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៙BL Mint Kiss ~Writer Contest~៙


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M I N T K I S S ✼




✼ Grapic by


✼ Organized by


✼ Approved by



✼ I N F O ✼

After being rich on contests for

graphic, artists, video making,

we decided that it's time to make a contest

for people who loves to write.


This month we will have a new theme set

and it's - "Mint Kiss".


You have to present your masterpiece,

which describes love between two males.

It's up to you how you will interpret "Mint Kiss".,

so show us your imagination!




✼ R U L E S ✼

Minimum 400 words, maximum 600 words.


Only stories are accepted, no poems.


The story must be rated as for 16+


No racism, no religious topics, no animal/child abuse.


Love must be between two males.


Title of the story is up to you.


Post the finished work on this thread.


Read the rules once again.



✼ P R I Z E S ✼

    1,500 points for all that applied

    5,000 points for the winner + a Manga cover card from the iShop



✼ D E A D L I N E ✼

Starts: 04.06.2013

Ends: 30.06.2013

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Wow, a contest. I'll give it a try. Though, I'm not that good at English and this work may look like a joke, but still...



The spark of the Hope and the start of the Hell


Noisy street, loud people, dazzling breeze, tall buildings and...my heart. Yes, my scattered heart. Everything is the same.


As usual I sat on the red roof of my so-called home watching all this empty play. Unfortunately (or maybe fortunately?) even now absolutely everything is the same. Really... people are so boring. They copy from one another, they live exactly as everyone else, they say one, but think another. There‘s no secret, I‘m like them, too.


Though, today everything, to everyone is the same, it isn‘t for me. Because it‘s the last time I‘m watching this meaningless play. This is just the matter of time. Really quickly I’ll be surrounded by silence. All my pain, sorrow, guilt will vanish into this loud fuss. These well known yet sore feelings will leave me and find someone else to torture. I’ll escape from this world. However, I’m not planning to flee from other minds at all. I’ll make it a big shock to everyone here.


They live just for themselves. Their problems, dreams are the most important to them. They ignore and avoid everything that is troublesome to them. They don’t give a damn whether I live or die. They don’t give a damn if anyone lives or dies. But even their cold souls won’t ignore my last performance. They’ll remember it forever.


I stood up, took a few steps closer to the edge. I felt how blood runs out of my cut wrists.


Goodbye my love. I’m so sorry for making you suffer all this time. I hope that you’ll find your loved one and be very happy… much, much more cheerful than me in this frigid world. Don’t worry, I won’t trouble you anymore.


Hello, Nina, my dear victim. I guess I’ll join you. Then I’ll apologize to you for making fool out of you, for abusing you so I could just plunge in with everyone else. Yes, I had never loved you and never will. I’ll love just him. It’s not because you were a girl and he’s a boy. It’s just that I love him, but not you.


Let’s see. I have nothing to think anymore… Yeap, this is the end.


I took a deep brief and closed my eyes waiting impatiently for the last blow. Suddenly I felt how somebody clasped my waist and dragged me back.


“Are you an idiot?”


I coyly took a look and saw two green sad yet scared eyes full of tears, his eyes.


“You… Let me go! How did you get up here? What’re you doing in my house?” I screamed hopelessly.


I know for sure that if he be with me, I won’t be able to let him go.


“This is none of your business! What are you doing here? Huh? And what’s with the wrists? Are you nuts?”


“No…. are you nuts? Why can’t you leave me? You know my feelings. So, why are you still insisting on hurting me? If it’s out of pity that you’re acting like this…. Stop it!”


Suddenly I felt how his soft lips touched mine. This kiss…. was so gentle, so long. It smelled like mints. Then he took a few steps back and said the words which I’ll never forget.


“You dumbass! Do you know why I have rejected you all this time? It’s not because I don’t feel anything for you! It’s for your own good! I was scared that this relationship will destroy you. That’ll devour everything that we had. The reason why I came here today is because I can’t hold it anymore. I’ve decided to say what was needed to be said a long time ago. And what did I find? You freaking ass. I almost died from fear. Don’t act like that anymore. Because…I LOVE YOU! I FREAKING LOVE YOU! I can’t promise you that we’ll be together forever. I don’t know how everything will go from now on. But now I want to be with you, I want to kiss you. So, please…”


He stunned me again with his minty kiss. I couldn’t say if it was a dream or reality. I was so happy. At that time I didn’t know that this little simple kiss will become the spark of the hope and the start of the hell.



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although I have written other stories, this is the first that I write in English, I checked the best I could, but I could have missed something, so be good and turn a blind eye to my grammatical errors!onion12


While I was writing I realized that was coming off a story about a smells fetishist, I thought I'd change it a bit but I changed my mind, because all the ideas that came to mind were classified as +18!onionn3


His lips that taste like mint

I'm here, in my usual home, in my usual room, on the same bed as ever,yet something seems different ... that flavor, fresh, intoxicating flavor of my first kiss …


lying down on the lawn, he bend his face on my face, the popsicle falls, his eyes meet mine, my heart stops for a second, his lips, the taste of mint, heart racing...



oh my god! I still don't know how I didn't burst into tears...

He moved, looked at me and was about to speak, I could only hear him saying “I Lik...”...

I ran away at full speed .

I'm not stupid, I know what he was going to say, but how can a person do such a thing so suddenly? I never imagined I could run so fast!

Who knows what he may have thought.

I've known him for 3 years , we are in the same class, he is always sitting behind me, but we never talked much... Ok, Stop thinking!I'll sleep on it!



That... mint flavor, I can not forget the taste of mint!

As far as I can remember I've always liked boys so this is not the problem, It's just, too suddenly!

I never imagined that someone else's lips could be so tasty ... what am I thinking? I have to stop thinking ... SLEEP!


Now that I think about it ... even when I was sitting in the class ...that scent, that scent .... it was even there, enveloping me from behind, maybe that's why I'm so affected by that smell and that flavor ...



It's finally morning, tonight I didn't sleep a wink ...Now I have to go to school, I wonder if he's there …



damn he's waiting for me ... damn he saw me...ok, ok calm, I have no time to think...



"I would like to talk to you, follow me to a quiet place, we'll skip the first hour"

I follow him, without even thinking, as if it were natural ...

He begins to increase his pace, I know that he is anxious,he turns back,grabs my hand and starts running, running at breakneck speed, I can barely keep up with him, at every breath I take I smell him. Mint!

