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៙BL Cold Case Love ~Writer Contest~៙


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.. Cold Case Love ..


*Graphic by


*Organized by


*Approved by




.. I N F O ..

After being rich on contests for

graphic, artists, video making,

we decided that it's time to make a contest

for people who loves to write.


This month we will have a new theme set

and it's - "Cold Case Love".


You have to present your masterpiece,

which describes love between two males.

It's up to you how you will interpret "Cold Case Love".

so show us your imagination!




.. R U L E S ..

Minimum 400 words, maximum 600 words.


Only stories are accepted, no poems.


The story must be rated as for 16+


No racism, no religious topics, no animal/child abuse.


Love must be between two males.


Title of the story is up to you.


Post the finished work on this thread.


Read the rules once again.




.. P R I Z E S ..

1,500 points for all that applied


5,000 points for the winner + a Manga cover card from the iShop




.. D E A D L I N E ..

Starts: 09.07.2013

Ends: 31.07.2013


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I guess Ill be first, Hope you enjoy my little story.

word count including title 558 words


Saigo no omoide (Last Memories)

He leaned down; gently our lips touched and the serene feeling of his cold lips on mine warmed my body that was getting cold. His delicate hand touched my face and I felt like the gods had just blessed me with the first kiss of my life. I felt his cold wet lips pull away, my face being wet from his tears. ‘Please god don’t take him from me..’ The river of tears seemed to never end and they felt so very cold as they fell on my face. This was a weird case for us both. So happily in love and yet I can't respond to him. I want so badly to call his name but my lips won't move.. Why can’t I hug him? Why can’t I kiss him back..? Why won’t my body respond..?


Every day in front of the fountain I watched him play that guitar and sing to the crowd that gathered around him, his words were so Cold but his look was Hot, you see the people around us called him the ‘Hot Cold God’ but to my eyes the delicate jet black that draped around his face the look in his eyes the lips that moved to show his words. I had fallen in love with this god. I truly loved him.


The crowd would leave once he finished I would still be smiling waiting for him, He always hugged me tightly, No one knew this but we were lovers going out for 6 years now. While I was in school he would play music and sing in front of this fountain by my school. It was amazing. We lived together and that made it better when he got sick I could nurse him back to health. He would always reward me for taking good care of him, usually it was dinner some wonderful ramen. He was simply amazing.


But this year I got very sick I had a fever. Sadly it was the same week as finals so I couldn’t skip I was so happy that I even told him to head home early and prepare dinner for me once I got done I would be there…after the exams were finished I headed home, I had gotten right outside when I ran into a man he looked sick. I pulled out some money and handed it to him. Before I knew it I was pushed to the ground my bag torn from me as I screamed.


No matter how much I screamed it was muffled by the hand that covered my lips, I was stabbed 3 times in my stomach the last words I remember saying was his name, I remember watching him run outside and grab my hand repeating my name over and over then I felt his lips on mine, the sands of time had ended right after our lips connected. My life had ended and I never got to tell him I passed my finals.


Our Love was a cold case even more so now that I felt his tears on my face and sadly I couldn’t reach up to tell him 3 little words ‘I love you’ it seemed so hard to just tell him he was my god my prince my Cold lover who seemed to be so very warm.


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[warning: Bad grammar] ROFL

its 537 words.. please enjoy




Cold relationship


A beat music strained and teased all people to go down and had a dance. Everyone looked so enjoyed with their partner. Hugging, kissing, teasing, even doing a “little private” act were so okay at here. A sweet from wine swallowed in my throat. I just sit and waiting, and sometimes my eyes explore every corner in this room to find someone that I expect will come tonight.


‘What if you found me at here?’


I was sighing. Maybe I just did a coward thing, or being a liar with my own promise. Even like that, I need prove to make my heart calmed down. ‘At least, let me see you. It’s almost one month we never talk or meet’


Kai is like a dog who always sniffing around you. You know that?


Again, my heart felt so tighten. My mind was betrayed me and showed me, every detail, every chance about my love would be with someone and have fun right now. ‘it will be okay. I already though this would be a good decided, right?’


Is it really good?


Actually, I never know if this would be okay. I just playing with my own bet and tried my best to hold him with me, forever.

After I could calm myself, I decided to walk around. I should slip in the middle of the human sea and trying to reach a free spot to breathing.


‘Hope you are at here’ I wish.


Like my pray was granted, my eyes catch a silhouette of him in front of the door. I sighing relieved. Without hesitate, my foot stepped closer to his place. Close and get closer, my heart was beating faster to reach his hand sooner.


… (That’s what I hope)


I stopped suddenly and walked slowly. My heart was beating faster but now it was tighten like before again. Someone, I saw someone wrapped his arm around his shoulder.


‘How romantic, huh?’


I walked slowly to opposite way from him. I didn’t need to turn back and look by myself when they were kissing. I just know what they would gonna do after that and that.


I can’t stand to just with one person.

If you not okay with that, we have problem in our relationship

I hope you don’t mind to if I sleep with them also

You will be the highest in my heart, Sei-san.


Is that really enough? Just be his lover and have the highest place in his heart is really the meaning of the real lover? With so less time to spend together, just one side who always tried to catch up, it..


