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Ninja School

Dark Ocean

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*A moment of silence took place, the dark haired male moved the cup he took from the other right to lips. It wasn't full, but had at least for a sip. The shinobi was relaxed with one elbow set on the tsukue table. It was a short table, making the males sit on their heels. What a beautiful traditional style both of them had.


Saga glanced under his hat after the question was asked. So, the other came right to the point, questioning about the male's roots. If he had to give away his hometown, or that he was the right hand of the Emperor, he would have given away a well known nickname of his. A nickname many feared.


The male curved his lips into a wicked grin,*


- Shouldn't I be the one asking you the same, Rain-dono...or more precisely... "shinobi-san"?


*Ah, he triggered some nerve there. Saga lowered a bit his sake cup, noticing the muscles of the other tense, but his own muscles tensed as well. What a surprise, so they both were ready to attack at same time?!*

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Shouldn't I be the one asking you the same, Rain-dono...or more precisely... "shinobi-san"?


My stare started to change into glare,

Moving from a doubtful politeness to sarcastical grounds

this is it.


"Interesting question to push back to me."


My face didn't show much emotion, but my eyes says it all.

My right hand touched the cup on the table aiming to move it aside

while my eyes stayed focus to the other man.

It's time to release my stress it seems.


I rose an inch from my position of sitting

as I advance myself for agressive attack

with a thought of liking to have someone to battle with for a very long time.




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I will, after I deal with him. I would want to apologize for not telling you so.

//im currently using a cloning technique to talk to you and him at the same time//

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(Hm, is Saito in the room or not? I am getting confused.)



*Saga felt the slide of table be quick and brute. What a strength, he still though held his sake cup in hand. His green eyes shifted to the sake bottle. A nice idea passed his mind.


- Say... Rain-... , - he dropped the honorifix and reached for the bottle calmly despite both of them were about to fight, - Can you make me drop my sake cup?


A grin swam out his mouth, he poured enough of sake as returned the favor of glare. What a challenge. But that aside, for a matter of seconds, both males seemed to have an attacking stance. So, it meant they both would attack. Pretty intense although Saga wasn't styled to attack first. His knee shifted forward, making his weight lean on it, so he could use it as speed advantage. Count to three, it wouldn't be even enough to follow their quick movements.

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(Saito is a ninja. He can fly in any time but he is gonna fly to his classes now after

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explained the situation and he is sure that Re re will take good care of the guest. Hope Re re wouldn't seduce our guest by his charm and i also hope Re re wouldnt jump on our charming guest)

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[i simply don't know where you get all those information about me, @

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and my excuse of cloning technique simply was ruined by your flying XDD

or I simply ruined your sentences by my own as well. cant help but laugh ((:]



//reply for saga still in progress//

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*talks with

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by reading minds from distance method, closes eyes and focus so message reaches to the right person* You just need so much time to be good, student . Dont try to touch our guest in a sexy way. Behave but also becareful strangers can be harmful and he might be a good ninja that hardly get noticed. Dont be yourself with him. Be nice but use your ninja mind.

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's calmness lies a deeper struggle of mystery.

Noticing ressemblance in both our ways of conversing,

plus our postures as we stare, my curiosity widens.


Who would make the first move?

I might get a little careless if I advanced

but my urge to battle with this man has worsen.


I'll do it!


Leaning forward a little sideways from the table,

a finger tipped the table helping me push my own gravity from behind


Rain, remember, it's a win or win battle.


Hearing a flashback of a recorded voice in my head

I am aiming for an attack without actually thinking twice.

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*rushes into the class*

ahh i'm late again *bows* gomen ne

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sensei, i try to practice to be a noble ninja but it's really tough,

i saw an old man was crossing the street, so i ran over to help him.

but i randomly step on a rock and ended up pushed him down

so i sent him to hospital instead :9onion70:



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*Presses sunglasses further up the bridge of his nose, this time carrying some long scrolls under his arm the same way an architect would. Some of them looked quite old while the others were quite fresh and new. Stepping past the gates he glanced around to see if anyone else was just heading in*


Another interesting school day, I take it.

