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99 + 1 Questions II


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I've already sent you the 6 digits through PM. I'm happy with the person I am so far because of how I've grown. But I've also got things that I don't like about myself.


17) What was the last lie you told?

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ok they do look a bit sexy, i admit that XD and don't get me wrong, i would drive a thing like this gladly :p just i guess they aren't really my style XD don't know why but i prefer small ones XDDd it's so weird because the bigger ones are so mch better to drive but i don't know..small ones are cute and all :3


i was drunk blu and i basically had to hang on the guys to get to their ears because they were huge ^^" also, i screwed it up later XD so yeah, i have no pick up lines or techniques whatsoever :p


i was talking in general :3 but i wanted to hear a name of any video games you like too :p


A: onionn0onion9:cuteonion55: you shouldn't have asked me a tough question like that!! O.O jk jk, you of course


182. mm..if i would come visit your country and we would meet, where would you take me first? :3

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I've already sent you the 6 digits through PM. I'm happy with the person I am so far because of how I've grown. But I've also got things that I don't like about myself.


17) What was the last lie you told?


To sum it up: mixed feelings toward yourself.

A: Since it's "told", not "wrote" : "I'll try to be there tomorrow at 11". Phone, a couple of minutes ago. I'm always late in the morning, but the one who called knows it already. xD


Curious, what was yours? ;D Q 17) for you as well.



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ok they do look a bit sexy, i admit that XD and don't get me wrong, i would drive a thing like this gladly :p just i guess they aren't really my style XD don't know why but i prefer small ones XDDd it's so weird because the bigger ones are so mch better to drive but i don't know..small ones are cute and all :3


i was drunk blu and i basically had to hang on the guys to get to their ears because they were huge ^^" also, i screwed it up later XD so yeah, i have no pick up lines or techniques whatsoever :p


i was talking in general :3 but i wanted to hear a name of any video games you like too :p


A: onionn0onion9:cuteonion55: you shouldn't have asked me a tough question like that!! O.O jk jk, you of course


182. mm..if i would come visit your country and we would meet, where would you take me first? :3


But that one was a small one! XD Kinda looked like a 4 seater coupe, designed to break the roads with its speed, not to go through mountains like a hummer. ;D They say it's also safe to have a big car, but between us - I've seen a car crash on news with a chevrolet 4x4 and one normal sedan bmw. People from chevrolet died the moment the cars crashed. Might be coincidence.


I'm more interested to find out how you screwed it up later. xDD

Aw, thank you. :rolleyes:


A: To my place, lol. Or if you land on the neighbor city's airport, to the nearest hotel. I'm not good with first dates. XDDDD JK.

Will set you free and throw in back in the ocean. ^^ Ahahahahaaa.


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The last lie I told was that "I'll do my homework and finish it tonight." It was to my mom, I always procrastinate. It's bad.


100.4) What was the last lie you wrote? :D

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This came at the wrong time, but... gives me the opportunity to cheat. XD

I'm wearing some pink fluffy gloves now.


^this was the last lie I wrote.


67) What were you doing last night at 12 AM? (be honest)

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...Using my fingers for a pleasurable experience. There, I said it. It was the truth.


Aw. Cheater. Just kidding. You technically didn't cheat, it was the last lie you told.


Same question.

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This made things interesting.


Well, last night at 12 AM I was probably here playing this game.


xxx) What kind of pleasurable experience? XD


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XD I was doing my part in order to relieve my world of its desires.


xxx) How long did you stay up last night past 12 AM to be on here?

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Good answer. Avoiding the indecent part at the same time..XD


A: Probably 12AM + 10~15 minutes, but let's just say 30 minutes to be sure.

2) If you could meet anyone on this earth, who would it be?


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I can't believe ..this is happening again.

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A: You. I really do want to see what you're like in person. That was a clever answer if I do say so myself, doing my part to help my world... :D Hm? Can't believe what is happening again? :p


Same question, but you don't have to feel obligated to say me.

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Hm? Can't believe what is happening again? :p

Somehow I always press the 'post reply' button before noticing I forgot to mention someone.


@BlueNeon A: You. I really do want to see what you're like in person.

Wasn't expecting this answer, but there's nothing much too see. ;P


I think I've answered to that somewhere here, can I use the same answer? XD


A: Probably the smartest human alive. ;D Only to see how they will beat the hell out of me using words. .


Q) 'Don't fight the pleasure, just leave your body to me.' What will happen if someone leaves it to you?


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- - - Updated - - -


Oh God.

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They'll have to come and see me first before they get that answer. You have a bad habit of forgetting the mentions. :D


xxx) Do you consider yourself more masochistic or sadistic?

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, they also get a test drive? Let's just say it happens.


