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My little butler


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Hitsuji Iori was a 19-year old boy who gradiuated school and searched for a new job. He decided too work as a butler in a nobleman's house. His new master was called Ameryu Yamihiro - a young and capricious man.

Iori felled for him and tried to hide his feelings for him. Why did he love him? He was his master! He mustn't!

But he can't stand this any longer...

~A fantasy story with a romance between master and servant~


Chapter 1: My introduction

Thorajon, a huge noble city - the central of the continent and also the central of living. So it was called. The intire city was made of marble and a lot of ditches flowed through the city. In the very central was a well with a beautiful female statue. I heared she was the patron of this landscape. How impressing! I stood there and looked up to the statue. Undine was her name, I remebered.

Thorajon was a very famous city because of its appearance and tales. Here began my story - with a new job.


'Ameryu' was my new masters last name. This name was engraved in an old wooden plate which was suspended on the main gate. A wall surrounded the huge property. It was located a little outside of the town. The walls were high, but the property even more so I took a first look. 'Will I be okay if I'll work here? Won't it be a little too much?' I thought 'Working for a nobleman can be exhausting'. Yes, I took a job as a butler there. I dreamed about serving a noble one. I liked the properties and the ambiance. And I wanted to make people happy.

My name was Hitsuji Iori a 19-year old boy with sapphire chin long hair and yellow eyes. After finishing school I searched for a job and traveled from town to town. I was happy that I got this job.


Arriving at the main door I knocked there shyly. A white haired man with a mustche opened the door. 'Who is it?' he asked astonished. He wore a dress coat like butlers did. 'Uhm.. it is a pleasure to meet you, Sir. My name is Hitsuji Iori and applied for the job as a butler here.' I bowed low while saying this. 'Ah, you are that Hitsuji-san. You are very welcome. Please enter.' He let me enter the property. The main hall was really impressive. I marveled at such nice establishment. Suddenly I felt awkward. Maybe it wasn't the right place for me. I was just a normal boy who lived in a small town. 'This is master Ameryus home. I will show you every place you need to know, Hitsuji-san' the white haired butler spoke. 'Thank you very much, Sir.' I answered 'May I ask you why is a butler needed although there is already one?' 'I am the family's butler. The master searched for a personal butler. That is you, now, Hitsuji-san.' 'U-understood. I hope I am worthy to be the personal butler of Ameryu-sama.' 'At least you seem so. We will see if it is true.'

A personal butler... that was a high responsibility. Could I fulfill the requirements? What kind of person could Ameryu-sama be - was my next thought.


Arashi-san - that was the butler's name - and I went to the wide black stairs. Upstairs we turned the corner and than he stopped for a precious wooden door with a golden door latch. 'Hitsuji-san that is Ameryu-sama's room.' He knocked at the door. A voice ranged out: 'Who's there?' 'It is me, Arashi, milord. I brought you your new personal butler.' 'Well then. Come in.'

Arashi-san opened the door and solicited me to walk in. 'After yours, Hitsuji-san.'


I was nervous. My hands shivered and got wet. The room behind the door was spacious. There was a wide desk ahead where sat a male person. Behind him there was a huge window with purple curtains. From there I could see a part of the extensive garden.

The person sitting on the chair behind the desk eyeballed me from top to bottom. His green eyes were sharp, but they fit to the face where they were. Brown hair and green eyes - a really beautiful combination. 'So, you are Hitsuji-san - my new butler? Well, tell me something about yourself. I want to know what my personal butler is like. So?' I got even more nervous. That guy - Ameryu-sama - wasn't much older than me. And his charisma was magnetic. 'I-I am Hitsuji Iori a-and nineteen years old...' I took a break. 'Only nineteen? You are a young butler, do you? I like that.' 'Y-yes, milord. After finishing school I searched for a job as a butler.' I added. 'Hm... what is your strength?' His gaze was still so sharp. 'I-I can cook very well and I like serving. My part-time job was in a restaurant. So I have got a few experience in serving for people.' 'What kind of restaurant?' 'A-a gourmet restaurant in Shivas. It is called Silph.' 'Hm...'

His facial expression didn't change at all. I didn't know his thoughts.


'And why did you choose working as a butler at a noble's house?' He asked so many questions. I felt a little bit pumped for information. And I was unprepared for that question although it was just normal to ask about. 'It was so impersonally. I want to serve only for a few persons - or only for one. In that case I want to serve only for you, Ameryu-sama. It is a pleasure to do it and I hope you won't regret it to have a personal butler like me.'

At that moment he smiled. 'Only serving for me? That sounds good. Really good. I guess I kinda like you, Hitsuji-san.' Now, I smiled, too. I was glad about his words. From now on I was his personal butler. Only his.


~Chapter 2 will follow~


This chapter occured when I was at work. I wrote it only for killing time, because it's kinda boring there.

I will continue writing when I am there.

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~From 03.08.13 to 10.08.13 I probably can't be online so much, because I will be on holiday. I try to get online, but I can't promise it.~

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  • 2 weeks later...

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Thanks for reading and writing. I was so unlucky with the title so I had no interest in posting more. But I will post the next chapter for you. (Can I ask someone to rename the thread? If yes just who?)

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Yes, post the next chapter please. Ask

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to rename your thread.

