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The Last Poster Wins VI


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Black is smexeh. But I think I'd go with Bold Plum just like when I was an S Mod.

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Ahhhh I see..

I understand the roles of moderator.


Nice nice.. I just didn't expect two labels -___-

I was top contributor first, nee then translator later added.


Anyway, I'm just a common folk, nothing more.

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took latin, forgot everything


native english, advanced japanese, fluent american sign language...

been chatting with chinese friends, gah CHINESE IS TOO HARD!!

Learning japanese sign language ^^ they're so FUN!


How about you, dear?? it's always interesting to hear about languages, nee

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I took formal Japanese lessons years ago. Like... seven years ago. Only reached level 2. Forgotten most of the stuff I learned.


Which Chinese? Mandarin? Cantonese?


Indeed it is. I tried learning Braille when I was in high school. I was fun the first day. Got dead bored the second day. rofl

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oh.. Hahaha

Yeah I took Japanese lessons too but...

I just don't think they're helpful and they can be boring.

Everyone has different pace and it certainly doesn't help if you're way ahead.

So instead, I just taught myself.


I have no idea which chinese it was. I mean, I was typing, not verbal. I typed in simplified Chinese and pingyin [sp?]

I just cannot see the patterns in Chinese. Usually you can figure out a pattern.

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I see. I agree everyone's got different learning curve. My Jap sensei was a fun guy. So I enjoyed his lessons. He's also into anime, though he follows shounen series.


My brain has no room for Kanji. That's probably the reason I didn't push for Level 3 'cause it involved us learning kanji. I admire non-natives who has the patience to master it.

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You'd be surprised. You never know.

After being so exposed to anime, or movies, or reading someone's blog in Japanese, for example.

You'll come across a lot of common set of expressions and kanji's.

Knowing these and understanding the meaning of radicals. It became so much easier.


For me, reading japanese blogs helped a lot. I don't see how anime helps though ^^;; especially with reading/writing anyway...


I know what you mean though. It takes patience and a lot of exposure.

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I only meant we both like anime. So us having a common ground of interest made me like him more.


I see. How much of an exposure did it take you recognize the pattern? I mean, how long have to you been watching/reading anime/blogs?

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Lol Miro..

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I'd say... 4 years on and off but steadily since I joined the board.


It's all due to trail and error.

Cuz there are so many methods and I had to find what worked best for me.

Watching anime didnt help me so reading blogs, yes.. about a year now. What I'd do is just write on paper the same in the blog, then create a vocabulary list on the bottom, and practicing writing them- with context in mind, and your hand will remember how to write these kanji's.


While learning the grammar at the same time, you'll understand what the entry is all about.

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Definitely requires a lot of effort. Which Jap blog do you frequently visit? Or do you have your own blog?

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I do have my own japanese blog but it's personal.

:leaf5: Besides there's nothing interesting there for you

but about Mr. White Teeth this, Mr. White Teeth that. [guy who plays Kei in Fujimi Orchestra]


I follow White Teeth's blog. Sometimes Baba-chan, Keisuke-chan. [Takumi-kun series]

But I do read random blogger on ameba when I feel like it.

I do translate blog entries when someone's interested. I posted a few on my FB, nee...

Because they are the fans of Mr White Teeth and Ms. White Teeth.



haha, you're curious one. What you are most interested in? [i mean related to Japanese culture, language, etc.?]

Or just in general.

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You forgot "even if you see it, it wouldn't make any sense to you." =P


Spamming this site, definitely one on the list. And uh... yeah. That's it. rofl


You know what, that's a hard question. Been staring at the screen for minutes now. Can't think of anything for some reason.

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