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Love Is Music (Private |Robertita + Saki|)


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Following after and stopping at the water fountain and walking in with a few other groups of students, Only to hide as to where he went as he sat down a few girls ran to satori and started talking at him One girl held out her cell wanting satori to put his number in. He was confused as he looked up to see a girl he hadn't met or ever seen. "You must be in the wrong class miss, That's a first year uniform is it miss?" she nodded. Satori got up and whispered in her ear. "Come to my next show sweetheart, and ill gladly give you my cell. ill give you back stage passes as well princess. Just tell the ticket master Satori Sent you." he lightly pulled back and winked as she wobbled out of the room. other girls that sat around satori began asking many questions and satori partly paying attention to them. His eyes gazed over at Ren talking to kyo and the girl from this morning on the floor. Satori's eyes looked up to Ren's hair but his gaze looked as if he was glancing at the door, Which he did occasionally.

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“Yes there is someone I like Ren but it’s not this girl, it’s …” but Kyo couldn’t continue as the teacher entered in the class. Ren ran to his desk and opened the book. “Damn” he thought “he was about to confess”. As he was thinking he missed an opportunity an idea crossed through his mind “Maybe if I’m going on his house, he will feel comfortable to confess”. He smiled to himself and decided to announce his lover. He wrote a note and when the teacher didn’ t pay attention he turned to face Satori and pretending he’s asking for a pen he passed the note to him.

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Satori watched the teacher enter as he sighed looking at Ren who quickly ran to his desk. satori adjusted himself taking notes as he looked up he saw Ren turn around and lightly looked at him, Satori grabbed his extra pen and handed it to him and took the note laying it down and gently opened it while still taking notes he glanced at the paper and nodded he tapped his pen twice as an approval for Ren. He better be careful. Perhaps I will follow secretly maybe I can save him if he needs it. He thought tilting his head to the side still taking notes for class.

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When the break came he decided to speak with Kyo. He approached him and smiled “Kyo can I come to you today? I want to hear you singing the new song. If everything works well we can repet it this weekend. Don’t forget the concert will be soon” Kyo almost jumped of happiness and answered “Yes of course Ren. That way nobody will disturb us” he answered looking at Satori.

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Looking over at Ren and Kyo, Satori got up during break and ran into the girl from this morning and leaned by the door listening to her, as she pretended to still be hurt Satori lightly patted her shoulder and smiled "Look I'm sorry about this morning, How about after school i take you out to get something to eat. Ill pay." she nodded and sniffled a little as satori offered her a hug. He felt eyes burning wholes into his head as he lightly offered to walk her to the fountain and grabbed a small towel. "Lets rinse those tears and smile that beautiful smile" again she nodded as satori left the room for a moment.

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After the classes were over Ren took his bag and followed Kyo to his house. He hadn’t been here for long so he wondered if it was a good idea to go there. All the way Kyo spoke about music and behaved normal. “ Welcome to my house Ren” he said once they were there. Ren nodded and followed Kyo to his room. Ren almost frozen on the door. Kyo’s room was full with pictures of him. Kyo seated on bed and asked. “Why are you staying there? Come here”. Ren did as Kyo asked and before he could say anything Kyo kissed him.

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Gently after the class was over Satori took the girl out as he lightly follows Ren and kyo, The girl stopped tugging Satori back to a stall where she wanted ramen. "You want some ramen? sure" entering the stall satori smiled seeing them enter kyo's home. "two ramen bowls, Small bowls if we could" the man nodded and began filling the bowls and set them on the counter. Satori ate calmly but inside he was worried desperately worried.

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Feeling Kyo's lips over his Ren wanted to throw up so he pushed the other out of bed. "Never again dare to touch me. Are you crazy Kyo?" Ren yelled at him and headed to the door. Kyo jumped in front of the door and confessed "I love you Ren. I want you to be mine. I hated that Satori very much. Why he can stay in your house, wear your clothes and even sleep with you in bed? I saw the bed, he was there. And I have something for you, look here" Kyo took his phone from his pocket and looked on it. "Where is the video? " he yelled angrily. "You, you delete it" he said and pulled a spray from his coat. "You will pay" he added before use it. Ren felt that substance in his eyes and then he collapsed without a noise.

