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99 + 1 Questions II


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oh not the air XD you know how metal works right?the more it curves when hit, the more impact it absorbs, less impact felt by you..also, if it's far away, it will curve into itself first and then towards you, so the hit needs to be really big to reach you :p so it's not air, it's the space that the metal has before it reaches you..you must seen accidents when good cars looked like they were totally wrecked while some lower class one had barely a bump?well i assure you that the ones in a good car felt much better after the hit ;)



oh right, the red evo XD well the guy who's the owner of that car, at least lets me drive ;) but it was a normal pic, not really that sexy XD i have better ones on bikes ;P

haha right XD i have three colors of cars that i want to have..white..








and blue :p






i don't remember doing that :p

damn than that question doesn't count XD ok another one..15) Do you prefer to be behind the camera or in front of it?


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(and I mentioned you now), I don't really know how different metals work/react during the impact, but the sapce between me and metal for sure is not vital - most engines are made of aluminum alloys 'cause, even if they are lighter, their melting point is higher. Also, car bodies are usually made of steel and aluminum, but the percentage varies from a brand/model to another - that makes a difference.



Looked sexy to me. Really? :rolleyes: Show me some. ^^ And why not red? ;P Strong color fits a strong car.




(Yeah, I've never heard anyone buying an Acura either, but the car looks good)

I knew you're gonna post at least one pic with your beloved r8. Imho, that black a5 looks way better. ;P



Ow yes, you did.

I front of it I guess. Rarely. What about you? ;P

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wow you did *applaudes* XD guess it's that then ;)


really? XD then you're really easy to please ^^ em..no, you have too many of my pics already :p and let's just say i don't support riding a bike in shorts and a top -_- was young and stupid then ^^"


don't know..never really wanted a red car XD i find them pretty but..i don't know XD

haha of course i would :p i know it does blu!!! i want that kind of car for my everyday driving *^* although i just might get bmw 3 because that way i'll have free servis XD




*has a temporary loss of memory* :3

hmm..guess both..i love taking pics for a while, but i also like making memories so i want to be in front of the camera too ^^ i love taking pics actually, if i know they won't be posted on fb :3

Q: The last book you read? (the books for school don't count ;))

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Sonata Arctica.

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, 95) You just got a free plane ticket to anywhere. You have to depart right now. Where are you gonna go?

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, I never have too many pics of you. XD

C'mooon fiji, you're backing off now that you told me you were in shorts and a top? How do you expect me to stop asking you for pics of you on bikes?


I love taking pics too when I know they're gonna be kept in some lost folder. XD


Q: The last book you read? (the books for school don't count)

How to master whist, lol. Don't ask.


Q: Getting 10$ everyday, for the rest of your life or getting 10,000,000$ once and today?

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- - - Updated - - -


=)))))))))))))) Now I mentioned you twice.

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you have your 'creep mode' on i see :p i wonder what you do with all those pics O.O

that was just for teasing you a bit :p i wanna get you excited XD


yeah, just for the memories of the people involved right??it's fun then ^^ although it wouldn't be fun taking pics with you -_-


lol interesting read XD


A: once and today \O/ that covers r8 and some other small stuff :3

Q: the same question to you :3

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, mah - you're hurting my pride over there. I'll print your pic on a human-size pillow and do whatever I want with you. Does it matter if I say I already am? (1) Can I get the pic now? (2)


Why do you think so? ;P I'm presentable in pics.

A: Same answer. xD Damn, temptation.


Q: (1) and (2). NOW.

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-Mhhh most likely London, just because of all that history!



100. The last book you read?

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OMFFFFFFG what did i just read XD noooo, now it's definitely not time that you get that pic XDDDD i don't want you that excited :p you're heart might give in and all ;) and you're not a creep, just a pervert :p


exactly, that's the problem..you look too damn good in pics and me..well i think i would prefer getting pics with just you on :o

A: look above, i really don't think you should get any pics of me that might be..misinterpreted right now XD

Q: what caused this message?pm me if needed (:

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, c'mooon, I need some motivation now.

I can assure you my heart is fine and can take any picture. ;P


exactly, that's the problem..you look too damn good in pics and me..well i think i would prefer getting pics with just you on - fiji, that's the power of makeup and good angles. XD

A: Wait, what message?


