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18+ 1x1 fantasy rp (arekushisu / kitkat-san)


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My character: koi matsumoto


Name: koi Matsumoto


Gender: Male

Position: Seme

Race: Inu

Description: Koi is tall and thin, broad shoulders and has a noble posture, his hair is jet black and so are his eyes, ears and full tail. His skin is little to slightly tanned and is very involved in fashion and classy clothing.

Personality: Koi is very aware of everything around him, he has a high look on everything and has a protective guarding instinct, he is polite, calm and neat all the time.


Koi was brought up in the opposite side of town, his family managed to afford their own mansion, but due to business trips and tours of the world his family are hardly there and so he spends most of his time alone, despite there is a lot of hate between the two species, the inu, and neko, he doesn't see a point to all the hatred.

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(( i just gotta find a character :3 feel free to do yours in the meantime))

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(okay though i wont have a pic attached to mine if you dont mind)


Name: Ayuta Nakamura

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Position: Uke

Race: Neko

Description: Ayuta is a short though he is strong when he needs to be. He is a skinny teenager. He has black hair cut to cover one of his eyes. He has black ears and a tail that give off his mood everytime. He has pale white skin and full lips.

Personality: He is quiet but sometimes speaks what he is thinking hurting others around him without knowing. He is playfull and always happy never wanting to be mean to anyone if they ask for his help. He doesnt open up easy and it is hard for him to trust others.

Extra: He grew up in a hard life. Having to sell alot of his things and having his father bail on them. Now that he is 18 he is looking forward to finding a job to help pay for his mothers debts. He is running from debt collecters that want to use him as payment selling him off at a whore house because of his looks and beauty. And the fact he is pure.


(hope that was okay?

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(( haha it's perfect, a real quirky and unique character :3, would you like me to start or yourself?

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Koi paced back and forth in the rather large, empty entrance of his home, debating wether going out for the first time in months, he sighed, pulled on a rather expensive jacket and moved to wards the door, he walked down the steps and watched his breath fog into the morning air. After a while of walking his stopped to rub his hands together, looking around he raised his eyebrows, far from home, he was unsure what district of town he was in.He grimaced at the sight of the filth of the area and brought out a handkerchief to try clean the railing of the stairs he walked down a few seconds later.

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Ayuta sat crouched in an alley. He wore a black hoodie that fit him snuggly. He had the hood up to hide his face and ears. He looked around then walked out of the alley. He hadnt spotted the men at the other end. One yelled out and he turned seeing them. They were debt collectors. "Shit." He said outloud and started to run the oppisite way. He wore long jeans that fit his skinny legs perfectly. He wore a tank top under the hoodie to help with the heat. He hid his tail and ears for this reason...being spotted.


He ran past many good hiding spots but didnt stop at any running faster. He slid down the railing of the subway stairs hitting the floor hard on his feet. He looked behind him seeing two following him. He saw a man wearing an expensive jacket and ran at him.

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Watching a young, shorter male run at him with speed, not quite sure what to do, he embraced the impact and caught the guy by his arm." Hey, watch it ok?" He replied in a serious, yet calm manor, his dark eyes glancing down at him, then, Seeing the others slow down once they reached the two he raised an eyebrow." And you guys are...?" He frowned, something serious was going on, and he had no idea what it was, it probably wasn't any of his business anyway, but these two looked like they weren't playing any games.Koi lifted the males arm up slightly." These guys bugging you?~"

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Ayuta was shocked when the male grabbed his arm. He was flung forward slowing down. He tried to get away but saw the men slow infront of them and dodged behind the other male. He saw the other two cracking there knuckles. He shivered and he felt his ears go back on his head under the hood.


"Yea...they are." He said not sure what he was going to do to help. If these two didnt get him then others would locking him away and auctioning him off in the red light district.


"He's ours. We own him!" one of the men spoke pointing to Ayuta. He flinched and stepped out slightly, "I belong to no one." He said looking the man in the eyes with a death glare.

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Koi glared from where he was." People can't be owned, so go... Pick on someone your own size." He fired at them, he made a growling sort of noise from the back of his throat and eyed them, sure, he didn't know who the hell this guy was, but there was something about him, and he wasn't going to let these two get away with what they were trying to do.

Koi gritted his teeth, straightening out the edges of his jacket and watching their every move." Over my dead body." He smirked

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Ayuta heard the growl and instantly let go of the others arm. That growl was of an Inu. He looked at the male seeing the ears and tail he hadnt noticed before. Ayuta shook his head and started up the stairs. He heard yelling from bellow but he was already running. He went into an alley and saw men comeing up on one side and one on the other. He was trapped.