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*rushes to the school, slowing down to a walking pace when he spots

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entering the gates with a bunch of scrolls safely tucked away under a strong arm, obviously on his way to teach class, moving to walk beside the silver haired male at a respectable distance*


A good day to you, sensei,, I thought I was late, but it looks like class hasn't started yet *glances at scrolls with a smile* And it looks like it will be a very interesting class once again, I am looking forward to it.

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*For Saga's surprise the male attacked at same time when the white shinobi moved. He didn't expect that, they both used same ''empty'' jump technique. It was a small jump where you leaned forward, just to speed off ground and take the opponent by surprise.


Left hand moved, in order to not crash into each other, Saga placed the hand on Rain's shoulder. Ah, it was for distraction, his real intention - he stretched skillfully his leg to flip up the table and send it Rain's way. Just the he grinned and shifted eyes to side. These movement, they reminded him of someone.


But he knew that a small table wouldn't be a problem for the male. Things were pretty intriguing, especially since both moved so fast.


If the table was meaningless,*


- Hmmm. - *his hair swished to side, a kick was darted at the other with his joints moving for a spin.*

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's head* Its alrightvim late as well.
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Have a nice day, coaches

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You just need so much time to be good, student . Dont try to touch our guest in a sexy way. Behave but also becareful strangers can be harmful and he might be a good ninja that hardly get noticed. Dont be yourself with him. Be nice but use your ninja mind.

I know what I'm doing, sensei.




He knew my attack, even know the skill I use.

And even does it himself.



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touched my shoulder seems like such a pat.

But then the table was thrown towards me.

It is somewhat annoying me that I feel like I've seen him before

but also because he's face is covered most of the time only I can be assured by his aura and movements.


I did not dodge the table, I broke it with my fist.

As the table tore half my hand straight forward as my body was bent half kneeled

I moved fast facing Saga, tried to move sideways with a different kick.

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Ouch, that was close. Saga frowned, eying his sake cup. Ah, it was safe, but come to think of it - they both kicked at same time and their legs ''clashed'' as blades. He had to clear his doubts, but why he couldn't recognize the male? It was true that many years passed and back then he was just a kiddo to Saga, but still... that kid...


The white shinobi had to make sure, if there was a chance to know this young man. Then he would definitely dodge a move that no one could, but only that kid.


The dark haired male grinned and span his torso right away. It was a quick move, sharp, merciless. It could hurt one's lungs. But it was worth the try, to test the other. If he,by chance, hurt the vital spot... he could always restore Rain's 'qi flow' which was the body's life force.


"Let me see with my own eyes.", he thought as bent his wrist, to hide the sake cup in palm. Right, that was the move - hitting with own joint - without hurting yourself but using the speed as shield to twist own hand into a dangerous, sharp move. Almost like stabbed from a dagger. Yet, how fast one had to be, so the liquid inside the sake cup didn't even bother to be spilled down floor? - Madness.


The only one who could block that move was a kid from his past. A kid with raw talent, known as genius. But beside that, Saga was in charge of him for a few. Enough to notice the kid's talent and take interest in him. Sadly, Saga was taken under the wing of the Emperor. He always wondered what happened with that child.


Green eyes fastened onto Rain before the sharp hand darted for the lungs; could it be? Under his hat, his eyes followed closely the movements of the ninja.

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*still closing eyes concentrating* I never doubt you.

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. *Gets bored of sitting in the class alone and goes to the training room to train his sowrd a little by himself sinking into his practicing not feeling the world around him anymore, wrapping a piece of clothes around his forehead to not let sweat drops annoy his forehead*

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A hint was given deducting mystery. Almost did, but not quite.

When he gave his move so fast I realized,

my eyes widen and a sudden flashback hit my visions

a memory of someone used to be.. special.


The reason why I trained so much even though I know I've had enough skill

because someone used to teach me to be better than how I used to be yesterday


Only few inches away his hand aimed to my chest

with fast thinking, first i thought of slipping his hands away

like how would someone normally would

but yet again, automatically like I know what I should do

my palms collided stopping his from reaching in.


I moved a little lower looking in his eyes.