He stops suddenly, without even realizing we arrived on the roof.

We look into each other eyes, I know what he's going to tell me, that he liked me from the first time he saw me, that it was love at first sight, in the end I always knew it ... I always felt its look that enveloped me from behind, a very sweet look.

I get closer to him, he blushes, oh how sweet he is?

I don't know if I'm losing my mind, or if this is the most clear moment of my life, I just know that I want him.

"I can't wait to taste again your minty lips"

I get even closer to him, I kiss him lightly, I look into his eyes, then I kiss him again and again, I hold him in my arms and take a deep breath ...

with small voice, blushing up to the ears he tells me: "why are you sniffing?!It's embarrassing"

I whisper into his ear: "I want to remember the smell of this moment"

I don't know if I have a smell fetish but from that day our love smells like mint!


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Keep calm and…………….




Everyday we are on a bike home together…..



Tan, he lives in the dorm, not far from my house so we can go along side by side.

And me, I stay alone, my parents work in abroad but they visit me twice a year..

Freedom is the best, I love it, YAY~~~



Tan is a cute boy who I fell in since I first met…


Oh, I think I’m absolutely STRAIGHT but when he smiles I think I cannot go away from that >_


( It’s still a secret, ok? I’m afraid IF he knows --> HOW I FEEL



We are good friends, we play video games, go surfing and have many activities we like day by day together..….



Tan is really gentle and he loves all kind of animals. Especially, the stray dogs & cats,

he likes to feed them if he can anywhere, anytime….



And I don’t understand why he also likes playing with children in the playground too….



After school, I see all children are always wet & full of sweat, smelly like skunks….



I think that those animals are stinky and dirty but Tan does tell me nobody wants to


be like that to others, I should open my eyes wider and be more generous,


exactly I should admit the difference of everything, yeah he’s right…..


He is so optimistic boy who I never think I could meet in this world!









This Sunday, I have a project to take a photo book for my club, so I invite Tan to go out with me..


We decide to walk to the park because my camera needs more carefulness and I can watch around, seeing more locations for my work…



Tan, he looks so happy, chasing the dragonflies, hopping like frogs…


I cannot concentrate my project now, I capture lots of his pose, his smiles, oh~~











I trip on a broken bark, my camera almost falls down but all I see Tan holds it tight

in his arms!




Pewww~~~ almost ne~~~ Tan winks .....




Well, I pull him up while carelessly watch out, my left hand is bleeding…..


I almost faint, I’m scared of blood……




Immediately, Tan grabs my left hand and STOP my bleeding by licking & sucking my cut!!!


I become frozen from head to toe now, OH MY ~~~ >////


I am to feel his soft lips, his tongue, his breath while he cleanses my wound just

