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Feeling hated.. :(


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I feel like I'm hated....


I just asked to roleplay and they ignore me.. I don't know what I did wrong..


Please someone help me :/

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Look in the RP Recriutment and read the posted ideas and if you like any reply there

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I feel like I'm hated....


I just asked to roleplay and they ignore me.. I don't know what I did wrong..


Please someone help me :/



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I know the feeling of exclusion very well so i can understand how you would be feeling



Most people have post forward ideas for RPs and hope people will respond saying they will like to join in. Alternatively, you can create your own story and post it so people can check it out and decide if it is for them?



Usually when we feel we are excluded from activities or discussions it is usually either ONE of THREE reasons:


1) The request was not seen


2) People would prefer you make a plan or request to join EXISTING plans made


3) People cant be bothered to ask the person in question...




For your case I believe it is BOTH 1 and 2 as EVERYONE on this forum are so sweet and well mannered :)

I have been on quite a few forums, some really rotten and others really welcoming. This one was one of the best forums I have joined where I was taken aback by the number of greetings received when I joined.



Give the RP thing another shot, as suggested by me, check some of the stories already made in the RP Recruitment section OR make your OWN story and ask for people who are interested. I guarantee someone will respond ;)



Keep faith, positive mental attitude and never stop believing,

Dev xo

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Don't think you're hated. I check the RP recruitment section daily, and I did see your threads, but I don't share the same interest in topic for a writing with you. So perhaps it's possible that, like me, other people don't respond because of preference. Also, maybe there're already quite a number of RP that surrounds that idea. Don't be too upset about it. I'm sure it's not personal.

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Looks like you did get a response in that particular RP by now, so I'm not sure if this is still relevant, but some advice for you anyway:


If you have a problem with the person you agreed to RP with the polite thing to do is to discuss it with them through PM rather than make threads about it or calling them out on it (rudely) via mention in a public thread, and always keep in mind that some people on here have busy lives and/or take a long time to come up with a good character. Just because someone doesn't reply to your RP it doesn't automatically mean they're ignoring you, it's not really fair to assume that right away, although I do understand the feeling. Even if they are online and don't respond they could be at work or not have much time to write a post or be on a phone that types annoyingly or whatever other reason they might have to not post at that particular time.


Keep in contact with your RP partner, if things really take days it's perfectly alright to contact them and ask what's going on if they didn't sent you a message already, but don't expect everyone to be online all day and respond within the hour. If they don't respond for a while and there hasn't been an argument beforehand, just assume it has nothing to do with you and they have matters in their own life to attend to, because chances are that is exactly what's going on^^.


Assuming somebody hates you right away isn't necessary and not very nice towards either of you, because when you think like that not only do you not give yourself enough credit (you assume you're not good enough for them to like you even though you did nothing wrong, you deserve better than that^^) and do you make yourself a victim while there's no reason to (by thinking "they're not responding so they must hate me". It's likely not even about you, and why would they agree to RP with you if they hated you before you even started??), by doing so you also make the other person out to be the bad guy even though they've done nothing wrong either and that isn't fair and will increase the likelihood that they will end up hating you after all (why would you like someone who just assumes you're an ass and decides for you that you don't like them just because you're a bit slow in replying? I'm sure you wouldn't like it if people thought that about you either).


So, in short, try not to be so hard on yourself and on others, it will make everything much easier;).


Also, in case noone responds to your RP request thread: it happens, not everyone here has the same ideas/preferences and the same RP style and on top of that half the world has summer vacation around this time so many people here will be busy spending their free time offline. Make sure you post the thread in the right place and give people enough to catch their interest with, it's always appreciated if you yourself come with somewhat detailed plot ideas in the initial post^^.


Good luck and have fun RPing^^.

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Okay, I think this is enough of spamming.

I am sure no one is hated on here, so be polite to each other. Also, people that do not obtain any position on YO Staff, I will ask them politely not to take a part as in scolding people even 'in a friendly' way. I understand there are many different personalities and point of views, to avoid 'clashes' in between - please,once again, be friendly to each other. If anything troubles you, go to YO Staff.


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I am sure things will go well and will roleplay soon, but also don't judge people this way. Yes, might be not a full 'judging', but the title is challenging for a warning. I will close eyes, so please, be polite and respect the rules. If you have troubles or worries, pushed to some uncomfortable feeling, notify the Staff first. We are not here to decorate the site. (:


Have a nice day.


I will lock this thread now.

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