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*cuddles* The feels sugar bear!


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Now for a tough one:

72) You are at the doctor’s office and she has just informed you that you have approximately one month to live. a) Do you tell anyone/everyone you are going to die? b) What do you do with your remaining days? c) Would you be afraid?

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My extreme thought is my weakness & my strength ne~ Anchan :)


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100. If you were Doraemon, what would you do with Nobita?


i dunno since i know none of them O.o what are they ?


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: 11) Do you have any strange phobias?

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28) What's your biggest "what if"?

~ I don't have a "what if" but while questioned about it, I thought of this question: "How were my life if I hadn't discovered yaoi?"

This is actually not a "what if", a "what if" question associated me on something what we regret or missed, and yeah in matter yaoi, I have NO regrets and I also didn't missed something ♡

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103.5) Would you ever take a shower underneath a waterfall in the middle of the woods?

Only if this guy be there with me.



just joking. I already did something like that when I was a kid. I don't remember exactly if I enjoyed


- - - Updated - - -

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31) Smell the air. What do you smell?


Nothing, my nose is stuffy

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11) Do you have any strange phobias?


This one, I am ---> Hippoptomonstrosesquippedaliophobia







Tag you back 100. Do you like Asian recipe?


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100. Can you write with both hands at the same time?

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It was until I change it

my previous desktop





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haha i have that question to myself "what if" - I haven't rediscovered anime/manga?


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Yeah me too! you're so fun to talk with! ^__^



I'm tagging random people


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2) If you could meet anyone on this earth, who would it be?


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11) Do you have any strange phobias?


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15) Do you prefer to be behind the camera or in front of it?
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100. Tell me something about you that not many people know.
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i'm a self-declared Asexual a.k.a. Ace.

since i don't feel any sexual attraction towards people in any gender nor sexual orientation.

the people who i know in real life doesn't know about this since i know it's gonna sound ridiculous to them.

i realized i was an asexual last 3 years ago and joined the Asexual Community ever since.


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Hahah nice to meet you random person XD Hope you're having a nice night/day thing.


2) If you could meet anyone on this earth, who would it be?

Famous people? Nah. Hmmm I'd have to say someone who is my dear friend though we've never met face to face

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because I'm feeling all sentimental at the moment.



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tag right back 88) If you could press a button and make anyone in the world instantaneously explode, who would it be?


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You're up sugar bear XD 27) What's a sound you hate; sound you love?


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Soo honey, can't sleep and I'm curious 95) You just got a free plane ticket to anywhere. You have to depart right now. Where are you gonna go?

(**Yes I know Japan, but where specifically?)

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- Nice to meet you too ^__^

ok imma gonna answer ur question

88) If you could press a button and make anyone in the world instantaneously explode, who would it be?

well it wouldn't be a single person but those people who constantly in war -- i meant Civil war =__= quite evil!

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#15: Do you prefer to be behind the camera or in front of it?


In front of the camera :) I often get scared to be behind the camera as there are expectations made and the final picture should look good, I would prefer to be in the picture and not the one trying to capture the moment.


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Same question as above ;)

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#27: What's a sound you hate; sound you love?


I HATE slurping... Slurping really gets on my nerves and makes the hairs on my back stand on end. If I slurp even by accident, I will become so frustrated with myself lol.


I love... "The sound of muuuuuuuuusssssiiiiiiiiiiic" lolz





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#106: You went to your local general store and saw your worst enemy standing and looking at the chocolate bar rack. Do you: 1) Leave immediately, 2) Continue as if you had never seen them or 3) Go and speak to them? You can explain and alternative action, explain it fully.

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heh fair enough XD


#106: You went to your local general store and saw your worst enemy standing and looking at the chocolate bar rack. Do you: 1) Leave immediately, 2) Continue as if you had never seen them or 3) Go and speak to them? You can explain and alternative action, explain it fully.


Hmm if I must choose I'd leave immediately because my worst enemy is a bit... In a dream world? I'd take a chocolate bar and poke my enemy in the eye with it.



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32) What's the worst place you have ever been to?

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#15: Do you prefer to be behind the camera or in front of it?

well i'm not scared or anything while being in front of a camera -- it just that I prefer to be behind it after all I am a photographer -- i'd rather captured than be captured -- wait that phrase does not make sense? i think..? xD

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LOL The phrase sounds a bit messed up BUT we can work on that ;)



OOOOOooooo! Photographer ehh? *comes to your place wearing lingerie* It's picture time \0/

lolz jk sorry XD

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100.) If you could bring to life one of your toys, which would it be and why?



My stuff rabbit! C:

So I can have a free rabbit. 8D




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100.) If the world ends, what is the last thing you would do?

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@Claude's Bird


50) Do you believe in magic?


Well, I don't believe in people possessing magical powers with which they can transform, change people into frogs and that kind of thing:P

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Hahah nice to meet you random person XD Hope you're having a nice night/day thing.