like this…


Look like I am a kitten being nurtured by a mother cat!!!!!




~~~~~~~~ ^________________^ ~~~~~~~











Drip, drop, drip & drop….........



I don’t know how long I stand like a stone there but I feel so good…


But now, it’s raining; we are running to my house before we’ll catch a cold…


I hold his hand tight…


How sweet he is?!?!?


His skin is so soft like a bunny~~~


And, I am thinking….


Tonight is the night…


I will go on that feeling with him FOR SURE…...


Whatever will be?!?!


Que sera, sera…….


Who knows?



To be continue…………









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I would like to join ^^




"A Paper In My Dairies Book"




It has been so many years passed since that day. And even though it was so long time ago, i have never spoken about it and to be honest i don't know why i'm writing about it in my dairies book today, i have never written it down, like this paper didn't even exist in my life or that i locked the memory of it in my heart and never let it out to the light, but i guess what i have seen today made me remember it, the view of two males kissing secretly in that dark corner while i was coming back home, it brought memories back .. Memories i erased painfully from my mind and heart.. The memories of you..


I still remember that sunny day and the soft breeze and the musical sound of grasses when they fondle each other and the fragrance of flowers and the pretty colors of them. And the most important part.. The prettiest thing of them all was you.. You being there laying by my side on the grass resting from long run in the sun as we used to go out for a run every Saturday, it was our best relieving day.


I remember the sound of your gasps while catching your breathes while laying down on your back, they were the most beautiful melody i have ever heard, the smell of your skin was the most perfect perfume i have ever smelled, the color of your eyes was the most charming color i have ever seen and your touch... what shall i say about your touch. It was the most magical moment i have ever had. I was laying on my back as well on the grass when you leaned a little to look straightly in my eyes deeper than any other time you have looked into them, that day i felt your soft breathes on my face that i took them deep down my lungs and wished to never let go of them , i saw the reflection of trees leaves in your eyes like diamond and when you touched my hand you made my heart skip a beat and i still remember your words to me till today "I wish this moment to never end" i wondered what you meant.


Before i even ask why you said that, you stole me away from my thoughts when you pressed your lips against mine slowly and tenderly brushing them against mine in such a lovingly way which took my breathes away before you spread them by your delicious tongue and swirled it around mine soon we both deepened the kiss that it was hard to distinguishes which saliva or breathes they belonged to , we were one.. so close..And without saying a word our passion ..our kiss said it all. But i have never knew when you said you wish if it would end that you meant you would leave me one day. You didn't tell me you would leave me in this world alone, you just passed away and left me behind after curving the touch of your lips on mine forever that they wont be able to erase or to forget by years.


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Here it is my strange story:


I was kissed by an angel with love


Ren was tired of all and everything. He was feeling so alone and nobody cared or loved him. Here he was again: alone in his bed trying to sleep. “I can’t” he said and jumped from bed and went to kitchen to drink a glass of water. As he came back in his room and jumped on bed he finally fell asleep.


He was in a garden full of colourful flowers which were laughing in the Sun and speaking in their own language. And then he decided to sit on a bench and breathed the fresh air. But suddenly all this peace was interrupted by some noisy kids. They were running and with their feet were crushing the poor flowers. Ren stood up as he wanted to scold them but he stopped walking as he realized the kids wanted him “I love you Ren, I love you Ren” they all were screaming and wanted to touch him. Ren started to run too until he was far enough from them. He stopped near a tree and tried to calm his breathe. As he did that he felt on ground and started to look the clouds above him. They were so white and had so many shapes that Ren was amazed by their show. But out from nowhere a cat jumped on his tummy. He pushed her from him and stood up. But the cat didn’t move at all and with her green big eyes looked at him. Ren hated the cats and wanted to leave the place but as he turned he heard a noise “Meow”. He looked at the cat and before he could say anything the cat started to transform in a cute boy with green eyes. “What’s this?” Ren thought as the boy approached him. Without saying a word the boy kissed Ren. Ren wanted to push him at first but he couldn’t: the kiss was so soft and so pure and the feeling was something Ren never tasted before. He closed the eyes wishing that this kiss never finished.


But in a second he didn’t feel the boy lips over his so he opened the eyes. He was alone in his bed and was already morning. Ren was feeling strange this morning and he didn’t know why. He was happy without reason and he prepared to go to work. But once he got out of house and wanted to cross the street a boy came from nowhere and pushed him down. As he did that their kissed by mistake and in a second Ren remembered the dream he had. The boy asked him “Are you ok. Be careful next time”. Ren smiled and said “With you at my side I’m always safe”.



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The places of beauty

Mino Ninase leaning against the doors of his school staring off into the clouds, the sky looking so dreary and dark. His lips moving slowly forming the words ‘rain’ but no actual sound came from them, his soft mauve eyes shifting to the gate, the entrance to the school’s grounds. The same students came pouring in, the same colors of tan and brown the coed genders ran in past Mino. His eyes shifting left and right as the students passed him it’s almost as if he counted them, three hundred and ninety-nine students in attendance today. Today is gonna be boring. He thought to himself as his head turned to face the gate. Rumors have been going around the school a new student was coming making the attendance of the school four hundred exactly.


As a rule only the Student council could meet the new student before everyone else and show them around. Mino was the vice president of the student council, In charge of welcoming the new students. So until the child arrived Mino could skip class. The Blonde locks on Mino moved with the wind, His eyes closed softly as his hair blew past him. *BBBRRRGGG* the bell ran for the first period. Moving from his spot Mino Sat on the steps leaning along the wall awaiting the New recruit.

“Hey, Mister, wake up” A gentle and soft Male voice had softly whispered in Mino’s ears calling him out of sleep. Shifting from his leaning state the mauve eyes open focusing on the silhouette of the figure leaning over him. Mino Leaned up his lips moving softly. The boy Blushed a dark red as Mino moved.

“Mhnn..I fell asleep..it’s not ‘Mister’ Im Mino Ninase, Who are you?” His gently voice sounded so gentle but had an almost mysterious sexy tone to it as he rubbed his he stood. The boy before Mino Backed up a little holding his bag tightly to his body, his voice sounded cheerful and nervous. “Hello Ninase, I am Sakito Oda” Sakito bowed to Mino. All Mino could do was stare as his cheeks turned pink Mino’s eyes were almost wide the boy before him was his brand new neighbor. It’s hard to remember what had happen all day. That night Mino could not sleep.


