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Magic and Mystery ((RikkaTag x Akiravadel))((18+))


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Merlin looked at Arthur and saw something in those eyes that he couldn't place a word with. He didn't want Arthur to hate him, he didn't want to leave because protecting him from somewhere other than his side was going to be difficult. That was when the tears started to really threaten to fall and that lower lip quivered.




Gawain felt bad for then then but also knew this was good, for both of them. He knew Merlin was too scared to make that step towards the other. What if Arthur pulled away or flinched, that would ruin Merlin more then the words the other could say.

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Arthur held Merlin's gaze and just stood there in thought. He was fighting with himself to figure his feelings out. On one hand, he had always seen the mage as a dear friend and companion. On the other hand, when thinking on the last few days he enjoyed their more intimate moments. That freaked him out. How could he feelthis way about a guy.... Merlin... It was all hard ro take in.


Lancelot took this moment to take Gawain's hand and smile at him. "If it weren't for the last few days... Let's just say I would still be wearing a blindfold. Maybe this curse was a blessing. It opened all our eyes."

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Gawain smiled to the other holding his hand in his, "I never would have been brave enough... well I may have blurted it out randomly at some point." He chuckled and looked over at the other two.


Merlin sniffled a little as he looked at the other. His eyes told the story of how much he cared for the other man. They seemed to light up as he looked into the others eyes. Then a small sad smile came to his lips wanting the other to at least take him back as a friend,

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"Well, I say we think of all the positives of the curse." Lancelot smiled and squeezed Gawain's hand gently. "This can be what opens everyone's eyes to the good of magic. Maybe Merlin can show the... sexual ups of magic. Or the repoductive part."


Arthur sighed and closed his eyes, turning away from the mage. "Merlin... I can't kick you out or send you to the chopping block." The blonde rubbed the back of his head. He wasn't sure what was expected of him at that moment or even further down the road, but he was positive that he wanted a further down the road. "You are like my closest friend and confident. I couldn't risk losingthat."

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Gawain's eyebrows rose at the others words. Then a smile spread across his lips, "no... really?!" He pulled the other into a tight hug and laughed happily. "Yes! A hundred times yes! Just... when we're ready and we'll have to keep you safe and have a home. Oh we'll need to get a house!" He pulled the other into a deep kiss.


Merlin nodded his head, "that's all I'm asking. We can go back to being friends and forget about the curse. I won't expect you to give that up for me, I mean... like Lance was saying with my magic we could bear a child but you need a queen in place and not a mage." He rambled for a moment.

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Lancelot blushed deeply as he kissed the other knight back. He was referring to the iother two, but he didn't mind. He liked the idea himself. He smiled into the kiss and wrapped his arms around the other's neck.


"How low do you all think I am?" Arthur grumbled as he turned back around with deep red cheeks and a scowl on his face. "I would never keep a.... a... a mistress! I would take a queen for my people, but never wouldI stray from my vows to the one I marry."

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Gawain kissed him hard while his arms wrapped tightly around him. He was already ready for another go, not caring if others were there but he knew his lover would care.


"N-No of course Sire... sorry for suggesting such a thing," Merlin swallowed hard and decided maybe it was best for him to get to work. He had been slacking for a couple days since they became lovers. "I'll get your room cleaned up and bring you some desert if you'd like?" He glanced to the other two and blushed a bit. He already missed the other mans touch.

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Lancelot broke the kiss, breathing hard as he lay his forehead against Gawain's shoulder. "Wait... haha.... damn... ha.... " The smalleer knight steadied his breathing before looking to the other two. "You marry to prodiuce an heir for the people. Who cares if your wife is a male mage if he gives you children?" The brunette looked up at his lover and smiled. "If they care, the bullocks the lot of them. Take every moment to be with the one you lo-er.... care about most. No matter what others will say."