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There! That angle of foot, 45 degrees. Saga's pupils widened, he just had a deja-vu, either from the future or of the past. He just knew, he has seen that move once in his life. The block of that kid. It was during training and that little brat acted smart on Saga. Despite Saga wanting to teach him a lesson, he never thought the kid would make him fight seriously. And just before he could realize, he had one of his six dangerous techniques blocked.


The stance was so beautiful. It looked as if dragon and tiger clashing together. It was only natural for shinobi to have tricks up their sleeve, they even trained other kind of martial arts, just to combine them in one with ninja techniques. But it wasn't the case with that child from his past. He had a natural talent, it was so natural as if he was breathing through fighting.


Saga cocked a brow, green eyes meeting the stare of the other as the posture was to be slightly bent.







The silent was broken with a wide grin. The white shinobi reached hand up, to remove his shinobi hat.

- Long time no see, Riko-chan.


He teased the other with the honorific of 'chan', but that was how he was used to calling the boy back then. Each ninja had their given name, birth name. But once they reached the level of shinobi and followed the codec of ninja - they received a new given name. As in, being reborn. Abandoning the past and all. You have two choices before you from then on - be killed, or kill.


The white shinobi had still the sake in his hand, not even disturbed by the fight, but still his wrist hurt a bit. As he expected, that frigging block had some strength into it. Else the other had to fly backwards. The trick was in the muscles of one's legs, and flawless movement with collide of hands. It requested high level of concentration. But that aside, Saga didn't break the eye contact, his perfect lips only showed a moment of tease. Was he mocking on the other because he was superior?


Superior or not, that kid had guts and Saga knew it best.

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I am not certain as of yet.


*Offers a gentle smile, resting hands over the scrolls lightly to pet them as if they were something precious even though there were clearly just paper. With a fond smile, the silver haired man turned to the raven haired demon with a look of enjoyment, waiting for him to catch up politely*


I always enjoy investigating the knowledge of others and also contemplating upon the blank canvas of a blank piece of paper. It could come to hold any form of information.. The kind that teaches to destroy, the kind that inspires, the kind that encourages kindness or chaos.


*Retrieves one of the newer looking scrolls to extend a strong arm, lightly tapping it against Sebastian's head with a potent grin*


What do you think? Do you see nothingness or endless possibilities?

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The air was still. Silence in the room.

As soon as he removed his hat and said those words,

like a surprise gift of greeting, or not.


Long time no see, Riko-chan.


His green eyes, his tactics, the moves he used just then.

'Riko-chan'.. One and only one person can call me that way.

Still a bit of shock seen in my eyes,

even though it felt like I was expecting it to be him.


I stood straight a little sideways and my face slightly turned.

"Shika." he is a man I used to train with,

or we can say, he's someone I challenge all the time.

A person I look up to for his skills.

Even though I know nothing much of who he really is,

I once promised myself to be better than him,

but a day I was so sure of it, he was gone.

A grip on my fist as I recall the past.


"Drop it, Shika. I'm not a child anymore."

As to my feelings to be mixed at the moment,

am I happy to see this guy again?

Or do i want to punch him for leaving so suddenly in the past?

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He grinned even wider at the reaction. The frustration was written all over on Rain's face. The shinobi moved the sake cup for a quick gulp, his green eyes glittered with fire.


The few escaped drops from the corner of his lips, he wiped them with the back of his slender hand. Spoke for excitement.

"Hm, not a kid he says...", Saga thought with devilish gaze darted at the grown up man. Indeed, he has grown up into a fine warrior.


But then, a question arose into Saga's head. What he did there? At that school, when the field needed warriors such as him. Shika let out a discontent sigh, so not a kid, huh.


He threw aside the cup, it slipped from the fingertips as a dagger. Crashed into the wall, his green eyes colder than ever. He would never show what kind of affection he had for that man. But that aside, it was long since Shika met someone equal to him.


Gaze moved to the fist, trembling from restrain. So Rain wanted to punch him, eh, not a surprise.

These fine eyes averted attention to the male's eyes back.