The next morning Mino waited for the new friend to come outside. This became a ritual, they went to school together went home together. Months Later, Sakito let out a heavy sigh and decided to text Mino ~Mino, Come over~ A reply was instant ~BRT Saki~. Sakito decided today was the day he would kiss his lips for the first time. *Knock Knock* “Its open” Mino emerged from the door, Sakito had gotten up rather quickly running over. Before Mino knew it he had landed to the ground holding Sakito, their lips Locked for a moment or two. Soon Sakito pulled away. ”Mino..you taste like mint” Mino laughed. “I just had Mint Icecream”


“Mino I um..I..I Like You” Mino blushed in response his eyes wide as he just smiled hugging him tightly. “Sakito…I love you” for the first time Mino has said these words and was truly happy, they kissed again sharing a minty Sweet Kiss. From this day on Sakito and Mino were known as Lovers.


i hope its good i worked really hard on it.

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Love, mint, Kisses... I did my best... Exactly 600 words...




“Don’t go…” The plea was soft, resembling the tender whisper of a frosty wind in the dead of winter. Silence rang out around him, encapsulating the smaller figure in its emptiness, locking him away in the great abyss. Petrified, he stood there gazing out at the scene that had blossomed before him, fear rooting him firmly to the frosted blades of grass beneath him. How could things have ended up this way?


The winter, that first winter he had set eyes on him, he knew where he belonged, the energy between them couldn’t be denied. Those soft stormy hues eased to a gentle tide whenever the other stood before him. His soft red locks framed that beautiful moonlight kissed face; petals laid soft in a pursed form, parted softly with a dazzling smile as he inhaled.


“Hello…” The greeting was breathy as it slipped through the satin lips, soft tremors of excitement, fear; anticipation spread through his being as the taller male gazed down, meeting him with that disinterested look. He felt his spirits slip down crumbling at his feet as he stood there in the disappointment of his desire. Determination glistened in the depths of those stormy hues that threatened to drown in the tears that welled up in them; he knew where he belonged and he would be there.


As the spring rolled around, so did the melting of the ice over his heart. Such a tender creature, fighting day after day, striving for the attention of one man, a man of riches who bestowed them on others, giving them something to build their lives on; he found he was catching his eye more and more each day. Could this have been where happiness lay? Handsome, reached out and tenderly took the pale hand within his own, grasping onto with firmness, reassuring him…


“It will be alright…”


The days grew longer, with them their love stretched out deeper for one another. Parting seemed impossible as they found themselves intoxicated by each other, drinking off the energy that had not been denied between them. Petals softly pursed satin lips as he leaned up, clutching onto the soft material of Handsome’s shirt to gently capture that velvet mouth in a tender embrace. Heat of the summer days clashed with the wintery taste that sat so prettily on Handsome’s tongue, “Tastes like candy...” The soft words rolled off into the intense warmth of his lover’s mouth… How those days would never end…


Bedridden, Petals gazed out the sterile looking window as the leaves began to change. Illness had struck so fast, there was no time for an attempt of prevention. Once as illuminate as the moon, his flesh appeared more like dull paper. Once intense stormy hues, were now reduced to orbs of tears. How could this have happened? Dark strands drifted gently as he shook his head. He couldn’t wait, not even in the beginning…


Forcing his legs to work, he found the strength to stand, forcing himself, one foot after the other, he made his way out of his deathbed. Once outside, the wind bit into the paper like flesh as he walked until he found him… Handsome stood, gazing at the figure before him, hands clasped firmly around flowers the drifted to the ground.


“Don’t go…” Handsome’s voice pleaded as he found the courage to move, capturing Petals with a tenderness. Warm fingers drifted over the closed eyes. Tears fell as he graced those soft satin lips one last time. “I love you…” He whispered over the ball of gum he chewed on that Petals loved so much…



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It's exactly 600 words. I am apologized for my horrible writing.

And, I am really appreciate to those who spare their precious time for my story. *Bow*



'Midnight Kiss'



Tickle in my throat woke me up in the middle of the night. I felt like coughing badly. However, I tried to hold it back since I didn’t want to disturb the sound sleep of the man who was cuddling in my embrace. But, the more I suppress it, the more ticklish it became. Finally, I let go of the self-restrainupon it. I coughed. Once it coughed, it never stopped.

“Babe, you alright?” A husky voice appeared as a delicate yet firm hand squeezed my shoulder supportively.

I cursed myself in my heart for waking him up. Through his voice, I could foresee how much he was worry for me for coughing non-stop. But, I could response him with a nod and cough. He stroked my back gently as if it would soothe my sufferings. Sadly, it didn’t work. I heard his heavy sigh before he got out of the bed without saying a word. He walked out of the room and came back with a bottle in his hand.

“Babe, this will help you to relief.” He said as he poured some liquid from the bottle into the small cup he took along with the bottle. “Here.” He handed it to me after he sat beside me.

“Nha...” I denied between cough. Indeed, I had phobia towards medicine.

"Oh, come on. It’s not bitter." He persuaded me to drink that horrible liquid like I was a kid.

I shook my head, saying ‘no’ to the syrup since it could barely utter a word. Prolong coughing drained much of my energy. He looked me in silent for a while and took out a deep breath. I knew that I made him frustrated with my stubbornness.

“Damn…” I muttered. I coughed again! It was followed by a heavy exhalation from him. Out of blue, he took a sip of syrup and said, “It’s mint flavor, Babe. No bitter”

I pretended that I didn’t hear him. However, suddenly, he took the syrup from bottle before he pulled my chin gently by his soft fingers. Facing with his manly yet beautiful face, I was completely hypnotized by his dark gray eyes. With subconscious mind, I cupped his silky cheeks in my hands and tenderly drew his face which was the exquisite beauty on the Earth to me. At this moment, all I knew was to fulfill every wish that this man made. I was under the spell he set upon me right now!

I narrowed down the gap between our faces by engulfing his velvet-like lips with mine. Then, I sipped the syrup from the mouth against mine. For the first time in my life, I found syrup could be extraordinarily sweet. With hunger and greediness, I pulled his lithe body by his trim waist line as I drew his lips closer to me by his nape, whereas I sucked out all of the syrup stocked in his mouth. Yet, I wasn’t enough of it. I slide my tongue into other cavity and clear up every corner of his cavity with my tongue. I lured his tongue into my mouth and licked every trace lingering on his tongue and sucked it alternatively. His moan ran into my mouth and disappeared in my throat. We broke off our lips as the air ran out, but I never let him out of my embrace. We exchanged the passionate gazed each other.

I rubbed his cheek gently and said, “Thanks for the mint kiss, My love.”

He caught my fingers and kissed at my finger tips lovingly before he replied, “your happiness is my pleasure, Babe.”



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exactly 600 words. its kinda hard to made a really short story, but i tried it. here you go..


Warning : Bad english



My mint kiss?


“Will he really come?” I gripped my coat so hard. It was kinda cold when the winter season will came sooner. I always blew my own hand to make it warm. Silly me, I forgot to brought my gloves. “It can’t help. I’m really nervous ” I looked up to the sky.


“Am I make you waiting too long?” Shu senpai showed from behind me.


I was kinda surprised. But thanks to my nervous, I swallowed my surprised instantly.

