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Ninja School

Dark Ocean

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*crimson eyes widened slightly as the silver haired male turned away without taking the scroll and widened even further at the remark flowing from those velvety lips. Again it was obvious that the other knew more about him than he should. Then a smile once again pressed over the demon's lips and he bowed lightly to the departing male's back*


It seems our ways part here for now, but we will meet again very soon, good night for now.

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I can't move. Though I can if I want to, but I chose the thought that I can't.

Either because I am weakened by his gaze

or could it be that I'm so angered I don't know what to do anymore.


Why would you suddenly leave me behind, Shika?


His eyes differ from the previous look,

like as if it's hiding pain from inside.

Same as mine as I stare back.




The word itself irritates me..

Since Shika left, as a kid I almost lost my will.

I kept myself away from everyone and if someone tries to touch me, I blow up.

I was feared to might kill someone that comes near me for no reason,

that is when I decided to run away..


Until I met sensei and lived in this school.

That's a different story.


As soon as Shika removed his hands from my wrist,

I immediately attempted to accomplish my punch.

Leaned forward and *PUNCH, I actually made it.

But not as hard as how I intended it to be.


"I've been impatient the whole time."

Said with an unpleasant tone of a child within a man.

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The ninja moved pretty bluntly, full of openings but there was that fire in eyes. Shika got distracted by the gaze, not actually even worried about the punch. These lively eyes, they made him widen his own.




A lip was cracked, but despite the slight pain Saga leaned backwards, laughing from heart. His composure, coldness and even guard disappeared. The shinobi got caught off guard.


It's been ages since he heard his own laughter. The green eyed male had hand onto his jaw, as his lip corners turned back to a calm grin.


- Some things change, others though don't.


With urge to embrace the male before him, the white shinobi averted his gaze. Not really able to meet these honest eyes. Shika lifted his tall body off floor, patting the dust off.

- Ah, seriously, Riko-chuan...nu need to puunch meh~. - mumbling to himself all careless and free of worries, he patted robe as a spoiled kid, sulking. Yeah, that was Shika - one time deadly serious and then other time the most dumb person you'd get to meet. One to wonder is he a pure idiot or he only pretended to be.


But then, how could an idiot be near Emperor, not like someone from that school knew.






Saga averted gaze to the male under the messy hair of his, his eyes piercing.

- Why are you in that school?


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I felt lighter after a single punch.

But I can't believe this guy laughing about it.


I am mad, alright?!


Some things change, others though don't.


"Yea, Including you, the ones who don't, I mean."

still feeling a bit moody, now I feel like I'm teased.

I stared at the side without looking at him,

but a smile struck my lips for a moment.


That laugh.


While in the middle of myself meddling with my own thoughts

I looked back at him and he asked me why I'm in the school..

I stared at him as I responded in a casual way.


"I already answered you, didn't I?"

I stood up fixing myself..

"I am only here to assist my Sensei.."


And it brought a little smile on my face,

but with all these mysteries roaming around both of us disrupted it..

I knew he wouldn't appear in a place without a reason,

specially here.


"I should be asking you the same, Shika.. Why are you here?"

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A tilt to side was made, he didn't like the answer, at all. A moody 'tsk' was made with click of tongue.

- Ah, the wise-ass from back then.


He couldn't help himself, but that aside. Gaze was moved back at the other. Tall figure, slender and well balanced from training. The boy was so beautiful. Saga ruffled his own hair as lowered down to take his shinobi hat. Some stirring him from withing pain drummed against chest. Was it a mistake to come to this school...?


"I should be asking you the same, Shika.. Why are you here?"


The Emperor was in danger and there was a chance for a war to break, of course Shika was the first to be sent to defend the life of his Lord. But if he said that he would be going to a war, would the boy come with him? The male paused as he grabbed his hat, gaze thoughtful. As if. As if he would tell him - a small smile ran off on lips. Things were already in past, no need to bring them forth.


He was Saga, not Shika. The hat was flipped up to be caught in midair from his other hand. There, he fixed it over head. Hiding himself behind the fabric. How pitiful, the male felt really far away from that yet pure boy.