‘I know it is not’


As I turned back, they were kissing each other again and teasing playfully. For long time, I just stand and looking at them. He was never being mine, right? I just had his highest place, not meaning I had all of his heart. He is a free man, he doesn’t has limit for whoever who want touch him. He wasn’t mine, I don’t have anything from him, but he had my stupid permission. And me? I just had a relationship with him. No more, no less. Just a cold relationship that never have a future nor an ending. And no passion, anymore.


… Right, Kai?


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Taku whimpered as his lover pulled out of him. His legs shaking, His ass up in the air dripping of come.


“Hm” His lover inspected, “ you look so good. It makes me want to pound into you again.”


The bed creaked as his lover leaned over him. His lips sucking on a sensitive patch of skin.


“Shall I?” His lover murmured on his skin.


Taku opened his mouth to reply, “y-”

A cell phone went off.


His lover picked up.


“Hello.” His lover answered irritated.


Taku chest clenched at the female voice on the other line. Smiling bitterly to himself, he watched his lover quickly climbing out of bed.


“I'll be there soon” His lover reassured and hung up. Turning around, his lover said, “ I have to go.”


“How much longer?” Taku asked. He always asked this question.


“Maybe in another year.” His lover replied and quickly left.


Taku closed his eyes.





“Hmm?” Taku hummed distractedly. Bathing in he aftersex, his body was far to relax to move a finger.


A few minutes of silence passed.


“Taku have you fallen asleep?”


“Not if you don’t shut up” Taku murmured irritatedly.


“Taku, love” His lover repeated and hesitated.


Taku’s eyes flew wide open. His senses tuned on his lover, listening to his lover’s breathing.


His lover took a deep breath and slowly sat up, extracting himself from their tangled limbs.


Taku tensed from the loss of warmth.


“Taku” His lover began again. Taku could hear his lover swallow.


“Taku, I am to wed in a month.” His lover said in a steady neutral voice. “You see my father died and I am the only person left to produce an heir and my grandfather insisted on me marrying quickly incase of an accident occurring and It seems I simply don’t have a choice in this matter.”


Taku flinched as he felt his lover’s caressed his face.


“But don’t worry Taku I’ll leave her”His lover promised.


“When”, Taku voice cracked. His hand fisted the sheets.


He felt his lovers finger hesitate and a pregnant pause settled in the room.


“In a year?” Taku supplied - quietly breaking the silence.


“Perhaps” his lover answered in a neutral tone.


Taku shivered uncontrollably. His lover slowly gathered Taku into his arms


“Do you love me?” His lover asked


“Yes” Taku replied automatically.


“ Will you wait for me?”


Taku paused and whispered, “yes”.



He shivered.


The sheets are cold, he thought.


Taku pulled his legs to his chest and folded his arm around himself.




His lover blew a puff of warm air in his ear.

Taku shivered.

“Hm. Are you cold Taku?”, his lover softly inquired.


Taku leaned back towards his lover naked chest. He could feel the warmth embrace his back. It was a comforting heat- nothing overpowering nor faint. It simply was there, a everlasting presence he could bask in. One that he would never want to let go.


Taku tilted his his head back. His soft locks whispered his shoulders. He slowly open his grey eyes and allowed a soft smile to spread on his bruised lips.


“Only when you leave me alone” Taku replied mischievously.


His lover strong arms wrapped around his thin frame.

“Then I suppose I can’t leave you alone can I?”, His lover asked - his eyes crinkled in amusement.


Taku turned towards his lover.


“No you can’t”, Taku replied smugly. He pulled himself up and brushed his lips against his lover.




Taku choked out a sob.


His trembling hands immediately covered his mouth.


I'm okay, He assured himself.


Just one more year.




Word count: 599. (whew)

Hm.. my first story. I'm sorry for any grammar issue as grammar is the bane of my existence .


&& Jeez! It was a pretty bleak and empty story. I was tempted to get a syringe to break in a healthy does of fierce emotion.


But yeah. I hope you guys enjoyed it.

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Including the title there are 531 words.

I am new at this so please be patiant with me and enjoy the story.






Silently Freezing


I could feel the cold snow under my body. The chill made me shiver and I could hear my teeth chattering. I felt his cool fingers touch my cheek. I looked up but could't see him, I couldn't touch him ...why was that? My limbs wouldn't work and I couldn't open my eyes to see him.


I heard him...though I couldn't say anything back. In my mind all I saw was blackness surrounded by nothing. He touched my lips with his softly as he called my name. No...I don't want to go. I want to stay with him longer.


He was a regular businuss man that I had met at the park one day. Little did I know that I would end up loving him this much. He would usually wake me up in the morning kissing me gently. He would smile and hand me my lunch for me to take to university with me. We were happy and in love. We lived together spending as mush time as we could with each other.


We even got my parents to agree with the relationship, which took alot of time. I remember when my dad finally said yes, that bright smile that lit up his face telling me he was happy and that i was loved. I remember him kissing me at night telling me he loved me.


I felt a tear roll down my cheek. I dont want that to go away, I dont want to leave you!

A hand touched my cheek and a voice broke through the darkness. It was calling my name over and over seeing if I was okay and telling me to wake up.


I blinked and remembered the voice matching it to his. I started to cry thinking of him and how to find him. I looked around searching for the voice finding nothing. Where was he?


A loud bang went across the blackness and light flouded into my sights. I covered my eyes sheilding them from the bright light that was blinding me.