“No, no, it’s okay senpai. I just arrived too” said me with a lied excuse. “I’m sorry I called you in the middle your business. But, ano-“ I saw senpai shyly “I wanted to give you something” I handed over a small bag to him.


“What is this?” Senpai took it and it made my heart beating so fast.


“A chocolate. I heard senpai like to have a mint chocolate as your friend while study. So-“ Suddenly a cold hand hold my chin and lift it up to face senpai’s face. I closed my eyes when senpai’s face getting closer to me.


“Thanks Akira. You know well what I like, right?” He whispered. Then I felt a soft thing touched my lips and pressed it so deep. Senpai kissed me. I can’t resist, but let our lips attached each other and demanding to feel more. I felt senpai’s tongue slipped into my mouth. Ah! I felt a mint flavor from senpai. So, it is true that he like mint flavor.


Senpai pulled out his kiss and smile so sweetly to me. “I must to go now. But I like your gift. Really thanks, Akira” He ruffled my hair then leave me alone.


I watched senpai until his silhouette was gone. I touched my lips and I still can felt senpai’s lips on me. It was not kidding. He really kissed me!




Oh God! Why I must be late in senpai’s ceremony?

I ran faster to my school. Today is farewell ceremony for 3rd grade student, so maybe today is my last chance to can meet with senpai. It must be sad. i will never see senpai again at school anymore.

I looked for senpai. But I can’t found him at class. Where is he?


“Akira, what are you doing?” I turned back and saw Shu senpai came to me.


“Goodness. I was looking for you senpai” I ran toward him. I can felt my breath still messed up, but who cares about that now “I wanted to give you a congrats gift, senpai” I smiled and handed over a mini bag with same warping that I ever gave him before. “It is a mint chocolate again”


“Ah, I see.. thanks you” I looked senpai’s face. Huh? Is it just my imagination or senpai looks not really happy?


“Hey Shu! Found you” Someone suddenly embraced senpai’s shoulder so closer. Who is he?


“I just talked with my kohei, Jin”


“What a cute kohai! Eh? What is this?” He took my gift from senpai’s hand


“It’s a gift for Shu senpai” I said “A mint chocolate. Senpai’s favorite”


“What? Are you kidding me? Ahahha! Shu, did he don’t know that you hate mint flavor?”


“No. Shu senpai like mint flavor right?” Asked me shocked. “That kissed. Your kissed before was a mint flavor!”


“Listen kid. Shu never like mint. If he kissed you with mint flavor, it is mean he hate you. Right, Shu-chan?” he kissed senpai and mocked me with his smile. i looked senpai just silent and looked away



So, it wasn't a MINT KISS, but a HATE KISS?!


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It wasn’t in the rules, but… does it have to be a story between two OC’s? I would have liked to write about Dino and Hibari, but I better not since everyone above me wrote about OC’s from what I can tell. >


583 words. It was hard to keep it PG... >


Title: Cigarette Mints



“Too close.” Kouta shoved Tomo back as the taller, heavier boy tried to sneak in a quick peck on the cheek.


“Ehh?! I just wanted a quick one… I wasn’t even going to stick in my tongue!” Knelt on the ground, Tomo sat on his feet, like a puppy begging for a treat. “Aren’t we going out now? So why not?”


“I’ve already told you before. You smell like cigarettes. I hate it.” Kouta impatiently combed his hand through his jetblack hair and grabbed his schoolbag from the ledge he was perched on. “The bell’s about to ring.”


“But— Kou-chan~ Wait for me!” Tomo bounced after Kouta, hastily picking up his own bag on the way.




It had been 3 weeks since Tomo confessed for the 20th time, and Kouta finally relented to Tomo’s incessant begging: “Go out with me, Kou-chan!” “I love you, Kouta, please fall in love with me!” “I’ll kiss your feet, I’ll carry your bag, I’ll pay for your meal, just one date! Pwwweaaaase?!”


Kouta’s biggest mistake was making eye contact with puppy Tomo. He found that it was near impossible to turn down Tomo when he turned on his begging puppy mode. But one date turned into two… one kiss turned into 10... and just the other day, Kouta had somehow found himself pressed under Tomo, who seemed to be intent on accessing parts of Kouta that usually didn’t see the light of day.


“Get off me – you smell like cigarettes, it’s disgusting.”


Kouta stormed off, leaving his lover behind in the bedroom. It’s not that he minds the cigarettes, honestly. He’s always known Tomo was a smoker, and he hung out with him even while he was smoking. It’s just that this is the first time he’s been in love with a guy… and it’s the first time he’s fallen in love with his best friend. Kouta hated to admit that he felt scared. But once Tomo managed to completely quit smoking, Kouta would be out of excuses.


“Damn. I’ll worry about it later,” Kouta muttered, trekking his way back home.




Later came all too soon though. Tomo invited Kouta to his house the following weekend, with the pretense of celebrating their one month anniverary. Kouta was hesistant at first, but decided that if Tomo tried anything funny, he could use the same excuse as before.


“Kou-chan, did you wanna watch a movie? Go shopping? Get some food?” Tomo excitedly babbled as he paced around the living room.


“Tomo, can you just sit. the. hell. down. You’re driving me nuts!”


“But…” Tomo glanced at Kouta, who was sitting on the couch. “But… if I sit down” -- Tomo took his seat next to Kouta and leaned in close – “I’ll want to touch you.”


“Tomo, wait… wait! You smell like-- huh? Wait, you…”


“Hmm?” Tomo’s hands worked their way up Kouta’s t-shirt.


“You don’t smell like cigarettes anymore… ahh! Cold!” Kouta shivered at Tomo’s touch.


“Sorry, Kou-chan… I’ve kept you waiting. Quitting was tough, but I wanted to touch you as soon as possible.” Tomo leaned over Kouta, and dipped his minty tongue into Kouta’s mouth. “So, Kou-chan, when my mouth feels lonely, you have to take responsibility, OK? I want you to think of me whenever you smell mint. I want you to always think of me.”


When Kouta tried to argue, he was silenced with yet another sweet mint kiss.


Mmm… Kouta had always loved mint. Now he just might love it a little bit more.



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Masked Man



My face is numb..the whizzing and whirling of the drill wakes me up..standing above me i see a blurry image of a man in a mask staring at me...


He mumbles something behind the mask..i cant make it out..only the smell of rubber and his eyes piercing me are clear...i shudder


He plunges his finger into my mouth..

Pulling the sides of my lips apart he wipes my drool..the fear in my eyes is evident..

His eyes seem to be smiling but i cant tell whats under the mask..


"Your teeth are in good condition,you need a few fillings though-"he says as he explores my mouth.


I stare because i cant really answer him with the mixture of fluids in my mouth threatening to leak..


Its my first time to this clinic and because of my nervousness i didn't look at him properly.


Hes broad shouldered,good looking,with piercing eyes and incredibly beautiful hands,which i noticed have no ring on them.


I'm hoping he doesn't notice me staring.



I start to feel a little dizzy..


He leans over me to get something- and accidentally brushes my crotch..i jolt..


My cheeks flush a little. "Are you hot?" He asks in a worried tone and gets up to open the window..


"I guess it is a little hot in here..It'll be over soon..."


He continues to drill and poke around in my mouth while the pressured water hose makes me gag a little..


I spit into the bowl and notice him looking at my eyes. "I'm half french" I mumble little self-consciously.


"Ah, sorry i was staring" he replied " I was just thinking you have very nice eyes.." he looks down quickly


"S-sorr-y- i didn't mean to make you feel awkward.." nervously he tugged at his mask.


I'm too embarrassed to answer because now i'm even redder than him and that dizzy feeling is getting worse..


I feel so faint that i lean back in the chair and pass out for the second time..



This time i awake to see his face very close to mine- his brow is furrowed in worry.


