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Simple test from shindanmaker. All you need to do it type your name ^^


User name:


Himitsu-sama is a(n) Senpai Seke, who will end up with a(n) Mangaka Seme.



Full User Name:


Himitsu Mori is a(n) Opportunist Seke, who will end up with a(n) Sensei Seme.


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Saki Oda is a(n) Kemonomimi Seme, who will end up with a(n) Boke Seme.



SakiOda is a(n) Sensei Seke, who will end up with a(n) Otaku Seke.


and just first name

Saki is a(n) Don't **** With Me Seke, who will end up with a(n) Flaming Seke.


Just so u know this seems all wrong

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Ephemeral is a(n) Kuudere Seke, who will end up with a(n) Kohai Uke.

:o wott.


Here :)


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Anic is a(n) Kemonomimi Seme, who will end up with a(n) Clueless Uke.



Full name


Angelika Linder is a(n) Tsundra Uke, who will end up with a(n) Kemonomimi Uke.



First name


Angelika is a(n) Yandere Uke, who will end up with a(n) Romantic Seke.



I don't even know what to say x)

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Lot It Should be w/ someone username start's with S *u*


Fay is a(n) Ecchi Seme, who will end up with a(n) Kohai Uke.


Jake is a(n) Tsundere Uke, who will end up with a(n) Mangaka Uke.


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This seems a bit messed up but whatever lol




Dev is a(n) Megane Uke, who will end up with a(n) Flaming Uke.



First name:


Devesh is a(n) Dandere Seke  , who will end up with a(n) Tsundra Uke.



Someone please explain what Dandere, Tsundra, Megane and Flaming mean? I am sure even "flaming" has a deeper meaning than simply they are hot or they are on fire XD

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full name


Agemi Saigha is a(n) Kohai Seke, who will end up with a(n) Pet Seke.





Agemi is a(n) Tsukkomi Seke, who will end up with a(n) Crossplay Seme.





shieru is a(n) Megane Seme, who will end up with a(n) Pet Seme.



i prefer username.. LOL. im megane after all

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beltlane is a(n) Dramatic Uke, who will end up with a(n) Clueless Uke.



first name


magali is a(n) Senpai Seke, who will end up with a(n) Tsundra Seme.


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Hannah is a(n) Tsundra Uke, who will end up with a(n) Dramatic Seke


Hannah Beal is a(n) Otaku Seke, who will end up with a(n) Otaku Uke.


Hannah Jacobs is a(n) Dandere Seke  , who will end up with a(n) Kohai Uke

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Dusutii is a(n) Tsundra Uke, who will end up with a(n) Crossplay Seme.


well she does kinda dress like a guy i guess



First Name


Sarah is a(n) Clueless Uke, who will end up with a(n) Dandere Seke


Don't like this one... i'm not clueless... am i?


Full Name


Sarah Bell is a(n) Yandere Uke, who will end up with a(n) Ecchi Seke.




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Mitsu is a(n) Boke Seke, who will end up with a(n) Sensei Uke.





Mitsukuni is a(n) Flaming Uke, who will end up with a(n) Megane Seme.





SECRET is a(n) Senpai Seme, who will end up with a(n) Tsundere Seke.


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Niya is a(n) Mangaka Uke, who will end up with a(n) Pet Seke.



First name:


Evelina is a(n) Romantic Seme, who will end up with a(n) Megane Uke.



Both sounds good to me ^^

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Koneko-hime is a(n) Shota/Loli Seke, who will end up with a(n) Don't **** With Me Seme.



Real name:


Autumn is a(n) Megane Seke, who will end up with a(n) Senpai Seke.



And.. I really don't have a nickname so.. but I think they are both quiet accurate :hamtaro-005 (6):

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acochan97 is a(n) Senpai Seme, who will end up with a(n) Kuudere Seme.


First name: oh boy


Anne-Chloe is a(n) Otaku Seke, who will end up with a(n) Slave Seke.


Most used Character name


Tilereen is a(n) Kemonomimi Seme, who will end up with a(n) Cosplay Uke.



Oh my...

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Here's mine




Neja is a(n) Master Seme, who will end up with a(n) Crossplay Seme.


Hehehe, maybe xD


Real name


Liudvika is a(n) Kohai Seke, who will end up with a(n) Master Seme.


Oh, my, my, that looks kinda near the truth O.o

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Drag is a Tsundre Seke, who will end up with a Slave Seme.





RL Name (used full first):


Benjamin is a Senpai Seke, who will end up with a Sensei Seme


Getting schooled sounds kinda hot actually



RL Name (what most people call me)


Ben is a(n) Megane Uke, who will end up with a(n) Crossplay Uke.


*fixes glasses* hmm


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Shirotsuki is a(n) Pet Seme, who will end up with a(n) Pet Seke.


so... i'm a pet now? XD

but then again... i also have a pet of my own! :p Pet Seke! ;D

i wonder if after a while i would turn seke too! XDD






Shiro is a(n) Kemonomimi Seke, who will end up with a(n) Opportunist Seke.



seriously? what's up with my name and animals?! XD

first is pet, now is kemonomini!

well... i do like animals! :p


but an opportunist? damn! taking advantage of my cute/animal side! >.


btw... i did end up a seke! XD


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Ash is a(n) Megane Seme, who will end up with a(n) Shota/Loli Uke.




Ashnie is a(n) Dramatic Seke, who will end up with a(n) Dramatic Seke.




Maiko is a(n) Opportunist Seke, who will end up with a(n) Kohai Uke.



I'm actually the second one >///>

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Saito is a(n) Tsundra Uke, who will end up with a(n) Senpai Seme


Real Name : is a(n) Senpai Seke, who will end up with a(n) Crossplay Seke.

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  • 5 weeks later...

youtube username: *bleep* is a(n) Kemonomimi Uke, who will end up with a(n) Masochist Uke.

current username: welcometothedarkside is a(n) Pet Uke, who will end up with a(n) Innocent Uke.

my other username: *bleep* is a(n) Tsukkomi Seke, who will end up with a(n) Innocent Uke.

my real name first:*bleep* is a(n) Shota/Loli Seke, who will end up with a(n) Don't **** With Me Seme. I say no to shota. :/

my last and first name: *bleep bleep* is a(n) Otaku Seme, who will end up with a(n) Ecchi Seke. F**** YEA! :5yoyo34:

my full name: *bleeeeeeeeep* is a(n) Tsukkomi Uke, who will end up with a(n) Kemonomimi Seme.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Username: Hypnotic is a(n) Ecchi Uke, who will end up with a(n) Crossplay Uke.


Real name ***** is a(n) Kohai Uke, who will end up with a(n) Megane Uke.

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Username: Nephilim is a(n) Mangaka Seme, who will end up with a(n) Sensei Seke.


Real Name-o: Michael is a(n) Romantic Seme, who will end up with a(n) Shota/Loli Seke.


Romantic works, but no thanks for shota/loli thing

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