And that Saga could deal with whatever came his way, even with the cost of life. Although he needed skilled warriors from the school, he couldn't bear the thought of Rain being in danger.


The white shinobi grinned and lifted up chin to meet the eyes of Riko.

- Told you, I heard you've got some nice sake around the area.


The dark haired male leaned down to take the sake bottle and turned around.

- Hope you don't mind,heh. See ya' around...Rain-dono. - fingers nodded down his hat, but somehow his voice was saying 'goodbye'.

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"Like I'd believe you." said in a low tone,

But I guess he didn't hear it.

We both know how well both of us hide,

also how well we could easily find out.


I was almost excited seeing him,

no. I am really excited about it.

For a long time I have never battled the way we both did.

and this event is like a greeting for his comeback.


Though it's all in my head.


Tipping his hat, I guess it's his time to leave..



"Where are you headed now? Don't you want to stay a little longer?"

My brows lowered a bit as if I'm aiming more of his attention.

My body stiffened with the thought of him leaving me again.

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The thought of being around Riko made him really excited, but then again...


He glanced over shoulder, bruised lips from the earlier punch curved into a serious pout.

- Say, Rain-- ... - he wanted to call him by given name so badly, but the shinobi had to know his place, - Who is the strongest man around the area?


The question came out of nowhere, but what it had to do with staying over? Probably if he heard there was someone he could test, he would stay. But taking Rain in the upcoming war, it was out of question. The white shinobi dangled from side to side the bottle,


- Also, get me some more of that. - ah! So bossy of him! Would he ever change? But actually that was a relief, to see that Saga was still that idiotic teacher of his.


The dark haired male turned gaze away, frowning under hat.

"Because of your 'sensei', huh?", he didn't like that for real. Not to mention his greed for Ricchan to be only his and for the sake of his selfishness... Rain could have only one teacher and that was Shika.


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"Strongest man, you ask? Aren't you already facing him?"

I chuckled for a little bit right after the said words

yes, I'm proud of myself, I've trained so hard before and upto now

that I am even sure I'm the strongest man not just here.

Can't you see.. how strong I am now.


"Is this to have another battle?"


What a bully.

Knowing how strong he is and looking for a another opponent to beat up.

But it made me calm that I think he's gonna stay for awhile.


"If there's anyone else strong in this place ofcourse that'd be sensei.."

And a moment that I realize the mess we made in the room

"tch, speaking of sensei, I sure am dead if he sees this place a mess.."

Made a step going outside the room, suddenly thought of them in battle.


If I see them fight with swords, I wonder who'd win?

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Ah, that hit a sore nerve and Shika lost his cool. The bottle in his hand, he quickly sent it from unbelievable stance right passing near Rain's head,to end up with a crash into the wall.


- 'Che..., - Saga spread his white robe open to head out, mumbling to self - ...That's why I don't carry weapons. I end up killing around.


The shinobi had enough of 'sensei this' and 'sensei that'. In the past it was different. He was mentioned with 'sensei this and sensei that'. The dark haired male paused his steps and let out a sigh.


"What a joke,really. I came here to prepare for a war, not to have my brain mixed up."


Roaming around the area, he found a nice tree. Ah, how he loved to sleep on trees. A jump and two, he hopped on it so naturally and easily.


Caressed by the fresh breeze, the shinobi hat was covering half of his face. Only these perfectly drawn lips were visible. Meditation could wait, nap was sweeter. Shika grinned silly-like and sighed content. Ah, he hasn't slept for a few days, hopefully no one would disturb him. He would be really pissed off when woken up. Especially after the mess he left behind back in the sake club.

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Stands beside a little wall window and leans his side against the edge side of the window gazing outside towards the sake house since it was close to the main school. It was quiet around there but something felt wrong as he was able to sense danger and unstable situations, he let out a deep sigh crossing his arms still focusing his gaze there unable to contact Rain anymore as his thoughts were not stable, he wondered "what is going there, Rain?" he cupped his chin thoughtfully wondering if it is time to go there and see what was going on by himself or that he shall trut Rain more. He trust Rain but not the guest, there was an alret about that man, he seemed smart and not easy at all.

