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What kind of philosphy do you have?


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I guess it’s not a secret – I’m into philosophy. However, I believe that others, who aren’t interested in it, will like this quiz, as well. Enjoy.


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Cyrenaeic (hedonist) (100%)


Hedonism is a school of thought that argues that pleasure is the only intrinsic good. In very simple terms, a hedonist strives to maximize net pleasure (pleasure minus pain).


Ethical hedonism is the idea that all people have the right to do everything in their power to achieve the greatest amount of pleasure possible to them. It is also the idea that every person's pleasure should far surpass their amount of pain. Ethical hedonism is said to have been started by a student of Socrates, Aristippus of Cyrene. He held the idea that pleasure is the highest good.


Platonist (80%)

Sophist (80%)

Stoic (80%)

Epicurean (60%)

Pythagorean (60%)

Socratic (40%)

Cynic (0%)


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I took the quiz but I didn't see anything like yours. It just says


Your top match for Classical Philosophy Selector is:



That's it. It doesn't explain anything below.



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  • 4 weeks later...

Cyrenaeic (hedonist) (100%)


Hedonism is a school of thought that argues that pleasure is the only intrinsic good. In very simple terms, a hedonist strives to maximize net pleasure (pleasure minus pain).


Ethical hedonism is the idea that all people have the right to do everything in their power to achieve the greatest amount of pleasure possible to them. It is also the idea that every person's pleasure should far surpass their amount of pain. Ethical hedonism is said to have been started by a student of Socrates, Aristippus of Cyrene. He held the idea that pleasure is the highest good.


Platonist (80%)

Sophist (80%)

Stoic (80%)

Epicurean (60%)

Pythagorean (60%)

Socratic (40%)

Cynic (0%)

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  • 1 month later...
  • 6 months later...
[TABLE=width: 100%]


[TD=width: 15%, bgcolor: #FFFFAA][/TD]

[TD=width: 2%, bgcolor: #FFFFAA][/TD]

[TD=align: center]1.png[/TD]

[TD=bgcolor: #FFFFAA]Epicurean (100%) [/TD]

[TD=bgcolor: #FFFFAA][/TD]

[TD=bgcolor: #FFFFAA]ir?t=selectsmartcom&l=ur2&o=1[/TD]



[TD=width: 15%, bgcolor: #FFFFAA][/TD]

[TD=width: 2%, bgcolor: #FFFFAA][/TD]

[TD=align: center]2.png[/TD]

[TD=bgcolor: #FFFFAA]Stoic (96%) [/TD]

[TD=bgcolor: #FFFFAA][/TD]

[TD=bgcolor: #FFFFAA]ir?t=selectsmartcom&l=ur2&o=1[/TD]



[TD=width: 15%, bgcolor: #FFFFAA][/TD]

[TD=width: 2%, bgcolor: #FFFFAA][/TD]

[TD=align: center]3.png[/TD]

[TD=bgcolor: #FFFFAA]Cynic (63%) [/TD]

[TD=bgcolor: #FFFFAA][/TD]

[TD=bgcolor: #FFFFAA]ir?t=selectsmartcom&l=ur2&o=1[/TD]



[TD=width: 15%, bgcolor: #FFFFAA][/TD]

[TD=width: 2%, bgcolor: #FFFFAA][/TD]

[TD=align: center]4.png[/TD]

[TD=bgcolor: #FFFFAA]Platonist (55%) [/TD]

[TD=bgcolor: #FFFFAA][/TD]

[TD=bgcolor: #FFFFAA]ir?t=selectsmartcom&l=ur2&o=1[/TD]



[TD=width: 15%, bgcolor: #FFFFAA][/TD]

[TD=width: 2%, bgcolor: #FFFFAA][/TD]

[TD=align: center]5.png[/TD]

[TD=bgcolor: #FFFFAA]Socratic (30%) [/TD]

[TD=bgcolor: #FFFFAA][/TD]

[TD=bgcolor: #FFFFAA][/TD]



