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Ninja School

Dark Ocean

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The dark male was sitting on the roof of the sake house where his fellow sensei and the stranger had visited the night before, enjoying the quiet. A smile curved his lips when a little bird came swooping down from the skies to perch on his invitingly outstretched hand, small feet clamping down securely on a gloved index finger in superior balance, much like they had done on a certain shinobi's hat not too long ago.


"Welcome, my little friend, what news do you bring me?"


The bird cocked its head from side to side and ruffled its yellow-tinted feathers when he brought it closer to his face, then began to twitter softly as if relaying a message. The smile became more devious as the bird chirped information only his ears could understand.


"I knew something was up with that man. And all the senseis are being called in you say? Then that is where I will head. This should be... entertaining."


A gloved finger gently stroked the bird's feathered head and it eagerly nuzzled back against the fine fabric.


"You have done well, little one, you have earned your reward. You can play with Claude's hair for a while. Keep your eyes open though, as I will need them."


The bird flew off with a happy tweet, making a looping in the sky before disappearing into the blue yonder. The raven haired male straightened, eyes briefly glowing a demonic pinkish red as he gazed off towards the school.


"so it begins..."


He pushed off of the roof, landing silently, and proceeded to walk back to the school. The meeting was apparently in the school garden, so that was where he headed, finding

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already there, with
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seemingly only just having joined the party.

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When we got there I felt a little uneasy.

Both my Sensei's infront of me like this.

Somehow it seems Saito and Shika reaching the part

where they'd be peircing each other's eyes.

Just when they saw each other.




I stayed at the side watching them,

listening to every words said,

Finding out how they'd deal with each other.

I couldn't help thinking about comparing them.

But setting aside my thoughts as my brows curled

thinking it isn't a good thing to do.

I really don't like this scenery..




*even before I looked for Shika,

I've already used a cloning technique

pretty common for multi-tasking

It might have been a waste and I always get scolded for it

but this is important now.

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My shadow clone has been wandering in school

Seeing Silver to be right infront of me

I explained only little of the info.


"Silver, the unexpected visitor is in the hands of our Sensei.

The earlier event must be kept secret.

Take care of the students."


My clone kept a stare and bowed

And since it's mission is accomplished it vanished with a small fog.



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Yet another one of my clones appeared before Bird.

Blocking him from passing through the garden path

where Shika and Saito were about to battle.


"Bird, the unexpected visitor is in the hands of our Sensei.

The earlier event must be kept secret.

Take care of the students."


Again, the clone stared, bowed and vanished after a few.


Hoping they understood what my message is saying.

Now I focus on Shika and Saito.

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[ooc] So... You called for Claude's Bird and I to let us know not to post until you guys are done doing your exclusive thing? That seems like a waste of time for us, no offense. [/ooc]

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[hm? who said so? it only means not to interfere their rp fight.

but at the same time still posts here of whatever.

Sorry if you misunderstood my message. *bows*


this is a free thread. >_>

we can post anything here while anyone else posts whatever as well.]

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[ooc] Ok... Well if you didn't call for me I wouldn't have posted to you... Ending up in you asking me to back off... Ok. [/ooc]

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[not really to back off, well, that's the mission I had with my previous posts ^^

just to tell you guys about it, just so you guys have an idea of what's going on.


I will again say my apology. It's partly my fault I have missed some parts

after I mentioned you and claude's bird.

I was planning to leave them alone to get to you but turns out I'm still there,

so yea, gomen.]

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[OOC: I don't mind having two more fine ninjas jump me. It'd be even cooler. I am kinda into shounen/action style. So I love such scenes. Anyway, rainbow can stand up in-between the fight. Will work it out somehow to hit the point where I will speak my word for the Emperor's orders. *blinks

In case that is okay with people, I don't want to lead anything. ;D Just having fun ;D]

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I get that you do not want us to interfere in your fight, but can you understand that the message you're giving now is "you go keep the others [who aren't even posting anymore] busy in this role you were given without being asked while we go and be all interesting and have fun together"?


I and especially Silver are RPers too, we have put effort into our posts, especially Silver posted a big lesson that got completely ignored, and then we finally get invited and then get sent away again. I get that your intentions were good but it turned out different. Just make sure it doesn't happen again.