Arthur tensed his jaw as he stood there, staring at the table where his untouched plate sat. Food had scattered on the table from when he had shaken it. "I can't think straight right now! Just all of you be quiet!" The blonde took a seat and sighed, running a hand through his hair. "Look... this is all alot to take in and it's not exactly like I had time to register things. It's all last minute and it puts lots of pressure on me. I hate feeling under pressure."

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"Well forgive me Sire but you're going to be under a bit more pressure through your life, might be a good idea to find someone you can confide in," Gawain took his lovers hand. "Perhaps we should give them a moment alone?"


Merlin stood there a bit awkwardly before turning to Arthur's bed, "well... go ahead and think and I'll sort out your room." It was only a little messy he'd been cleaning it in between their little sexual encounters.

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Lancelot smiled as he led Gawain from the room. "I know what you are planning. Let's go before I change my mind." The brunette winked at Merlin before they disappeared from the room. "We'll discuss important things in the morning."


Arthur sighed and picked at the food, leaning on he elbow. "Look... Merlin, Gaius told me that if it were a curse then it just brought the feelings to the surface or enhanced them. Apparently magic can't put something there from nothing. So, I was thinking about what he said and well... Lancelot and Gawain shared alot of good points."

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Gawain chuckled and couldn't stop the giggle as he ran down the hall pulling LAncelot behind him. He was so excited and happy things were getting a bit better for the mage, but right now he couldn't wait to throw the other male down and take him.


Merlin paused in his cleaning and turned to look at Arthur, "okay." He didn't know how to respond. He was so nervous and so worried about that the other was going to say." Taking a deep breath he turned back to the bed folding down the sheet. That did mean that something was there but it could have just been their close friendship, right?

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Lancelot couldn't hide the big smile on his face as he followed Gawain. He wanted this man and wanted him now. So, maybe together life would be more difficult and they'll have to struggle, but at least they'll be happy.


Arthur stood up and walked over, grabbing the raven's arm gently. "Stop for a second. They are right. We need to talk about this and avoiding it will just make things worse."

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Gawain pulled him into his room and pushed him against the door kissing him hard, "we should get a bath started and clean you up before I get you all dirty again."


Goosebumps rose where the other touched him. He turned to look at the blond and swallowed hard, "y-yeah we need to talk about it. Um... I guess I um..." He didn't know what to say, he didn't want to trap Arthur since he wanted a queen and not his magic.

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Lancelot kissed him back and giggled as he arched into Gawain and moaned. "Mmm... Yes, a bath sounds splendid..."


"Well, in any case, why don't we start with talking about something easy?" Arthur put on a half-assed smile as he led Merlin to the table. "Have a seat and eat something while we talk."

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Gawain wasn't sure he'd make it to the bath with him at the moment. Nibbling on his neck his hands went about undoing his ties on his clothes and trying to strip him quickly.


Merlin chuckled softly as he sat down, "sorry I just... it feels so awkward right now with you being back to normal ad well..." He blushed. "Yeah easy subject. Like what? Uh... I guess I'll keep taking care of you because no one else can handle you like I can."

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Lancelot moaned louder and grasped the other's shoulder's tightly. "W-we'll need to call a maid or servant to ready the bath...Nhhh..." The knight bit down hard on his bottom lip as his body trembled and his cock twitched in anticipation.


"Well, if it is awkward then I can take another servant or a maid." Arthur frowned as he took a seat across from Merlin and wet his lips. "How about we talk about what happened over the last few days?"

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Gawain moaned against his skin and reached his hands up under his shirt, "yeah..." He rocked his firm frame against the others feeling more of his skin under his shirt. He was ready to just rip his clothes off him.


Merlin shook his head, "you don't have to..." He looked at Arthur then looked down at the table his cheeks growing hot. "Wh-Which parts?" He swallowed hard and fiddled with a piece of ham he took into his hands. His stomach growled a bit since he hadn't eaten much in a couple days. Then he remembered the last good meal he had, Lancelot felt him up as did Arthur under the table in front of everyone. At that memory his face turned even more red.


((I had forgotten about that until just now!))