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With a little surprise of the bottle that almost hit me.

'what the- what's wrong with this guy..'


I stayed near the sake house for a little longer

called someone to attend with the mess that's made.

When I thought of looking back

Saga already walked a different direction.


Where's he gone to?


Well, I need to tell Saito about this.

Shika- I mean, Saga wouldnt leave unless taken what he wants anyways.




I opened the door to a certain room,

and I saw

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gazing outside..


"What are you staring at, Sensei?"

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He was so drowned in his thoughts not paying any attention to anything around him except the sake house, the strong feeling that was something wrong going on there was capturing all of his senses, his gaze never moved away from there but soon he closed his eyes slowly his face isnt towards the sake house anymore but his thoughts were with it still, in fact he was tring to figure out what happened there but Rain's voice pulled him away from his thoughts all of sudden so he opened his eyes and turned around to face Rain, he looked into his eyes for few seconds reading his thoughts having a careful look at every single detail of the other's figure and clothes. He had a strict look on his face and asked "what happened there, Rain? I told you that guy wasnt an easy person at all. Did you fail me? Is that guy in our school still? I dont want to see our school crashing part after after, i wont let this happen"

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"heeh, so strict.." walked near Saito this time.

"I apologize for ruining our sake house,

but seems like the others are almost done fixing it."


Apologizing for the mess but not to what happened.

I swayed a look at the sake house.

Then I kept my stare back to Saito's eyes as he does as well.


"Ah, that person sensei, I'll have to send him to you."


Not saying anything about knowing Saga from the past.

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He hit the desk by his strong fist closing his eyes firmly before opening them slowly to stare directly at Rain and he stepped closer towards him not flinching a bit keeping the strict stare at the other before cupping his chin firmly gazing into his eyes with that scary glare of him "you know i can break your neck by one move, nobody breaks my school rules but i wouldnt harm you, i rose you by my own hands and i taught you ever thung you know but dont ever use it against me" he let go of Rain's chin and stood by his side not looking at him but listening to what he was saying "i really wonder what does that man want from us? Why this school?" he shifted his head a little towards Rain "send him to me but not here not in class, i dont want the students to feel anything wrong but you need to inform Silver and Bird and tell them to keep it as a secret from our students. I will be waiting for him there" he pointed out through the window without even looking at its direction "in the garden"

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His mind wandered around, sweet of nature but a small birdie landed on his hat. Saga curled lips,ready to whistle along with the chirps of the bird. It was calming and beside that male loved nature. He was part of nature, one of the reasons he understood martial arts to a fearsome level was because he felt the surrounding better than anyone else.


The shinobi swished his leg in air as it was dangling from one of the branches. Surprisingly, not even one move disturbed the leaves around him. Without even looking Shika was careful with his moves, to not scare away the bird. One to come to a question...how come a bloody monster be so gentle with a bird, but not with someone he loved.


His leg paused for a reason.


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*sigh thought so, I'm dead.

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's mad


"I know, sensei." bowed down to sensei's angry eyes.


But I thought, if I hadn't fought Saga, I wouldn't know who he is.

I don't feel regret for what I did.


"I'll then look for him now. I'll just tell the coaches about it."


Without any more words said,

I turned my back and left the room.


Looking for

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in the school grounds

to inform them about our visitor.

What excuse can I say..


Walking outside I need to find

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as well..

where did he go?


First thing I thought is that he loves sleeping..

he usually sleeps before, after and sometimes 'while' training me.

I'll try looking for a nice place he could possibly rest to.


Walking across big trees shaped like protecting the area.

When I look up and see the sky it calms me,

still looking up the sky with the tree at the side of my eyes

I slid a chuckle seeing someone I thought would be there.


..thought so, he's sleeping. Should I wake him? I don't know yet.