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: Here the second chapter:



Chapter 2: This is my master

'The master is used to wake up at 7:00am. After that you should conduct him to the bathroom and provide his clothes for the day. During he is taking a shower or a bath you have to finish breakfast which preparation you did before he wakes up.' Arashi-san and I were in the kitchen where he let me prepare the first lunch for Ameryu-sama. 'Okay, I got it. What does he likes and dislikes? It is important to know for a butler.' 'You're apprehension is very well. I am impressed. For breakfast he likes sweet things like pancakes – better with some vanilla, strawberry or chocolate sauce. Toasted waffles are good as well. For lunch he likes any kind of meat. He isn't very complecated, but you should take care of the vegetables you cook for him. Beans and peas as well as brussles sprout and borecole are his enemies. Well, in the evening he also likes sweet things. Fruits are welcome, too. Come to the drinks, he likes cacao and any sort of milk for breakfast and dinner – it doesn't matter if it is hot or cold. Besides the hearty meal at lunchtime he is used to drink some herbal tea.'

He ate such sweet things? I wondered. He didn't seem like going in to sweets. But it was easier for me, because I liked the same food as him. Toasted waffles with strawberries, cream and chocolate sauce – yummy!

Lunch was ready and I went with a tablet to Ameryu-samas room. He told me he had a lot of work so he couldn't come to the dining room. I knocked at his room door. 'Ameryu-sama, I brought your lunch.' 'Come in.' I went in and seved him that meal on my tablet. 'I cooked some steak with rice and broccoli with a sauce made of cream and champions. I hope it will taste you.' He looked sceptical, but took the fork and tasted it. 'It exactly taste like its smell. Well done, Iori-kun.'

'Eh..? Uhm... I apologize for such a rude attitude...' I was surprised that he called me by my first name. 'Should not I call you by your first name? Is it weird for you? But you are the younger one of us.' I bowed deeply. 'A- act like you wish, Ameryu-sama. You are my master. You can do what you want.' Then he smirked. 'My, my. I can do what I want – with you?' He stood up and went towards me. What did he plan? I got scared and said quickly: 'I- I have to clean up the kitchen and plan dinner. I- I apologize, but I cannot stay here any longer...' I blushed and ran outside. What was THAT?

My heart beated fast. What was he planning to do? I can do what I want with you. His voice resounded in my head. He couldn't really mean THAT with doing what he wanted. Yes, this had to be like this. He was my master. He couldn't mean it this way.


I cleaned up the kitchen when I thought about what happened. Ameryu-sama was really capricious. While walking towards the door my thoughts flew further. But his sight was so strong. What did he thought? *Boonk* The door was opened and hit me at my forhead. I lurched and fell down on my back. I sat on the kitchens' ground and felt dizzy. 'Oh dear! I am very sorry, Hitsuji-san!' Arachi-san said. He crouched down to me and looked at my bleeding forhead. 'Are you alright?' he asked worried. 'I... guess I am..' I answered slowly 'I shouldn't stopp in front of the door. I am sorry, I was lost in my thoughts.' 'Do not apologize.' Arashi-san got a wet rag and cleaned the wound. 'Thank goodness it looks bader than it actually is. When you feel sick you can rest for a while.' I shaked my head. 'No, it is okay, thank you. I am fine.'

'Well, Ameryu-sama is looking for you. You should go as soon as possible. Did you make him angry?' 'N-no, I guess...' I stammered 'I-I will go to his room immediatly.' I stood up under pain on my forhead and left the kitchen fast. With a bad feeling I went upstairs to his room and knocked at the door. 'Come in.'

Ameryu-sama still sat there behind his desk. He looked sharper than otherwise. 'Why did you run away? Shouldn't you stay here as I wish? You are my personal butler. You are mine.' I was not sure, but I guessed he was angry. Blamable I bowed me and said: 'I apologize, Ameryu-sama for not fulfill my duty. If it is your wish you can punish me.' 'I will reflect on this. Do not forget which position you have. Currently I am busy so you can leave again. But don't be late for dinner. That is it.' Even his words were sharper. I bowed me again and left without a word. It was the first day of my work and I already made mistakes. I was ashamed by myself. Maybe it wasn't the right place here. Maybe I was wrong and working on such a place is not my world. I scuffled to the stairs. 'Iori-kun!' I turned around. 'What is that wound on your forhead? Please take care of yourself. I need you healthy.' Then he went along the corridor to the other side of the property. 'Eh..?' I was astonished. What the heck was that? He was REALLY strange. At first he was angry and chastised me and then he said me to take care of myself?


Back in the kitchen I met Arashi-san again. 'You do not look very well, Hitsuji-san. Are you allright?' 'Thanks for your worries, but I am okay.' I smiled embarrassed 'Well, who live here in this property as well? I have not see someone else than you and my master.'

'The masters dignified parents live here, too, but currently they are not available.'

'I see...'

'And what is your first impression, Hitsuji-san? Do you like it here?'

I nodded. 'Yes, it is kind of different from being a steward and the environment is different, too, but I am feeling well.' - I guessed. I was not sure if I could get slong with Ameryu-sama. It seemed it wasn't simple to be his butler.

While we was talking the time stepped further and it was time to prepare dinner. I made some really sweet meal: Pancakes with strawberries and hot chocolate sauce. Very sweet, but very tasty.