2) If you could meet anyone on this earth, who would it be?

Famous people? Nah. Hmmm I'd have to say someone who is my dear friend though we've never met face to face

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because I'm feeling all sentimental at the moment.



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tag right back 88) If you could press a button and make anyone in the world instantaneously explode, who would it be?


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You're up sugar bear XD 27) What's a sound you hate; sound you love?


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Soo honey, can't sleep and I'm curious 95) You just got a free plane ticket to anywhere. You have to depart right now. Where are you gonna go?

(**Yes I know Japan, but where specifically?)

LOL Let's see ... In Japan, it would be either Tokyo (yes, I know, rather cliché) or Osaka (don't know why, I just want to go there LOL). More specifically I want to visit Akihabara :3

In the USA I would use the ticket to visit you ^^

Question 84 for you: What's a saying you say a lot? :)

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What is your dirtiest fantasy? ^^


Live action, anime and all, of my Yaoi OTPs having hot steamy smex. 8"D /brick'd.




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100.) What will you do if you're the only person in the whole planet?

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100.) What will you do if you're the only person in the whole planet?


I'm not courageous enough to kill myself, so I will probably die by bored disease. There's no fun in a world that only you is the unique human alive.

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11) Do you have any strange phobias?



I don't have any that I can think of, aside of being stuck in an elevator in the middle of summer and it's crammed full of people, then it shuts down and all the lights go out. Sweaty bodies stuffed wall to wall breathing the same air as me. Inhale in..exhale out..inhale..gag. Everything smells like body odor, stale cigarette smoke and too much perfume. Someone whimpers in the corner and a man tries to use his phone call for help, but there's no phone service here and he curses that his flight will leave without him. Getting hotter and hotter in the confining darkness. A woman with a shrill voice complains loudly "if only this urinal of a city would care about it's.." blah blah blah.The rustling of clothing in a small space sounds too loud. Breathing sounds too loud. Someone next to me starts to whisper a quiet pray and the whimpering from the corner turns to crying. "no, no this isn't happening..wake up..please wake up. this is only a dream. just dreaming just dreaming just dreaming just dreaming just drea..." The crying is silenced by a meaty thwack. Yelling. The temperature in the elevator is rising. Cant breath cant breathe. The feel of fabric brushing against my skin makes me feel sick and I press closer to the wall, but that only makes them move closer. Turn to face the wall, setting me face against its warm smoothness, but my sweat makes it slick and I feel sick to my gut. I'm not the only one. The sound of retching begins behind me and there's nothing I can do but try to hold my own in as the overwhelming, sour stench of vomit saturates my nostrils, burning them. In through the mouth, out through the nose..banging my head on the elevator wall as i try to knock myself unconscious so I can escape this hell.


Wait, what was the question again?

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@AmemiyaKyoko [76]


76) In your opinion, what makes a great relationship?


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Hmm for me i think trust and comunication makes a relationship last, and love in general.

Continue to give, be affectionate, do little nice things spontaniously, make time for one another, express your affection, communicate feelings (good and otherwise), be as honest as possible, always be respectful of other's life c:

In relationships, there are always levels of maturity, understanding, trust builds, loyalty grows and comfortably starts to grow.


That's just myopinion thou cx



43) Do you have any nicknames?


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I have, myclassmate usually call me "amoi" "momo" or "mei mei" because i look like chinese, and the other reason probably because i used to bring mycat to school when i was in junior high, i named mycat momoko eventhou he's a male cause is cute >A> that's around the time when myfriends start calling me momo, i never seen mycat again after two years and half, not sure if he's running away or he died somewhere T_T


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61) are you wearing socks right now?


it's a very important question kyoko-chan! XD


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-chan what's up with question LOL

Nope no socks, most of the times i wear high heels I dont wear socks unless I'm going to office or while i'm cosplaying xD

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84) What's a saying you say a lot?

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That's very cool! I'd probably end up going to Kyoto or to visit you XD Hmmm Now to answer your question.... It'd have to be "Holy sweet muffins!" Or just "Oh muffins."

Muffins: So tasty I swear by them. :6onion72:

So question for you honey: 14) If you're outside, what are you most likely doing?



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8) Girls.... (finish the sentence); Boys.... (finish the sentence)

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That's very cool! I'd probably end up going to Kyoto or to visit you XD Hmmm Now to answer your question.... It'd have to be "Holy sweet muffins!" Or just "Oh muffins."

Muffins: So tasty I swear by them. :6onion72:

So question for you honey: 14) If you're outside, what are you most likely doing?



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8) Girls.... (finish the sentence); Boys.... (finish the sentence)

If I venture outside, then it's either because I needed to go shopping or in the case of sitting in my backyard, I'd be reading manga or a book :)


87) What is your current desktop picture? ^^

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