"Fuck!" He said kicking the wall hard. He had evaded them for 18 years and wasnt ready to give in just yet. He leaned against the wall and smiled sweetly at the two men coming down the left side of the alley pretending he didnt notice the one on the right.


"Good day boys!" He said walking up to meet them halfway staying far enough to not be touched. "What can i do for you today?" He said smiling happily as if these guys didnt want to do away with him.


"You know why we're here Ayuta. Come with us willingly and we may just spare that little body of yours." One said stepping closer. Ayuta smirked but felt his ears go back in fear, he was happy they were covered. "Hm...let me think. No!" He said dodging the knife that came from behind flipping the guy into the other two. He ran down the alley and stopped at the end, "See ya boys!" He yelled running off to hide further away til the heat died down.


He couldnt stop thinking about the Inu though. The way he stuck up for Ayuta didnt match the way his mother used to talk about them. He shook his head hunkering down in a small alley next to the cafe, waiting for the all clear from one of his friends that were to meet him here.

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The young inu frowned, seeing the realisation from the neko as he ran away, he sighed, then came to the attention of the two people still glaring at him, backing off,he ran a little till he was far enough away, now even more lost in this other sde of town, he watched nekos shudder or hiss at him, he raised his eyebrow, but every one of them reminded him of the smaller one he had stood up for, he put his hands in his pockets and leaned back as he walked, watching the sky intently, why couldnt he get that guy off his mind? And what on earth did the other guys want him for?

He stopped, he needed to get out more... He was well and truely in an unfamiliar area.

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Ayuta saw his friend on the other side give him a nod and he stood stepping out into the familiar streets. Always being on the streets he knew how to sneak in and out of almost anything here in the city. Some people called him rat.(only those that hated him) He would go in and steal food for his mother and for hugry kids and families. He didnt like seeing them starve. He smiled and waved to a white neko that turned fast and hissed at something behind Ayuta as he walked into the cafe. He shrugged not really careing. He didnt look behind him to see the Inu from earlier spot him.

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Koi smiled at the glimpse of the neko from before, then puzzledly glanced at his friend, who seemed like he was trying to intimidate koi. He rubbed his neck." I mean no trouble..." He shook his hands a little ,trying to show he wasn't looking for any kind of fight, his accent holding a slightly upper class twang to it. He looked up at the cafe sign and listened to his stomach groan, now that he thought about it, it had been 24 hours since he last ate, running his eyes over the intior inside the window of the cafe, he 'tsked'."It'll have to do," he pondered for a moment before hesitantly wandering in.

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Ayuta ordered his food then turned spotting the Inu. He pulled his hood further up hiding his ears better. He hadnt taken off the hood yet to expose his ears. He pulled the Inu by his arm and threw him into a seat on the far wall next to the window. He slid into the other side of the booth and leaned back looking at the Inu. "Why did you help me?" He asked thinking aloud. He really wanted to know why he was following him and what he wanted from him.

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Koi stared at him, a little stunned by the sudden movements of the neko." Uh.... I dont beleive anyone should be chased like that.. They clearly wanted something you werent willing to just hand over, so i beleived you were the innocent one," he smiled politely, tapping a rythem on the table.

(( brb gotta go for a haircut ._.

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Ayuta flinched when he talked and looked at him cautiously, "You dont want to kill me? Why didnt you just leave me there so you dont have to do it yourself?" He said leaning back in his seat playing with his hood strings. He didnt want to say that really. He wanted to introduce himself and hope that he would be different than the other Inu that his mother told him about. "Thanks then....for saving me that is." He said slightly coldly. He didnt mean for it to come of that way and he felt his ears twitch under the hood. He didnt understand why he didnt just let them out. He didnt really trust this man enough to show him though.


- - - Updated - - -


Ayuta flinched when he talked and looked at him cautiously, "You dont want to kill me? Why didnt you just leave me there so you dont have to do it yourself?" He said leaning back in his seat playing with his hood strings. He didnt want to say that really. He wanted to introduce himself and hope that he would be different than the other Inu that his mother told him about. "Thanks then....for saving me that is." He said slightly coldly. He didnt mean for it to come of that way and he felt his ears twitch under the hood. He didnt understand why he didnt just let them out. He didnt really trust this man enough to show him though

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Koi ." Why... Why would i kill you?" He then realized what the guy meant, his mother had always told him of how 'terrible' and 'horrible' nekos were, but he never gave in to her thoughts, he didn't believe they were any different than his own kind, in his eyes his mother was just a racist." Hey, i really mean no harm, i'm just completely lost, that is all." He nodded as the waitress brought them their food, koi having also already ordered.He stared curiously at the neko for what he would say.

