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Ninja School

Dark Ocean

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*Yawns and wanders into thread, glancing around*


Mmmm good morning.


It appears I have found myself in a den of ninjas? Sexual ninjas? Who knows. Either way, I am tresspassing.


What will you do?

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Well well, the one time I get here before the school even opens and I happen upon a trepasser. Welcome^^. It seems the head sensei hasn't arrived yet, but I am the martial arts teacher here, maybe I can be of assistance? You seem to possess quite some ninja skills already, being able to sneak into a locked down school like that, I am impressed. In fact, if

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-sensei allows it, I would love to have someone with your skill as my co-teacher. You are however still trespassing, so there will be a penalty for that I'm afraid *grins twirling
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around casually*

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Oh I would love to see you try, pretty little bird.


*Chuckles softly and smirks, reaching up to caress a dark blue glove against the spade upon his cheek lightly, eyes flashing with deviance.*


Do you know that the suit of Spades represents the sword of the soldier? Its a shame that swords cur through rope, isn't it?


*Smooths hand down over his angular jaw to caress over his own throat and tug at the tie carefully, straightening it as he examined the other male with a sense of amusement, caressing the fabric slowly with a light sensual touch*


I wonder what the chances are of me tying you up with your own instrument of capture.

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*raises eyebrow and smirks* That is if the swordsman can see the rope coming in time... *looks the other male over well and good, not missing a single movement of that gloved hand* Such bold words for one who just walked into a school of ninjas, where the katana is the tool of the trade. Are you interested in crossing swords with me, beautiful soldier?

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*Glances over to take note of Saki off in the distance, raising a hand to regard the male respectfully with a polite smile*


Saki, perhaps it is time for that tea you always offer me.


*Narrows eyes slightly, maintaining the grin as he again looked over the dark haired crimson eyed male before him seemingly all too interested in having a little scuffle before breakfast was served. Both hands lifted before the strong silver haired intruder before the right wrist twitched to gain attention while the left flicked and produced a single common playing card, turned around to face the crimson protector of the establishment. The card was quite obviously the Jack of Spades*


Jack seems to think a game of steel would be entertaining. Provide the sword and I'll provide the challenge.


*The dark gloved hand slid the card into his breast pocket carefully, allowing the illustrated character's eyes to peak out from his pocket as if allowing it to watch. The smooth silver strands caressed over pale cheeks while those hauntingly blue eyes narrowed at the creature before him, all too eager to taste the air of battle*


Or are you afraid to fall flat on your ass before me?

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Of course sil-sama


*walking over preparing tea and holds out the cup, A gently smile touched the blue haired boy's face the gently T of diamonds under his eye shined lightly. The gentle light maroon eyes looked to the other tilting his head. then looking back to the Silver haired man he called Sil-sama with a smile*


Heres some tea, i hope its to your liking.

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It is always to my liking.


*Smiles sliding a hand down to stroke Saki gently while the other captured the teacup to sip lightly while awaiting a response from the crimson eyed protector*


What skills have you learned as a ninja thus far?


Tsetsua, hiding is indeed a very important skill to master. Perhaps if you were given motivation, something to hide from, you would learn very quickly the skills to evade detection.

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Holding breath and running really fast. and ill always provide the perfect tea Sil-sama


*smiles gently and watched closely to sil-sama drink gently*


well sil-sama you should have gave word of your arrival.

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*raises an eyebrow at how familiar

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is with the intruder, then nods at Saki and Tsetsua, politely motioning them to stay out of the way*
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, I have no doubt that you are excellent at improvising on that particular subject;)


*refocuses attention on the silver haired intruder* I see you have accomplices inside these walls, very shrewd....


*Watches amusedly as the male performs a small card trick, those nimble hands producing a Jack of Spades seemingly from thin air, a chuckle leaving the crimson male's lips as the card is put back into the silver one's breast pocket with its drawn eyes peeking out*


I see you like having watchers when you get down and dirty *smirks* Very well then *slides fingers down his own chest lightly, slipping them into his jacket to produce a blood red rose, brushing the velvety petals past his lips briefly before presenting the other male with the beautiful flower * Your challenge is accepted *reaches behind him to produce a crimson-hilted katana* I am sure the students will be delighted to witness a demonstration by someone as skilled as yourself.


And by the way, ninjas never fall on their asses...

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Bird-senpai, Just becareful you cant kill him.


*Sitting back saki let the blue hair fall from the band that had it bound, He closed his eyes gently with a smile and smirked at Sil-sama*


Sil-sama, dont die, I still owe you my life, You hear.

