dorm. Once they were gone and Cedric was alone with the hunters, he turned his attention towards them, slipping his hands in his pockets. 


" Given everything that has happened...It would be foolish to blindly trust you... but now that you are free from the hunters....free from their corruption...I trust that you can all make sound decisions for yourself vs blindly following orders... I saw a problem...and my solution was to create an organization to protect vampires from the hunters....... I did not have to free you...but I did so...because what your organization was doing to you...was wrong...and I had the Hunters spare Yukie...because I know...he is a good person who was delt a cruel fate...moving forward however...your fate is now yours...your actions are now your own...so I will forgive your deception...." 

He turned to Yukie... 

" I will forgive your attempt to kill me... But head my warning...now that each of you follow your own path...if you dare try to cross me...or the student's and vampires at this school...or get in the way of what I'm trying to create...I will kill you." 


He glared at them. " My trust will not ge given to you should you stay...it will have to be earned... My kindness will only go...so far...I will give you all and week to make your decisions...you either stand with me...and be apart of the solution...or you will stand against me and be apart of the problem..." 


And with that... Cedric turned to leave, quickly closing the door behind him. He didn't want to hear what anyone had to say....he just needed to make himself clear. 


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“Well, we looked like a shitshow.” Yukie finally piped up after the vampires had left the four looking at him before groaning and letting out some tense laughs.

”fuck now he speaks, could have done that sooner ya dick?” Taichi asked as he sighed and playfully grabbed Yukie the five all heading to the kitchen to talk about their futures and options.

-hours later of tense discussions while cleaning and putting the house back into order-

”I think, I should step down giving you advice…. I keep saying I’m alright but, I’m not. I’m not fit to keep leading you until I fix myself.” Yukie admitted as he stared at his hands still playing with the coin Cedric had given him. “We have a break coming up on Saturday. You should all go home and decide your futures with your family. Make sure they are included and there’s no loose ends to get anyone hurt.” Yukie added as he looked at the four before him the group having become such a strange and close family to him.

”You’ve already decided, haven’t you. You’ve  made up your mind on your future then?” Taichi asked as he looked at Yukie who shrugged but nodded in a sense to show he had an idea in what he wanted even if everything else was still unsure.

”Alright, we will be back in two weeks enough for us to get our affairs in order by the time school resumes we should have our answers.” Olive explained as the group had all decided to figure out what they wanted and to do that they needed to step outside of the school and really soul search.

”If you don’t answer though I’m going to endlessly send food orders to the vampires to check on you.” Lucas playfully warned Yukie who could only chuckle at the idea of the vampires getting endless pizzas.

”I’ll be better about talking to you all. I know…I’m not in a good place but I’ll be okay.” Yukie promised the group as he held the coin tighter in his hands the feeling of being abandoned overwhelming but well the hunters needed to take a break to go home and figure out their lives outside of the roles they had been forced in. “Besides don’t think I don’t know that Taichi is going to let Cedric know you all are taking a two week break to think over his offer and that I’m staying here.” Yukie added as he rolled his eyes at their worry knowing the four to well.

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Cedric sighed as he sat by the window in his bedroom, watching the sun set. He was tired... so much had happened...and he didn't quite understand his feelings....however him going out of his way for others...was nothing new. He placed his forehead againest the cooling glass.

So many thoughts racing through his head...but in all honesty...the pureblood was depressed.

He hadn't expected such reactions from the hunters... and he wasn't expecting Yukie to be so distant with him. And he couldn't help but notice that none of the hunters appeared to be happy by the news of being free from the Hunters.

"Come in..."

He muttered, sensing someone at his door.  He glanced over seeing Eric. Without a word, he looked outside the windows again.

"...Are you...ok?"
Eric asked softly, slowly approaching him. Cedric sighed.
"No...but I will be..."
Eric bit his lip and sat on the windowsill next to his friend.
"Lord Cedric....do you want to talk about it? What's bothering you?"

Eric knew him well... they did grow up together as kids...so it was hard to hide things from him. He always knew when Cedric was pushing himself too far or spreading himself too thin.
"...I'm not sure....I want to do this anymore..." He said softly. His voice sad.
" I just...never imagined how difficult this would all be...My parents...it feels like they are fighting for a dream that...doesn't seem obtainable...and if its...not possible...for humans and vampires to co-exist...then why...continue...why am I...following a dream...that I will never see..."

