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99 + 1 Questions II


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Yes, I do :)


I used to have a hamster, a chick and kittens..


The latest one was hit by a car last March, now I have no pet.



And THAT kind of milk I asked you, haha~~


Tag you back 100. If I were your guest, would you cook for me? If you said YES, what would you cook? And why?


lool yes i would and i'd make you taste some yummy specials - why ? so you can know how good it is and brag about it back home lol


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: 100/ if i were you guest, what would you do ?

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Ummm, I would be so surprised and asked you to travel around with me...




Tag you back ; 100. Any "MANIA" have you got?!?!

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Ummm, I would be so surprised and asked you to travel around with me...


Tag you back ; 100. Any "MANIA" have you got?!?!



lool awesome !!!! not that i know :D


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: 100/ any secret to tell me you've never told anyone ? am all ears ;) (of course you can do so privately)

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Secret?!?! Umm, ok, ok in pm ; via PM , ok? :D



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100. If you knew that your best friend were in "forbidden love", would you do something, or let it go? Why?

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Secret?!?! Umm, ok, ok in pm ; via PM , ok? :D



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100. If you knew that your best friend were in "forbidden love", would you do something, or let it go? Why?


lool thx :D - what kinda forbidden love are you talking about ? but well as long as my friend is happy and it doesn't hurt anyone i'll support them - why? cause i love them and having them happy makes me also very happy


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: 100/ if you were to witness a crime, what would you do ?

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I would do the right things...




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100. Please show me your newest stuff...

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I would do the right things...


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100. Please show me your newest stuff...


what new stuffs? latest purchase? latest graphics?


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100/ what's your greatest fear?

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Staying alone...


anything ne Anchan :)




Tag you back 100. Suppose that you are a dessert, what were you and why?




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Staying alone...


anything ne Anchan :)




Tag you back 100. Suppose that you are a dessert, what were you and why?





i'd be a vacherin or a raspberry macaron and why so i can feel ppl's joy while they're eating me


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: 100/ if you were to be something naughty, what would you be and why ?

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Wow~ Yummy!!








Have you watched this anime?



I choose him because sometimes I really feel close to him, Anchan, haha~~



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100. What fruit would stand for yourself? Why? :D

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Wow~ Yummy!!



shin_chan_culet.jpg [/spoiler



Have you watched this anime?



I choose him because sometimes I really feel close to him, Anchan, haha~~



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100. What fruit would stand for yourself? Why? :D


looool nope never even heard of that anime - which is it ?

Hm i hve a thing for melons and mangos - cause it's sweet n not acid and sooo damn yummy - was it what you meant by stand for myself ?


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: 100/ sunrise or sunset and why ?

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SUNRISE ; I prefer the beginning to the end :)




Tag you back ; 100. Have you ever sung with your couple?




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sorry it took so long... actually,,, i don't know yet... my courage to answer a question depends on the person asking...


tags you back: 7) What's your strangest talent?


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91) You accidentally eat some radioactive vegetables. They were good, and what's even cooler is that they endow you with the super-power of your choice! What is that power?

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SUNRISE ; I prefer the beginning to the end :)




Tag you back ; 100. Have you ever sung with your couple?:D


looool only in the car or at home but never in front of an audience


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: 14) If you are outside, what are you most likely doing?

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Go shopping, I can but stuffs almost everyday, Anchan ;)



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; 100. If you had a magic wand, you would...................... ?




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100. If you were an insect, what would you be, why?

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Hmm... Why askin me that Question ?? Hate Insect's XP

Buuuuut i think i Will Choose the Cockroach .... Its nice Seeing Women's Screaming and Running away 4rom me :p


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If u can Change only one thing in the World ,What Would u change ?


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If u Have met With a Handsome bishie and He was Asking u 4 directions cause he is lost ... Would u give him the directions and let him go ,Or invite him to u'r house first ? :p


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If u Can have any Super Powers u Wish 4 What would they be ?

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Only one thing?!?!


Could I have more, Rio, hahaha~~


I think I'd change the heat into the power supply automatically if I could :)



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72) You are at the doctor’s office and she has just informed you that you have approximately one month to live. a) Do you tell anyone/everyone you are going to die? b) What do you do with your remaining days? c) Would you be afraid?
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Hmm... a) I Think i would only tell to people who Will Really care about me dying

b) Make a List of the things that i really Wish to do and do them ^^

c) No ,Not Really ... Every Human End is dying anyway .


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Tag u back (:


If u were the Only Human at Earth and The Rest of The people at earth are Zombies ,What would u do ?

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@Duchess If u Can have any Super Powers u Wish 4 What would they be ?


Maybe power to grant wishes.

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100.) If someone will hear your one wish, what wish would that be?

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100.) If someone will hear your one wish, what wish would that be?


Hmm ... A Secret XP

Can't Write it Here ... ppl Looking >_>"


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If u Could be an anime Character what would u be ?


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Haha. Alright then. Just thought your wish might be available in the shop. =P


If u Could be an anime Character what would u be ?


Hmm... >

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Same question for you.

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Him >/////

Just How Handsome can u be Date *Steal Him Away*





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Your Fav Song 4 the time Being ?

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I like him for his character. Like his tragedy and the pains he went through. And how he's all smiles despite it all. Well, he was always cheerful until his secret got unfold and everyone in his friend knew of his background.


Your Fav Song 4 the time Being ?


Reign - Meta



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Same question back to you.

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I Love him When he talk in English .. Its just so dreamy XD


Break - Three Days Grace

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What is u'r fav Video Game ?

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