'Shi?' I looked up at the sound of my name. What was that? I heard it. I stoped moving around and listened. "Shi!" He heard it again and saw a figure come into the light.


I walked toward it seeing into the light. I saw an arm and a hand reaching out to me. I started running toward it not really careing weather it was him or not. I threw myself into the persons arms.


I gasped opening my eyes looking up into the worried face of my lover. I smiled and reached my hand up and touched his face. "I'm sorry, Kei." I said feeling a tear fall from my eyes.


He smiled and kissed my forehead whispering to me, "I love you."

I smiled and leaned up kissing him softly, "I love you too."

Those three words thawed my cold heart and brought me back from the death. I loved this man more than anything and am happy he brought me back to him. I would be broken and shattered without him. Frozen in a cold slumber forever. Never waking, and never feeling his loving touch again.



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Just a dream or ………?




“ If you told me to cry for you, I could

If you told me to die for you, I would..

Take a look at my face..

There’s no price I won’t pay…

To say these words to you…. “



This song is still echoing inside my frustrated head right now…


I don’t wanna breathe anymore.

Why in my brain is spinning around like this?



I shall blow away myself at this moment, really if I can.

Laying down the ground, all around with empty bottles.

Swallowing bittersweet moment into my throat...

I am all alone, this pillow still smells of your perfume I’ve chosen for….…

How this expression could come to me?

Who can explain it?!?!?







Those days, we joined hands, we had lots of fun.

You promised me, we’d build our own dream, created own way without caring anything.

Could you remember?

You told me you’d always be next to me, every time I need I would have you..

You promised me you could draw me stars, you’d shoot the moon to be mine…

You held me in your arms when I was down.

You lit up my life, shined on me at all….




But now…..

What’s wrong with you?

Or am I wrong?

How can I do to have you with me again?



Don’t go,



Please come back to me………

Really, I can’t live without you…

How can I go on my useless life alone?!?

My destiny is just only you.

Just for you, you know it, don’t you!?!?



I try to think it’s just a dream now, is it just a nightmare?

I try to close my eyes, try to forget everything.

I hope it will be gone when I wake up but why staring my limbs, bruises and blood are laughing at me!



This wrist, you liked you hold, it’s easy to make more lines with that broken glasses.

I’m bleeding, but it comes out slower than my tears, can’t you see?

How much you cared, did you see it?


Do you just say that you are sorry?

Pressuring me to forget everything between us.

Throw away our passion, our dreams.

You told me, our love was over.

No more stories between us.



I realize your face when you confessed you prefer my close friend to me….

I am not your type anymore….

You chose him NOT ME…

How can I say?

My best friend who knows all about me.

Or you who I rely on….



You and him?!?

Not you and me?!?!



This is the way to say when love and hate collide, isn’t it?

Both of you’ve stabbed my back and torn my heart into pieces….

You don’t just hurt me only your action but the pain you gave made me lose my control either….

I will erase them all as fast as I can but why I cannot, I cannot even if to forgive you…

And I really don’t know where to begin….



Do I really wanna fade away?


Why do I have to crucify my love?




And please answer my last question.


Would you miss me when I’m gone?





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Title: Forever My Love

Author: Pokeyspot

Word count: 565




The dreaded day dawned bright and sunny, a cheerful blue sky and chirping birds. It seemed so wrong. Didn’t they know a great tragedy had taken place? That a light was taken from the world? Didn’t they know things would never be the same? It was the day of Connor’s funeral. He was my light, my joy, my everything. What am I supposed to do now? Someone tell me what I’m supposed to do! The black suit hanging in the closet seemed so ominous. It felt like if I got dressed I’d be admitting that he’s gone. Oh Connor!


Connor sighed into my arms and rested his head on my chest. “Mike I…”

“What?” I muttered half-asleep after our pleasurable activities, I stroked the smooth skin of his arm soothingly. Yet he was still silent for a long moment. When Connor spoke at last it was in a horse whisper as if afraid to speak

“I love you.”

Well that got me awake. My heart started beating fast and my arms tightened around him automatically. It used to be casual but I’d never let him go, not now “I love you too.”


The cops said it was random. A mugging gone wrong. The murderer even took Connor’s ring, the one I gave him when I asked him to be my partner. Now Connor’s life is reduced to a cold case. Killer never found, only pain left behind. As I finally got dressed in the black suit I counted in my head, 3 stab wounds, 40% blood loss, 2000 ml, 1 minute alive in the ambulance. They told me, my hands shook just thinking about it, they told me he just kept repeating my name, “He kept calling out for you” They said.


The cemetery was quiet, here at least was reverence for grief. So few to mourn, Connor’s family having kicked him out when he was young. Only friends stand to remember. “Today we gather to mourn the death of Connor Braden. Here to speak is his partner Michael Hayes.” I stared at the urn of ashes blankly until someone tapped me on the shoulder to start the eulogy.


“Connor was a dear friend to us all, a kinder man you’ll never meet. He loved to laugh, and had this bright smile that would light up my world. I-“ my throat closed for a moment and tears stung eyes “I’ll miss him more than I can ever say. I know he’d want us to celebrate his life rather than mourning his death, but I can’t do it yet. Someday I’ll be able to smile again, and it’ll be thoughts of Connor that will cause it. Connor will forever be alive in my heart.” At some point I had lost control of my tears I could feel them trickling down my cheeks. I couldn’t stomach staying any longer. I wanted to go home…wait it wasn’t really home anymore was it? It was just an apartment now. Connor is what made it ‘home’. I headed back to the apartment hand clenched tightly in my pocket around Connor’s ring. Remembering.