Eric fell silent for a very long moment. He had never heard so much uncertainty in Cedric's voice before.

"P-perhaps...you just need some encouragement..."

" You know as well as I do...that I can't go to my parents..."

" Can't ? Or won't?"

Cedric rolled his eyes.

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Yukie sat outside taking in the fresh air as he played with his phone having wrote over and over again what he was going to text Cedric. He was unsure of how he felt about everything that had happened and well in turn he had chosen to sleep off his pain and reality to figure it out. Letting out a small sigh he typed out his text again the words a touch hard to write out let alone even ask since he knew he had no right to ask anything of Cedric.


~Cedric, if you’re not busy and it’s not to much to ask. I was hoping we could meet up for coffee alone, or I could stop by for a bit and talk? I have something to give you and would like to inform you of our plans that have been decided.


Letting out a nervous sigh Yukie pushed send the text feeling to rushed and uncertain for him since he wasn’t use to text much. As he looked up at the clear sky Yukie held the packet of papers a little closer to his body as he watched the other hunters load up their bags and personal items in the car the four heading out to sort out their affairs back home. 

Yukie would of course keep them in touch about everything between him and the new role they were looking into joining if they chose to do so. For him though he had already decided to stay by Cedric’s side, despite his many questions he felt strongly about the world he wanted to help create if he could.

Edited by Yukonwolfspirit
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[ Next Day ]

Cedric sat at his desk, going through a mountain of paperwork. So much needed to be done now that he had become a leader of a new organization. He had finally received the blueprints for a new building. He was in the middle of reviewing the plans when he felt his phone vibrate.

Curious, he took a moment to check his phone. It had been weeks since Yukie texted him...

He read the text and sighed. He wrote a reply.

( You are welcome to come by anytime. I have alot of work to do today, so it'll be hard to leave my desk. )

He lied. He wasn't lying about the amount of work he had to do...but he was lying about not being able to leave his desk. In the past he had always made time for Yukie...no matter what it was...he had always stopped what he was doing to help him...but now...he just couldn't do it anymore. He had decided to distance himself, given everything that Yukie has been though....it was the best option for both of them.

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-Okay. I’ll be over in five minutes. I need some…vampire advice, also….Thank you.-

Yukie quickly texted as he sat in the Hunter dorms the house having felt so alone and empty the last two weeks as the four hunters had gone home to figure out their futures. The sudden text had been a surprise and well he hadn’t expected Cedric to ever reply. While he had been alone for the first week it was Taichi who had been the first to come back after the first week only to check in on Yukie, and we’ll ask a huge favor of him so Taichi could finish what he had always wanted to do to move froward unhidden in society.

Yukie during those two weeks was a little hurt that Cedric had taken so long to answer his text and while He tried to ignore the feeling of Cedric not wanting him around it stayed on his mind more than he would like to admit.  He openly welcomed any distraction to being ignored by the vampires…and being alone only to be greeted with another vampire.

-Two days prior to the text-

”His bites aren’t bad. He drinks blood tablets right now. I packed everything you’ll need.” Taichi explained as he set up the small portable crib and looked at Yukie. “You don’t need to do this if you’re uncomfortable.” Taichi added as he stood in the doorway still holding the squirming six month old in his arms the child identical to Taichi but very much a vampire.

”We will be fine. You’re forgetting there’s a whole house of vampires I can ask for help if I need it. Take your time off go make your intentions known to your families…and get married…have a damn honeymoon before you finally join me back at work.” Yukie reassured Taichi as he was handed over the baby the infant snuggling into Yukie for a moment. “Don’t forget the others will be here in a week or more. They all called saying they wanted to join the alliance.” Yukie reassured Taichi who smiled and nodded the hunters all excited for the new lease on life.

-Current time-

Yukie yawned as he stood in front of the vampire dorms after knocking loudly the man gently rocking back and forth as he held Viktor warmly under his jacket the child wrapped quite comfortably. Yukie had brought with him his bag of papers to give Cedric along with, basic baby supplies for Viktor. He had only planned to ask some questions on vampire child care and hand over the paperwork he had gathered over the last month, the papers being every hideout his grandfather had along with those he hired, and others in his treason ways that Yukie’s grandfather had documented the task alone being a huge pain in the ass.

