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99 + 1 Questions II


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hmmmn. I'd name it Unicorn~


100.) If you are given a superpower, what will it be?

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the ablitly to be omniscient. XD maybe that cheating but IDC. XDDD

(BTW, unicorn?! Really Tet. XD)


100)If you discovered a baby on your steps, what would you do?!

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(Unicorn or ponies .. which ever is cooler.. and your respinse is just soo you x3)


I'd ...take it and move it to someone else's house. Just kiddn. Probably take it to an institution. If u expect me to take it wth me, ssorry i dont like babies and kids xD


100.) What will you do if the world ends tomorrow?

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*Brow raise* Don't like kids or babies?! What!? You do know I'm obsessed with kids right? So innocent. So cute. So adorable. So chubby. So sweet. I'll just like to bit them. Hm...a better way to say this. I like babies like a person like a small cute dog. XD




Ok....er..probably jerk off until it ends?! XDD I probably shouldn't say that, but I've said much worse, right? Plus...you're an adult and so am I so....*Shrugs*


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100) Where would you like to go of all places, and why?!

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well babies are loud and annoying i sorta see myself in them so i dont likr them xD


.____. Your response is sooo sooo perverted. You big pervo bear. Cant come up with something romantic like 'spend it with you' or something xDD but i must admit. That is one hawt idea xD


I'd love to see it in action hahaha



And my answer iss.. i

'In your heart' lol xD no..l'd want to go to saturn ._______. If its considered a place. I want to see what it looks like inside and if there are aliens living there. Otherwise, id want to go to japan or the US...


100.) What will you do if you lose your duck for a day?

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Saturn? You can't even breath there Tet. *Roll eyes* Keep dreaming. XD

Ah I see. XD Well I change my answer to spend it with you. XDD


My answer:


Um, there is nothing I can do. I'll freak out all day, because I wouldn't know if it'll come back or not. It'll damage my pride and I'll kill myself. There. XP


100) What is something you've always wanted to know?!

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.____. Well, i can wear some suit. I want to meet a tentacle alien you see LOL. Joke,

And you dont have to change it, i like your answer hahaha xD and now you know what happens if you dare someone else touch that duck.


I always wanted to know what happens if guys does splitting. Will their balls get crushed? I cant split so idk.


100.) What will you do if aliens attack our planet?

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Lmao. You're just so random. XDDDD Hahaha I like that answer.




Er...jerk off u- Hahaha kidding. Um...I think I'll betray humanity and join them. XD


100) What is something you dislike most about me?! And it can't be nothing. Whatever you name doesn't mean you hate it...just...dislike it most even if you love it all. XDD

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noo dun join them x.x you just want to meet the tentacle alien .___. No fair.


And errr... lets see... i dun lartiulary have any. But if i have to say something, its your pheromone spreading everywhere on YO xD but i dont hate it. Hahaha xP


100.) Same question. What do you dislike about me other than being too childish, too much of a brat and too easy to get jealous and too haphazard. ?

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Tentacles monster?! Why the heck would I want to meet it? Not as if it'll be able to give me anything I want. Other than you Tetsu


Lmao...well I didn't get much of a choice here. Haha. I told you I like your childishness so that's fine. Err...maybe Hm...for the fact that you get mad at me and don't listen to try to understand. XD Yeah..that's it.




100) Ever wish death on someone? Why?

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O//w//O flatteries~


And i know what u mean >_


.... you big bully. I already told you about in the PMs lol'


Well, its more of a comical thing than out of loathing or something like thatt. But yeah i did ._____.


100.) Have you felt jealous to the people i talk to?

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Lmao oh I worded that wrong. XD I could see how you misinterpreted. Lol. I actually meant that I could get nothing from the tentacle monster but you could. XD I meant nothing of the sweet compliment as it could have been mistaken for. ;p



Nah, whats to be jealous of. Hm...I don't see anyone as a threat. XP


Ok...er...oh...I like this one...be creative


15)Do you prefer to be behind the camera or in front of it?