“What are you doing Mike? Did you follow me?” Connor asked looking shocked

“You were leaving me.” I said my voice alien to my ears

“No Mike I- NO!” Connor screamed as I plunged the knife in. “W-why?” Connor choked out

“I love you Connor, you’ll always be mine.”



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Stained With Blood


Gazing at that framed picture on the wall everyday was the simple routine of David's life, not because he admired that man in it ..it was the opposite, it was for reminding him of his revenge from his father's killer. He let out deep sigh and looked away closing his eyes and asked his butler "When will you remove this frame from here?" His butler answered in such determined tone "When you fulfill your debt, my lord." David didn't say a word and just left to his work.


David had auction in two hours after he reached his office so he only took care of few papers and headed out to it, it was an auction for a big land he wanted to built his new factory on it. When he arrived it was crowded like every time but there were new faces, he wandered his eyes around to check the new faces.. his eyes filled on that guy, he was tall and muscular but it seemed like the other was wandering his eyes as well so their eyes met. David looked away quickly but his heart didn't. suddenly his eyes widened and his whole body froze when he heard the male's name "James Wilson" .. He muttered "It can't be.." the male had the last name of his father's killer.


David didn't win this auction this time, it went to James but he wasn't bothered about it, he only gave him that kind of look as he was telling him there is always a next time and the other's look was saying "i'm looking forward for it" then he left quietly . He didn't meet him after that directly for awhile till David decided to go to the equestrian club for to ride a horse as he used to do when he goes there but that time he couldnt control his horse and fell off it, he laid on ground gazing at sky till he saw a hand offering a help, he held it to stood up and looked up to see James face again, his heart skipped a beat . They talked for hours. They didnt meet after that but he couldn't take him out of his mind. "I cant love him.. i cant..i need to do this.. i need to fulfill my debt" .


David asked his butler to send a letter to James father having an unanimous place in it after midnight. He headed to the decided place to find a tall man waiting for him there, it was dark so he couldnt see anything, he stepped away from him and closed his eyes "forgive me, its a debt i shall pay" he got closer and stabbed him in the heart with no hesitation, he didnt see a face, he heard painful groans, the man clutched his shirt "Why, David?" David's eyes widened "...!! No... it cant be.. James..no..."

James :" its too late, you stabbed in the heart, if i didn't kill me, the pain would . when i knew the letter was from you i wanted to see you, i was missing you."

David's eyes filled of tears and he held the other's hand tighter "I didn't want it to be you.."

James:"But it's me.." he pulled David closer to kiss him for the first time and last then he closed his eyes forever.


It was kiss mixed with blood, a taste David would never forget.. He ended his love story by his own hands before it even starts. It was his one and only cold case love.


(598 Words)

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Word count: 600



Cold as Ice


Aaron could not help but chuckled at the too-familiar sight. At this hour, every winter, the bench under the windows of the art classroom was always occupied by the sandy-haired young man, hands tucked comfortably inside the pockets of his double-breasted, black wool-cashmere winter jacket, and a cigarette burned slowly between soft lips that never smiled. How predictable.


As Aaron approached the bench, Dexter drew his right hand out of his pocket, and took the cigarette between his fingers. Aaron noticed that, as usual, his pale hand was not gloved. He stopped in front of Dexter, and bent forward. They kissed. The blood rushed through their bodies, and for a moment, the fragile, pale fingers holding onto the burning cigarette became alive.


The kiss was very brief. Aaron dropped himself next to Dexter, who had by then returned the cigarette to its original position.


“Julian’s been looking for you,” Aaron said, “He took his dissatisfaction of your absence out on us.”


Dexter gave Aaron a hawk-like side-way gaze, “What?”


“We know you understand,” uttered the almost-annoyed Aaron, “You’re the only lefty in the art class who wins trophies for the class. You should at least show your face to that noisy teacher for our sake.”


Dexter looked away.


“Speaking of Julian, I caught him making out with a student yesterday!” Aaron exclaimed, excited like a girl over hot gossips, “They took off immediately, but the student hit that stack of construction materials. I think he cut his hand. Julian never turned back to help.” He giggled when he said the final line, but continued with a disappointed tone, “Pity didn’t catch proper sight of the student.”


Dexter never averted his gaze, but Aaron saw him rolled his eyes, and he knew that Dexter did not like gossips, and eye-rolling was his way of saying “Are you done?”


“Cigarette?” asked Aaron.


Dexter dipped his right hand into the left inner-pocket, and drew out a silver cigarette case. He handed it over to Aaron, who gladly accepted it. Despite the protection of the warm wool, and the heat of the beating heart that had been a constant company, the cigarette case was freezing cold.


Aaron silently laughed at the thought of an ice for a heart. It was not unlike Dexter. He wrapped his fingers around the case, which began to warm, and withdrew a cigarette. The smell was distinctive.


“German,” said Dexter.


Aaron looked at Dexter. Something had come to mind when he said the word.


“Hey, Dexter,” he said, “Want to go to Germany? I think I have a good deal.”


Dexter immediately turned to Aaron, his eyes widened, and his pupils constricted to a tight point.