Arashi-san came in after he did his job of cleaning up the entrance. 'I am glad that I need not to cook this sweet things any more.' He laughed. 'You do not like sweets?' 'Hell no! How could a man eats things like that? Haha, yes, the master is different. Sugar is the most used ingredient in this kitchen.' Then he sighted. 'And cooking three different meals for three persons at the same time is difficult. Even for a butler like me.' 'Three meals? Wow, a butler has to solve many problems...' He nooded. 'Especially when nobody else is still here. No other personal. We had a housemaid, a cook and a gardener., but they all went away. So I am very grateful to have you by my side, Hitsuji-san. You can not imagine that you are a big help.' He smiled at patted on my shoulder. 'I hope I will be that great help you imagine.' I spoke pleased 'Why went they all? Why left they Ameryu-sama and you alone?' During talking I put the pancakes on a plate and decorated them with the strawberries. The chocolate sauce was poured over both. It looked good and tasty. I loved those kind of sweet food, too. To admit I had to hold me back and didn't taste it. When Arashi continued the talk I flinched. 'Well, where are you from? Rather from the north or the south?' 'I am from the north. From Yukario, a small village in the valley of Mt. Koriya.' 'So you are from the coldy north. Okay, you could not know it...' He seemed to thought of something, but said nothing further. I looked at him hopefully. 'It is nothing. Now hurry or the meal will get cold. Ameryu-sama already is waiting for sure.' 'O-okay. I am on the way.' It was better not let the master wait. He was in his office again. 'What is it?' he asked a little confused. His desk was crowded with written paper. He was stressed. 'It is dinner time so I bring your meal, master. Today I made some pancakes with strawberries and hot chocolate sauce.'

'Really?' He looked up and his eyes shined – just like when you gave a child some candy. Then he made room on his desk and I put down the plate. 'It looks and smells really really tasty. Well done, Iori-kun.' For a little moment he smiled – and he had a magical smile. I got blushed. What a pleasure! He smiled! I made him smile! 'Your compliment is a pleasure, master. Would you like to drink something?' 'Sure. Some hot vanilla milk, please.' I left the room and after a few minutes I brought him a can with hot vanilla milk. We had a very similar taste when it came to food. Hot vanilla milk was my favorite.

Back there I poured it in a cup. 'You know how to make tasty meals. Those pancakes are masterpieces. Do you want to taste one of them?' He looked at me with a certain warmth in his eyes. 'I am sorry, but I have to refuse. I made them only for you, master.'

'Are you like Arashi-san who does not like like sweets?' he said disappointed. 'No, it is not like that., but I cook only for your tongue.' 'Come on, Iori-kun, they are too much for one person. Or have I feed you?' Discontented I came towards him. 'Sit down.' He patted on his lap. 'E-excuse me?' I was shocked and blushed. 'You are mine, right? Come sit down. I want to feed you, my little butler.' Then he looked at me with a claiming gaze and unwilling I sat down. 'You are slighter than I thought.' Sitting on his lap was embarrassing, but pleasant as well. I saw how he cut a piece of a pancake and hold it in front of my mouth. 'Well?' I opened my mouth and ate it. Ameryu-sama looked like he had fun. 'I don't know what's sweeter – the pancakes or you.'

I fell bad by getting feeded, but I endured. And... his near was enchanting. He fed me fork by fork until the pancake was eaten. Then he hugged me while I still was sitting on his lap. 'Thanks for the great meal. Thanks for your present. I hope that will be routine from now on. Actual I look forward eating your meals and having such a loyale butler by my side.' 'Uhm... ehh...' I was speechless. This nice guy – my master – hugged me all of the sudden. His magic cought me. He took me in his ban. 'Y-you need not to thank me, A-Ameryu-sama. It is the duty of a butler to do anything to make the master happy.' I was blubbering this sentence altough my heart didn't think the same. My heart was happy. Happy to hear his voice. Happy to feel his warmth.

'Don't be so impersonal, Iori-kun. I am and will be your first and last master of yours. I promise.' My head was red like a tomato. This situation was so embarrassing and confused me. 'P-please let me go, Ameryu-sama. I still have things to do...' I spluttered. He break his embrace and spoke disappointed: 'Oh... well, don't forget to lead me to my bed later. I will work until 12pm. This is my regular time to go to bed. Don't miss it.' 'I won't.'


Ameryu-sama let me go and as fast as I could I took the dishes and left the room. My hands shivered and my head was still red. Carefully I went downstairs and reached the kitchen without an accident.

I sighed and cleaned the dishes. What was that? Why did he do that with me? Did he make fun of me? Or thought he of me like a pet? Or a cuddle doll? But if he made fun of me why should he thank me or look forward to have a butler like me? My thoughts drove carousel. But he smelled good. A manly parfume with his own smooth smell. His hug was warm and pleasant. Sure, it was surprising, but in the end I enjoyed it. Uhmm... wait! What did I think? Enjoying his hug? What the heck? Of course not! It couldn't be. What was he thinking of hugging me? I repeated myslef: He was strange.

I forgot the time while cleaning and thinking. 'Oh, no! Damn it! It's already 12 o'clock!' I ran outside the kitchen the way to the stairs. But they weren't gentle and I stumbled and fell back down. And if it wasn't enough I made noise. 'Damn it! Damn it! I'm so clumsy! I always trap when I'm in a hurry!' I cursed and teared up.


'Iori-kun! Are you allright?' Oh, no.. it was his voice. I was ashamed. He saw me in such a pathetic situation. 'Come on, give me your hand.' he said while he handed me his hand. 'Thank you very much, Ameryu-sama. I am very sorry for this clumsy action...' 'You promised me to lead me to bed at 12 o'clock. I was waiting for you since I heard a hollow noise.' After that he dragged me upstairs. 'I am very sorry. This day was such a mess...' I mumbled while he dragged me to his bedroom. There I helped him to took of his daily clothes. He only wore a boxer short. Normally he wore noble clothes, but now he looked like a normal goodlooking guy. His body looked really good – that was the first expression when I saw him like this.