“Alright, just a few more minutes and I can figure out how make you some proper food~ cuz maybe that’s why your so angry and fussy~ maybe I can even ask how to help with your teething cuz you hate every option I’ve given you~” Yukie talked sweetly to Viktor the man looking down at the fussy child who kept up his chewing on one of Yukies fingers the bites having over the last two days slowly numbed Yukies fears of being bitten again and the constant care of the child having also greatly helped his confidence around vampires again.

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Eric was the one who opened the door. He blinked at Yukie surprised to see a baby in his arms. He titled his to the side...
"You're here to see Cedric..yes? He's in his room. Upstairs. Take a left...and it's the door at the very end of the hall way." He said softly. Though it was obvious how intrigued he was by the baby in his arms.
" May I ask...where this baby came from?"

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“Thank you, oh! Well this little cutie is Viktor, Taichi’s son he’s just turned six months. I’m just babysitting while they are away trying to create some peace between their families. They didn’t want him to be in the crossfire and around all the yelling and fighting.” Yukie admitted as he showed Eric the baby a little bit more the infant wide awake as he stared at Eric Yukie resuming allowing Viktor to chew on his finger having become rather fond of the infant.

Walking inside Yukie continued to rock Viktor who only grumbled and fussed a bit. “He’s been teething a lot though…kinda put him off his blood drink stuff I thought I would ask you if it was the same as tablets…or like something else.” Yukie explained a little tiered as he started off towards the stairs carrying the bag with his free arm the half empty supplies in his bag he had packed to ask Cedric how to get more, and since he told Taichi he could trust him with Viktor he was determined to figure out what more he could do for Viktor.

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Eric stared at the baby. "You don't say..." he said softly. Not expecting Taichi to be a father, let alone have such an adorable son. 


When Yukie mentioned someone about teething and the baby taking blood tablets he shook his head. " If he's a vampire...then he will need human blood...especially at this age..." he nodded his head, gesturing for Yukie to head up stairs. 


" Cedric is expecting you..." 


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“Oh…that’s quite interesting.” Yukie mumbled as he hadn’t thought that much into Viktors food.  Gathering himself up more Yukie headed up to where Cedric was gently knocking first before letting himself in. “Sorry for intruding, or interrupting I know you’re busy but this will only take a few minutes.” Yukie started as he shut the door behind him and looked at Cedric sitting at his desk.

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Cedric could sense the human approaching a mile away, but what confused him was the tiny additional heart beat that was with him. When he heard a knock at the door, he looked up from his desk, telling Yukie to come in.

When they ex Hunter did he was suprised to see him holding a baby. " I see you brought a guest. " He said softly. He slowly stood and left his desk, approaching Yukie. "You look well....I'm glad." He turned his attention to the baby in Yukies arms.
"...a human and vampire half breed...I'm assuming this is Taichi child..." He said softly.
"He is quite adorable...I'm guessing he put you in charge of looking after the little one?"
He slipped his hands in his pockets, looking back at Yukie.
"What did you want to talk about?"

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“I feel a lot better, been trying hard to get better.” Yukie admitted as he adjusted his hold on Viktor. “Yeah, this is Viktor. I’m watching him while Taichi and his wife settle things with their family before he works for you. They wanted him away from the fighting and safe since their families don’t really know about him yet. They are kinda tying up loose ends they said they would text me pictures of the wedding and such.” Yukie explained as he looked at Cedric before blushing a small bit feeling a touch shy being around him again.

”well I had some papers for you. It took me awhile to really figure things out, with my whole world changing so much and so quickly…it was hard to find my footing. I’ve decided I want to take your offer if it’s still there. Regardless if your offer still stands, I also wanted to right my wrongs I did for vampires…I’m not entirely blameless when it comes to what my grandfather was creating and I want to atone in any way I can.” Yukie explained as he dug around the well packed diaper bag and pulled out a very thick envelope holding it out for Cedric to take.

“I used my last bit of hunter pull to get these documents before leaving the society for good. Every place located in here is where my grandfather could…or would be hiding along with all of the hunters that follow his way of life and teachings, I pulled as much info as I could on each hunter to make them easier to hunt down. I should warn you that you might find more than hunters when looking into his hideouts…I remembered at one point…that they talked about how they kept level E’s tucked away. I never really connected why they would or what they were doing.” Yukie explained as he had after the other hunters left fully gone back to the hunter society to pull everything he could before his Grandfather had gotten wise enough to delete everything.