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: thank you for that offer, I can't speak for Silver Radiance on this but I might take you up on that later, at the moment I'am not much in the mood for getting involved in the fight though. And we were kept out from the garden anyway, so feel free to continue.

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OOC: Well, I understand perfectly. Misunderstandings always occur. c":

We can always edit our posts, so that shouldn't ruin the fun. I don't think rainbow meant anything to bring that upon the 'party' as you called it in the post.


Thank you as well for the kind treatment. c":


Ussu! c":]

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. What is going on here??? Teachers should know to be prepared not to step back. Which means they should be in the garden with us unless i didnt tell Re to notify them. They should be here. And yes students dont post anymore which means we will ignore their part for now. I dont want
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to be annoyed or to leave us. Please dont misunderstood. I will tag all of u. I apologize.
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you are adding fun here. No worries

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[ooc] I appreciate your diplomatic approach

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and I am honored that you have thought of us. But there seems to be a clear indication that we weren't originally invited to this and
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and I are not the type to force our way into something when we are not exactly welcome. I just wish we hadn't been called then asked to go away, it tends to be unpleasant if you can understand it from our perspective. I am sure we will find something else to occupy our time.


Please enjoy yourself, I am certain that

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will keep you thoroughly entertained. I hope that some time we can interact IC together. Until then, I bid you a fond farewell.


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I appreciate your apology, but please consider the feelings of others in future. I imagine you would not like to be called by me then told you are unnecessary and please stay back. I am more than happy to respond to your call, as I have already, but do not call me or any other RPer on a whim unless you are dedicated to taking responsibility for that call. It sets a very negative example that I am sure you have no intention of conveying. [/ooc]

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Thank you, as usual you put it better and more diplomatically than I ever could.

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Thank you for the same treatment coming from you. c:



just in the beginning I was also ignored when turned head with interest to your character, but that didn't trouble me because it was your way to treat my character.

My apologizes, I had to find a way to fit in the thread which brought me to the idea to know rainbowman from the past. c:



though I don't see why such a reaction and a bit harsh words hidden when talking to rainbowman. I think she apologized more than once. As such matter being solved already through an apologize, I must say that continuing that is against rules. We keep drama away from boards, more or less this is General-Talk section for non-yaoi/non-rpg area. But even so I left that thread because I noticed all of you having fun. So I thought other users might take interest in the thread.


I don't think anyone should be offended. Of course, it's your free will to leave, but more than two people told to both of you, that they don't want you to leave.

Further talk, all seems to me with the intention to bring drama.


Please, let's restrain ourselves like grown-up.


Thank you for the understanding!]

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I appreciate your apology, but please consider the feelings of others in future. I imagine you would not like to be called by me then told you are unnecessary and please stay back. I am more than happy to respond to your call, as I have already, but do not call me or any other RPer on a whim unless you are dedicated to taking responsibility for that call. It sets a very negative example that I am sure you have no intention of conveying.


Can I say something for the last time.

I have never said anything likely this way.

My clone disappeared so you have the rights to actually go there if you want to.


he shifted his head a little towards Rain "send him to me but not here not in class, i dont want the students to feel anything wrong but you need to inform Silver and Bird and tell them to keep it as a secret from our students.


This is the post I meant about take care of the students.

Okay, that's just all.

Just explaining now I won't say anything more.

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the message has been dilvered wrongly and im sure Re re didnt mean it. You and Birdy are more than welcomed really. This thread is for everybody. Every name has been mentioned here own the thread and they all can do what they wish.I apologize again.

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[ooc] Its really not a big deal, I said what was on my mind. I just wanted to make sure there was some understanding and I am pleased that there is. I've been told my posts can sometimes read as being sarcastic or harsh, please do not read them as such. I intend for everything I say to be as polite and diplomatic as possible.


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I can see now where that came from and I don't have any lingering negative feelings toward you. It takes a lot of thought and effort to construct a scene as you have with such a detailed past with Saga's character and I think your effort is easy to see. I apologise if I came across as being too harsh, I was more trying to be informative. Perhaps it would be better if we could discuss how we could fit in with this scenerio, as I have no desire to disrupt something you spent so much effort on.