'Is everything as you imagine? Can I do anything for you, Ameryu-sama?' I asked loyale and ignored my flashed head. 'Sure, you can do something indeed.' he said while he sat on his bed 'Come to me and kiss me.' I got frightened. What? Kiss him? 'B-but, Ameryu-sama. I-I can not do it. Please.. do not..' 'Come to me and kiss me, Iori-kun.' His voice got claiming. I swallowed and stepped closer. 'Don't be so shy.' He dragged me at my arm. Now my face was just in front of his. For a moment he starred in my eyes. A short but catchy moment. After that his lips touched mine. Then his tongue walk over them and got further into my mouth. It was an intense kiss. My legs got mellow. He saw it and dragged me on his lap while he kissed me. 'Stop! Stop it! Please stop!' I thought, but I couldn't do anything. His kiss paralyzed me.

~Chapter 3 will follow soon~

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I just stumbled upon your fic and I really love it! *__* I can't wait for the new chapter *_*

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Chapter 3: The truth

What a day! It was still the same night one hour later. My legs still were mellow like flan. He kissed me. Ameryu-sama kissed me. Why out of the sudden? At first hugging then later kissing? What came next? I blushed. Well, I didn't want to think about it. But how could I be a good butler with a curious master? I should leave this place, but when he kissed me I felt so good. My head got darker red. I was kissed by a man and I liked it? This couldn't be. I writhed in my bed. It wasn't possible. I was a guy, too! My head hurted so much. It was so confusing. I never felt such feelings for a guy.

It became 3:00am when I fell asleep.


During the next days there was no incident like the day before. I only saw his back or his sunken head. Ameryu-sama was very busy back then. I served him meals, made his bed, washed his clothes, woke him up and led him to bed. We didn't speak very much. That made my unhappy. I thought of this special moment when he kissed me all the time. But this warm side of him wasn't showen any more.

'Why are you sighing?' Arashi asked me. We were in the kitchen. It was one o'clock and I cleaned the dishes from lunch. 'Ameryu-sama doesn't eat today as well. He undereats since a few days' 'Are you worried?' Arashi asked smooth. I nodded. 'Yes... he is so busy and so stressed. I wish I can be a help anyway.' I felt helpless. Ameryu-sama looked depressed – that didin't fit to him. There had to be something I could do for him. 'All you can do is stand at his side. Show him that you are present for him. Currently it is a bad time for all of us.' Arashi-san spoke so sad and his sight was cheerless. Had I miss something? 'Is something wrong?' I asked carefully 'The master and even you are so down.' Arashi-san was quiet then replied: 'As I said, it is a difficult situation right now, but it will be over – as soon as possible.' 'I don't understand.' I shaked my head. What missed I? 'Maybe it is better for you if you do not understand.' Then he left the kitchen without a word. His words didn't appease me after all. Rather quite the contrary. I made some chamomile tea because it acted calmative. This was the way I could help him. Doing everything for him and stayed by his side. With a can full of hot tea and a cup on a small tray I went to Ameryu-samas room.

After knocking at his door a tired 'come in' came from the inside. A tired person sat more or less on the chair behind the desk with a big mess of paper above. I got sad. He worked day in and day off and didn't have a break. 'Ameryu-sama, I made you some chamomile tea. Hope you will like it.' 'Oh, Iori-kun. That is intently of yours.' He looked up and our eyes met each other. The shine of his green eyes was gone. Even they weren't green but grey instead. 'You work so hard every day. I guess you would be exhausted. Please take car of yourself and take a break.' I spoke gentle and worried. He smiled sadly. 'Sorry, but I must disappoint you. While I take a break humans may die.' His sight got darker. 'What?!? ...I-I mean, excuse me?' 'Let us got to the garden. I want to walk a little.' We went downstairs to a postern. The garden was a little messy – unexpected. Then I remembered that Arashi-san said the gardener left this place. The garden was huge and was a place to free your mind. The weather was cloudy, but it didn't rain. 'Well' the goodlooking guy said sadly 'Maybe you did not notice it, but our land is involved in a war.' It was like a tree hit me. ' A war? But where? And why?' 'It is in the south of our land – until now. I hope this useless war will end up soon. Our southern neighbour – Bournia – accuse us to murdered thei king, but we had no interests in doing that. So why should we did this crime?' I was confused. Well, I didn't understand political things very well, but I knew that the relationship between Bournia and our land Mizura wasn't complicated. 'But Mizura and Bournia are not enemies. So why accused they us?' 'This is still an open question. Spies from us told me that the kings death is not a fake, but they couldn't find out who did it actually. So our land is trying to defend the contraints and is searching for the real murderer at the same time.' 'Oh my... oh my...' A war in our land? I couldn't imagine it. This was a really bad situation.

We walked through the garden while talking. In there was so many ways to walk along. 'The rest of the personal went to their homes in the south. That is why it is so empty here.' 'What about Arashi-san?' ' He is from Thorajon and has the duty to watch over this property.'

'And.. what about the parents of yours, Ameryu-sama? I heard that they should live here, too.'