Q: :rolleyes: If you don't give me a bike picture, I'll go offline one week. (Yeah, there is no question, but since you're playing tough.. I'm going to play dirty too. xD)

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what you need now, is to go study, not to stare at my pics :p

i don't think your heart is fine enough for this :3


yeah tell that to people who take pictures while you're right out of the bed -_- and i don't know my angles, seems like too much work XD but damn, i should start working on that..all of my friends know their angles too..another awkward thing for me to deal with :p and btw, it's a matter of good genes too ;)


the message that you sent?the pillow one XD that kind of surprised me :p you were pretty demanding there ;P


wtf?? :_red_fox 18 that's blackmail blu -_- and you would go offline because of me?should i feel important? :p oh wait!!!gimme that password you said you'll give me for this week, so that you'll have a surprise waiting for you when you come back :o


Q: why do you want that picture so bad?like chicks on bikes blu? :p

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for my adorable friend @Logy 6) Do you sleep with or without clothes on?. please respond and answer this crazy question

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Lol, I thought you already knew XD

but it somehow depends on who am i with :D


Do you like the dark room XDDD

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lol :D for your question "do you like dark room?" it also depends on Iam with :D hahahaha hei where have you been?? >_

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, I did that. NOW - CAN I GET IT?

I'm sure it is, but damn - you play way too hard to get. XD


Who takes you pics right after you wake up? You don't really need to master that angle thing or to even pay attention on that, it's just something you observe while playing too much with front camera. xD


Lol, I see that message was too..strong for you. You mentioned it here, in VMs, even when we had a convo on that group chat if I remember correctly. ;d


The deal was giving you the password for one day only. And you said you're 'not ready yet'. But I didn't even go offline for a long time like I said.


A: Let's say so.


Q no. 47) Do you have any obsessions right now?


And this question reminded me of

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-> 36) Define Art. (lol, it's not really a question though)

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i know i do, makes you wonder if it's wort the effort XD

em my best friend?and a few people that woke up next to me in the morning XD apparently i look like a kid when sleeping O.O

i don't play with front camera though ^^7 i rarely take selfies actually, it's usually someone else doing them XD


yes, it was XD kind of surprised me ;P

ok true and you didn't went offline because of me :3 i will want that password after next week, if that's fine with you :o


A: yes i do :/


Q: 7) What's your strangest talent?


ps..so love your siggy!!! :o

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BlueNeon will explode in:












JUST GIVE ME THAT 8888ing PICTURE ALREADY! dsjfhdsjkfhiweusdwefwefw

(Really, I'm trying since forever to get it, haven't you had enough of my prayings and all here? Gee. Ok, let's make a deal. My pw for your bike pic.)






Reply to A: You were supposed to name them, you know. xD


A: I can make the "Roar" sound last for hours. Fine, maybe not hours, but it goes longer than expected.


Q: Describe those obsessions. :rolleyes:

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onion2onion13 please don't explode OTL the reason i didn't gave it to you is because it was taken ages ago (when i still dated a guy who had a motorbike) and i have no idea whee i have them so i would have to search OTL but i'll send you one from this year, where i was petting the bike ^^"


Reply to Reply to A: you didn't ask me that O.O *learned from the best* :3


Reply to A: huh?? O.O how do you do that??i can't even pronouce the word right because it has the letter 'r' in it -_-


A: they are destructive and unhealthy and i don't like them and i want to get rid of them XD that goes for every one except one, which you know what it is and i considered it really healthy and really fun and i really REALLY like it :o


Q: do you have any obsessions right now?

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Thanks for the pic, I'm gonna love it forever. :o Even there you're dressed in pink, cuteness overload. XD


Reply to Reply to Reply to A: Mnah, the bad things I've done are constantly coming back to me.


Reply to Reply to A: That's why it's called 'the strangest talent', a thing you can do and others can't. xD Don't know how, my tongue has its ..secrets.


Reply to A: Damn, you avoided the question again, sneaky.


A: Nickelback's new album.


Qotb) Wanna switch the game with ToD? ^^

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em ok XD i was dressed in pink just because i ran out of other clothes :p it should have been a shirt with kittens with mustaches and stuff :3 that totally doesn't sound weird, but it's my fav shirt and it's cute XD


hehe i don't think they are all so bad :3 some come quite in handy sometimes XD


that..certainly spiked my interest O.O i wanna see/hear it really badly now XD can i?


*whistles innocently*


sure, we can switch, it's been ages since we played it ^~^ too bad you won't be here tonight :( so that means we're ending it here?

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, yeah, good excuse for 'I actually love pink and there's no coincidence that you saw me in a pink shirt there.'. xDD Wait, wha-? 'kittens with mustaches' ?O.O


i wanna see/hear it really badly now XD can i? -> NO. ;-p *has also learned from the best. God I was waiting for this. ^^*

I managed to get here somehow. xD Yup, keep your good questions for the next round. It's been a pleasure, fiji! ^^

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95) You just got a free plane ticket to anywhere. You have to depart right now. Where are you gonna go?


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99) If the whole world were listening to you right now, what would you say?

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Answer to 95 Q.


I would go to Japan, I am just curious how their society works.

And I want to experience the culture I've seen in anime (:

Oooh, also the season

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