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Ninja School

Dark Ocean

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: my bad, I guess that shows that I don't spend nearly enough time here^^;;.

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: welcome, traveler, it seems you are already being taken care of by my fellow senpai, please feel welcome here but be mindful of the rules of our school *smiles politely*


*watches with a smile as

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wakes up the sleeping student, then sits down quietly in the back of the classroom waiting for Silver's class to start and watches the exchange between
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*His hand stood with relaxed grip onto the shinobi hat, listening to the newcomer's words. The voice was calm and polite, but at same time he caught on a small amount of warning in it. His grin let the corners of lips slide down into a serious challenged expression, his cold eyes shifted attention to the certain voice source's direction. There were no exchanged words, the eye contact was enough to be read. The grace of his head title to side, rustling part of his hair as moving head, it all was perfectly suited for his image. There it went, the part of lips for another mysterious grin.*

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*sudden stare at the side given right while gaining the handshake*

*For a moment I didn't know if I would take those words seriously*

Heh.. Polite you say..

For a man who happens to be a traveler, you sure heard some before coming here,

and might as well say the same for you,

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*a glace towards

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as he spoke and a nod as I continue a step*

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Good kids. *smiles*




A day without

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. *sigh

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*His forest, green eyes lowered their arrogance humbly down in a slide for a blink. After all he was sent there for a reason, more precisely the Emperor was interested in the certain school. It was only natural for the right hand of the Emperor to be polite, but yet not so gentle. Else, what kind of a warrior he would be?


The shinobi knew his ways, knew his limits. May be that's why there wasn't any fear lingering around him although on the territory of well known school. The male awaited for the ninja school's guide to show him the way out, letting himself pass first. It wasn't about acting cool and mighty. The traveler shifted arms under the long white shinobi robe. But indeed, he lacked any weapon, yet the others were wiry. To be expected from top ninja school.


Saga nodded his chin down, supposedly following Rain to the place he mentioned.*


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, thank you kindly for the tea.


*Captures the handle with dark blue gloved fingers, lifting up the finely crafted teacup with such delicate red decoration upon a black canvas to capture the porcelain between hauntingly soft lips, slowly tilting the cup until the hot liquid graced over a waiting tongue to offer its flavor for inspection. Glancing down still at one of the books he had brought, the other hand caressed over the lonely page gently, stroking the text as if to coax the knowledge from the ink, narrowing those sapphire eyes to contemplate the message before him. After a long moment of consentration, the mysterious teacher lifted his right hand from the book, flicking his wrist to reveal a card that he toyed with to slide between each finger as he continued reading. The card was the 2 of spades*


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I can hear a new voice it seems. I wonder what fortune is sought by such a person.


*Taps the card against the book before sliding his thumb in the opposite direction to the strong fingers, revealing a hand of five cards evenly spread out where there was but one before*

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*The voice of the lecturer caught a glimpse of movement out of the shinobi. He moved head to side just to indicate that he heard the male. But spoke nothing back. The traveler believed there was no better way than knowing one by two methods, one was to fight them and the other was to share a drink with them. If the fight for now was out of question, then he had nothing else to offer except to drink with whoever came along. Saga let out a faint, as his pale, white robe, grin - hardly recognizable as such. May be he loved to tease the air, may be he had a think for letting people wonder about, or simply he didn't plan to let away his reason to visit the school. The Emperor needed best warriors, thus he had to find such.*

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-smiling lightly the gently that maroon gaze looked to

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for approval of the freshly made tea that was held in the black cup. the gently blue locks shifted with his movements upon the seemingly approved sip Saki let out a gentle smile checking the tea in the kettle to make sure it was still warm with a gentle set down nodding.-



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With a light smirk the silver haired male slowly stood from the desk, folding the cards back together before slipping them into his breast pocket. Glancing toward the window, those intense eyes seemed to be looking far past it, perhaps to a distant memory as he finally addressed the class.


"I've been asked to teach here and I have no desire to teach useless things. As ninjas it is necessary to be able to defend ones self, but rather than conversing about peaceful tactics or hand to hand, I am going to enlighten you on something far more useful. Choice of weapon."


That slender yet strong form turned toward the class as he gazed over each of the youthful faces, seeming to be imagining their own perfect weapons, knowing full well that most of them would be rendered useless if not selected carefully. That hauntingly masculine face turned quite serious, eyes narrowed as he slammed the book closed upon the desk to ensure every paid of eyes in the room were focused and every pair of ears ready to listen.


"The traditional weapons were far too obvious, easy to separate from their host and could even be used against them without much effort. It is NECESSARY to consider your weapons apart of yourself. Having said that, as a ninja you are prone to stealth training, so extend this to your weapons."