After I said that he looked down. 'Well, they are from the south, too. Both of them lived in Veria.' 'But this town is in the very south!' 'Yes, that is why they went. They also are capable knights and fight for our safety. I am not a Verian so I stood here and try to help them by do the paperwork.' 'I... apologize for asking...' I bowed caring. 'Don't apologize. You couldn't know.' Then he sighted and sat down on a bench. He looked up to me. 'It is a pleasure that I have got someone like you by my side. Who I can tell everything. Thank you, Iori-kun.' He took my hand and kissed it smoothy. 'I will do anything to let you feel better. It is the duty of my position.' Then I smiled and added: 'It is not because I have to do it but because I want it deep from the bottom of my heart.' 'Iori-kun...'

He dragged me to hisself and hugged my hearty. I sat on his lap again, but it wasn't embarassing any more. I put my arms around his chest and closed my eyes. Noone spoke. We hold each other deep in our embrace. I heard his heart beating and his breath. I felt secure.


~Chapter 4 will follow~


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I made a short chapter just to don't let you wait any longer. Please tell me how do you like it more. Short chapters and a short queue time or a long chapter with a longer queue time?

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Chapter 4: Stay by my side... forever


His breathe was equable and relaxed. 'Iori-kun' he whispered in my ear 'I want to hug you all the time. I don't want to let you go now. Just stay here and hold you in my arms. My little butler...' [/i]'Ameryu-sama...' I blushed and lean into him. I wanted it, too... staying in his warm and kind arms. 'Please call me Yamihiro, Iori-kun.' I looked at him astonished. 'What? I-I can't...' 'Of course you can. But only when we are alone.' He poked my nose lightly. 'I-if you wish, Y-Yamihiro-sama.' I blushed even darker. He allowed me to call him by his first name. 'That is better. Let me hear it again with your beautiful voice.' 'Y-Yamihiro-sama...' Then he looked deep in my eyes and slowly kissed my lips. Slowly and gentle.

'Uhnn..' I blushed and replied that kiss. He licked above my lips and went lightly further into my mouth. I clawed me in his shirt and breathed a bit harder. My head was obscured by his kiss. I leaned me more into him. 'You are so sweet and so sensitive, Iori-kun. But anything further has to wait until we went to my bedroom.' He smirked and hugged me. I blushed very dark. 'W-what?' Did he really say that? I looked at him embarressed. Then he put me on and went trough the garden towards the property. 'Y-Yamihiro-s-sama.. what are you doing? What if Arashi-san sees us?' 'I just told you: I will take you to my bedroom. Whatever else? And don't worry about him – he won't see us.' He skulked into the house and stepped carefully closer to the stairs and went up with me. We arrived at his room. My head was red like a tomato the hole time. 'He wants to do it with me! He wants to do it with me for real!' I thought and I got nervous.

In his room he layed me on his bed. Then he bowed above me looking at me. 'I want you, Iori-kun. Here and now. I love you, my dear little butler.' Then he kissed my lips again. I blushed and enjoyed the kiss. I was sure about my feelings – I loved him, too. But I wasn't honest to myself – until now. A guy loved a guy – and the other way around. Even it was maybe weird I was happy. 'I-I love you, too, Y-Yamihiro-sama.' I whispered. 'Really? It makes me pleased if you do.' While he said it he started kissing my neck. I flinched. On my neck I was very sensitive. But when he touched me over there I was more sensitive than ever. 'You're cute, Iori-kun. I like it when you are sensitive.' He loosened my bow tie and opened my shirt. After that he licked my chest. My body got warm. I blushed and moved lightely to and fro. 'Are you really so tender? I am fond of it...' he said lightly and smirked. 'I wonder how you would react if I do this..?' He moved licking to my right nipple and kissed it. 'Ah..!' I moaned and shivered. A feeling that I never felt before flew through me like a short pulse. I began breathing harder. He giggles joyful. 'You're already that excited? Only if I lick your nipple lightly?'

Then he sucked on my nipple. 'Ah...! Uhn....!' I couldn't speak anymore. I couldn't think anymore. I just could feel his touches. The places where he touched, kissed or licked fell so hot. I really was excited from his caresses. He giggled and bit my nipple lightly and he took my pants off. 'Ah... no...' I moaned. 'What is it, my cute Iori? Should I stop?' 'N-no... d-don't stop...' I gasped. 'So where do you want to be touched?' he asked me smirking. 'D-don't ask about it...' I looked at him frowning. 'Just tell me... well?' I blushed and pointed between my legs. 'There?' he asked an touched the tip of my erection.

'Ah...!' I moanted. 'So sweet.' he said while licking above my tip and kissed there. 'Uhnnnn.....' Furter he took my erection in his mouth and moved back ans forth. 'Ah! Ah...!' I moanted harder 'D-don't do... I'll come...' He took mine out of his mouth and continued moving back and forth with the hand. 'I let you cum once. The next time we should come together.' The impression got more and more and after it I felt relieved by cuming. 'Uuh..' 'Well, you came a lot. You're enjoying it, hm?' he said while he licked my chest. After that he wandered with his tongue up to my nipples again. He gave me no break to breathe.