“The old world hunters had a seperate system for this stuff. It wouldn’t have easily shown up if you searched for this info not unless you knew how to get past the security stuff.” Yukie explained as he felt a bit of shame it had taken him so long to figure himself out and to see how much he had hurt the vampire society and how backwards his thinking had been as he helped out his ‘elders’. He truly regretted his part in hurting Cedric, vampire society, and those around him and he had vowed to try to atone as best as he could.

”….I um also…do have a question about you guys in general on food. Eric said the babies drink human blood I um asked if I needed to get more blood tablets for Viktor when he ran out. But, well do I need to like get blood from a hospital….or would mine work? Could he take from my veins or do I need to feed him another way…is that not allowed or frowned upon in your world would I be causing him to be an outcast if he did drink my blood? I-I’m sorry I didn’t think he would be so hungry to burn through what they packed” Yukie admitted a bit flustered as he blushed even deeper completely embarrassed to be so naive to this simple care task as he looked down at Viktor who grumbled getting fussy again. It had been a tough few days and Yukie had been trying his best to care for Viktor as he didn’t want to let the kid down or his parents.

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Cedric listened as Yukie explained to him the situation and why he had Viktor. He smiled softly hearing that Taichi would be getting married. 

"I see. Good for him.."


He said softly, but when the conversation shifted to Yukies grandmother his demeanor changed. He was honestly surprised that Yukie was going to be taking him up on his offer. After everything he'd been through....Cedric assumed that the human would want to get as far away from vampires as he possibly could. 


Cedric took the document's from Yukie, thanking him. Hearing that Yukie wanted to right his wrongs was...encouraging. Though hearing about how Yukies grandfather had other connections and probably incarcerated feral vampires made his stomach turn...he tried to hide his distain. 


The only reason someone would keep a level E around would be for experimentation...now Cedric was alittle worried about what he might find. 


 [ “The old world hunters had a seperate system for this stuff. It wouldn’t have easily shown up if you searched for this info not unless you knew how to get past the security stuff.” ]


" I appreciate you doing this...I'm sure your information will be extremely useful. " 


He titled his head slightly as Yukies demeanor seemed to change. Looking hesitant. 


[ ”….I um also…do have a question about you guys in general on food. ]


" I see....what is your question?"


[ " Eric said the babies drink human blood I um asked if I needed to get more blood tablets for Viktor when he ran out. But, well do I need to like get blood from a hospital….or would mine work? Could he take from my veins or do I need to feed him another way…is that not allowed or frowned upon in your world would I be causing him to be an outcast if he did drink my blood? I-I’m sorry I didn’t think he would be so hungry to burn through what they packed” ]


Cedric smiled. " My my....you have alot of questions. " He chuckled alittle. 


He had never seen this side of Yukie before. Much less a human so worried and flustered over a half breed. 


"May I ?"


He slowly reached for the child, and waited for Yukie to hand him over. When he did, he tenderly held the baby boy to his chest. 


" Even though he is a half breed, it is important for him to drink blood. Human blood to be more specific, since it has the most nutrients. I would refrain from giving him blood tablets since they were created for adults....we haven't made anything for young children quite yet. " He said softly, gently stroking the baby head...he seemed to calm down in his arms. 


" If you went to a hospital asking for blood...it would be a rather odd request...that is why it's important to have connections...and because he is so young and half human....his fangs haven't even fully developed yet. I recommend you feed him warm human blood from a bottle. "


He said softly, he slowly returned the child to Yukie...Viktor was now fast asleep.


" The rule is for us vampires to refrain from biting humans...but if you have a willing person...and you both consent...then there isn't really a problem. However purebloods are forbidden from feeding from humans...since our bite...can turn you into a vampire. "


He slipped his hands into his pockets again. 

" I will have Asuna get some blood for you...try to alternate between feeding him blood and milk...so he doesn't become more reliant on one or the other...."


"Since he's a half breed...he'll be able to blend into human society much more easily...as for vampires accepting him...that might be a little difficult given that his father was a Hunter. " 

He spoke truthfully. 




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[" I will have Asuna get some blood for you...try to alternate between feeding him blood and milk...so he doesn't become more reliant on one or the other...."]