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Welcome sweetness, please don't react so sadly. Claude's Bird and I were just quite surprised and uncertain as to what was going on but its all been cleared up now so please put a smile on that beautiful face. We won't leave, it seems like it would cause more trouble if we did *Chuckles*


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I never had the intention of ignoring your character but in hind sight, re-reading my post, I can see how you may have misinterpreted it that way. I am truely sorry for making you feel left out, the one thing I see as being the greatest insult to fellow RPers. Please allow me to rectify this when it is convinient for you.


Now, shall we dance, my dear comrades?[/ooc]


Though it seemed like an unusual request, to take care of the students when there was surely something unusual going on inside of the school grounds, the silver haired male nodded slightly to the clone in acknowledgement of the request. Was this the same message all of the teachers were going to receive?


Sapphire eyes wandered over the tree tops, the leaves swaying a little more violently than usual, quite hard to decipher if it was simply a strong wind or something more unpleasant. The haunting eyes narrowed as a strong sense of unease passed over his face, a hand caressing against the inside of his jacket, stroking something inside that seemed to provide some essence of comfort. It seemed as though simple days were turning into complications all too quickly.


Perhaps it was time to talk to Sebastian (@Claude's Bird) about a strategy of advancement. There had to be something more to this situation, something that he indeed wanted to find out.

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Saito allowed his robe to slide down smoothly to expose his shoulders followed by his back then his waist till the robe kissed the ground of the garden slowly, the firm stare never left the other's face. He was reading his mind but he was so good at hiding his thoughts and he wondered if it would be wise to fight him or just to gain him as a friend but what if he has an aim to be here, what if he doesnt want a peaceful time, alot of thoughts were attacking his mind but he didnt allow the other to read them. He moved around the other in circles not looking into his eyes anymore "Arent you a smart male? You didn't give me an answer. Why are you here? A fight is always the last option for a real ninja. Who are you looking for in here?" he stared into the other's eyes while asking the last question bluntly, nobody has told him he wanted a certain someone but he had a strong feeling he was looking for a certain person and he doubted it might be Rain since that look Rain had into his eyes.

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As was expected from you. Wise and understanding. Im glad everything is calm and alright now. We all will get along. Please enjoy the thread
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and ofc
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. Have fun all of you *bows*

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[Thank you all! (: ]


The shinobi was cornered with questions he quite didn't like. His eyes trembled open with a slide, ah, the wind changed its course. Did someone disturb it? Or it was a message that other ninjas were to come?

Either way, Saga showed no expression when the blunt statement for 'certain someone' was made. Of course he didn't expect to meet Riko of all people in that school.


All he did was to follow His Highness orders. The rendez-vous was like a bonus, more or less.

Dark hair ruffled by the breeze that gently danced around the males, circling their bodies as if it was their referee. How, fun. Shika grinned under nose; could it be that the other tried to break into the white shinobi's subconscious? Sneaky way.


He followed the pace, both seemed to make some slight movements in that wind-circle. What a sight, one to wonder who was the predator and who was the prey.

- My apologizes, may be I didn't make myself clear... - Shika leaned to side, shoulder brushing Saito's shoulder side - ... Hammer the nail, or get hammered by it.


He used the previous saying as a shield. It was true that the shinobi was slightly distracted by Rain being close to the garden. Even though he couldn't have a clear view, he could feel the ninja's presence.


"Ah, what a trouble. His posture is ready to use anytime well known techniques, but from my range... I guess it'd be hard to dodge the first hit.", a smirk appeared although his thoughts ran fast and wild, "But not impossible."

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As he entered the garden a figure suddenly appeared before him and blocked his path. Rainbow-sensei. He halted and raised an eyebrow as the figure delivered his message, only to disappear in a puff of smoke a few seconds later.


"Protect the students? Isn't that a given? But I will,"


he muttered to the empty air in front of him, a feeling of uneasiness tugging at him unpleasantly. something was obviously about to happen and he didn't like being kept away from it, but there was surely a reason.


A gloved hand raised to be pressed against the left side of his chest, where he carried that scroll he was given under his jacket. He had not yet dared to look at its contents. Did the silver haired sensei know something he did? Would Claude be involved in this somehow? I he was and if something were to happen to the golden-eyed demon he would tear this school brick from brick and board from wooden board until he found the one responsible. His fingers absentmindedly caressed over the paper through the fabric of his jacket, crimson eyes narrowing into a glare as those thoughts played through his head.