'Unnn...' I couldn't say more than only a moan full of relish. With one hand he wandered down to my butt. Gently he stroked over it. 'Ah! No! Not there... d-don't touch...' I shouted blushed. He looked at me and continued stroking there. 'Why not? Don't you like it?' How could I like it over there? 'T-that is... not the point.. unnn...' I curled and blushed darker. Yamihiro-sama kissed my neck. 'All of you is so sweet, Iori. I want to taste you even more.' He put a finger in my butt and moved slowly back and forth in there. 'Ah! Ah...!' I moanted louder and breathed harder. This felt good... so unbelievable good. My body was hot all over and ached for his touches. 'More...' I whispered full of relish. He heard that and smirked. 'More? More of... what?' '…' I blushed and looked away. He bit my neck. 'Should I touch you more? Like this?' He moved his finger faster and spined my nipple and licked my neck. 'Haaa...' During that he was so near with his body that I felt his heat an his erection at my leg. 'Haaa...' Feeling him everywhere was so good. So damned good...

'Yamihiro-s-sama... I l-love you...' 'Me, too, Iori. I love you, too.' he whispered in my ear. Then he kissed me deeply. 'Unnnn...' His tongue went over my lips and went further into my mouth. 'Ha... ha...' 'Iori, I will come in you now.' I blushed. Came IN me? What...? 'Aahh!' I moaned when he put his erection in my butt. At first gentle and slowly then hard. He trusted his deep in me. 'Ha... Ah! Ah! Ah!' I overflowed with my feelings. I felt him deep in me. It was so deep. Over and over again he trusted his in me. I moaned loud. 'Iori, I will cum now.' 'Ahhhhh!' I felt how I got filled with his cum and came by myself. It was so much of his cum.

'Haa.... haa.... haa....' I was short of breath. He seemed so, too and took his outside me. I felt how something wet run down my butt to the blanket. His sight went over my exhausted self. 'Iori..' He hugged me hearty. 'Yamihiro... I-I am so happy...' I felt happy indeed. Sex with him was so good that I couldn't imagine having it with someone else. 'Glad to hear. Me, too. Now you're actually mine.' 'Yes, I will only be yours. As your butler and as your lover.' I hugged him as well and leaned into him. Both of us enjoyed laying on the bed and staying in our arms. 'Yamihiro-sama' I began 'I have to admit that this was my first time ever.' He looked at me astonished. 'What? That was your first time? You were a virgin? You had to told me, Iori...' I put my finger in front of his lips. 'It is all okay. It didn't hurt and I enjoyed it really.' I smiled at him. He layed his head on my chest. 'Iori... you are my last star on this starless night... the last light of this darkness... so, please stay by my side... forever.' I stroke his cheek. 'Don't worry. I won't leave you. I promise.' Yamihiro-sama was everything for me. He was my new world.


~Chapter 5 will follow~

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The H scene was *____________* *faints and nosebleeds* Can't wait for the next chapter *__*

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the ending of this chapter was wonderful. i somewhat saw that coming but it was so *_*

the feels

i will continue reading as long as there are more chapters! :hamtaro-005 (6):

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Chapter 5: first fight


We did it twice and still layed in his bed cuddlyng. Joyfully he playe with my hair. 'I still can't believe that I have such an adorable uke.' He giggled and bit in my ear lightly. 'I-I am not...' I looked at him and sulked. 'Of course you are. I can't stop to cuddle you. You have to stay here the hole day with me.' Then he licked my neck. I blushed. 'No, I can't... unfortunately I have to make your dinner. It is late yet.' I wanted to sit up, but he dragged me down to him. 'I quit dinner so you can stay here.' He kissed my neck and suck a bit. 'Uhm... but you eat so less. You have to eat something.' 'Later...' He moved down my chest still licking. I blushed darker. 'B-but Arashi-san will notice that something is weird...' He ignored me and kissed my nipple. 'Yamihiro-sama...' I moaned lightly 'I have to go truly.' 'No, I don't allow it. I want to enjoy you loving to the full.' I couldn't resist him. 'Unnn.' I moaned more when he started to bite my nipple lightly. And he went with his hand between my legs. 'B-but it is already late evening..' I spoke worried 'I had to work...' 'Just now you fulfill your duty in making me happy. So relax, Iori. And when you are here you're not my butler – you're my lover.' I blushed and looked away. He licked my cheek. 'When you are bashful you are so gorgeous.' Then he touched the tip of my erection. 'Ah! ..N-no...' I moaned lightly. 'Let us do it again.' he said, smirked and kissed my neck. 'Ah... w-wait... please.. Yamihiro-sama...' I brought my full strength up and completed my sentence 'Let us make a deal. I will make your dinner and after you are finish with it I will stay as long as you want.' I stroke his cheek and poked his nose gentle. 'Hmm...' He stopped disappointed. 'For all I care. What will you make? I want to have toasted waffles with cream and chocolate sauce. And don't forget the vanilla milk. - And make the meal for both of us.' He sat up and turned away. Oops! He was miffed! I hugged him from behind. 'I will hurry.' I spoke and huddled against him. 'Then go...' he said still miffed. I was sad about his coldy reaction. Why out of the sudden?

'Y-yes.' I stood up from the bed and dress me. Without any word I left the room. That hurted me. I just worried about him because he ate so less. So I couldn't let him eat nothing for dinner. After all I was his butler and had to carry about my masters condition. Yes.. he was my master. Actually I was not allowed to be his lover. Was I worth to be his lover? Came to think noble people had to marry someone else noble – from the other gender of course. But I wasn't a woman and I wasn't a noble man. Well, he seemed he hadn't someone that might be his fiancée - I admited I was glad about it.