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Lancelot gasped and arched into Gawain, wrappng his legs around the other's waist. "Ahhh nnnhh... Gawain... ah ha... please, we can bathe after..."


"Well, how about from the beginning? I was acting strange that morning..." Arthur frowned as he watched the raven pick at the ham. He couldn't recall seeing the mage eat since that first morning. "Eat, Merlin. I won't eat all of this food. I don't know what the cook was thinking, giving me so much."

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Gawain moaned against his shoulder and turned to fall onto the bed on top of him and sat up to start stripping them both. He removed his shirt and reached down to work on the others clothes.


"Well... you hadn't ate much so I asked for extra," Merlin nibbled on the piece he had been playing with. "You complain sometimes about not having enough food or meat and I figured after the night before you would have been hungry." He grabbed another piece to eat. "The first morning I was mostly just shocked and didn't know what to do or say. I fought it and kept telling myself your my friend and king, I can't do that to you."

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Lancelot fought his clothes off in arush before pulling Gawain down over him. "I want you inside me." The brunette used the heel of his foot to push down on the hem of the taller knight's pants. He couldn't believe how much he wanted this man.


"I was... er... out of bounds and you have every right to be angry with me for my behavior." The blonde blushed as he looked off to the side. He didn't want to consider all the innappropriate things he had done to the raven.

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With dark eyes the knight moaned at the others words. Pushing his own pants off he flung them to the side and quickly got over the other knight kissing him hard, then whispered against his lips, "naughty man."


"You were then," Merlin stated, which meant at the beginning he was but now things were different. "I'm not mad or unhappy with what happened." He looked down at the table. "But it's not my place to come in and try to take a queen from you. You want a child with a woman from somewhere and I understand... You don't need me in the way. We can be just friends again."

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Lancelot moaned as he wrapped his legs around Gawain's hips again and pulled him closer. "I will be anything you want if you just fill me with your cock. Nnhh... Gawain, it's like a burning emptiness."


"Merlin.." Arthur sighed as he ran a hand through his hair. Things just started to feel more complicated. "Lancelot was right. I only need a queen to give me heirs. The heirs are what matters to te people, not the queen."

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Gawain licked his lips, "oh really?" He turned them over putting Lancelot on his hips then held up the oil. "Then put me inside you." He gave him a cheeky grin. He wondered what the other would do in this very horny state.


"Right," Merlin nodded his head not catching what the other was getting at. He forced a smile and reached over patting Arthur's hand. "I believe in you Arthur and I'll follow you to the ends of this Earth and always tell you when you're being a prat, don't worry."

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Lancelot groaned as he rubbed his ass against Gawain's cock. "Nnn... yes..." The brunette dumped a generous amount of oil on hi hand before sliding the hand down his body to slip it behind him and slide it down to push a finger tto the knuckle. He moaned and tossed his head back, working the finger deep inside him for a bit before adding a second and soon after a third finger.e placed his other hand on the taller knight's chest and leaned forward as he worked his fingers deep inside him. "Ahh... mmm.. Gawain..."


"No... you don't understand what I'm saying." The blonde sighed as he stood up and paced back and forth. Arthur could easily say he was extremely frustrated and confused. He could easily just kick the mage to the curb. But... he never did things the easy way. Because of that fact, the king stopped his pacing and pointed at Merlin. "If you can guve me heirs... blood related, legitimate heirs.... Then you are technically a possible suitor to serve my people well."

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Gawain licked his lips as he watched the other prepare himself. It took everything he had not to just jump him. Watching the other his hands came up to caress his body and touch every inch of him. Both hands moved to his chest and pinched his nipples, "You look so incredible right now."


"Ah..." Merlin's jaw nearly hit the floor as he reeled with the others comment. "W-Well yes... they would be m-mine and yours... blood related to you I um..." He scratched the back of his head and turned a very deep red. "In fact it would be safer... I could heal myself with my magic and do a lot to protect the child. Plus bearing it... will be interesting. I can either turn that part... ahem... female at the time or Gaius can remove it." He was honestly going through the process in his mind of how it could be done.

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