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[Anime] The Pure and Proper Sexual Affairs of Schoolboy - Track 3


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I’m temporarily back with some horny/smut stuffs as usual.

This series is made as an anime out of the audio work "The Pure and Proper Sexual Affairs of Schoolboy Yuto-kun and His Friends”, which is already shared by another member of the forum. It has totally 5 tracks; I only share track 2, 3, 4, 5. Enjoy!


Release date: Jun/22/2024

Cast: Hanasaki Kouji / Rainy Onion / Oono Ken

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·  From now onwards, the link will be lasting for 1 week and removed without prior notice

·  I will re-up at my discretion, depending on how many expectations and how behaviors left under my threads. Your comments will be quoted in re-uploading then

·  Some of my files were randomly modified with sound effects that may let me realize in case it is reposted elsewhere

·  To anyone who managed to download this, please enjoy yourself. DO NOT re-upload/ re-share my files anywhere (even inside the forum). If you want to re-up/re-share anything, kindly use on your own purchase and make sure that you can prove it 

·  I’ve made my humble efforts to keep sharing on this forum regardless of unexpected incidents that I’ve been well-versed and observing in those, so please understand and follow these basic rules. Thank you & enjoy!


Please read my common shared links below to prepare your quota transferring/ DL apps or IP connection/equipment changes ‘cause I don’t have time & capacity to create both links for every shared file

·         File <100MB, only Mega

·         100MB < File < 500MB => 2 options (Mega & MediaFire in some cases)

·         Video version with size > 600MB, only MediaFire

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I honestly just download without reading and the moment I heard it I was like WAAAAAAIT I know this!!!! 

It's one of my sort of messed up favorite cd dramas 


Thank you so much 

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3 hours ago, yaomi-chan said:

I honestly just download without reading and the moment I heard it I was like WAAAAAAIT I know this!!!! 

It's one of my sort of messed up favorite cd dramas 


Thank you so much 

Hmm, I'm glad you recognize and love it. Enjoy! 

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