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99 + 1 Questions II


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100 part a) Have you tried alligator meat yet?

100 part b) Would you try it on pizza?

I'll let you know once I tried. Definitely.

And... are we talking about pizza literally or metaphorically?




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26) Are you happy with the person you've become?


I'd say accepted.

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107) What is your favourite food and why?

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108) If you could choose one location in the whole world that you would LOVE to visit, what would it be?

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103) You saw your worst enemy at the local grocery store. What do you do?

Don't forget to use gifs mishter! And explain it well :p

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'coz it's my family happy time :)




Tag you back ;



100. If you could change into a celeb, who would you be? Why?

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asked: 37) Do you believe in luck? Yes. I wonder when did I start believing in luck.

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asked: 95) You just got a free plane ticket to anywhere. You have to depart right now. Where are you gonna go? Holland.


Question for:

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: Mr. Dev, 4) What do you think about most?

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: Ms. Elii, 20) What is your greatest weakness; your greatest strength?

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: 27) What's a sound you hate; sound you love?

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107) What is your favourite food and why?

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... hmmm chicken O uO Hahahah sorry couldn't help it. But my favorite dish does have chicken in it. A variation on Chicken Divan that my mom makes. Tis yummy.


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QUESTION TIME SWEETIE! 50) Do you believe in magic?


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.... Cutie if you asked or answered a question I've lost it! GAH! D:

Hopefully you don't mind starting over TT^TT

99) If the whole world were listening to you right now, what would you say?

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99) If the whole world were listening to you right now, what would you say?

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11) Do you have any strange phobias?

-boo ;)


I can switch off my alarm clock without actually waking up.

Let me tell you a story. I bought an alarm clock with very tiny button and difficult to access so that i wont switch it off (not easily). However i switch it off in my sleep by removing the battery LOL.


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92) You can re-live any point of time in your life. The time-span can only be a half-hour, though. What half-hour of your past would you like to experience again?

That one hilarious talent xD


-Mhm. could I change something or just to experience it again? N'way probably when I was around 3 years old. I'll touch all the boobies haha. just for that half-hour. that would definitely worth it xD


meh tags.


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100) If you could change into a celeb, who would you be? Why?


Hard question... Perhaps:





Ian Somerhalder


He has gorgeous ice blue eyes and generally striking features... I don't see any downsides to becoming him XD



4) What do you think about most?


Depends on if you want me to answer honestly or with a slight lie woven in ;)


I think about self improvement the most. Since I am a perfectionist I think of ways I can improve what I have to make myself a better person either physically, emotionally or mentally. That is my broad answer... To narrow it down to a specific thought I would have to say:





Hair... I just love hair lol


Nothing better as a pick me up than hair that isn't yours! XD




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108) Pick a song that reflects your personality and select a set of lyrics from the song that describe YOU.


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109) If you had a magic wand with the ability to make 3 changes, what would they be?

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Um let's see...... when I walked in on my mom.....DX Ima dead, scared for life from that, I would definitely change that, don't wanna see it again....


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Mr. Dev asked: 109) If you had a magic wand with the ability to make 3 changes, what would they be?

Three changes... hmm.... 3. Change my country's government system. 2. Change our nature's look back to normal and beautiful once again. 3. Change my mother's health status now. Hahaha.


Tags you back, Mr. Dev. This was a question I still remember from a very good movie. Hehe.

*110.) "Do you believe that if a man repents enough for what he done wrong, then he'll get to go back to the time that was happiest for him and live there forever?"

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#110: "Do you believe that if a man repents enough for what he done wrong, then he'll get to go back to the time that was happiest for him and live there forever?"


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^ O_O Is the song that came to mind when I read your question LOL



I believe everyone has done things they regret or "repent" deeply. However time travel just isn't possible :p


Depending on the situation...


Relationships. Despite complications in friendships, family or even more intimate relationships I believe IF those who are deeply sorry for the things they have done, agree that they have made mistakes they are not proud of and are hoping to work on those areas in future... Then perhaps the near future could be brighter.


Perhaps the family member, friend or significant other that the regret is associated with will "bury the hatchet" so to speak and then old relationships will be repaired.

Alternatively, future relationships will be more fruitful and rewarding as with all bumps we encounter in life, we become that little bit wiser. We learn new things about ourselves and the world. We become stronger, more intelligent and better individuals.



With other things like bad health, perhaps bad habits that one was unwilling to mend due to addictions that were not acknowledged. Once you have damaged your knees, organs or been diagnosed with something, most cases you will have to live a "new" life that has it's limits.

However, again we learn from our mistakes and attempt to lead a healthier & happier life from there on.



We can't turn back time but we can change our future as it remains unwritten :)



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same question >: D


I assume you hold more optimistic views on the topic.

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43) Do you have any nicknames?


looool @ your answer - well my nickname is an-chan and i also have few for my real name :D


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: 24) Do you have a collection of anything?

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Guest Lexy'sFreiHeit98

@pokeyspot Sure no worries ^^

99) If the whole world were listening to you right now, what would you say?


Hmm...maybe to have respect for the ones around them, and learn forgiveness ^^


For Pokey...:95) You just got a free plane ticket to anywhere. You have to depart right now. Where are you gonna go?