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Satori sat there looking at his phone time, No new messages showed up as he sighed the girl looked at him. "Hey whats wrong, you seem worried. Satori...whats the matter?" Satori let out a sigh and looked up at the girl he leaned on his palm. "Your names Lisa, right?" she nodded. "I have a question, Do you know who kyo likes?" She nodded again. "If i guess right will you take me to kyo's house" again she nodded not really saying much. "Is it Ren?" she nodded this time adding more. "Hes obsessed with Ren, He was telling me something about how he felt and how jealous he was of you...Satori...are you gay?" Satori rose up. "..Well i suppose i might as well tell you..Not exactly. I have dated girls...But i'm gay for Ren.." She nodded getting up. "I have a key, His mom lets me come over sometimes to help out when kyo is gone, But ill take you to him. follow me" Satori blinked and followed her to the house not to far from where they were. Satori looked around as he thought. 'Please Ren be safe..I'm coming..'

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Ren woke up slowly and felt something is wrong. When he opened his eyes he realized what was wrong: he was naked and tied up into Kyo’s bed. Kyo was above him and was playing with his manhood. “Oh, you finally wake up” Kyo smiled and kissed him on his lips. “Time for action my dear Ren.” he added as he started to undress. Ren tried to escape from his ties but was impossible. “Are you so anxious Ren?” Kyo laughed as he finished taking his clothes off. “This time nobody will disturb us” he added and started to kiss Ren’s chest. “Where are you Satori?” Ren thought waiting for a miracole to happen.

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Lisa let him in as Satori ran up the stairs he was pissed. His fists were balled and he was running up the stairs. Satori stopped and heard noise, He began enraged and ran down the hall to the room, There was a keep out sign on it. Satori backed up just enough and turned to his shoulder busting down the door with brute strength. He walked in and walked over to kyo, Pulling him off he glared, but he called over to Ren. "Did he touch you, Ren?" awaiting the answer from Ren satori heard the girl coming up the stairs calling out satori's and kyo's name.

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“He didn’t. You come just in time” Ren answered and hearing the girl’s voice he added “Quick put a blancket on me”. As soon as he was covered the girl entered into the room. “Take Kyo from here now or I will call the police. This idiot tried to rape me” Ren asked the girl. She nodded and took the crying Kyo out. “Untie me” Ren asked Satori when they were alone. Then he started to dress in silence as he wanted to left that house as soon as possible.

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Lightly Satori hugged him and walked with him out side of kyo's home. Kyo would most likely be sespended and probably be thrown out of the band. With a sigh satori hugged him. "You know hes gonna tell everyone...hes only gonna be kicked out for 3 days.." satori hugged him tightly and rubbed his back. Satori was shaking a little. He had gotten into fights before but never had he been so close to wanting to kill the person in front of him. "I-i am so sorry Ren i-i should have known he would try..I'm sorry."

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Ren didn’t say a word all the way to his home. Once he arrived there he ran into bath. He needed a shower so badly. Only thinking on Kyo’s mouth over his skin and lips could make him to throw up. After his bath he just jumped on his bed and answered to Satori’s questions” I will speak with the boys tomorrow. I want Kyo out of my band and also they must accept you. You are my lover and I need you every day of my life. It’s time all school to know you are mine”.

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Satori watched as Ren ran into the bathroom and waited and grabbed his phone he began texting vigorously he shut his phone for a minute and smiled up at Ren who looked clean and happy as he plopped onto the bed and began talking ,satori walked over and wrapped an arm around him. Just as Satori was about to speak, His phone started ringing as he smiled he picked it up. He nodded and began explainging. "Yeah...Yes....Yeah it was him the whole time....Yeah....We uh yeah we have...Yes i do...is that okay?.....Really?! Your all okay with it?...OH THANK YOU!?! I love you guys.. what did mom say? yea? thats good. Im gonna be here probably all night..Yeah hes shook up and...yep...Thanks guys"


Satori closed his phone and looked at Ren,"That was my boys.. They are fine with it as long as they get to meet you, The real you so sometime ill make dinner for us all okay?" He smiled softly as he laughed lightly hugging him. "Oh yeah, Im okay with everyone knowing i-i will always be yours."

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"Do you already tell them? And they agree with us? Really?" Ren asked with a happy face. He pulled his lover closer and gave him a kiss. "That's great news. I should call my boys too before Satori will speak with them and turn them against me". So he took his phone and called the drummer. “I have to tell you something boys. Can you come to my house? It’s about Kyo. He tried to rape me today.” The boy from the phone remained silent for a moment then answer. “I knew he liked you Ren but never expected him to do that. We will be there.” he added before closing the phone.