"Ah,your awake- i didn't realize that you weren't feeling well..its all done now..just need to gargle.."


He hands me a cup filled with green liquid.I finish gargling and spitting and lay back in the chair.


"I'm fine sorry for the trouble."



"You can relax now, your my last client of the day..ill get changed while you rest." I agree and relax.


After a few minutes he returns - hes wearing a black fitted shirt and jeans which show his good physique.


The smell of his aftershave fills the room."Are you rested now?" "Yes thank you- sorry to make you stay back.."I reply



"Actually, i was happy to have a young person come to my clinic- most of my patients are grandmas.."he chuckled..


"I haven't taken your apron off yet." Coming up to me he puts his arms behind my head and attempts to take it off.


He pauses and i can feel his hot breath on my neck sending tingles down my spine..


"Ah go it" he announces. He is still standing in front of me. He hesitates and impulsively puts his hand on my cheek.


We are both silent for a minute. "I don't know if its out of

line but-" he begins.


"If there's any chance that your the same way-"


I decide to put him out of his misery.


"It's not and I am."


Looking relived he leans in and kisses me.


This time his tongue explores my mouth and we both openly

gaze into each others eyes..


A passionate kiss tasting like mint mouthwash- was the beginning of a new love for me and the end of my fear of dentists.




598 words just a bit of fun ne >.

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I wouldn't call the following piece of writing a fanfiction. It's a very short story with a Pokémon theme, just to spice things up.

Note: The idea of a Pokémon Communicator Headset is not original. I took it from the manga

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Rain on a Meadow


A belt of forest sat north of a quiet town, separating the small town from the expanse of green meadows that stretched for miles and miles to where the eye cannot see. It was a cool, grey morning. The leaden faces of the dark and threatening clouds stared down at two tiny figures, reclined next to one another on a meadow, amongst the soft grass and wildflowers. They had been out there, on that same spot, since before dawn, and although obscured by the heavy clouds, they saw the sun – glimmers of the sunlight, that is – rise hours ago.



From the moment they lay down, the two lads had not averted their gazes from the sky, or their minds from within. Their Pokémon Communicator Headsets hung loosely around their necks, and their pokéballs sat silently on their belts. Sandy-haired Christopher had not stopped chewing the mint leaves he always carried around in a small pouch – a habit he developed from his Cyndaquil. The air smelled of morning dew, and the breeze was blowing gently. Matthew let out a sigh.


“Why do you think she did that?” he asked in a low voice, eyes still fixed on the sky.


“Did what? Stabbed you?” asked Christopher indifferently in reply.


Matthew’s left hand ran down his own right arm to where the bandages were clinging to his skin. He felt his heart skipped a beat.


“She’s neurotic,” chuckled Christopher.


“It’s not funny, Chris,” replied Matthew sharply.


“I’m being serious. Not joking. Well, maybe half-joking.”


There was a pause.


Matthew spoke softly, “She and I, we’ve been going out for almost three years now. But, it’s like I don’t know her anymore…”


Christopher sighed.


“Maybe it’s not like that. You and I, we've known each other since we were six,” his voice started trailing, “and do you know me, Matt…?”



The truth of the matter was that he felt an attraction towards his friend, and that he knew that the love-intoxicated lad had not the slightest clue about this. And he also knew that Matthew was unaware of the heartaches he felt, or the tears he shed. But the truth of the matter was also that he, Christopher, knew that he did not truly know Matthew.



The rain had started to pour; first a gentle drizzle, then a monotonous, steady rainfall. They shut their eyes, and let their faces feel the coolness of the rain, their hands the crispness of the wind, and their legs the softness of the ground. Christopher slowly opened his eyes, and for the first time looked at Matthew. His hand was squeezing the blood-soaked bandage, and, though his expression was calm like a sleeping child, his cheeks were red, and tears were dribbling from the sides of his eyes.



Christopher propped himself up on his elbow, and sighed; his own face was wet and his heart heavy. He ran his fingers through the drenched ash-hair of his companion, and bent forward close to his ear and whispered,


“It’s all right. When she gets out of detention you can get to know her more.”



He kissed the now-swollen eye that was still trickling tears, yet his heart was heavier than ever. Matthew did not move, but Christopher could feel under his lips the muscles around his eyes tightened as his brows drew closer and he cried harder.



Both wished the rain would wash away their troubles.




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Wanted to think of something as unusual as possible for the theme. I hope it works. 600 Words exactly, excluding title.


'Mint' Kiss



Working at a mint that crafted coins was not my initial idea of an excellent career. However, I have to admit, there is something about watching strong, seemingly indestructible metals dissolve that soothes me to the core.


I always felt a strange sense of peace, returning everything back to such simplicity, free of complication.. It was as if I were melting away my own mistakes.. My very past could flow into nothing but a river of smooth hot metal, impossible to touch, impossible to decipher.. If only it could all be erased just like this...


Across the way, sat my rival. Through the haze rising up with intense heat, I could see him there always watching.. Those deep coin gold eyes and long blond hair pulled back away from his hauntingly beautiful face, staring at me like the eyes of time itself, mocking me.


Though I am the one who toys with strength like a god of death wiping away every trace of what these metals used to be, conforming them all down into one beautiful stream of chaotic lava, he took the liquid metal and sifted it into the moulds, cooling it enough to imprint it with faces, giving my faceless river a hard body and identity. He took away all of my hard work and breathed new complication into the simplicity I worked so hard to create..


We are.. exact opposites.


I knew I had to conquer him. Conquer that part of myself that mocked everything I accomplished.


It started off so much like an obsession with distaste.. But it changed somewhere along the line, I could not even tell you where.. Instead of looking across that haze with dislike at that rival.. I started to look over with a sense of longing.. Like two sides of a coin we seemed destined to oppose eachother.. To never touch yet be connected through that haze of heat and cold.


Before I knew it, I had been asking about him and found out by talking to my colleagues that he had never had a girlfriend, never been kissed...


In this line of work, when you sold a set of coins that had never been touched, they were called 'Mint Coins' because they were in 'Mint' condition.. So for me, he had a 'Mint' kiss, the most rare and sought after. Just what would it take for me to be able to break open the case around his heart and experience the feel of those lips? To be the first to touch that skin and imprint my ownership upon it?


One day I finally got up the courage to tell him how I felt.. I crossed the haze to the cooling station, the chill seeming to ravage me to the very core.. I realised as soon as the words escaped me, how foolish this all was.. But when I turned to leave, he latched those slender arms around my muscular waist, clutching me tightly, speaking of how he had always watched me... Wanted me..