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Ayuta smiled slightly hiding his face, "T-thank you again...my name is Ayuta." He stuck out his hand across the table feeling his ears twitch. He was annoyed at the fabric still on them blocking his hearing. He smiled lightly looking across at the other looking him over. He was normal looking, expensive looking clothes and hair cut but Ayuta saw that he didnt seem to be super rich.

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Ayuta smiled slightly hiding his face, "T-thank you again...my name is Ayuta." He stuck out his hand across the table feeling his ears twitch. He was annoyed at the fabric still on them blocking his hearing. He smiled lightly looking across at the other looking him over. He was normal looking, expensive looking clothes and hair cut but Ayuta saw that he didnt seem to be super rich.

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Koi stared at the hand." Koi." He stated with a simple and just smile, taking Ayutas hand and shaking it once with a friendly, firm grip." And the pleasure was all mine." He grinned then took a sip of his coffee, gazing out at the street past the window." So, you live in the area?" He questioned, taking another sip but his eyes not leaving the neko's face

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Ayuta smiled and pulled back his hood answering, "Yea...something like that." He said dodging the question not wanting to be looked down apon by a higher class. He looked Koi over once more the sat up leaning onto the table resting his arms there. His ears twitched, "So, I can tell your not from around here. Where'd you come from?" He asked eating a bite of the meal infront of him but not really tasting anything.

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Koi admired his ears from where he sat, then nodded." Ah i see,oh, yes. i come from the upp-" he stopped himself from describing himself as upper-class." Other, side of town." He leant back in his seat, extending his legs under the table as he made himself comfortable." It's not the greatest place actually, under all that marble, money and pruned hedges.. Its sad, lonely and pathetic" he sighed, being 100% percent honest with Ayuta.

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Ayuta tilted his head looking at Koi with a new interest. He had never heard an upper-classman say that before. He rested his chin in his hands feeling Koi's legs under him as he pulled his own up into the seat with him sitting cross-legged. "So, Its not as good as it looks? Better than here i assume." He laughed looking out at his rundown town smiling. He loved it here, even though he ran he still loved the people and the fact everyone was kind and willing to help you out.

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Ayuta tilted his head looking at Koi with a new interest. He had never heard an upper-classman say that before. He rested his chin in his hands feeling Koi's legs under him as he pulled his own up into the seat with him sitting cross-legged. "So, Its not as good as it looks? Better than here i assume." He laughed looking out at his rundown town smiling. He loved it here, even though he ran he still loved the people and the fact everyone was kind and willing to help you out.

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Koi thought about it then shook his head." Everyone here seems to know everyone, and is genuinely your friend, but, where im from everyone is either competing against you for class, or ... Well, for your money." He shuddered then breathed out." I probably appear stuck up for the people around here though, right?" He chuckled gently." Anyway, who were those guys?" He frowned instead.

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Ayuta frowned hearing his last question. "They were just some guys that i stole some pocket money from. No big deal." He laughed it off though his ears were flattened as he looked out the window at a little girl crying and a man picking her up consoling her. "It was nothing." He said again quieter. He didnt want to cause anyone trouble or be in debt with them anymore than he already was. His mother's debt was now on his shoulders and he couldnt pay it with anything but his body. Thats all they wanted.


- - - Updated - - -


Ayuta frowned hearing his last question. "They were just some guys that i stole some pocket money from. No big deal." He laughed it off though his ears were flattened as he looked out the window at a little girl crying and a man picking her up consoling her. "It was nothing." He said again quieter. He didnt want to cause anyone trouble or be in debt with them anymore than he already was. His mother's debt was now on his shoulders and he couldnt pay it with anything but his body. Thats all they wanted.

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Koi could tell by his expression it was more than that, but he didn't push it, after all, it's not like he knew the guy well."well... Ok.." He laughed nervously then bit his lip as he glanced back at Ayuta.' How about i buy you a drink sometime..." He asked, completely out of the blue, heck, Koi didnt entirely know what he was doing. Out of the corner of his eye he saw the neko waitress drop her tray in hearing Koi's question

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