“I heard one of the twins discussing that the market of blood tablets was only for adults, he found it strange….kinda made him question what the kids do for food.” Yukie admitted his voice amused by the fact that such a high society hadn’t pushed for more inclusiveness on blood tablets for the younger generations. Watching Cedric care for Viktor Yukie unknowingly blushed red at the scene finding this side of Cedric quite attractive much more than the rougher sides he had seen the past month. Yukie couldn’t help the small rush of feelings as he as was seeing Cedric’s kind and caring nature again something he had grown rather fond of while Cedric had been visiting him while he was healing.

“I’ll make sure to alternate between the two thank you he probably will be quite happy to have something other than formula.” Yukie admitted with a light chuckle as he carefully took Viktor and slipped him back into his warm coat. As he moved and checked on the sleeping child he looked at Viktor deeply sleeping clearly smitten with the adorable child.


["Since he's a half breed...he'll be able to blend into human society much more easily...as for vampires accepting him...that might be a little difficult given that his father was a Hunter.”]


”I don’t like hearing them called halfbreeds…it feels wrong it’s no better than the names we called thr vampires in the beginning when we joined this school. The word itself feels just as cruel, it’s not like Viktor chose who his father was…he shouldn’t have to live life condemned for his father’s actions.” Yukie spoke back not liking the fact that someone so innocent would be rejected so harshly based on his bloodline.

“It- it’s nothing better than what my grandfather would say about hunters marrying outside of who the elders chose. He never liked those who didn’t stick to the rules and traditions… Viktor should be given the chance to be himself…not what everyone thinks he should be based on some status due to who he came from” Yukie finished as he looked at Cedric his eyes upset as his feelings were much more bold and honest then before as he felt very strongly about his new change in views. Yukie he truly had taken time since to dive into things he had been kept from by his own fucked up society and well, it had really open his mind to the world and its injustices.

”The other Hunt- the others should be back to the dorms by dinner time tonight. They have all finished their work and have sorted things out minus Taichi who’s taking extra time off for a short honeymoon…If you’re free sometime in the future, I would appreciate it if you stopped by to explain our new work roles and everything with it. Until we know what that is we will only be going back to our studies. We won’t patrol or anything until we have permission to again” Yukie explained to Cedric as the ex hunters didn’t want to step out of line.

Edited by Yukonwolfspirit
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  • 2 weeks later...

Cedric gave the human a small smile, as he questioned him as to why vampires hadn't made blood tablets for children. There were many reasons as to why....but he found it difficult to explain it to Yukie...


" It's...not that simple.." was all he said. When he called Viktor a half breed, the pureblood was rather suprised by the humans response. 


[ ”I don’t like hearing them called halfbreeds…it feels wrong it’s no better than the names we called thr vampires in the beginning when we joined this school.]


Cedric held his tongue...trying to hide his irration. 


[ The word itself feels just as cruel, it’s not like Viktor chose who his father was…he shouldn’t have to live life condemned for his father’s actions.”]


Cedric wasn't quite sure how he felt about Yukie. In the beginning he had enjoyed his company...but after the chaotic chain of events and how he constantly asked thoughtless questions...it was becoming harder and harder to be around him. 


He kept telling himself that Yukie was just ignorant and needed guidance....to stay open minded...especially now that he was a free man. The hunters no longer had a hold on him anymore so....perhaps...things would be different. 


" I only speak the truth..." he said softly. 


But Yukie continued, as if he needed to defend the child in his arms right here, right now. So he simply listened...letting him say what was on his mind. To his suprise...he appeared to be deeply upset. 


To think, Yukie use to hate vampires...now...a handful of months later...he was holding one, and defending it as if it was his own kin. Perhaps it was because it was Taichi's baby and that's why he felt so connected to it. 


He glanced at the sleeping baby. 


[ ”The other Hunt- the others should be back to the dorms by dinner time tonight." ]


" I see..."


[ "They have all finished their work and have sorted things out minus Taichi who’s taking extra time off for a short honeymoon…If you’re free sometime in the future, I would appreciate it if you stopped by to explain our new work roles and everything with it. Until we know what that is we will only be going back to our studies. We won’t patrol or anything until we have permission to again”]


 " Id be happy too..." 