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your convos are always so much fun to read xD you should start playing more games :3
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a question i would really like to know the answer to :)

51) Do you tend to hold grudges against people who have done you wrong?
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Lol sew. And you all wonder why I can be a narcissist at times. Haha. You know..you aren't the first person who said this. XDD you all are weird. Lol


Aya this is for you:


100) If you were able to take a selfie any kind of way you want...how would it be? (Even the impossible is allowed) Describe.

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100) what is the most embarrassing thing you've done in public



It's my first time doing this on a forum so I don't really know how this works plus I guessed based off of the posts

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.. you're such a big bully.. you know that?? >___


And I like to be in front.. what's there to be creative? >___

Yeahh i suck at taking pictures... though im not much of a camwhore... i prefer to be at the front (just like sex hihihi)


100.) Have you ever thought of going to outer space?

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I you did perfectly sweetheart. All you have to do is wait for me to shoot one back at you. Lol.


Answer: I er...oh...and this is something guys went through before right. Caught an erection in public. XD Sad, sad. Ik. It wasn't because I was turned on or anything. Sooooooo, yeah. XD

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Answer: Err...space? Who hasn't. You wanna know something educational. In the rivalry for who would walk on the moon first was all a project of some kind for America. We beat the others team, which was Russia, with a lie. Once viewing the tapes and whatnot, there is no stars whatsoever, and it was documented in government files. Pathetic. Haha. Sadly this was all being taught to us in school, and the knowledge if such a lie will on recycle. Some history huh?!



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answer this:

100.)If you could mix two animals together to make a different species, what would it be and why?

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-stares with admiration- just how knowledgeable can you get? :3


here's the answer to your question.



and when it was a baby




soo cute x3


I even made this my profile pic weeks ago xD it's fascinating how it looks legit.


100.) if you can see one thing in the future, what would it be and why?

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a turtle and a frog, why because I want to see what it would look like in a shell and also I wonder if a naked turtle could survive living the life of a frog


And XD getting hard in a store wow those hormones of yours must have been something


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both answer please with marshmallows on top:


100) if you were stuck outside the house naked what would you do

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The answer is ... it depends on the sin against me, like any normal person. If it has affected my family's life negatively then yes ofcourse. If it's just to me.. then no. Im kinda old for that. .(⌒_⌒; )

(Though it's a different story when they start to annoy me. Haha like you know. XD )


To you as well i guess.

92) You can re-live any point of time in your life. The time-span can only be a half-hour, though. What half-hour of your past would you like to experience again?
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I suppose when or how I will die. Just so I could know. *Shrugs* Idk. Maybe I could change my date then. XP Er...or something on the romantic side which I won't say XD

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naked? Outside? Hm..maybe I'd er...idk. K definitely wouldn't be shame though.II'll just they to capture someone with my charm for them to take me to their house and get some clothing. XD


You two....Tet...that rooster dog, rooster cat thing is not cute. In fact it's a ugly little thing. XP





100)Do you interpret a person's character from appearance?!

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x.x mehhh you should tell me ___


And if that question goes to me err.,, yyes i do. So most of the time, i get wrong impression of people. But i like how i meet the person's character first that appearance in forums like this,. Hehehe


100.) What will you do if someone give you a million.. in dollars.

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that's good to hear ^^ em..my first thought was too perverted so the second one would be..mm..okay that's too tough!! i wanna re-live too many things O.O ok, i'll just go with the first one i thought of..i would like to re-live the most amazing orgasm i ever had, which i think was a week ago OTL yeah i know, but it's morning here and i couldn't come up with anything else..

your question, if you still wanna play the game: 91) You accidentally eat some radioactive vegetables. They were good, and what's even cooler is that they endow you with the super-power of your choice! What is that power?

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lol a selfie? XD mm..i would like to take a selfie while i'm in iron man suit then! O.O or even better! while i'm flying beside him and we both make peace sings while we make a selfie XD i love iron man :3

question for you: 4) What do you think about most?

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