I went down the stairs and met Arashi-san in the entrance hall. 'Where were you? I had not see you since afternoon.' Arashi-san spoke astonished. I blushed and looked down. He noticed that I wasn't avaiable. What could I say? 'Uhm.. well.. I-I didn't feel well... so I was in my room.' I stammered. He raised his eyebrows. 'Please tell me if you do not feel well. I searched for you and worried.' 'I a-am sorry.' I looked at him. He looked angered. 'And Ameryu-samas dinner time is already over.' 'I-I know.. and I am very sorry. It will not happen again.' I went over towards the kitchen.

There I prepared dinner – and my thoughts flew again. When he searched for me then he searche for Yamihiro-sama as well. So he couldn't find both of us and didn't look in Yamihiros bedroom. Did he knew what was happen? I cooked four waffles and decorated them with the chocolate sauce. The vanilla milk was ready, too. I put them on a tray and went outside the kitchen. Arashi-san was gone fortunately. I could go upstairs without problems.

Well, the next problem was Yamihiro-sama who was miffed. I wondered how his mood would be. I knocked at his door and entered. He layed in his bed and looked ouside the window. I only saw his back side. He even didn't move whe I stepped closer. 'Yamihiro-sama, I brought the waffles and vanilla milk.' 'Hmm...' he grumbled. He was angry! I put the tray on the next table and crawled in his bed towards him. Then I kissed his back. 'Why are you angry? I wasn't away a long time and I am here now.' I asked smoothy.

'I am not...' He didn't look at me after all. I got angry, too and turned him around so he layed on his back. I was above him so he had to look at me. 'Why are you ignoring me?' I said worried 'I fear for you, because you have no appetite at the moment and cooked something while hoping you will eat it. And you – you act like a child whose toy was take away because I left your bed! Don't forget I am your bulter! It is my job! My JOB! Damn it!' While I spoke I teared up. After it I stood up. 'I hurried and made the meal as fast as possible. That is not fair! When you ignore me I can clean up the kitchen just as well.' I turned around and left the room. Outside I broke up in tears and ran to my room. I dumped down to my bed and cried badly. That was so unfair! I feared for him for so many days and he kicked it with his feed. Only because I didn't stay with him in his bed.

I wanted it as well... but his health had a higher priority. I loved him. I loved him so much so I wanted him to be healthy. But he didn't understand. My pillow got wet by my tears. He was so cruel! Yamihiro-sama...


I closed my eyes and tried to think: 'Calm down, Iori, calm down. Maybe you gave him too much freedom so that he thought he can do with me whatever he wanted. Well, I was his butler, but I was a human being after all. He couldn't order anything and couldn't reach what he want.' Then I stopped breathing. Were there footsteps behind the door? I heared how the doorknob was pulled down and the door was opened and closed. Thensilent footsteps came closer to the bed.

'Iori?' It was him. His voice sounded sadly. I didn't react and pretended that I fell asleep.

'You already fell asleep? In your daily clothes?' He sat down on my bed next to me and stroked my cheek. I still didn't react. Why was he here? 'You are really asleep...' He sounded disappointed. 'Listen to me, Iori, my dear.' He took a break.

'I am sorry...' Then he sniffed. 'I am very sorry, Iori. I was cruel to you. You was really worried about me and I ignored how you feel. I was so selfish... please forgive me. Don't leave me alone again... Don't leave... I can't stand it being alone...' He cried. Yamihiro-sama... his words were a relief and I felt the truth in his apologize. I teared up.

'Yamihiro-sama...' I turned around and looked him deep in his eyes. His eyes were wet from tears. I wiped his tears away. 'Yamihiro-sama. Don't cry – that don't fit with you. I accept your apologize.' 'Iori.. you heared it all?' he asked astonished then hugged me. 'I am so helpless without you. And I hurted you so much. I am so sorry.'

'It is okay. Really. And I won't leave you. Because I love you.' I kissed his lips. 'Iori... thank you...' He replied my kiss and was so hasty so that I blushed. It was like he wanted to kiss my pain away. 'Uhnn...' Yamihiro was a cold person, but I knew it better. He could be very sensible and had a big fear to be left alone. 'Iori, can we do it?' 'Why do you ask? I wanted it already when I made your dinner!' I blushed and looked at him. He sighed. 'I make it difficult for you, hm? Well, I am not an easy person, but I don't want to hurt you again.' 'We will make it together, Yamihiro-sama.' I kissed him again. 'You are strong, Iori!' The he undressed my chest and started kissing it. 'Ah..!' I enjoyed it and layed back. 'Yamihiro-sama... please don't stop now.' [/i]'As you wish, my dear.' He licked my nipple and sucked it. 'Uhmm....'

I moaned lightly. Then he unzipped my pants and took them off After that he undressed hisself, too and licked my nipple again. 'I want to love you much more. I want to show you my fullest love... so...' He turned me around so I layed on my belly. 'W-what are you planning?' 'Now do this.' He showed me that I should lean on my knees on the bed. 'B-but...' It was a very embarrassing position, because he could see everything... my butt was uncovered. 'I'll make you feel good even more.' He licked my butt. 'Aah..!' I moaned. Staying in such a position made me more excited and his touches there felt more intense. 'Mmmhhh... ahh..!' My breath was short and hard. Then he put his tongue in me. 'Ahh... haa... aah...' His tongue was really in me! 'Uhmm... no...' He moved his tongue. 'Ah! Nhaa...' Does it feel good, Iori?' I blushed dark. 'Y-yes...ahhh... more.. please!' 'Well, of course. You're really lewd, hm?' He giggled lightly and licked with his tongue above my butt. 'Uhnn.. I-I am not...!' 'Lewd and cute at the same time.' While he spoke this sentence he touched my erection.