Aaron was truly happy to see Dexter excited. He smiled, “A family friend lives there. We could save on accommodation.”


He knew that Dexter was very enthusiastic about visiting Germany, and he wanted to make him happy, at least before they leave for separate colleges. The thought was somewhat painful, but the sight of a small smile on that cold face took all the pain away.


“My boy,” Aaron laughed, “Give me a light.”


Dexter fumbled in his left pocket for a while. Then out of it he produced a silver lighter. He flicked it ready for Aaron, who had moved close to it with his cigarette.


But the cigarette never met the fire. Aaron was frozen. The blood in his face had drained, and the silver cigarette case had turned cold in his hand. They were staring at him. The bandages. The bandages that were clinging to the hand holding the lighter.



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Betrayal of a Boyfriend

He was watching me the whole time it was happening. I felt every agonizing movement of the man behind me. Every stab would as the others began laughing as the blood drained out of me.


I opened myself up to love, only to meet my end so suddenly. I trusted him enough to share the same bed, to be in the same home I lived in; by himself. I should have known he was dangerous the moment we met. The night we met, at the local bar, he was feeling every inch of my exposed skin. He even got bold to touch up my shirt. I also ignored the dangerous people he brought around me and into my home. I thought they were a part of a street gang. I should not have been so naive of my first and last serious relationship. I was blinded by the affections of an older bad boy.


He let this happen! He just stood there as I was dying. I began thinking he was the one behind this awful action against me as he watched them stab me repeatedly. The pleasure he was getting from watching me die was on his face, it was that of a devil. His twisted smirk and cold stare was what I hated most, as I lay bare and gasping for air. He began laughing like the others. The laughter of the group chilled my very core, my soul, and my heart.


'What would drive men to do such a horrible deed?!' I thought to myself. 'Was I just an easy prey for their sick entertainment?!' I was so damaged from the stab wounds; that I could not even cry or speak anything to him. ‘Why me? Did he not love me, the way I loved him?’ I kept thinking to myself. My conscious was in turmoil with all these thoughts rushing through my mind. I wanted to curse at him, and to try to fight. But I knew if I did, they might stab me again or beat me. I felt cold, as the life poured out of me and onto the ground.


After the horrible deed, they left me there; to suffer as I died on the cold and wet puddle of blood that I lay in.



My Entry.

Word Count: 385

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Here it goes my magnific masterpiece. /Don't believe myself./

Words: 434



Ink's cold love




The cold air prevaded trough the open window. A blind wind blew trough the courtains, making them dance on an endless music at the moon's light. Dark gray clouds ruled the sky as they pleased to, small white snowflakes regaining the freedom they seeked to, all those years.

The picture of the city behind the open window was cold... cold as the heart of one certian and lonely man. He stood at his desk, his hand moving continuously as one pen wrote all the silent words on the paper. His loneliness was ink, his freedom was a pen, his heart was the queen of the winter, but there was one warm spot... A spot behind the great walls of the mighty ice castle, a spot like a small place surrounded by coldness and oblivion.

Sparkles of sadness into the beautifull blue eyes that never moved their focus from the papers, and the candle's small fire faded into the furry of the wind. But that hand kept moving, ink down on the paper and countless words that were just a wall keeping behind the true feelings.

Even the piece of ice, had it's warmth inside.

But his warmth was gone, gone far away alongside with those shining green eyes, alongside with the countless warm hugs, alongside with the tender kisses and the skin that smelled like lime, and... alongside with the warmth and love...

He'll never love anybody again, he'll never feel any touch again. The bound is his mind, the ambition flooding trough his all veins. But he was cold and lonely. He retreated in his own world, the only place where his warmth was still there, the only place where he could love again without being heartbroken, the only place where he could see his beloved see anymore.

Like a little puppy he was left behin, like the sun he rose again and stood on his legs, and like the cold ice from the North, he lived forward. Each small touch remained bounded in his mind, each moan and desperate scream... The way only he could scream his name, sending shivers down his spine. The way he touched his skin on the certian places to give him all the pleasure, the way he touched back even more lustful.

But now, everyting was left just in his mind and on the papaers scratched gently by the pen he always hold. He was gone, as the endless drops of the rain started to fall, and as the pray for the love can even now be heard in the anxiety of the storm.

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Words 558


To My Love

The more you are in love, the more you become a loser.’ That’s what our oldies told us. I don’t know I am a loser or not, I just want you to stay with me forever even if it was meant for me to be burnt alive in hell for rest of my life. I love you this much, My Love.


Nonetheless, you always said that I am too cold and ignorance. but, it’s really you who is ignorance. You had never tried to understand my love for you. Instead, all you have done is a test _ a test of how much I could endure with your childishness. You don’t need to be romancing with him in front me purposely to perform such a test to provoke my jealous in order to know how much I love you. And, I have no idea when you said that I am too heartless when I don’t pay any attention to you. It’s just I believe in my love, I believe in myself that no one could love you as much as I do. You will never find someone who could love you like I do. That’s why I don’t care whoever, whether a man or woman, next to you.


Perhaps, it’s my fault that I can’t tell you how much I love you in elaborate way like other ppl do. It’s just happen to be we are born in different races and different part of the world so that we are different in everything, except our anatomy of being male of Homo sapiens. To be honest, I thought that you would understand the way of my love for you even though we are different in every aspect. In fact, what I know about love is ‘Love is universal’ _ it’s always the same. I expected that you would feel the warmness of my love, not that the cold one like you was always complaining.


