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Magic and Mystery ((RikkaTag x Akiravadel))((18+))


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Gawain kissed him softly, "we should probably head out and maybe take some heat of Merlin."


Merlin looked down, "I'm so lonely Arthur... you have no idea... then for you to suddenly want me it was... I didn't know what to think."

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"Nnh... Mmhm..." Lancelot looked up at Gawain, flustered. "C-can I get dressed?" ===================================================================== Arthur just glared at Merlin. "Yeah. I did want you. I even said that I loved you yesterday, but you just run off to be with someone else. Was he better? Is that it?"

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Gawain chuckled, "yeah." He release him and finished getting himself dressed.


"You threw me away Arthur!" Merlin glared at him. "You told me to leave!"

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Lancelot got dressed quickly and tried fixing his hair. ================================================================================ Arthur laughed sarcastically. "Oh. Poor Merlin. What kind of excuse is that? Did you think that maybe something was wrong? Did you maybe think to attempt to check on me and find out?"

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Gawain chuckled and ran his fingers through his own wild long hair, "you look fine."


"I..." Merlin looked down. "I was more concerned with your sudden feelings for me Arthur... I'm you're servant... and sudden'y you wanting me and telling me these feelings... then waking up screaming at me to go. What am I supposed to think? You're enchanted even now I'm sure... At least... I'm pretty sure... "

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"Shut up!" Lancelot blushed and stormed out the door. He felt embarrassed at being caught trying to be appealing. ================================================================================= Arthur brushed past Merlin and spoke softly with venom in his tone. "If that's what you believe, then leave. I will not waste my time on someone who thinks my feelings are artificial."

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Gawain chuckled and followed after the other. He was so adorable he just couldn't handle it!


Merlin turned and grabbed Arthur's wrist, "please... don't leave me... I don't want to leave Arthur. You're my destiny. I have to stay by your side." He trembled as he spoke in a low voice. "I'll do anything..."

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"You are insufferable and insensitive!" Lancelot huffed as he crossed his arms, heading for the throne room. ============================================================================= Arthur shrugged Merlin's grip off and glared at him. "Find your destiny somewhere else. I will not be used and tossed aside."

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Gawain chuckled, "why are you so angry?" He followed after him shaking his head.


"You used me first and tossed me aside..." Merlin trembled and held his fists down by his sides.

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Lancelot stopped right outside the throne room and spun to face Gawain. "You! You are insensitive! That's why I'm mad!" ============================================================================= Arthur glared at Merlin and grabbed him by his shirt. "Then why don't you leave?"

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Gawain tilted his head, "w-wait what? I was just picking on you. The other knights are waaayyyyy meaner about these things than I am."


Merlin's determined eyes glared back at Arthur, "I already told you. I'm. Not. Leaving."

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"Oh really?" Lancelot crossed his arms and sighed. "Fine. But you better be nice to me." =================================================================================== Arthur pushed Merlin away and stormed past him for the door. "You are no longer welcome, Merlin. Leave before I have you removed."

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Gawain smiled softly and stepped in close, "I'm sorry, love. I'll be nicer. You do look incredibly sexy right now."


Merlin was shaking. He couldn't let Arthur leave him turning his eyes flashed, "Erasmus Mind!" He reached his hand out without thinking as he wanted to take the last several hours from Arthur.

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"Alright. Alright. It's fine, Gawa-" Lancelot frowned as he peaked inside the throne room. "There's an awful lot of shouting." ================================================================================= Arthur blinked and looked around him. That's strange. He couldn't remember going to the throne room.

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Gawain peaked over his shoulder and saw that Merlin was shaking with a hand facing the blond. Then he realized what he did, "he used... magic..."


Merlin swallowed hard and took a shaky breath. He honestly had used magic on Arthur before to help him but this case was to help himself, "how are you feeling Sire?"

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Arthur looked over at Merlin and frowned. "Merlin... when did I get here? I don't remember this." ========================================================================= "No! Merlin!" Lanelot marched in the room. "What are you thinking!?"

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Merlin looked at Lancelot and shook his head for him to stay quiet, "what are you talking about? You were just about to have breakfast." He swallowed hard realizing his mistake.


Gawain stayed by the door feeling a bit uncomfortable about Merlin now. Maybe they needed to be a little more careful around him.

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Arthur frowned deeper and nodded. "Maybe. Where's father? He'd upset to know we were in his throne room." ============================================================================== Lancelot shook his head and sadly looked away. Merin had done the one thing he promised not to do.

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Merlin suddenly felt a dread filling him, "Arthur... how old are you?" He started to step towards the blond.


Gawain reached over and put his hand on his sword. Maybe Merlin was just like the rest of them.

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"That's a stupid question. I'm sixteen." Arthur looked around and shrugged. "Lets go." ======================================================================== Lancelot put a handover Gawain's and shook his head. "It's okay, Gawain. He will face consequences."

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Gawain grit his teeth and looked to Lace, "he... he doesn't know who he is right now..."


Merlin swallowed hard, "oh Arthur... lets get you to your room." He took a deep breath and followed Arthur hoping they wouldn't pass anyone along the way.

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"He knows who he is. Just not how old he is." Lancelot frowned and walked out of the room. ============================================================================ Arthur frowned and nodded his head. "Okay?"

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Gawain looked to Lancelot, "you're just going to let them go like that?" He frowned and watched Merlin and Arthur turn a corner.


Merlin opened Arthur's door to his room. He had forgotten how snarky he was with the prince, "what's the last thing you remember?"

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"What do you want me to do?" Lancelot looked up a Gawain with a sad expression. "It's out of our hands." ==================================================================================== Arthur frowned and rubbed a hand over his face. "Well, I remember the match yesterday. With the guy's snakes in his shield."

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Gawain sighed heavily, "it's just... this is a lot to take in... and your leaving him in Merlin's care after he messed up."


Merlin's blood ran cold, "that was a crazy match wasn't it Sire?" The brunette swallowed hard trying to think of something to do.

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