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My first final fantasy game was most probably FFX but what really hooked me up was the Final Fantasy VII movie. OMIGOSH~ CLOUD♥

Right now I'm playing FFXII. I played X then X-2, after which was VII's Dirge of Cerberus (Omg~ Vincent Valantine♥) then skipped to XIII but since my Xbox is being a meanie, I went backwards and decided to play XII. Vaan is not one of my favorite main characters in the series, unfortunately. Idk why. I don't particularly hate him, but he just does not....appeal to me. Balthier on the other hand is....WOW~~

I always thought that Cloud will always top my male character list (Since Lightning is on the top of my female list) but after seeing the FFXV trailer and Noctis' jet black...everything~ I think my heart is trying to run in five directions at once ; - ; Waaah~ Noctis ♥ I can't wait to get my hands on a PS4 and play with that boi...bufufufufu....

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The first thing I need to say is that I can never ever beat a final fantasy game, lmao.

The first final fantasy game I ever got was final fantasy x-2 and I loved it and hated it so much. Loved it because I liked the story line, hated it because I could never beat the bosses xD. And the same thing goes for VIII. I tried really but nope, couldn't beat it.


Right now though I've been beta testing for Final Fantasy 14 and I am really enjoying it so far.

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Ooooh~ I so agree with you about the boss thing... It's kind of a turn off for me and I end up getting uber frustrated and sometimes stop playing the game for a long time...

Right now I'm trying to beat Garuda in FFXII and it's just pure...blah!

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Ha, I know I was fighting the same boss for a very long time and once I managed to beat him I had to fight another boss like right away. I enjoy the story lines in the Final Fantasy games but the boss battles are the worst. You'd think they'd even let you go back and try to level up more, but nope. :/

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I actually like beating up monsters and leveling up, especially in FFXII where it's not the traditional turn-base battle system. What I hate is the lack of save points and the very large dungeon maps. It just makes me lazy to go to those parts of the dungeon where the monsters are the strongest then go back to the first places where the save points are. It would have been very easy to beat most of the bosses if they provided sufficient save points and if we could simultaneously level up those characters that are in the party along with those who are not. Oh, and I also hate how little money every fights gets us -w-....how am I supposed to beat dem baddies if I'm wearing my pajamas?

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You have just taken everything that I wanted to say out my mouth. I agree with you 10000%

The one thing that keeps me coming back to the FF series really are the characters, story line, and graphics. The game play just doesn't draw me in anymore.

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@Xenres I agree. FF has one of the most amazing cut scenes (graphically) and starting FFXII and onward, I'm starting to enjoy the dungeon battle sequences more...But the more the developers are trying to make the monotonous and frustrating dungeon battle systems more enjoyable, the more they are ruining the other things like the boss battles are more than ridiculous and leveling up takes for EVER....In X-2 and the ones before that, in each chapter of the story, you could level up about ten times. But now, it's hard to even level up twice.

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First played game: Final Fantasy Tactics

Second game: Final Fantasy IX

Third game: Final Fantasy XII

Fourth game: Final Fantasy Tactics Advanced

Final Fantasy I will play no matter how long it takes: Final Fantasy XIII


Still thinking if I should buy the Xbox version or the PS3 one. Probably PS3 but there are other good games in Xbox too.

Some gamers say that XIII was the hardest game of 2011....or maybe it was 2009...not really sure. Some also said that it was unbeatable. Besides from the fact that it has a smashing graphics and plot, I'd like to try to beat it. Especially with the notion that the other FF games that I've played have proven to have moderate difficulty in completing it.

If I could play FFVII in my PC then I would but I can't and my PS is antiquated at best, so no for that too. As it is, I can not deny that Advent Children is a good watch. Still wondering though if what Kadaj summoned was the bahamut of that series or not. Probably not cuz the bahamut in that game was very different.

Getting Excalibur II in FFIX proved to be a challenge of time. Did not get it the first time but managed to take it on my second try. Forgot the name of the supposed strongest boss of the game. Beat it without any of my party mates dying..thanks to Vivi for that. Collected all the miniature collectibles...well..I think I did, not that it was easy.

Can't really remember much of the things I did in FFXII. The same goes to FF Tactics; I just remember that I somehow managed to kill Mustadio.

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@KyAzrel Final Fantasy XIII really does have smashing graphics doesn't it? o-o The only reason I actually went all the way to my cousin's place to play it (Since my xbox is a meanie -w-) is coz of Lightning. She is, by far, one of the most awesome FF character for me. I actually tried playing the game on PC when my xbox started to act up but for some reason (idk, maybe it's just me being a console gamer) I couldn't really enjoy it as much. Sadly, I still haven't beaten that game ._.

Unlike you, my first FF game was X and unfortunately, I haven't really played any of the previous ones, mostly because I never actually owned a Play Station (yes, the first one) and I can't stand bad graphics, no matter how awesome the game is...unless it's a DS game of some sort...coz...I like DS games better when it's bad xD

It seems FF is some sort of a monster that puts all gamers to the test ; - ; Such great story. Such hard battles.

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the firts final fantasy i've ever seen is well, i can't remember the title though but i can remember the name of their enemy, sepiroth i guess.. i love it a lot.

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