- Heeeh, not a kid? .... Show me. - right at the second, the shinobi took a low stance. He was with arms dropped down, dark hair covering his eyes. Somehow his grin turned into a dark sulk. Why he felt so annoyed that the kid didn't work onto his talent, but choose to be some guardian of some school... or could it be that he found someone else special? That scratched some sore spot in Saga's chest.


Guessed, they both would end up making the room into a mess. None of them would hold back.

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*smiles as the other male allows him to catch up, seemingly pleased with the raven haired man's company. As they walked he listened to the silver sensei's eloquently expressed thoughts with agreement in his eyes. The man always seemed to treat his belongings with such care, almost reverence, so thoughtful of the powers and importance that objects could hold. He nodded at those beautifully spoken words, still with a light smile on those soft lips*


I certainly see possibilities, after all, if you will forgive me the use of a cliche, the pen truly is mightier than the sword.


*the smile widened when the silver haired male suddenly grinned at him and tapped him in the head with one of his coveted scrolls, a white-gloved hand instinctively shooting up to stop the roll of paper before it could properly connect with his skull, then flicking over the paper shaft, twisting around the white surface to hook the scroll under his arm disarming the other sensei from his "weapon"*


Forgive me, force of habit. *cradles the paper carefully in gloved hands, making sure it is not creased before offering it back to its rightful owner with a grin rivaling the one sent to him a minute ago*

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No harm done.


*With a light chuckle, the mysterious male turned away from the offered roll of paper making it clear he had no intention of taking it back. Stepping forward the slender fingers of the other hand waved to the crimson eyed male over his shoulder without turning to look, a gesture allowing the demon to do as he so pleased, follow or stay behind*


Claude wanted me to deliver that to you anyway.

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Another sudden change of the atmosphere.


Remembering how I got frustrated when he left.

Now the real thing begins, just as he came by my sight, both ready to let out pain.


"I'll show you.." my teeth clench as my eyes turned darker

just like how it used to be,


those hidden smiles of yours under your merciless eyes,

Those words said to enlighten me while I gain wounds from training.

where did all those go to?


I bursted inside.


Just right at that moment, again, without thinking twice

I play offensive all the time.


"I'll prove you, I'm no kid from the start.."


I forced my fist forward, reaching him for a punch.

I know he'd dodge but I just want to have one hit.

Just to release this weight I've been keeping for a long time.

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"Move your ass, Shika! Stop sleeping! I can't believe they've assigned us such an idiot for a teacher!", Rain was always so emotional. Well, he WAS.

"Tsk, you shouldn't ---", Shika yawned sleepily to continue his thought, "---talk like this, lil' brat."


It was right from the beginning when they were like cat-dog relationship,kind of. But the moment they both recognized the other as a serious opponent was during physical endurance exam. When Shika had to test all students, but for some reason he skipped Rain. That of course annoyed the young male. But all Shika wanted to learn him was patience.



"Ah...so that's why I didn't recognize him.", the shinobi rose his eyes softened while thinking, "... He learned how to control his emotions. But, you know Ri-cchan...."


The white shinobi moved quick, slender fingers wrapped forcefully yet gently around the ninja's wrist. Saga smiled no longer, his gaze somehow far into the nothingness as he blocked the move. His right leg shifted to hit behind a knee and tackle down the other as he had hand captured. Flawless movements, neither of them disturbed the air. It was too fast to even follow their legs,hands or whatever it was.




Shika had him on floor, his knee pointing at Rain's chest as he had him pinned down firmly,holding the wrist with such a natural grip.


"....I never wanted you to learn patience.", he finished his thought, firmly staring at the male's eyes.


Yeah, he was a selfish male. What he wanted to treasure was impossible. A ninja had to get rid of feelings.But still, was it too selfish to desire for Rain's heart being taken solely by him? Saga was different now, all he did to gain his fearsome rank. All he did to be feared by many. All he did to stand by the Emperor's side was because he wanted that kid to chase after him. To see only him. And if a matter of defeat would occur, ah god, he indeed was ready to die by the hand of the kid he once taught.


The white shinobi retreated his hand, his arrogant smirk re-appeared.

- Kiddo.

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