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~ Comets & Stars ~


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~ Comets & Stars ~


There are Star people and there are Comet people.

The Comets pass. Are just remembered by the dates when they pass and return.

The Stars remains. The Comets disappears.


There's a bunch of Comet people.

Pass by the life of people just for some instants;

People who don't hold anyone and no one holds;

People without Friends.

People who pass by the life without illuminate , without warm, without mark their presence.


There's a bunch of Comets.

Like a lot of artists do, they shine for some instants in the stage of life;

And in the same quickness that they appears, they disappear too.


Stars. They are always there;

They mark their presence, they are together, they are warm, are light, they are life.

Friends are Star.

Years way pass, distance way appears, but the mark stays in the heart.

The heart don't want to enamor for Comets who only bring looks passengers


And a lot are Comets for a moment.

Pass, we clap our hands and they go.

Be Comet is not be Friend.

Is be a partner for instants;

Is explore feelings;

Is be profiteer of people and situations;

Is to make believe and to make discredit in the same time.


The loneliness of people is the consequence of they cannot count on anyone.

The loneliness is the results of a Comet life.

No one stays. Everyone pass.

While looking the Comets is better not the feel like they, neither to wish to be stock on it's tail.


The good is to feel like a Star.

Having lived and built a personal story.

Have been light to a lot of friends.

Have been warm to a lot of hearts


Be a Star in the passing world, this world of Comet people.

Thats a challenge, but above all else, it's a reward.

Of having lived and nor just existed.



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