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You can't be a bitch to an orc without a lewd mark! Vol. 2 (ボイスドラマ「オーク相手に淫紋なしでメス堕ちするわけないだろ!後編」)


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On 11/7/2024 at 9:58 PM, reyyy said:

I can't find the downward arrow beside download button to download as ZIP file, can somebody help?

you in the right way

click that button sis and it will automatically download to your phone.
make sure you already log in to mega

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  • 2 weeks later...
7 hours ago, jisookim said:

When I type the password it tells me that the password is wrong even though I type it correctly because I copied it HappyHalloween

maybe you have space before/after "HappyHalloween" . You can try by typing manually

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1 hour ago, YuikiYaya said:

ربما لديك مساحة قبل/بعد "HappyHalloween" يمكنك المحاولة بالكتابة يدويًا

It's the same password I copy and paste it but it says wrong password 💔😔

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On 28/10/2024 at 11:53, YuikiYaya said:

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Título:オーク相手に淫紋なしで メス堕ちするわけないだろ!後編¡No puedes ser una perra para un orco sin una marca lasciva! vol. 2


Fecha de lanzamiento: 24/10/2024


¡El popular manga doujinshi "No puedes ser una perra con un orco sin una marca lasciva!", la serie Orc x Prince, ya está disponible como drama de voz! ¡
La intensa y dulce vida sexual de dos razas diferentes se reproduce perfectamente en audio!

Volumen 2 De los libros 2 y 3. El príncipe que se casó con una orca pasa sus días felizmente, recibiendo la adoración de su amada todos los días.
Para apoyar a la persona que lo ama de todo corazón, decide estudiar magia. Mientras lee,
el orco mira por encima del hombro y ve lo que está escrito en el libro que ha elegido: "Cómo dejar embarazada a un hombre".
"¿Quieres tener hijos?", pregunta el orco.
"Sí", responde sin dudarlo.
¡Y así comenzó su sexo salvaje y lleno de ahegao para hacer bebés!

El príncipe y el orco se están adaptando a la vida familiar ahora que están felizmente casados y han tenido una hermosa descendencia juntos.
Ahora que son un poco mayores, es hora de volver al trabajo.
No podrán verse durante un tiempo, pero el príncipe promete poner buena cara mientras su marido esté fuera...
¡Pero noche tras noche, su cuerpo no puede evitar anhelar el placer que sabe que le proporciona esa gruesa polla de orco...!

[Lista de canciones]

"01 Parte 2"
Pista 1: Marca lasciva y primera noche de embarazo (23:24)
Pista 2: Nueva familia (8:36)
Pista 3: Encuentro con demonios y gran felicidad (21:12)

"02 Charla libre"
Charla libre (10:33)


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CV : 

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"Gardenia/Príncipe Orco"
CV: Hatoman Gunso
Personalidad: Devoto, perfecto
El príncipe del Reino Orco. Tiene un pene enorme. Es atrevido y tiene un corazón bondadoso. Está casado con Peruru y vive una vida pacífica.
En su noche de bodas, cuando deciden tener un hijo, él se sorprende y se excita por el atuendo lascivo que usa Peruru...!


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"Peruru / Príncipe humano"
CV: Ichiyaka Ai
Personalidad: Tsundere, valiente
El príncipe del reino humano. Mientras lucha valientemente por su país, es capturado por orcos enemigos.
Para concebir un hijo con Gardenia, finalmente es marcado con la "marca lasciva" por su magia.
¿Qué será de Peruru, cuya sensibilidad ha aumentado varias veces debido al efecto de la marca lasciva...?


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Puedes comprar trabajos originales en DLsite 

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Libro 2

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Libro 3

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La mitad del libro 2 está en el vol. 1 del CD ¡Drama!

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POR FAVOR NO COMPARTA FUERA DE ESTE FORO. Si desea que vuelva a subir el enlace, ¡envíeme un mensaje directo!

Hay un error al escribir el nombre del Seiyuu de Gardenia, el correcto es Hatoman Gunso.
Lo siento, subí esto a la 1 am, por lo que puede haber algunos errores tipográficos que no se puedan corregir. :msn_emoticones_de_zorro_rojo-09:

De todos modos, feliz Halloween a todos y nos vemos en unos meses. :msn_emoticones_de_zorro_rojo-10:

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hello, please could you upload the download link again? it can't be downloaded 

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On 10/28/2024 at 1:53 PM, YuikiYaya said:

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Title : オーク相手に淫紋なしでメス堕ちするわけないだろ!後編
You can't be a bitch to an orc without a lewd mark! Vol. 2


Release Date : 2024/10/24


The popular doujinshi manga "You can't be a bitch to an orc without a lewd mark!", the Orc x Prince series, is now available as a voice drama!
The intense and sweet sex life of two different races is perfectly reproduced in audio!

Vol 2 From Book 2 & 3. The prince who married an orc spends his days happily, receiving adoration from his beloved every single day.
In order to support the person who loves him wholeheartedly, he decides to study magic. While he is reading,
the orc happens to look over his shoulder and see what is written in the book he has chosen - "How To Get A Male Pregnant".
"You want children?" the orc asks.
"Yes", he answers, with no hesitation.
And so began their wild, ahegao-filled baby-making sex!

The prince and the orc are settling into family life now that they are happily married and have made some beautiful offspring together.
Now that they are a little older, it's time to get back to work.
They won't be able to see each other for a little while, but the prince promises to put on a brave face while his husband is away.
...but night after night, his body can't help but crave the pleasure he knows that thick orc dick provides...!

[Track List]

"01 Part 2"
Track 1: Lewd mark and first night of pregnancy (23:24)
Track 2: New family (8:36)
Track 3: Demon meeting and great happiness (21:12)

"02 Free talk"
Free talk (10:33)


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CV : 

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"Gardenia/Orc Prince"
CV: Hatoman Gunso
Personality: Devoted, perfect
The prince of the Orc Kingdom. He has a huge penis. He is bold and has a kind heart. He is married to Peruru and lives a peaceful life.
On their wedding night, when they decide to have a child, he is surprised and aroused by the lewd outfit that Peruru wears...!


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"Peruru / Human Prince"
CV: Ichiyaka Ai
Personality: Tsundere, brave
The prince of the human kingdom. While fighting bravely for his country, he is captured by enemy orcs.
In order to conceive a child with Gardenia, he is finally branded with the "lewd mark" by his magic.
What will become of Peruru, whose sensitivity has increased several times due to the effect of the lewd mark...?


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You can buy Original Work From DLsite 

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Book 2

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Book 3

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Half of book 2 is on vol 1 CD's Drama!!

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PLEASE DONT SHARE OUTSIDE THIS FORUM. If u want me to reupload link, DM me!

There is a mistake in writing the name of Gardenia's Seiyuu, the correct one is Hatoman Gunso.
Sorry I uploaded this at 1 am so there might be some typos that can't be fixed. :msn_red_fox_smilies-09:

Anyway, Happy Halloween to everyone and see you in a few months :msn_red_fox_smilies-10:

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The link is dead….I’m so late I need it plsssss😭😭😭

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