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Satori leaned on him. "How about i go and grab some soda's from the fridge, Did you want one?" satori asked pulling off his coat and setting it over his school bag he went downstairs to grab some drinks and snacks for everyone. He placed everything on a tray and began making food in the kitchen as he lightly places the snacks onto the tray and grabs it heading upstairs. "Hey Ren, Would you care getting the door?"

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While Satori was into the kitchen Ren went to his closet and pulled out some clean clothes as his friends could arrived anytime. He opened the door for Satori and helped him with the tray. Then he looked on the windows and said “They are here. I will go to open the door” then he ran downstairs. “Thanks for coming so soon boys.” he started to say. “Are you ok Ren?” both asked in the same time. “Yes I am boys. But Kyo can’t be in our band anymore. Let’s go upstairs to discuss” he added and they went into his room. “What is he doing here Ren?” the drummer asked then he saw Satori.

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Satori looked up and held out soda's and smiled. Though he wanted to say something like im the reason he's fine and you should be thanking me for saving his life, but satori kept his lips silent and held out the soda's waiting for ren to speak first. It was ren's place to explain not satori's. All satori cared about was that Ren was safe and that he could stay by him whenever he needed help. Satori looked at them and smiled. "Well Take the soda's and sit down I'll grab some snacks for everyone off the tray, Ren want me to wait downstairs or outside the room till you finish talking?" In the end satori was nervous about ren telling his band, He didnt wanna be in the room in case they lashed out at him.

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"Please stay Satori. It's time for them to know the truth." Ren answered and seated on bed. The boys did the same. "I went today to Kyo's house to make him confess. I was tired of his behaviour around Satori and I. But once I arrived there he tried to… to rape me. Satori was the one who saved me" Ren said loudly, almost yelling. "He... saved you, but he’s your enemy Ren, he..." the drummer started to say but Ren interruped him "No boys, he's not our enemy, he's my lover. I love him since I was a kid" Ren said waiting for the boys to reply. The drummer lauged and answered "I know it. If he really was your enemy Ren, he would have been dead unril now.Why were you so afraid to tell us? We only thought he's our rival in music but nothing more. " "Yes, yes, he's right Ren" the other boy added. "So you two are ok with us being together?" Ren asked to be sure. "Yes we are" the boys answered and took some snacks.

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Satori smiled to himself as he leaned against the door his head turning slightly as he peered at the calender and tilted his head before he went into deep thought while ren explained. Theres a few more months before the end, I wonder what will happen. We will have to practice. Hmm...maybe if we join groups we could both play for the end and that would be pretty interesting, i could pitch it to ren after school tomorrow maybe set up a joint practice till we have a decent play through...then again kyo knows where we all go except for my group since its an apartment down the street..hmm snapping back to reality ren had finished and everyone was snacking, Satori smiled acting like he knew what happened.

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" Time to go Ren. See you tomorrow at school" the boys said and Ren went with them until outside the house. Then he hurried up back into his room and hugged Satori. "Time for bed my love. It has been a long day". After they brushed their teeth they ran to bed. Ren throw the clothes from him and lay next to his lover. All he wanted was to be in his arms all night.

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Lightly satori held onto ren as even satori had fallen asleep. When the morning rose satori did as well. Yawning softly satori sat up and rubbed his eyes and looked next to him to see ren still asleep, Satori smiled getting up softly go and brush his hair and style it. He began thinking, What can i do to make this transition for ren more easy..People in the school are gonna find out...Perhaps i should head out early and...No he would be angry.I'll wait for him to wake.

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Ren woke up and opened his eyes slowly. He was alone in bed “Satori?” he called his lover and smiled when he saw him coming out of the bathroom. “Time to go to school. We will walk together today.” he said and headed to the bath. Then they ran into kitchen for their breakfast. “Hooray up boys. It’s late” his mother said giving them the lunck boxes. Out of house Ren took Satori’s hand into his and smiled. “Let’s go”

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Nodded satori took ahold of ren's hand and smiled at him as they walked. Whatever happened today they would fight it together. Satori smiled at the thought of just being with him and looked at ren softly pecking his lips before they continued walking to the school Hand in hand. "I see the school, Get ready."

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