Although most people describe a kiss as something that would melt them, for the first time in my life I felt like I was touching something solid.. Defined... My molten heart was being cooled by this feeling, soothed and forced to solidify into one single truth imprinted for all eternity never to change or alter. No matter what happened with the world around me I could only ever love this one person.


I could finally see, he was the other side of my coin.. It is no longer blank, but fulfilled by the image of his magnificence.


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Here's my submission~ Hope it's okay =)




Mentha x Piperita


Running late today, I rushed to the subway frustrated, only to find him there~ a young street performer, disheveled, mysterious with shades on, yet so elegant with the wooden instrument of strings~ Playing beautiful melodies~ Only thing was that… He wasn’t playing music this time, perhaps it’s far too late? He was sitting next to his instrument case partially filled with loose notes and change from kind souls~ even though he isn’t playing melodies, I felt obliged to give him spare change. *Clink* as the coins hit the pile, he turned at me with his shades on and smiled saying “thanks”… As I looked down on him, I noticed how muscular and lean his physique was, through his loose shirt~ But was curious as he seemed to be looking down…


You alright?” I curiously asked. “Im fine! Just really grateful. I never knew you were a guy…” He said in a surprised tone and took his glasses off, to reveal that he had no Sight… “You gave me spare change everyday, without fail… I never got the chance to say thank you properly… So, Thank you Sir!”. Shocked at this, “How did you know I see you everyday!?” He paused and chuckled “You Sir, have a most beautiful scent… of mint, I’ve never smelled anything quite like it.” How silly of me, I’ve been wearing the prototype mint cologne all the while, was an idea of mine, as I work in a cologne company, still under research. I smiled and said “How would you like coffee with me? My place?” I held his hands and guided him up the train and brought him home.


We spoke all the way home, never have I had spoken to anyone like so for a long time, turns out we’re about the same age and both very lonely. I just felt obliged to look after him, I guided him into my house, and held his arm strangely without hesitation volunteered to take a bath with him~ I gently removed his clothes, revealing his lean physique as he held on to me, afraid of slipping on the wet floor.


Wish I could see how beautiful you are.

I’ll show you~


I guided his hands upon my muscular chest, which he soon explored and he leaned against me while warm water rinsed us through. He was truly grateful and held on to me~ His then gently placed his hands on my cheeks, I closed my eyes allowing him to “see” my face. A sudden sensation of tender warmth filled me up as a pair of tender lips met mine, a pleasant surprise~ “mmmm~ Why do you taste of peppermint?” I held him close as we embraced the moment. “It’s a personal favourite flavor of mine, it inspires and keeps me moving to make music~ I chew that gum alot” He replied with a silly smile.


We then dry up, with me gently going through his body to ensure he gets dry lest he catches a cold, and we both went to bed, clothed only in bed covers and lied together.


You smell really nice… ” He said as he kissed my neck.

So do you~” as I whiffed his hair.


The clean fresh minty smell of peppermint filled the air, as we embraced, our warm skin against one another… This is the beginning of a beautiful relationship. As I hugged the street performer, as he cuddles against me~ We drifted off into a blissful slumber…




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Guest Book_Marker

w00t I managed it!! 599 words! :banhbao29: I'm proud of myself, I was able to stop lol


Title: Destiny (Im watching Junjou T. for the millionth time now & It's the only word that comes to mind at the moment) ^^" 600 words with Title :_red_fox 13





"At last" I bought my ticket after standing in line for 20 minutes, anyone would notice I'm bored out of my mind because I just entered the theater of a movie called 'Mint Kiss' alone; a Romance-Drama Genre that only couples would go to.

Walked to the nearest cinema from my apartment and went with the movie that was now showing the minute i reached; rather than stay at home and stare at nothing I thought i might as well waste my time on something that might be brought up in a topic at work; the latest movies.


As i went in to look for my seat i realized what a weird position i was in; the entire place was filled with couples, giggling, holding hands and sharing popcorn. *Sigh* I walked to my seat after buying just a drink, placed it in the cup holder of the right hand side of the chair and left my belongings on the empty seat beside me (car keys, mobile phone and this year's movie catalog). Moments before the movie starts I hear "excuse me, this would be my seat, could you please remove your things?" pointing at the seat next to me. I removed my things without looking at the face of the seat owner, but from the atmosphere I guessed it was a guy with his own drink and snacks.


Half way through the movie, as I reached to have my drink the back of our hands bumped, fingers brushed together, my right hand and his left. In a quite soft voice he said "oh I'm sorry, i thought that was mine" "it's okay" i replied and we both sat there continuing the movie.


In the part where one of the main characters are in trouble and it's the climax I tightened my hands to fists (very much into the movie) on the chair handles, that's when i felt a warm hand on top of mine, holding mine to place, moving its fingers to open my fist and suddenly he has his fingers in between the spaces of my hand, taking my attention off of the movie. I couldn't think but freeze in place.


He leaned in and whispered in my ear, feeling every word and breath on my neck "I bet you know how it ends.." he got up and walked out of the theater, I didn't ever imagine that I would suddenly get up and follow but I did. Walking behind him, we both casually walked to the mens restroom, he grabbed my arm once we were in and locked the door behind me as we were now in the toilet room separated from the restroom.


When I finally focused with the lights to see who it was that seduced me & had a familiar voice, starting from the dark Aramani jeans to the tanned arms to the Mint Polo T-shirt to the face.. of my best friend and colleague. "How..? what..?" "We've known each other for too long.. I've always been in love with you, after seeing you going alone today I thought 'This could be my chance', took it and here you are.." Indeed I have always had a thing for him, he was special, and today just brought it up forth in my heart. He moved forward to whisper 3 words 8 letter in my ear moving down to kiss my neck, both hands and arms up on the door behind me on my sides, fingers playing with my hair.




My arms moved up to embrace him and that's where my "Mint Kiss" life started.




Want to know the rest?


Let your imagination go wild.


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Here is my story, I hope you whould like it




Kasuki whas 17 years old high school boy so live in countryside of Japan with his grandmother, he whas very lony since he didnt have many friends, that whas until he meet Minato a boy so come to countryside to visit his uncle, Kasuki walked torwards the boy and the present himself as Kasuki and Minato said his name whas Minato and they become friends, trough the summer they play with eashother and when the summer comes to end, Minato walked torwards the Kasuki and said this"I'm going back to Tokyo tomorrow,but I'm going to visit you next summer, I'm going to miss you" he said walked back home, Kasuki sto there shocked when he heard what the boy said, next day he walked torwards Minatos house and the uncle said at Minato whas already at Airport, so his grandmother drive hime torwards Airport and Kasuki whas in the Airport and so Minato and walked torwards Minato and said this"I'm going to miss you but you shall know something and that is at I love you of all my heart and I'm looking forward to next summer to meet you again and Minato said this"I'm going to miss you to very much and I love you to all of my heart and I'm looking forward to next summer to meet you again" he said kissed Kasuki on the lips and Kasuki kissed back, and when they stopet kissing, Minato walked torwards Airplane and wawed to Kasuki and Kasuki wawed back and they should know at next summer whould be more intressing to both of them