His attention turned to his bedroom door, he could hear someone approaching, and judging by the foot steps, it was Eric. 

( Don't knock, come in.) He spoke to the blond telepathically. He was worried that the sound would wake the baby. 

Suddenly, Cedric's door opened, and Eric stepped inside, bowing slightly. 

" Lord Cedric..."

"What it is Eric..." His friend looked rather distraught. 

"I just...received a letter addressed to you...it's from my grandfather. " 

He sighed softly. 


As if he didn't have enough to deal with. He reached out his hand as Eric quickly handed him the letter with pretty green wax, sealed with the Sterling family crest. 


He turned to Yukie. 

" It seems I have just become more busy..." He smiled. 

" I will stop by the dorms later this evening to discuss your new roles. If you'll excuse me...I need to read this.."


"Eric, will you please escort Yukie and Viktor. " 


" Of course. " Eric bowed again, gesturing Yukie to come closer as he opened the door for him. 


This....was only the beginning....



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“I do hope you make sure to take some breaks for yourself. I know it’s not my place but overworking yourself can cause even the strongest of us to break.” Yukie added as he looked at Cedric worried for him but well he was an outsider. Now being thrown out of the hunter society and not apart of the vampire society…he had no right to be standing here or feel a sense of belonging or reason to tell Cedric how to live. Looking away he gathered up his things and followed Eric before stopping at the door. 

“If you ever…wanna talk or need a friend, my door is always open.” Yukie offered as he continued to follow Eric out and back home. Once outside he stopped and looked at Eric refusing to move until he talked to the other vampire. “You all are taking care of him right? Making sure he eats and such?” Yukie asked gently as he held Viktor close a touch more worry on his face about Cedric then he had shown back in the office.

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Cedric chuckled hearing Yukie lecture him about overworking. The two were practically cut from the same cloth when it came to people relying on them. Infact he remembered a time where the roles were reversed and Cedric was lecturing Yukie, telling him to take better care of himself. 

" You needn't worry~" he said softly as he headed back to his desk. He did however pause when Yukie stopped in the door way, speaking to him one last time. 


["If you ever…wanna talk or need a friend, my door is always open.”]


He nodded, a faint smile on his face, however..

The moment the door closed behind Yukie and Eric, his smile quickly faded. 


Yukies words had been far more comforting then he had ever imagined. 


He thought back to the day they went to the café. How they talked so freely...how happy he had felt when someone else saw... just how tired he was. He had confided in him that day....


Cedric wanted to trust him again....he was just....scared to...


He was bottling up so many emotions...it felt like he was slowly going insane. 


Being a Vladimir....wasn't easy. There were only a handful of people you could trust. But if Cedric was being honest with himself...deep down he was missing the friendship he had with the former hunter and how he use to tease him. 


( People can change... I know that....so...what is this....feeling?....)


He ran a hand through his hair. What Cedric was feeling was an emotion he'd never felt before....fear....fear of being hurt again. Fear of betrayal. 


- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Just as Eric took Yukie outside the dorms, the boy stopped dead in his tracks. There eyes met, and to his suprise, Yukie looked rather serious. 


[ “You all are taking care of him right? Making sure he eats and such?”] 


Eric averted his gaze, sighing. 


" I wish it was that simple..." He muttered. He crossed his arms, his eyes falling to the baby Yukie had in his arms. 

"Lord Cedric is the type of person to put other people's needs above his own...and often interferes in other people's affairs...he can't help it...but I think he saves people...because deep down...he wants to be saved...tho...none of us...myself, Asuna, or Lucas have figured out how to do that quite yet.." 

He turned away. 

" I havent seen him eat or sleep in weeks. He was so preoccupied with saving you and the others...that he hasn't really focused on anything else. And now that he'd been selected to run this new organization...he's been working non-stop. "


He bit his lip looking back at Yukie.

" I have seen Lord Cedric help many people...humans and vampires alike...but please believe me when I tell you...I have never seen Lord Cedric go to such great lengths to save you and your friends....when he found out the truth, when you told him the truth...he was hurt......I had never seen him so distraught before.....he cares about you...even now..."


He smiled, beginning to walk. 


" What is he doing here...." Lucas muttered as he emerged from the forest. He had just finished his rounds, checking to make sure the Academy was safe and protected. 


" Lucas ~ Your back. I'm assuming everything is alright?"