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... hmmm chicken O uO Hahahah sorry couldn't help it. But my favorite dish does have chicken in it. A variation on Chicken Divan that my mom makes. Tis yummy.


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QUESTION TIME SWEETIE! 50) Do you believe in magic?


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.... Cutie if you asked or answered a question I've lost it! GAH! D:

Hopefully you don't mind starting over TT^TT

99) If the whole world were listening to you right now, what would you say?


Yes, I believe in it, though it has been quite a while since I last read (or bought) a book about it - manga and school tends to chip away a lot of my free time >_> LOL


A question for you :D 41) What was the last book you read?

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#100: What are your 5 favourite gifs?

From the "Safe for General Audiences" gif-liking zone of my brain (not in any particular order) :













103) You saw your worst enemy at the local grocery store. What do you do?

It depends on 2 things: Why they're my worst enemy and what they do first.

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I am collecting letters, stamps and soap bars now :)




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Wonderful life -- Black



No need to run and hide It's a wonderful, wonderful life No need to hide and cry It's a wonderful, wonderful life


It realizes that nothing lasts forever ne~ Devie...


I used to stay in town, push up myself too much..


And in the end "GRAB ALL, LOSE ALL" ~~~









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Answer me back with your question, please.....


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Answer me back with your question, please.....


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101. WHERE ARE YOU?!?!?

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Oh thank you! And that's a nice answer ^^


95) You just got a free plane ticket to anywhere. You have to depart right now. Where are you gonna go?

Hmm I'm torn, I'd love to visit friends but I'd probably head back to Brighton England. I loved it there ^^

Soooo Lexy 48) What's your sexual orientation? O uO



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I know the feeling with manga @-@


41) What was the last book you read?

I actually read one recently, it was Dreams Made Flesh by Anne Bishop. Moving on to another series of hers. Not yaoi but gorgeous writing ^^

So sweetie ... 89) What would be a question you'd be afraid to tell the truth on?

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Oh thank you! And that's a nice answer ^^



Hmm I'm torn, I'd love to visit friends but I'd probably head back to Brighton England. I loved it there ^^

Soooo Lexy 48) What's your sexual orientation? O uO



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I know the feeling with manga @-@



I actually read one recently, it was Dreams Made Flesh by Anne Bishop. Moving on to another series of hers. Not yaoi but gorgeous writing ^^

So sweetie ... 89) What would be a question you'd be afraid to tell the truth on?

Interesting title ...

Hm, a question I would be afraid to tell the truth on ... I think it would be one that questions how I see myself


Question time for you ^^ : 79) What is the single best decision you have made in your life so far?

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It's an interesting book, part of a damn long series though @-@ and honey I would probably have issues on that question as well >..


79) What is the single best decision you have made in your life so far?

Oh my actually making me think! Hmmm I'd have to say starting to write. A lot of what I write is rubbish, but it helps me vent when I can't breathe because life is pressing on me too much. It's given me wonderlands to walk when I can't stand. Plus it was through writing I got to meet you ^^

Tag back honey, same question. 79.

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That question made me think really hard. Err I guess i am the kind of friend i would like you have as friend because i'd like to have someone be able to tell me things bluntly and not sugarcoat them. I'd also like to be friends with someone who could deal with my sarcastic comments. So yeah i would like to have a friend that was like me.



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20) What is your greatest weakness; your greatest strength?

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95) You just got a free plane ticket to anywhere. You have to depart now. where are you gonna go?

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*thinks* I would go to Paris actually.. *blushes slightly* I have always wanted to see that place~


oh! and same question for you~

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Ummm....I have no idea....I think my greatest weakness is that I tend to err...not understand things?...whatever..*cat ears twitches* Umm...greatest strength...hmm...if mentally it's maaaybe, just maaaybe my patience *laughing* or if physically my frying pan *smiles* have no idea if that is err..an answer at all..*sits in a corner*

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99) If the whole world were listening to you right now, what would you say?

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It's an interesting book, part of a damn long series though @-@ and honey I would probably have issues on that question as well >..



Oh my actually making me think! Hmmm I'd have to say starting to write. A lot of what I write is rubbish, but it helps me vent when I can't breathe because life is pressing on me too much. It's given me wonderlands to walk when I can't stand. Plus it was through writing I got to meet you ^^

Tag back honey, same question. 79.

I could copy your answer to that LOL

I think starting to write fanfics and actually post them online instead of keeping them hidden in files was my best decision. Not only did I meet some wonderful people though posting my fanfics like you, but it also gave me a way to properly vent my feelings and to actually improve my writing LOL


Question for you: 37) Do you believe in luck?

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Sorry, been job hunting my dear. and my refrigerator was broken and I just had it repaired.


@Sloan 100. If you were a book, which book would you be, why?


Hmm, a tough question... because I want to be a writer! I always wanted to make a few books but I'd a book that would encourage people to discover their self-identity and the truth. The world is so distorted.


I'd write with love too.

I can't think of a book because I haven't found a perfect one!



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27) What's a sound you hate; sound you love?


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36) Define Art.

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that's a tough one I think I would probably just say 'Hello people of earth, I come in peace kind of' nya~
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Paris sounds nice, *thinks* errrr I don't know erm I would love to go to Rome for some reason *blushes lightly* nya~

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2) If you could meet anyone on this earth, who would it be??
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47) Do you have any obsessions right now??

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