It was certainly a new concept for most, but sliding fingertips over the hard, thick cover of the book, every ounce of attention seemed to remain on each student as the other hand directed attention to the left wall where there were swords, shuriken and kunai mounted along with spears of war.


"If you make them too obvious, you are exposing your greatest ally to the enemy. Traditional weapons should be modified into unrecognisable shapes and hidden on your person at all times, easily accessible for you and for an opponent who is a stranger not to know unless you make use of it... And by then, its too late."


All at once the silver haired male lifted the hand that had been stroking over the book to tug the spade shaped hair clip from the smooth silk strands and threw it without warning to the back of the classroom to plunge into the metal casing of a suit of samurai armor, the sharp end propelled by the strong hand all too easily piercing the metal as if it were tin foil.


"Most of your opponents in the outside world will not be fair in a fight, they will gang up on you and disarm you so your death will be as swift as one slash of a sword."


Walking to the back of the classroom he paid keen attention to each student carefully, ensuring that each of them met his eyes and displayed their attention to this important point. Standing before the suit of armor the male reached up and captured the base of the club, the other hand holding the metal plate steady as he tugged the dangerously sharp kunai-like clip from the hard surface before sliding it back into his hair to fasten it back in place, starting back toward the head of the class.


"You must become more than flesh and blood, become like the shadows and see what is unseen, hide where nothing can be hidden. Make sure you select at least one unusual weapon your opponent would never think to be a threat. It could save your life and the lives of the people you aim to protect. And most importantly."


Making it back to the head of the class, he turned and lifted a hand to caress through the silk strands of pure silver around the clip, as if to pay it due thanks for the demonstration.


"You can always change your tactics after you show your hidden weapon. I encourage for you to think of something different each time to evade an opponents' accurate prediction of your fighting style."

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He returned the gazes shifting in his direction coolly but without malice, nodding lightly in acknowledgement, those crimson eyes not missing a single move of anyone in the room. Something was off about the newcomer, there was something hidden behind the the cool, almost nonchalant composure and the air of superiority and looking at the reactions of the other teachers he wasn't the only one to have noticed it..


The dark male moved to the front of the class with silent grace, giving a gentle smile and an appreciative nod to

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before sitting down at a front row desk, eyes shifting to the silver haired teacher and the cards that were shifted around so nonchalantly in that skilled, blue gloved hand. A subtle warning, a challenge perhaps to those who would be inclined to take it as such. The dark-haired crimson-eyed male had already had a run-in with those cards before, he knew how dangerous they could be. He watched quietly as the silver sensei ignored the apparently departing visitor and began a passionate lesson.

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*Standing by the door from outside with back leaned on the wall, he waited for

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to come along. Listening calmly with crossed arms before chest, it went smoothly so far. He didn't need more attention to be given around his presence. The dark haired male slid his eyes close, obviously calling for some sense while the teacher tried to explain what it was in a real battle. The green gaze slightly shifted open, not so smiley as before. It was naive to say about going after hidden weapon of the opponent and then expose own power. At the whole Saga tilted down his hat, not quite agreeing on the lesson. A warrior had to experience a real battle, no words in whole world could give away the merciless taste of bloody rivers. No words could describe that sensation. To protect was an easy word, to do it was the hard part. Saga sighed a discontent frown, but what to be done.*

-Best lessons in life are the most bitter ones.

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As it seems the coaches did what they have to. I was only waiting for them to react upon the presence of the unexpected visitor. Silver started his lessons and Claude's nod gave me the final hint.


"It's time for us to go."


looking back at the shinobi and my next steps started to widen the range, as if I'm in a hurry. I sure heard something came out from his mouth, I'm almost agreeing but didn't bother much. The school is something of a house to me, I never bothered in the lessons, only depends on the activity. I have my own ways on becoming who I am, only I and my sensei understands.


Walking almost out the school ground, there is flat house which rested along the way, it's old and seemed haunted, but not really.


"We are here." I said without looking so.


Sliding the wooden door with a prompt note written [no students allowed], I welcome Saga to our school's sake house.

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*The shinobi followed the man, his green eyes not really focused on the path they walked, rather he was used more to his hearing senses. Before he knew, they entered a very warm and comfortable place, one of his hand helped lifting a bamboo dangling curtain.*


- What a nice place, - *he smiled once again with that silly smile of his, the shinobi made his way to one of the small tsukue tables. From his sitting pose it could be said he was well mannered, but yet he didn't reach for the smoking kiseru pipe before the host himself didn't offer it. It was out of etiquette. *

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As we sat there facing each other I could feel the atmosphere changing,

whichever it might become I would be ready.

And because my boredom has been struck by an interesting person,

I will gladly accept this current event of enjoyment.


The tobacco tray is set on the table,and to start conversing I offered him the smoke pipe.


"Would you smoke some tobacco."

Politely said to the visitor.