My love maybe frozenly cold on the surface but deep inside of it, there is the warmness that nothing could be compared of. You don’t understand my love, and you don’t have to understand it either, coz’ I would love you no matter what. I know that you are not the God. But, I will love you even if you are an evil. I didn’t really care even if you didn’t love me as much as I love you coz’ my love alone was more than enough for both of us. I am the person who never good with the words. And also, I am never good with explaining the things. But, I still believe that there will be the day when you will realized that my love isn’t the cold one as you think, but the warm one that is beyond the words. Then, you will return into my embrace where you said that it’s not as comfortable as his, and you will cry with regard for leaving me. You know very well that my arms are always providing the place for you to rest. Nevertheless, once you come back, I will never let you go again. Instead, I will make you to rest in peace forever with me like I’m always dreaming about.


So, My love, please come back to me so soon. I want to rest in peace with you so badly.



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Words: 437

Here's my submission, thanks for opening this contest!





It's only blacks on his person. I dressed him on black, cause white just doesn't suit him. There's nothing holy on his person either. For all I care, he was finally here. It's been so long since the last time I could see him intact. So long until I could feel my heart swell with longing. While I caress his bangs, I could only see black as the ink on top pf his head. The same pale face, just smooth to the touch, free of expression. If he open his eyes, I know I could see a pair of black abyss staring back at me. I continue to caress his ear, to his brow, to his nose, to his lips. They were all smooth and soft. He's perfect.


"Doctor, we are ready."


I turned my gaze toward my assistant and keep caressing his cheek.


"Are you sure all preparation needed all intact?"


"Yes, doctor. Everything is according your description. The equipments and other condition are already prepared. On your marks, we will begin."


I feel thrilled. When was the last time I feel it?


Once again I caress your cheek and touch your lips softly. For a good luck, I touch my own finger to my lips and send it to yours.


"Soon, my beloved, soon..." I turned toward my assistants.


"Let's continue. Turn all the programs and equipment, do it like my instructions."


One by one, they turn to their position. All in one, they synchronize everything.


Since his latest mission, I've been trying to collect all of his parts. The finest fiber, the strongest titanium, the best silicon case, the hardest black diamond, the fairest complexion...

It's been three years to collect his data, his memory and another three to reconstruct him. It was just a fair of luck that his chip could be saved after the explosion. Inside, once again I saw how much our loved matter. He keep me at heavily guarded folder that was password-ed with my name.


This bastard indeed knew love, and love me he did.


Then, here we are.


"Good morning, Doctor N. My name is S45U. I'm please to meet you again."


My creation once again smirked at me, yes, with all his infuriating bastard-ly attitude. He blinked those black as hell's pit at me and I could feel his gaze traveled on the wrinkles a the corner of my eyes. There's none the last time he saw me. He reached out his hand toward me, caressing my cheek.


Damn, I miss you.


"Hell, I never knew I could miss an android like you, but welcome back, love."





Hope you like it!

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Word count: 600

Uwweee~ When I started writing it, the word count was 1,318 words...I had to omit a lot of beautiful detailing and I couldn't give all the love making stuff since it is 16+. ; 3 ; Oh well, what is done, is done.

If anyone wants the full thing with all the 18+ details, then message me. :3



I wish I knew what you reach out for when I am right here...

Summer’s Cold Wind


Shio and I were sitting on the school rooftop. “What’s the matter this time, Shio?” I sounded unintentionally sarcastic but it seemed like he didn’t care. “Touma, I asked Jin out, as planned. But he said he wanted to have sex with me! Of course I said ‘no’ but he said he’d accept me when I grew up! The heck!?” Shio showed no sign of stopping. Of course, everything after the ‘have sex’ part were unimportant to my ears and I ended up drifting off into deep thoughts. I...had always loved Shio. We have been best friends forever, but I always had this unflinching desire for him. Of course he doesn’t know that. I fear that maybe he doesn’t feel the same way I do and that can ultimately ruin our friendship as well.


“Let’s do it then, let’s turn you into an adult. If it’s with me, you won’t have a problem, right?” I grinned. Shio’s face turned furiously red. Maybe I was too direct? Even though my initial plan was to hide my feelings, I couldn’t help but be selfish right now. I wanted to tell him how I felt whatever the cost. “Umm...okay...If it’s okay with you,” somehow, he accepted, though he did not easily meet my eyes. “Kay then...I guess I’ll just help myself,” saying that, I shifted my position in front of him, slowly leaning in to kiss his soft, luscious lips. At first, he hesitated, but slowly he gave into the pleasure. I pulled out his tucked in school shirt and slid a hand up, inside it. He was shy all of a sudden but I just snickered and moved my face to his neck. What I was doing with my best friend, it felt wrong, but it was the best wrong feeling I ever experienced. We took our time, and I gently pulled him through everything. We went about it for quite some time. Afterwards, we sat together, almost dazed.


“Hey Shio...?” I called out to him. “Y-Yeah..?” even now he was quite shy. “I love you,” I turned and looked into his shocked eyes. He tried to say something, but failed and we fell into an awkward silence. I was about to speak when...”I loved you too...” it almost felt like a whisper. “Lov-ed?” I asked. He nodded. “Back in middle school I was crazy for you,” he confessed. “Really? I had no idea. But, what about now?” I asked. He just shrugged. “I can’t tell anymore...This- what we just did now, is probably the best feeling I ever had but....I just don’t know why I feel so...contradicted. The old me would have jumped into your arms and kiss you a thousand times but...” he fell silent.