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He let out deep sigh when Rain bowed like this. His anger used to vanish when the other bow or say sorry or even when he sees how insisted man he is , it reminded him of himself when he was younger he was full of energy that it always won against his thoughts but now he is able to balance between both of and he knows that oneday Rain will be able to do so as well, he didntt know when but he was sure he will. He stood beside the window again gazing out side inhaling the soft breeze into his chest before jumping out of it to land on the ground few steps closer to the sake house, he didnt even look at it and he headed to the garden to wait for the mysterious guest.

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The small chirping bird flew off his hat, just in time when he heard steps wandering around. By the movements he heard, he knew it was Rain. The male was still with some sore mood there, but he had to face facts. It has been ages, he left the kid behind. He left his hometown. He abandoned everything, why now he had to whine like a spoiled kid over things he has already given up on?


The white shinobi slid hat back into place, letting his face more exposed to the rays that skillfully ran in-between the branches.

His green eyes blending perfectly with the leaves, but the blue sky reflected in them was a marvelous sight.


Saga slipped through the tree's branches and landed perfectly fine as holding hat with one hand. He just stood tall in front of Rain.

- Lead the way.


He didn't need words, that was another good point of his. He could read the atmosphere, he could use his brain just fine. It was natural to be asked in eye-to-eye meeting with the director of the school. After the whole mess. The shinobi seemed really calm, not even a trace of frown on brows.


Whoever it was, whatever it was. Shika could never allow to himself to let the Emperor's orders be an air-bubble.Even if that cost him something in return.

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heh, he knew.


I deeply stared at him without any thoughts in my head

Like taking a photo of another memory, a new one.


"follow me."


As I lead the way going to the gardens.

I want to say something..

but I can't open my mouth,

nothing will come out for I don't even know what I wanted to say.


Like i shouldn't really say something.


And "we're here." I pointed the certain spot where

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The male followed, no words were spoken. It didn't take them long to reach some really well hidden place that looked like a garden.


Shika kept his head lowered and when pointed to enter the area, he did so. All his senses were switched on, guard up and lips curved into a serious hold of discontent feeling. What a mess, and he planned it elsewhere. But meeting Rain messed him up. Anyway, the male stood tall in front of the director, Saito.

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Saito was there waiting for the unknown man, he wasn't eager to see him as much as he was curious to see the person who messed up a part of his school even if it wasnt an impoartant part. He was calm focused watching the way in front of him till they appeared to see a tall handsome man, he took a deep look at every single detail of the other's figure and inside himself he couldn't deny that the man was a good looking strong man and he had that perfect eyes color which were making a perfect melody was the sun shine but Saito didnt let all of this got into him, he was careful because he knew the man was smart and not easy to deal with. He looked directly into the other's eyes "i dont like moving around in circles so answer bluntly. What are you doing here? You are not a traveler. Traveler wouldnt go into fights or destroy the hosts place. There is a secret behind you. Speak it out or i wont let you cross the gate on your feet"

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His head tilted to side, as if rather thinking about Rain. The shinobi was in a tight situation and he didn't want Riko to hear about the war. If there was a skill for fighting, there was one with words.


Shika made a step forward, letting his hands be seen so he didn't leave wrong impression of attacking. Beside, he didn't carry weapons and it was for the best. That man could twist his personality under 180 degrees when he got a hold of a blade. The white shinobi spoke,


- Have you heard about that saying, - Saga made another step, getting closer to the director - ...Deru kui utareru (The nail that sticks out gets hammered down).


From the look of it, the director looked very smart man. Saga was sure that he could understand the words behind the saying. He couldn't possibly let his intentions away, if he wanted to live. Be it either the Emperor or the ninjas in that school, either of that could be the down of that shinobi,so he had to be careful.


Green gaze shifted to side as Shika stood right beside the director, he could see why Rain has gotten attached to that male. He lowered down his head with a grin on lips; that male could give away same superior feeling as Shika could.

The white shinobi rose hand to pat his own chest with some fearsome smirk,

- If you can get one cut across my chest, that can though change my mind.

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Though the classroom was fairly dark, the silver haired male moved about quite normally, without knocking into anything as he guided the scrolls into each compartment to store them carefully. There was something about the dark that was somewhat comforting, like a blanket of velvet draped around his shoulders to keep that emptiness the light illuminated at bay. In the blackness, everything was full, complete without those open spaces that light predicted so harshly.