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*Calm gesture of a nod came, the shinobi accepted the pipe as polite*

- Thank you for the treat, - *he though didn't remove his hat for now, the male shifted eyes when the sake was carried inside by some random persona*

- So,Rain-dono... how come a man with your beliefs has found himself under the care of a school?


*Saga could look like a careless idiot, but was pretty smart. He could notice the male having a different view over the things. Not to mention the strong grip he used when handshaking. Only an experienced soul knew how shinobi would wrap strong grip around a certain spot on wrist. But yet that male there avoided that spot pressed by Saga, which put an interesting question in the dark haired male's head*

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Quite concerning.


Staring at him with the thoughts of why he suddenly gave a question of interest, I don't know.

But sure enough he knows something.


I need not to go back to the past, it has been done, so no words must be said when someone tries to open the door of my memories.


My jet black eyes sparked as reflected to the room's light, half opened that became serious.

Only my eyes have changed though, the small smile on my face is still pasted, keeping my aura steady.


Moving along the asked question I simply answered him:

"I'm only here to assist my sensei."

And with a quicker turn I asked him back

"So what brings you, a shinobi traveler, here?"

Said with a firm stare in the other's eyes, a little bit interrogating.

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*He expected less, of course he wouldn't get a straight answer but that made it even more tempting. The shinobi raised his sake cup, having a nice taste of the alcohol.*


- I see, - *the male smiled over the brim of cup, his gaze rose as the question was smacked back. Not to mention that the other recognized him as a shinobi.


Saga let his arm down, the hat throwing enough of dark shade over face.*


- I am just a traveler, Rain-dono. Nothing more, nothing less.


*He grinned but not because of his reply, the cup slipped through his slender fingers, on purpose. He indeed let the sake drop down, testing the reflects of the male. Would he let the sake splash all over, or he would be fast enough to get it midway in air? One to enjoy, Saga shifted his eyes to side, following each next move.*

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*walks into the class standing beside

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to pat her head sighing while closing eyes* Im here now my dear .
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I shall welcome you for visiting the school. You have honored my school*bows slightly*
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I hope you had a nice day. *kisses forehead*

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I thought so. Words aren't needed for us to converse, I see.


Blinked and lowered down my stare my focus wasn't ruined even if I don't look.

My brows curled for a little bit, as if I'm having a headache.

But I keep my cool even when I'm a little stressed.

I may have been losing control over something from now and then.


Even before I could turn my eyes back to the other

a glimpse of his eyes showed playful, as his cup seemed to have slipped off his fingers

I automatically moved to save it.


No need for extra efforts, I pushed the empty bowl that was supposed to be for a towel

as it slid towards the spot where the sake was to be poured over

my hand stretched further making me bend forward for a little bit saving the cup this time

but without moving a single inch of my lower body being fixed seated on the floor.


The cup I'm holding pointed to his chest with only some inches away.


Without words only a serious stare is given to

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sensei, with only just a little bit of your presence

i could feel delighted. Glad you are back.

And you rest more, you said you're having a big headache.

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* A natural flow, Saga closed his eyes. The piercing through air gesture, he felt it disturbed by that incredible speed. The other wasn't simply trained, he was experienced. The shinobi calmly slid eyes open, to find his cup pointed at him. He rose chin as his shinobi hat exposed some more of his expression. It was a cold and serious expression.


Good manners, fast reflects. What more to be needed for his observation? The slender fingers of Rain were so relaxed yet they just saved the cup from the crash.




Saga had no intention to attack first, but indeed the other was tensed. He was ready for a fight. The white dressed shinobi smirked as his hand out-stretched for the cup. *


- My bad, I was never good with hands. So clumsy of me. - * here, he played it dumb again. That shinobi!*

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*smirks at

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* I guess that Saga' precense is even better. *pulls the nearest chair in front of an empty desk and has my seat to read some papers of the book in front of me and says without even moving my sight away from my book* Please continue

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Calming, I let out a silent breath and went back to my position.

I'm sure he has intentions, making me feel this uncomfortable,

with that dangerous look on his face and a doubtful aura smoking around his surrounding.

with the thought of him seeing through me.


I can't really calm.

He isn't a normal traveler as I know my very kind.

He is.. Smart.


If I can't help myself I might ruin the school grounds... Again.


"Do you mind me asking where you came from,

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- sensei, Saga simply broke my glass of boredom,

making this school more interesting than usual.

But I was waiting for you the whole day.

Btw, I used the sake house to welcome our visitor.

*Explain explain*

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*gets off chair takes few steps to be in front of the desk leans against its edge crossing feet and crossing arms looking straightly

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before walking towards him to pat his shoukder without turning my head to look at him, focusing eyes on the handsome guest* Shouldn't you introduce me to your guest, Re re? Or shouldnt i know anything before i was away? I would love to know your guest.

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