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I would not call them accomplices as they had no knowledge of my presence before you. But I am not unknown either.


*Glances over to Saki and winks affectionately, carefully placing the tea cup down, out of harms way*


I see though you don't seem so keen on providing me with a sword.


*Shrugs gently, pretending not to pay attention to the rather sensual display from the dark male to retrieve his chosen sword*


No matter. I suppose I'll have to use the one I have on hand.


*Chuckles removing the card he had placed so carefully inside of his pocket, those dark fingers clutched it tightly between them, shifting the card between each to flip it over and over as he stood still, watching and waiting except for the continual flipping of the card. There was a slight shimmer to it, clearly not just a simple form of paper, something more.. troublesome perhaps*


And about Ninjas not falling on their asses, you are indeed correct, they don't. Their asses fall into a strong seme's lap.


*With a keen smirk the last few words were spoken pointedly at the other male, coaxing him to attack with such a blatantly sharp comment*

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*Lifting the cup lightly and leans against the wall watching carefully with a smirk.*


The spade himself,uses its spade weapon, dont get to see that often.


*looking to the side and shifts the strands of hair that fell into his own face as he held the cup keeping it warm.*


this will be interesting.

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*gives piercing stare at

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* yes, it seems there is at least one ninja here who would certainly like that prospect to befall him... It seems I am without the support of my own students, that... saddens me. That said, this is supposed to be a demonstration, so no bloodshed as far as I'm concerned. Unless he forces me to *narrows eyes at*.


*glances over at the silver haired male, refusing to take his bait and pretending not to see what was going on with that extraordinary card* You could have taken this one, but it seems I was right in figuring that you brought your own. So are you going to use it or would you prefer to play with my students instead?

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-looks to the side and lets out a sigh-


Bird-senpai is quit angry. i suppose ill get punishment later.


-watches carefully-

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Everyone need a talent, ne?



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we wil be have Day of School? *.*

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How cold, I thought you would have liked to have at least come closer to accurately greet my blade.


*Shaking his head, those soft silver strands slid over the pale skin easily, while dark eyelashes narrowed and captured those dangerous gems within haunting eyes. Clearly he knew something the other male didn't and the realisation seemed all too amusing as a light chuckle rumbled deeply in the back of his throat*


I am not sure if Saki is the only one.. But I will leave that realisation up to you.


*The chuckling was soon replaced by a piercing gaze as those eyes stared straight ahead, past the card as it was lifted to corrupt his line of vision as soft words were spoken far too gentle for anyone to hear. At first, there was silence then all at once the dust from the ground blew forward in every direction as if something had fallen quite heavily from the sky without warning. All at once sharp blurrs passed the dark haired male with crimson eyes, barely missing him to stand up in the ground behind. Golden Knives rested in the ground, five of them each close to the sensei, two of which had slived through the fabric of his clothing, one at the left hand shoulder and the other against his right hip*


Did I forget to mention? These are index cards... The kind that summon any character I have played and keep in my index.


*As the dust cleared the figure standing before the dark one was much taller than the original oppinant, holding five glistening golden knives in one hand hidden behind a pure white glove. The golden gaze piercing right into the other male with a sense of heavy recognition, the slight glint of light upon his glasses coupled with the tilting of them with the free hand that had already expelled its weapons*


And the Jack of Spades just happens to be Claude Faustus. You remember, don't you?


*The silver haired male peered at the crimson eyed sensei from behind his 'sword' with a polite wave, an all too happy smile present as he motioned towards Saki*


More tea I think, these two might take a while.


*Those golden eyes burned into Sebastian, promising to attack at any moment should the dark one dare move*

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Yes of course. more tea


*lightly preparing the the tea and walks over holding the cup out lightly*


Sil-sama your visit was so unexpected, you should of told me you were coming.

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- I guess today's only with Bird's lessons(?).

Me and

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sensei are off busy with something. : )

And I'm not a sensei, I'm your senpai ^^

(I'm a student who is allowed to do whatever I like lol)


I'm only waiting for the night to be done so I can close the school grounds.

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Enjoy being busy. If that is the case I will stop waiting for Saito to return.


*Smiles at Saki taking the tea with a polite smile, sipping it slowly, enjoying the flavor*


I wanted it to be a surprise. Unfortunately some of the people I wanted to surprise seem far too busy to greet me so I will just have to enjoy my tea with you while Claude makes ribbons out of Bird.

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. As a coach you can choose who you want to be with you. For Silver i dont mind him being a coach so he will be in your section. But i hope his charm wont affect students here.
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im watching you. I wont say more. All of you are punished but when im able to be here to take care of u.

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