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*backs of from

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without a word*

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What's wrong

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? *tilts head* Are me and
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that scary??


Shieru XD whats you opinion of Zerase??


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's back*


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hey, you made it mousy ??

zerase ? i like her... her power is amazing and if she combine with levi.. it become so powerful *thumb

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i wish i could draw that well, i was trying to find a picture i have on my laptop, but couldn't find it so i thought i'd put that one up for you to see XD Zerase is brilliant, in fact so many of the characters are brilliant XD also did you know Viki, Jeanne (who gets less clothes in every game >.


Also why is

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backing off from us.. i know you have a knife but still XD

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, yes i know it.. and i couldnt got jeanne even for the end. guh!!

im not really like viki, but she is useful for the last end. as healing party XD rofl

oh really ? O.O i just played suikuden V.. i dunno she appear in every series..

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*jumps in behind the sofa* Safe place! The rules is that you can't touch me here! *looks at

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with a suspicious look and then smiles at
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* Thank you.

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always suspicious with me.. *hands up and smirking*




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Its nice to meet you. I'm Shisu. It's easier than the mouthful of a name I have. *laughs*

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; why shouldn't I be suspicious whit you? *gives
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the glare look*


*happily surprised* Ah! Hi

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! *waves*

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hello! *hugs you* I decided to give your little corner a look see. Seems everyone has a lot of fun here and I feel left out. *pouts slightly smiling*

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, cause im a good man ? *chuckle


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yoroshiku ne- how about if i call you Are ?

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Are us fine too. I dont mind. Not as many people call me by that name but I have some friends that do.

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*hugs back* Well you are welcome here too

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. *smiles*

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; Good man? Maybe, but Point-master-shi-san likes knifes too much. Maybe you need detoxing from knifes?

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thank you. * smiles* Ciel told me how fun it was and that he had knot of fun talking with everyone so i thought I would check it out. Everyone is nice, so far. *laughs*

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; Nothing really bad hav- No wait... Bombs, fireworks and knifes are bad... *glare at
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- glare-mode on* Oh well, no one been hurt badly at least... and who is Ciel? *confused* Did I miss something?

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Ciel is FirstLife thatis his name. I don't mind fireworks, knives, and other things that involve explosions. *laughs*

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, *spin my eyes* you just too afraid with knife. *hand anic a knife* try playing it with
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.. you wont afraid again *smirk

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*looks at the knife and smiles* nice. Anic I didnt know you played with them.

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; *looks at the knife.* I only use it for cooking... *puts it down gently* Knife are scary and I hate it when people scares me with them... *mumbles* Evil mum...

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*laughs* okay, no playing with knives then. *winks at you* not with you around that is.

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*giggles* No thank you

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. *smiles*

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; *freezes when feeling the knife* Ehm... Pointy-master-shi-san?

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