My heart was sinking lower than ever before. “I love you I really do, even now. It’s just...Do you think you could give me some time? To know if I still feel for you like I did before?” he looked at me, almost choking with anticipation. My fingertips were numb. It was summer at it’s peak but I still felt so cold. I never thought being right beside my best friend and crush, who always made my days warm and sunny could ultimately make it snow. “Sure...do whatever you need to,” I must’ve sounded very grim because I felt that I saw him tremble for a quick second. Shio loved me, yet he did not love me. He said nothing and just walked out. I was left on my own; on that rooftop, where the wind was dented with frost in the middle of summer.


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Title: Yuki

Words: 597

Note: *grammar mistakes *story to be read ''slow''


Entering for fun so I hope YO will like it, thank you & enjoy ^__^



As I looked up, I could see a snowflake falling slowly from heaven. Gently, I followed it with my eyes, until it disappeared between the grass-field. I looked back up and smiled softly.


''Yuki… can you hear me? It’s me, Kay… I came as promised.’’

''Yuki… the winter came early this year. It’s beautiful Yuki… just like you’’.

Standing in the middle of a deserted field, I looked around and saw the green being covered by snow. Clear white snow, bright and pure, just like my Yuki. Gently falling from heaven, almost as if they’re dancing without any care in the world.


''Yuki… are you eating well? Sleeping? Yuki, are you happy? Are you… up there?


Slowly I stretched my right hand up, trying to reach the sky.


''Yuki… I can see heaven from here, is that where you’re now?’’


I close my eyes and get swooped by the sound of the wind. I hear a familiar melody, a melody that the village plays every year on a special day. Today is that special day.


''Yuki… I can hear our song, do you hear it also? They’re playing it for you Yuki, they remember you. It’s been 10 years, but you’re still in our hearts… in my heart’’.


I lay down on the grass and slowly close my eyes. As I doze off, I feel a warm hand on my left cheek, gently rubbing it, as if I’m made from glass. It’s Yuki’s hand. I want to wake up, but I've fallen back to the past.



''Yukiiii, wait up! I’m not that fast, run slower! C’mon Yuki, it’s not fair!”

''Hurry up Kay else I’ll leave you behind and you know what happens in these woods don’t you?”


We were both 18 back then. I had Yuki and he had me since we were kids, that was the only thing that mattered to us. For us our love towards each other was everything.


''Kay, hurry up! Do you want to miss it? If not run faster else we will! Don’t you hear the bells ringing? This year will be the last year we’ll hear them, we’re fortunate for that.”

''Yuki, you’re too fast, let’s take a break, I can’t anymore’’.

As I shouted that to Yuki I stopped running and started walking slowly. I looked in front of me but couldn’t see Yuki anywhere.

''…Yuki? Yuki where are you? It’s not funny, come out. YUKIIIII!!!’’

''BOE! Haha you got scared?”

''Yuki, you idiot, don’t do that, you scared me.’’

Yuki smiled, rubbed my right cheek gently and we kissed. His lips are so warm, his hands so gently.

''I love you Kay and always will.’’

I blushed and mumbled something and quickly started running.

''Catch me and I’ll tell you what I said!”.

''You better tell me cause I’ll catch you Kay’’

As I started running his voice slowly faded away. When I got out of the forest I couldn't hear him anymore.


The woods we cut trough that day was forbidden It’s been said that it’s haunted, people disappeared without a single trace. That day, we weren't going to enter it. It was all my fault. If I hadn't overslept we would've time to make it to our graduation and my beloved Yuki would still be here with me.


As I slowly opened my eyes, I could feel a warm body laying on my chest.

''Yuki… it’s been 10 years. I kept my promise of coming every year… and I always will.’’

I reached for the skies and shed a tear.


“Yuki… I love you too.’’



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“Diary: Strange Rain”


[title not included]






I’ve written a fragment of my life. It’s been exactly a year when the world once stopped on me.


The 8 o’clock morning emits an incredible heat. Lucky to have a friend who owns an ice cream parlor which is quite near from my apartment.I come here often. The coziness is right for my taste, unlike that shabby room of mine crowded with books, creating a massive invasion. And even though there is variety of ice cream sell here, there’s only one stands out, “rainy day sundae.” I was captured by it’s weird taste. Must be the rain water, ha-ha.


A man suddenly approached me, asking if he could sit in the empty chair in front of me. I lift my head, and as our eyes met, without knowing, I stare. And stutter as I say “Sure.”


Long eyelashes, sharp nose, long silky hair, delicate skin, finger-like-candle, I see an angel. What’s more enticing is his pair of peacock eyes. Exquisite.


Is this what’s called “Love at first sight?”


I think he’s saying something. But I haven’t heard clearly what it was.

“It’s raining” is that what he said?

As I get back to my sanity, I notice he’s staring at the window, smiling.

So I turned on the whereabouts of his eyes and saw droplets of water creeping onto the glass window. It’s raining.


Wait, is that how long I’ve been staring at him? To not notice the rain?