Before the silver haired male could continue the deep line of thought the door pressed open, flooding in an unpleasant amount of light urging him to lift his hand and block out its penetrating brightness. It was a student, though there was no class in such a place or a reason for a student to seek out the hall of scrolls in such a casual manner, being off limits to anyone but instructors. With a heavy glare through the slits of his fingers that allowed the light to dance over that haunting face, he spoke in a deep, commanding tone.


"Students are not permitted to enter here."


The silhouette of a young male seemed to tense in the light as he bowed apologetically and spoke before he could be dismissed.


"I apologise, but Rainbow had a message to give you. I am sorry, I am sorry."


Before he could respond, the door was closed again and the blackness within so thick seemed to rearrange and coil around the room with a heaviness that was unnatural. Still, those eyes focused on the door as he stepped forward, the coiling blackness avoiding those feet like the coils of a snake slithering through the room all too satisfied with being undisturbed by such an intrusion.


"Oh? How interesting."


Opening the door as little as possible, he slipped through whispering something into the dark room before offering a polite nod to close the door behind, locking it tightly to avoid any students eagerly rushing in with curiosity that could end them. Walking on he sought out the man that was said to have had a message for him, all too eager to find out what was so important.


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Saito watched the man's movements and deep down he was amused by the other's way rather impressed, the male was a good speaker. He was very good with using words like they were his own weapon and to admit he was very good with that. Saito was listening to him having that sweet smile on his lips yet he was alarmed, he didnt let down his guard as he was aware of tricks of ninjas. Saito nodded and said "im aware about that saying but i wonder who is th stick nail here and more important if i should cut that nail or not" he smirked still impressed of how smart the male was, his eyes were lightned and he wished if he can hold this male among his school building but he let out a loud chuckle when the male Pat his chest "are you calling out for a battle? I see how confident you are and it is quiet amusing to be honest" he spreaded his robe's cheeks showing his white silky skin yet a strong chest and dropped his sword on ground "i have no weapons as weel now. We are even"

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To be expected, Saga lowered down his shinobi hat, slender fingers grabbing gently onto the hat's edge. He could expect less, after all it was His Highness that mentioned that school. He would never send off his army's leader off to a place where it wasn't needed. The white shinobi understood His Highness words fully well,



"And Saga...", the Emperor rose from his throne, his beautiful kimono spread open before the kneeling shinobi, "Be prepared to face your punishment in case you don't manage to gather an army of fearsome warriors in 14 days."

The white shinobi didn't even dare to raise his head, he spoke humbly back to His Highness while the Emperor enjoyed having control over the strong male Shika was, "I understand."

"Go and bring me the most fearsome men out there, China won't wait until the next full moon."



The blade was thrown darted at the ground. A cock of brow came.

"Oh,nice. He has guts", the shinobi glanced under the shadow of hat, green eyes glittered with thirst for blood.


So the other didn't intent to use his chance and cut Saga, which meant they would go all out in a hand-on-hand fight.

- I see.


A marvelous grin danced upon velvet lips, the tall and firm figure of the shinobi didn't move an inch from its place. Speaking of arrogance, huh. Shika had no intention to step back, even if a fist came in the close range - he has been in more serious and dangerous situations where his life was put not only under a question but as well under honor. There was more than a fight when you stood for the Emperor, you didn't have to defend only lives. But as well own pride and the pride of your army, the pride of Your Highness. After all, that was all about to be a leader. There wasn't only the strength. Strength meant nothing, if you were blind to what you fight for.


He was taught by a legendary teacher, his own father. A quick flash of past ran across head. Words he always looked up to,

"Fight is not fear. Shika, remember these words. When you fight, you fight because you will win, not because afraid to lose. You will fight because you will protect, not because afraid to lose lives."


From his stand, the white shinobi slid his eyes close. Ah... the wind was quiet. But may he not disturb the sleep of nature, the male awaited for the other to attack. His style wasn't offensive. His style was wisdom of shinobi path.

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