"Yeah..." he said, glaring at Yukie. He glanced down at the baby in his arms. 

" Is that yours, you sure work fast." 

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[“I haven’t seen him eat or sleep in weeks. He was so preoccupied with saving you and the others...that he hasn't really focused on anything else. And now that he'd been selected to run this new organization...he's been working non-stop.”]

”I see, we’ve been putting him through hell…so much so he’s overlooking his own needs.” Yukie replied his voice full of guilt as a deep rock of guilt settling into the pit of his stomach as he looked at Eric grateful for his honesty since he had no reason to be honest with his question’s.

[" I have seen Lord Cedric help many people...humans and vampires alike...but please believe me when I tell you...I have never seen Lord Cedric go to such great lengths to save you and your friends....when he found out the truth, when you told him the truth...he was hurt......I had never seen him so distraught before.....he cares about you...even now..."]

Hearing Eric talk about how Cedric cared so deeply about him to be distraught over his problems…it broke Yukie inside a little. Looking away from the vampire he sighed and adjusted Viktor in his arms before walking alongside Eric again.

”I…I came back because I found…I have feelings for Cedric, the feelings are still mixed and confusing. I know I can’t act on them, it would hurt him more so I’m just happy to live by his side…to work alongside him…but I worry I’m someone that wouldn’t be good to have by his side. Cedric’s  position in society is almost like a prince…I know others…they frown upon vampires like Viktor…I could only imagine how they would see me…or look at me having feelings for him. I don’t think I could ever admit how I feel or even ask to exist more than just alongside him. I don’t feel I could ever act in the way I desire…especially with how much trouble I caused him. It doesn’t help that I’m an ex hunter.” Yukie admitted feeling troubled by his feelings and seeing how close Eric was to Cedric well he wanted to see his thought on it or how he should proceed to keep from hurting Cedric more. “I’m afraid to hurt him, to be hurt…I’m afraid I’ll relapse and he will see…or I’ll lose my nerve and be afraid of vampires again.” Yukie admitted pouring out his fears a little as he had wanted to desperately talk to Cedric but well everything felt so off and out of place Yukie had never felt such feelings for another before.

He had never fallen deeply in love before now.

As Lucas popped out of the trees Yukie couldn’t help but visibly flinch and protectively hold Viktor closer more out of surprise than fear of Lucas.

”Unless his parents die first then he’s not mine, even then I wouldn’t be the best family he belongs with Vampires. I’m just babysitting, Viktor is Taichi’s. I came to ask for help from you guys in caring for him…I didn’t know if giving him my blood for awhile would get him in trouble” Yukie explained as he showed Viktor to Lucas a little more showing absolutely no resemblance to the child. “Despite my want for a family again one day, think it’s best my bloodline ends with me its done enough damage as it is.” Yukie added as he sighed already feeling Viktor moving and waking up the infant fussing already in anger for his next meal.


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Eric listened as Yukie told him about his feelings for Lord Cedric, he was alittle suprised that the human was comfortable enough to suddenly confide in him, let alone express his romantic intrest in Cedric. He bit his tongue...not really sure if he should comment on the matter...


[ “I’m afraid to hurt him, to be hurt…I’m afraid I’ll relapse and he will see…or I’ll lose my nerve and be afraid of vampires again.”]


" I see...." he said softly. This wasn't really his place, so Eric wasn't quite sure what to say or do. Did Yukie want his option? Or did he simply want him to listen?


 For once Eric was extremely grateful to see Lucas.... the man had saved him form this awkward conversation. 



[ ”Unless his parents die first then he’s not mine, even then I wouldn’t be the best family he belongs with Vampires. I’m just babysitting.]



Lucas rolled his eyes. When Yukie told him that this child was Taichi's, he laughed. 

" Seriously? Ppfffhahahahaha...." He sighed. He found it comically that a hunter slept with a vampire. 


[ “Despite my want for a family again one day, think it’s best my bloodline ends with me its done enough damage as it is.”]


" I completely agree." Lucas chuckled. Eric shook his head, nudging him. 

" Stop it...don't be rude.." 


Lucas shrugged. "What...he said it..." He looked back at Yukie. "If all that shit you said to Eric is true...then you should offer yourself to Lord Cedric" 


"It's honestly the very least you can do, being a source of nutrients to the very man that saved your life..."