More people are coming, which is unusual on regular days, maybe due to the rain.

And along with this density of people, I lose him.


“Oh, he’s eating the same ice cream as mine.”


Ever since that day, I shoo anyone who wants to share a chair with me.

I’m waiting. Hoping. That one day, we will meet again.



I saw someone sitting on the chair I marked as “forbidden.”

I rush towards the area and a familiar face surprised me.

It’s him! Thanks “heaven” for descending this man again.


I wonder what his purpose.


Silence consumes as every second ticks. He’s staring at the window again.

To my curiosity, I turn around as well. Rain again? What’s intriguing is that he’s smiling.


Is he enjoying the rain?


“I will get his name this time.”


As I turn my face in his direction, his lips are pressing on mine.

I could taste the sweetness of his lips and the heat of his playful tongue.

My heart is banging loudly against my chest. I don’t want to stop this intense sensation.



Since when have we been doing this? Abreast in one bed, covered by a single blanket and wrapped in my arms, sleeping soundly. To gaze and touch his “everything”. And make that “everything” mine. Even his soul.



I was almost two hours waiting, he still hasn’t come. I called many times but I can’t get through. And it’s raining, heavily. Should I worry?



Have a new neighbor now.


As fast as he descended himself is his disappearance.

And to continuously harbor this love like nothing happened, guess I’m not normal.


I saw a note underneath my pillow one morning the day after his disappearance.

It says,

“I love when it’s raining. It gives me endless reasons to be with you.”

I wonder, will it rain today? If yes, hope it pours everyday.


“Luke, do you think, they’re together now?” Rain told his lover while holding his father’s diary.

“Rain, look!” Luke exclaimed, as he stares at the window. “It’s raining” he added.

Rain smiled, “Yes, It is raining” he answered.







Sorry, first time, ahe.

I omitted a lot. XD

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Title: Bitter Sweet Romance


Word count: 598 exc. title


It feels like it was yesterday when my eyes connected with the most beautiful specimen I ever had the pleasure of meeting. Ethan found me when my heart bared a weeping wound and I’d lost hope but he grabbed me by the hand and brought me into his life. The urbanised park was the definition of perfection; grey pavement shimmered like pure silver, grass the colour of a lime split open, lavender exuded their aromatic scent. That was the first time I had experienced the park’s beauty… It must have been him.


I felt disconnected from relationships for so long but this was what love was supposed to be, that beautiful fairy-tale romance many only dream of. Ethan would always be at my apartment at sunrise to make breakfast and give me a morning kiss. I’d never known a love like this. Ethan surprised me when he came to my workplace to take me to a romantic French restaurant. Seated opposite each other at a candle lit table, blushed as he held my hand gently with fingers entwined. Our relationship was out of the ordinary but he made me feel special. He completed me.


Love was new territory so I was unsure what is expected of a lover. I let my beloved sleep in; poor soul worked hard running his business. To remind him how deeply in love I am, I make breakfast in nothing but a crimson chiffon apron. I recall Ethan’s arms wrapping around my waist as he pressed against me. His lips slowly caressed my neck as I made him French toast. His breath was so warm, it travelled down my body and I lost grip of my spatula.


After one of my long fourteen-hour days I reached home but something felt amiss, something was wrong. I found Ethan sprawled out on the living room floor with another man steated atop his pelvis. My heart stopped for a moment and my breath lodged in the back of my throat. The other man’s sweat dripped off his chest whilst his hands were locked with Ethan’s. He licked Ethan’s face then smirked. I was going to make dinner but…


A large thud resounded in the apartment as my briefcase hit the floor, the locks swung open and sheets of paper exploded like doves out a cage. The pair turned to face me, expressionless and said nothing. A tear trickled down my right cheek as I waited for someone to pinch me. I wanted answers but was unable to get words past my lips. Memories of Ethan and I together flooded my mind, I was drowning.


I grabbed the garments strewn across my former home and threw them at the pair. That was the last time I laid eyes on Ethan, since when I looked into his deep hazel eyes all I would feel is heartache. This was a cold case love because the relationship was bitter and the case remains unsolved.


Letting go is the hardest task, it’s a tall-order. I felt like I was living in the memory of our song and this song was yet to end. I was once again cocooned in barbed wire, isolated, feeling only resentment for the world. My void has been torn open again. Fear of never being loved, being worthy of love, being strong enough to get past it all. If only I could feel his tender touch against my cheek, hold me, for him to tell me once more “You are the reason I breathe, you are the one”. Ethan I loved you, why didn’t you love me?




Have not written any stories for near 2 years so I am rusty.


Definitely a challenge to fit a good story within a word count of 600 words but hope that who ever takes a peek at my story will enjoy (maybe return some feedback - critiques are welcomed ^_^).



Have a blessed week and take care,


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៙BL Cold Case Love ~



Thank you all for taking part in our fifth
Writer Contest

The choice has been really hard since
all of you
are skilled and talented.

The winner of
៙BL Mint Kiss ~
Writer Contest

the BL Love Story
Ink's cold love



+ SPECIAL PRIZE of 3,000 points

K with the piece 'Diary: Strange Rain'

As promised
everyone who participated
will get
1,500 points


The winner
wins as follow,


1 Manga Cover card

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SUPAH thanks


Please Register/ Sign In, in order to see the links.
and YO staff

for the special prize I received.

SUPAH Happy. :D


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