Then he turned back the same way he came, noticing the aforementioned teacher up ahead, a strong urge to find answers rising the moment he laid eyes on the silver hair and the classy black and blue costume. With sudden determination he walked towards the other male, all senses at high alert to pick up any inconsistencies around him, ruby meeting with sapphire as their gazes crossed.


"It seems something major is taking place within these walls. Do you know something that I do not?"

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Here comes, I could see through Saito's eyes.

Even Shika, both them into eagerness.

Should I let them fight?

Really now, Rain, think properly.


But my focus is getting blurred,

the other senseis received my message and I could feel their presence getting near.

Ah, this is it, Shika is much more troublesome as I am.

I moved back and jumped at one of the trees behind.

Surely Saito is correct, fighting is a ninja's last resort.


So I decided to not interfere unless needed so.

But still, if worse comes to worst,

where should I stand?

who shall I protect?


I could feel this urge to stay by Shika's side,

but Saito has done fruitful things to help me grow more into a warrior.


As I stare at Saito and Shika, standing up at one of the branch

my hands gripped as I ask myself

was it really right for me to bring Shika to Saito?

I closed my eyes a bit curling both my brows as a sign of annoyance.


For a long time, I have never been this confused.

Too many questions and events for a short time.

All I need to do is be ready.

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My Dear Friends. im so sorry for not being active but i really cant help it.


I have no internet in home for awhile and i dont know when it will come back besides


the events in Egypt arent helping me too to be in the mood of writing .


When i feel sad, i cant fake my emotions. Forgive me.


I consider it is not fair to wait for my reply for the whole time, so i won't post for a bit till


im able to be here around you again .


I wish if you all know that i miss you all.


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Saito smirked at the other and at how much he was so excited and ready, every single reaction of the other was impressing and amusing but he didn't want to waste his strength on un-needed fight as he thought or on something wasn't required since he didn't know what the traveler wanted exactly and his intentions weren't clear if he wanted to destroy the school or not or maybe deep down Saito was having a slight admiration for the male, like there was something about him capturing his thoughts, the determined look in his eyes, the confidence in his actions and the strength that seemed obviously in his body. All of that made him be more patient and dont do any step he would regret.



Saito stood straight in front of the male rising his chin up in such a prideful manner and held his own hands together behind his back looking directly into the other's eyes "Before i give you the honor to fight with me, i need you to meet two of the most powerful ninjas in here, their strength can't be ignored or even their wisdom. To know how much strong you are you shall meet everyone and fight them and i would just stay up there and watch if you managed to defeat them both, im sure we would meet again. I want you to meet @

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and @
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. Now its time for me to stay on that tree up there to watch all of you" he said that and passed by the male their shoulders are barely touching each other "I hope not to see you after that" he smirked and jumped on the top of the tree just on the opposite branch to Rain's on the same tree to see the coming strong battle.


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I'm not sure if you'll be able to read this anytime soon, but thank you for letting us know. Please don't worry for not being able to post here, your safety and the stability of your home come first. I hope you'll have your internet back soon and I pray that Egypt will know peace again very soon. Please take care of yourself and keep safe, hun, we'll be here waiting when you get back.

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-reading a book gently sipping the soft and delicious tea, the wind lightly takes the strands of hair that hung loose and seemed to hang gently from the way it was pinned up from his neck line.-

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,take care of yourself, that is most important than anything. I sincerely hope things will get better. Don't forget that everything meets its end, and that is no exception for sadness and hardships. (: ]


Saga listened closely the words. My, my. It turned out that he wouldn't be the only one testing their skills, but it was thrown back at him. That was something new. It's been long since someone wanted to test the shinobi. Well, couldn't be helped. He had no choice, it seemed. Beside, what kind of a male he would be, if he rejected the tempting deal. Though, it didn't look quite like a deal, rather he was forced to accept it.


Shika felt the the slight brush against shoulder getting returned back at him. Did that director know only how to throw back Saga's own ''rocks'' back at his head? He felt the urge to chuckle.


- But please, if you intent so - be my guest.



The shinobi let his gaze shower the ground as felt the first drop of Heavens ''tears'' fall upon his shoe. Ah, how could the rain come with such a timing. Now it would make the battle even harder. Saga pretty much relied on nature's hints. The disturbance of air, the leaves trembles and everything that spoke for one's movements. Well, water had its sneaky ways. The dark haired male felt two fearsome presences get closer the the spot he was currently standing.

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