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Before reading:


Synesthesia:The neurological condition in which one of the senses (for example, hearing) is simultaneously perceived as if by one or more additional senses-lets say taste. Another form of synesthesia joins objects such as letters, shapes, numbers or people's names with a sensory perception such as smell, color or flavor. The word synesthesia comes from two Greek words, syn (together) and aisthesis (perception/sensation). Therefore, synesthesia literally means "union of senses."







The dog days of Summer… He couldn’t help but link the connection of that to a cool, milky brown. It was one of his favorite colors, because it went with the memory of Italy in that season. He loved going down to his family during Summer; sipping a granita made by his Grandfather, as they searched for a means of shade, was a reoccurring moment in his visits. It looked like red, and blue, which made purple, the color that he liked to do.


Days passed like nothing, and listening to his uncle and the men play dominoes, as birras were handed around and Spanish and Italian floated into the air, he was glad that they did. The beauty of memories were to hold on to moments that seemed fleeting, that went by quickly. So he hung onto them, and made them count.


Ricard paused in his writing for a second. The list stared back up at him, color coded to match memories.



He closed his eyes and thought on it. The image automatically appeared.


Mint was lips. He already felt them pressed against his own, chapped and warm as his fingers curled into wet, brown locks. His legs were cold from the countertop, and being squished against the cold glass of the gelato case. Mint trailed down his neck, and he smelled orange, which usually went with the number 365 but as a second-thought scenario it also happened to be sweat. He felt it under his fingers now, Orange, along his own neck.


He went back up his list and wrote it down next to the color.


Mint had pulled back then, and made him stand by his side, laughing with him. Ricard looked up as the bell to the shock rang and someone entered. Mint went off to help the customer get their order, and his lips still tingled with the reminder, sharp and prickling. Like the namesake which had landed on them. Ricard had shook his head and smiled a bit, waited to be given orders to scoop and serve the customer. And when that customer left, they’d continue right where they left off.


It was a bit funny how he was already having some peppermint tea, as of current. Reminiscing about certain things with the elements already there? How coincidental, but Ricard only saw it as.. fitting. Soon they’d be going back to the countryside and he eagerly awaited the orders to get packing for their trip. Orange would be reoccurring, Purple as well- and maybe, less so, Green. But while he looked forward to all the colors of the spectrum, from dark to light, the longest titles and the oddest explanations, Ricard's heart surged at the very thought of Mint.


For the time being, he closed his notebook of memories and went on his way to get reheat some water in the kettle. Reliving memories wasn't as good as making more of them to go through. All the colors of the rainbow to be filled.



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Last again:s It's still 30/06 here^^ I completely forgot to submit my story, and it was also written in a rush. I hope you'll like it!


A few words:



I didn't use any narration at all this time. There's mainly dialogue, thoughts and a few movements. It's sort of erratic, but I was in a real hurry to finish this:s


In order to distinguish between the two people this story is about, I used '[...]' for the first speaker, and "[...]" for the second. Thoughts are in italics, and emphasis in bold. Movements are in *[...]*.




You give me fever


‘What’s that song you’re humming again?’


“Hmm? ‘Poison’. Stop asking me already.”


‘Can’t help it! I can never remember it! I’m not good with that kind of music!’


“Yeah, yeah.” *sigh*


‘Argh! Stop sighing! Aren’t you ready yet?!’


“I am. What got you so upset?”


Wha-?! What got me so upset?! Really?! I’ll tell you what got me so upset! You got me so upset! You! Can you see me shooting daggers at you?! Can you see me?!

“Alright, alright! Jeez! Hurry up!”


‘Yououou…! Ack, hey! Hey, wait for me, hey! My shoes, dammit! At least let me where my shoes! Hey, don’t lock the door! Hey!That friggin’ *beeeep /foul language*! Why’s he so mean? I want to cry! Mama!



*pant* *wheeze*


“Heeey, you caught up with me!” *grin*


‘I had to jump from the balcony! The balcony! Why would you do this?!’


“Hmm, just ‘coz.”


‘”Just ‘coz”? Are you serious?’


“Aww, you’re so cute when you’re dumbfounded!” *smiles* *turns head*


“Yeah. Just ‘coz.” *paces away*


Oh, so now you’re getting serious.

‘You can’t keep on acting like this.’ *not walking*


“Hmm?” *stops* *turns to look*


‘You know you can’t keep on acting like this.’


“Huh? Like what?”


‘Why are you doing this? Is it that much fun?’


“What are you talking about?”


‘Cut the act! You know what I’m talking about!’


What are you talking about?”


‘Is this how you’re going to do this? Alright, fine by me. But I’m not willing to take this any longer. So long.’ *turns and walks fast to the opposite direction*


At times like this, I’m really glad you never come after me. Alright, yeah, I know. I’m not that dumb, I get it. That’s your way of keeping up appearances, of saying you can move past this. But I can’t. I won’t. I don’t want to. I mean, I get it, alright? It’s not something you can be happy about. I pray I never get to stay with you alone in closed space; I can barely hold myself after ten minutes. That scent of yours comes crushing on me and I want to attack you, stick my tongue through your teeth and kiss you ‘till you faint. I bet you’ve already noticed, so why are you pretending not to? Why are you lying? Is that your way of sparing my feelings? Then why do you enjoy torturing me so much? I don’t get this, I don’t. Did I ever cause you trouble? It’s okay to reject me, it’s only natural. But you don’t have to be so cruel about it. At times like this, I’m really sad you never even consider coming after me. Wait, where-? How long have I been walking? I’ll never get used to this part of town. *sigh* Better turn back now than get lost later. And my cell’s out of-

“Your… Cell’s-” *pant* *wheeze*





“Sor-” *pant*




“Sor…ry.” *pant* *wheeze*


‘Wha…t are you doing-?’


“Sorry. I’m sorry.” *pant*


‘You didn’t have to run here just to reject me.’


“Wha-! No-” *pant*


‘It’s fine.’


“No! It’s not…that!” *pant*


‘I’ll get over it.’


“I said it’s not like that!”



“I love you.”


What did he just say?

“And you’re just… So, so cute when you freak out.”



“I couldn’t help myself.”



“Hey, say something.”


Is my jaw dropping?



D-Don’t come any closer!

“Got you!”


D-Don’t touch me!



D-Don’t kiss me!






Ack! Your scent!

“Silly boy…”






“Get it now?”


Ah! It tastes like mint…




(588 words)



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|| END OF ៙BL Mint Kiss ~Writer Contest~៙ ||

[YaoiOtaku Writer Contest]


Thank you all for taking part in our fourth Writer Contest!

The choice has been really hard since all of you are skilled and talented.

The winner of ៙BL Mint Kiss ~Writer Contest~៙ is TeaPlease with

the BL Love Story "Synesthesia".


As promised everyone who participated will get 1,500 points.


The winner wins as follow,

- 5,000 points

- 1 Manga Cover card

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- You already knew how I felt about your fic from the first draft you showed me a while ago *cough - loved it!! - cough* All I can say now is..




As always, your writing is stunning..

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