Lucas glared at Eric and shoved him, his eyes turning red as he looked back at Yukie. 

"If you have nothing to live for...the least you could do is submit yourself to Lord Cedric...maybe then the rest of us would trust you.."

Eric suddenly slapped Lucus across the face. Stunning the red head. Eric turned to Yukie, a sad expression on his face. 

" Forgive him...forget what he said...he's just...in all bad mood..." 


"Tch...." Lucas rolled his eyes and quickly turned to leave. 

"Please go home..."




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Yukie was shocked by Lucas’s words. The truth and painfulness of them ringing in his ears as he took the verbal lashing. It hurt, to be still seen as nothing and as only a tool for someone else. Yukie had felt that way his whole life and even now he couldn’t avoid it. Looking away as Lucas left unable to meet his eyes Yukie couldn’t help but fall deeply silent unable to mask the pain on his face at Lucas’s words.

….would I even be worthy enough for him to kill….I do owe him my life…it would atone for my sins, it would be a small bit of repayment for all he’s done…. Yukie thought to himself as he looked at Eric once Lucas had left the man’s words sinking in so deep that they were ripping at his heart.

“I can go back alone from here. I’m making dinner tonight for the three that are back home. I don’t want to let them down, you should head back and make sure Cedric eats something and takes care of himself. Thank you for escorting me this far.” Yukie replied firmly as his voice which seemed slightly happy fell quite flat and one would say depressed. Adjusting his bag he muttered a small goodbye to Eric before walking quickly back to the dorms alone to try and hide the stinging tears hitting his eyes and running down his face.

He had been firmly rejected…in his feelings on possibly being accepted by Cedric not only that he had been humiliated on his feelings. The whole conversation leaving a deep bitter taste on how much he didn’t deserve or belong in their world. Yukie had thought that they now he would have a chance to be friends with the night class that he could at least try and earn a place alongside Cedric’s side. He had done everything he could to atone and well…he felt so small right now.

Yukie felt embarrassed by the feelings that hit him so quickly after Lucas left. Yukie felt so stupid for thinking he could confide in Eric…to even think they were somewhat able to be friends. In the moment he deeply regretted trying to ask what he should do to ask Cedric if he felt the same. 

Now, all he wanted was to go home and cry himself to sleep and hide away from the vampires that seemed to forever hate him. Holding Viktor close he just walked back not even thinking just knowing he needed to get home, and once there he shut the door quickly behind him before looking up to keep his tears falling even harder.

”….hey, welcome back.” Olive replied as she smiled and held up a tasty looking cake having brought dessert for everyone arriving tonight. Looking over at her Yukie couldn’t help the small sob that ripped through his chest at seeing a small fraction of his family again. Olive confused looked at Yukies tear filled eyes and then down to Viktor and for a moment was trying to make sense of things.

”so…you’ve been busy?” She asked carefully as Yukie let out a small pained laugh and shook his head no in response as he just broke down only to be enveloped into a deep hug by Olive.

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Eric couldn't help but frown when he saw Yukies demeanor change. He could feel the human quickly pulling away. 


[ “I can go back alone from here. I’m making dinner tonight for the three that are back home. I don’t want to let them down, you should head back and make sure Cedric eats something and takes care of himself. "]




[" Thank you for escorting me this far.” ]


He bit hit lip, and for some reason, found himself grabbing on to Yukies shirt, stopping him briefly. 


"I'll go...but...don't take Lucas's words to heart. I'm serious....As for how you feel about Lord Cedric...that is something you should tell him...not me... Its not my place...to give you any sort of advice..." 

He said softly before releasing him. 




- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 


Cedric glanced over at his bedroom door, sensing someone approaching. By the sound of the foot steps, he could tell it was Eric. 

"You may enter." He said softly. He was sitting by his bedroom window, staring up at the night sky. He found the stars....somewhat comforting and beautiful. 


Eric entered his room, and slowly closed the door behind him. 

"Yukie has returned to the dorms..."

Cedric nodded, not looking at him. He continued to blankly stare out into the night. 

"L-lord Cedric...have you eaten?"


He sighed. Shaking his head. "No...forgive me...I've just been very busy....but I'm not hungry right now..." 


Eric nodded, biting his lip. He wondered if Cedric....felt the same way Yukie did? 


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