A: Honestly, I don't see masochistic or sadistic tendencies in me.;P


xxx) What about you?

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A) I guess it depends on my mood. I usually don't have any of those tendencies, but it varies from time to time. Well, before I ever get the urge to pleasure a person, I would want to have some feelings for them first.


55) Love or lust?

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Lust now, love maybe later. Or lust now, then love. Don't know how should I put it, but that's the main order.


) 'before I ever get the urge to pleasure a person, I would want to have some feelings for them first'. What if someone attracts you physically, but has the worst personality ever/can't make you have feelings for them?

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The most physically beautiful person could be the most disgusting human being. For me, I can't think of a reason to want to love someone physically in bed if I am at least not attracted to them as a person. But then again, humans are animals. :3


xxx) Why lust now then love later?

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xxx) Why lust now then love later?


humans are animals. ;3

Easier and better for everyone.


I will ask you the same question: 55) Love or lust?

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Lust for their body first and maybe a little touching :D, then love if it comes, then sex if it ever gets to that point.


65) Spit or swallow? :p

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Wait, I though sex was included in 'lust' and..nvm. XD

A: Never get to that point.


A.Q.) What's 'a little touching' for you?

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I guess sex and touching is included in the lust part. It makes sense that way. Oh well. Whatever. I'll just go with the flow. :5yoyo34:


Everything besides penetrating.



xxx) 'Never get to that point.' Why?

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xxx) 'Never get to that point.' Why?


Okay, I think it's time to move this game in private 'cause I also want to ask something related. XDD

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I'd accept for that :)



Tag you back



100. The Voice or American Idol?


neither nor


tag you back :


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: sweet or a salty person?

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But that one was a small one! XD Kinda looked like a 4 seater coupe, designed to break the roads with its speed, not to go through mountains like a hummer. ;D They say it's also safe to have a big car, but between us - I've seen a car crash on news with a chevrolet 4x4 and one normal sedan bmw. People from chevrolet died the moment the cars crashed. Might be coincidence.


I'm more interested to find out how you screwed it up later. xDD

Aw, thank you.


A: To my place, lol. Or if you land on the neighbor city's airport, to the nearest hotel. I'm not good with first dates. XDDDD JK.


Will set you free and throw in back in the ocean. ^^ Ahahahahaaa.


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yeah 'small one' XD you should see my car :3 and i think why it's safer to have a big car is, that there's more space between the metal and you, so it doesn't reach you and traps you in the car..which is something you definitely don't want on a road and technical rescue is a bitch too -_-

anyway..i had a chance to drive in (not drive..bastards o3o) this little thing~ bmw m3




i didn't drive so fast before, not even with a motorbike blu, it was so freaking awesome!! *^* i will have a car like that when i grow up :o don't know if you noticed, but i'll have a lot of cars someday XD



tch come on, at least take me to some good clubs or places to eat -_- although..your place sounds good too ;)

A: well..i was drunk and i didn't get that they were hitting on me ^^" the whole story is too long to write..


Okay, I think it's time to move this game in private 'cause I also want to ask something related. XDD

nooo, i wanted to know the answer too XD why move it to private you two? :p


184. since you obviously don't give bjs..would you get down on a girl then? :o

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More space between metal and me doesn't really help. The air won't stop something coming to me with 200 km/h. ;P

Then we should all drive trucks and be safe. xD



Geez, that car reminds me I've seen you in a mitsubishi looking so sexy, you had that pic somewhere on fb. :rolleyes:

In a way, the inside matters more. I've been in some average Seat, but tuned like a b888h which made my heart stop for a second the moment it moved.

don't know if you noticed, but i'll have a lot of cars someday XD -> Buy them in different colors to match your daily outfits. XD



I thought you don't like clubs. ;P


nooo, i wanted to know the answer too XD why move it to private you two? :p

Some time ago you did the same thing I remember. :rolleyes:


184. ..would you get down on a girl then?

Fiji ...I can't tell you. In fact, can't tell anyone. xD


(Will think of a question and ask you later)

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oh not the air XD you know how metal works right?the more it curves when hit, the more impact it absorbs, less impact felt by you..also, if it's far away, it will curve into itself first and then towards you, so the hit needs to be really big to reach you :p so it's not air, it's the space that the metal has before it reaches you..you must seen accidents when good cars looked like they were totally wrecked while some lower class one had barely a bump?well i assure you that the ones in a good car felt much better after the hit ;)



oh right, the red evo XD well the guy who's the owner of that car, at least lets me drive ;) but it was a normal pic, not really that sexy XD i have better ones on bikes ;P

haha right XD i have three colors of cars that i want to have..white..








and blue :p






i don't remember doing that :p

damn than that question doesn't count XD ok another one..15) Do you prefer to be behind the camera or in front of it?

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