[TD=width: 15%, bgcolor: #FFFFAA][/TD]

[TD=width: 2%, bgcolor: #FFFFAA][/TD]

[TD=align: center]6.png[/TD]

[TD=bgcolor: #FFFFAA]Cyrenaeic (hedonist) (25%) [/TD]

[TD=bgcolor: #FFFFAA][/TD]

[TD=bgcolor: #FFFFAA]ir?t=selectsmartcom&l=ur2&o=1[/TD]



[TD=width: 15%, bgcolor: #FFFFAA][/TD]

[TD=width: 2%, bgcolor: #FFFFAA][/TD]

[TD=align: center]7.png[/TD]

[TD=bgcolor: #FFFFAA]Pythagorean (25%) [/TD]



i'm so lost to my philosophy's definition. but the more i read about it, the more i relate to it somehow.


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Stoic (100%)

Cynic (84%)

Socratic (57%)

Epicurean (46%)

Pythagorean (44%)

Cyrenaeic (hedonist) (17%)

Platonist (11%)


I kinda dont know what's the meaning -_-"

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Stoic/ stoicism


an ancient Greek school of philosophy founded at Athens by Zeno of Citium. The school taught that virtue, the highest good, is based on knowledge, and that the wise live in harmony with the divine Reason (also identified with Fate and Providence) that governs nature, and are indifferent to the vicissitudes of fortune and to pleasure and pain.



Imnot sure f it match butit might me.. i did answer truthfully


This is the detailed result


Stoic (100%)

Platonist (63%)

Socratic (55%)

Epicurean (50%)

Pythagorean (48%)

Cynic (18%)

Cyrenaeic (hedonist) (0%)

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i got




Your Complete Results:


Stoic (100%)

Epicurean (84%)

Platonist (84%)

Pythagorean (84%)

Socratic (67%)

Cynic (34%)

Sophist (17%)

Cyrenaeic (hedonist) (0%)


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  • 1 month later...

Epicurean (100%)

Socratic (75%)

Stoic (75%)

Platonist (50%)

Pythagorean (50%)

Cynic (25%)

Cyrenaeic (hedonist) (0%)

Sophist (0%)

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  • 6 months later...

Stoic? Me? Rather not...


Actually gave it a good nights sleep and Yes! I believe in predetermination, but not by some gods or... the universe, but predetermination by Circumstances. For example, the average Life goes like: Grow Up, Go to school, Finish school and study, get married, build a house... Sadly predetermined by what was laid into your childrens bed...

But Fullfill and Accept your role when you know it? No! Im maybe Stoic, but Im also a Dreamer, so Break Out,whenever your live becomes predictable!

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OMG 2 with 100%


Link: Classical Philosophy Selector

Platonist (100%)

Stoic (100%)

Cynic (67%)

Cyrenaeic (hedonist) (34%)

Epicurean (34%)

Pythagorean (34%)

Socratic (34%)

Sophist (0%)


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Platonist (100%)

Pythagorean (100%)

Stoic (100%)

Epicurean (98%)

Cynic (70%)

Socratic (68%)

Cyrenaeic (hedonist) (17%)

Sophist (0%)



Now im off to search what platonist , phythagorean and sophist means..:leaf20:

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My result:


Epicurean (100%)

Socratic (100%)

Platonist (75%)

Stoic (75%)

Sophist (55%)

Pythagorean (50%)

Cyrenaeic (hedonist) (30%)

Cynic (0%)


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My results:

Platonist (100%)

Socratic (100%)

Stoic (60%)

Cynic (40%)

Pythagorean (40%)

Epicurean (20%)

Sophist (20%)

Cyrenaeic (hedonist) (0%)

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Stoic (100%)

Platonist (88%)

Socratic (79%)

Epicurean (60%)

Pythagorean (57%)

Cynic (38%)

Sophist (19%)

Cyrenaeic (hedonist) (0%)


...Pure Stoicism haaa..?

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