'Haa...!' I moaned and stretched my body tight. He went back and forth with his hand and still licked my butt. 'Uhhh... ahhh... Yamihiro... aaahhh...' I felt so good. Be loved by him felt so good. This night should never end. He should never stop loving me. 'Nnnn...!' This welfare impression became more and I came once. 'Aaaahhh!' 'You came just now? Well, I have to admit I can't hold back either. I will come into you.'

I felt his how his erection glided in me. 'Ha! Ha! Ha...!' I moaned while he moved deep in me. 'Ya... ha... Yamihirio-sama...' In this position it felt more intense. Now he was deeper in me than efore. I felt more of his heat. That excited me more. 'More.. please...!' After it he move faster and trusted his hard in me. 'Ah! Ah! Ah!' It felt like I was loosing my mind. 'More Yamihiro-sama... I wanrt to feel you more in me.' So deep! So hard! So good! 'Ha! Haa...' I only felt him. I only felt joy. Then he filled me with his cum. 'Yamihiro-sama...' I mumbled and layed down exhausted. He put his out of me and hugged me from behind. 'I love you, Iori.' he whispered in my ear and bit it joyful. My body was still burning and I felt this pulse of lust in me. Then he kissed my neck. 'Say something, my dear.' 'I love you, too, Yamihiro-sama.' I said being short of breath. He giggled. 'You're exhausted? What a bummer! I just planned to do it again...' He bit my neck lovingly. How could I refuse?

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  • 4 weeks later...

I have to apologize for two things: First of all I should write that the story still goes on and the second is that I hadn't the time and idea to write further. But here is the next chapter.

Chapter 6: Sudden twist of fate

The morning was sunny and I woke up because of the sunshine. It shined in my bed so I remebered that I forgot to put the curtains in front of the windows. I sat up and rubbed my eyes. 'It is already 7:00am, Yamihiro-sama. You should stand up, too.' I said and stroked his back. He slept in my room after our fourth and last one back in the night. '….uhhh....' He sprawled only. 'Have I? I am still so tired...' He cuddeled to me. 'And I wanna stay with you here.' I sighed. 'Yes, I want it either, but you know you can not. Well, I collect your clothes for today and will make breakfast then.' 'Yes, I know. I won't complain anymore.' He sat up and watched me walking through the room an took new clothes with me. This room had got a small bathroom where I had a wash and combed my hair. It should be fast so I could start the work as soon as possible. 7:00am was the time when I woke up Yamihiro-sama an not my time to wake up. When I left the bath I told him: 'It is better for you to go to the bathroom as well. Please, we can not let Arashi-san notice something.' He sighed and stood up. 'I know... but it would make it easier. You know only he, you and I are here at the moment. See you later in my room.' He went towards me, kissed me and left the room. Wait! Did he left the room only in his boxershort? Well, his bedroom wasn't far away from mine, but still. I giggled and left my room, too.

It was time for breakfast. 'Good morning, Arashi-san.' I greeted him with a smile. 'Oh, well. Good morning, Hitsuji-san. Did you sleep well?' he asked me in a good mood. 'Yes, thanks. Today will be a good day.' He went with me in the kitchen. 'I hope you are right. Should I expect when you are in a good mood the day will be good as well?' He laughed and patted on my shoulder.

'T-that is not what I mean.' 'I know. I know. But it would be great.' Well, I was really happy today. Everything here was alright. How could it be better?

I cooked some pancakes for Yamihiro-sama and some hot chocolate. Arashi-san stayed in the kitchen and we talked further. 'Your hair looks a bit messy today, Hitsuji-san.' he noticed 'Did you wake up late?' 'Uhm... yes...' I said embarassed. During our talk the door bell rang. Eh? It was the first time I heared the bell of the main door. A visitor? 'I will go.' Arashi-san spoke and rushed away. I was curious and eavesdropped. A male voice sounded to my ears. 'I have got an important and urgent message for Ameryu-sama!' The foreign man seemed hasty. 'What kind of message? I am the families butler.' I heared Arashi-san said. 'It is only for hisself or for his close confident – order from the king.'

He was a messenger of the king? I rushed outside the kitchen towards the opened main door. 'M-may I help you?' I asked politely. 'Ah, Hitsuji-san, you come in the right moment.' Arashi-san said and turned back to the messenger 'He is Ameryu-samas personal butler and his close confident. So you may be able to talk to him.'

The young man with a scar on his forhead eyed me up and spoke: 'Please take this letter to your master. It is very urgent and very important. This letter was written by the king.'

He handed me a small letter with a seal. 'U-understood. I will give him this letter immediately.' I turned and ran against a chest. 'Eh?' I wondered and looked up. In front of me was Yamihiro-sama suddenly. 'What is that commotion here?' he said discontented 'And who is that guy?' 'A-Ameryu-sama!' the young man said hasty 'The majesty sends me as his messenger and I have to deliver an important message: The front in the south needs your help, milord! They need your strategical skills and your swordmanship! The details are written in this letter your butler has got in his hands.' He took a break then spoke lightely and full of sorrow: 'The front is nearly broken...'

'What?' Yamihiro-sama shouted 'That is impossible! The last letter from our spies told me that there was no real problem until now. So why out of the sudden?' He seemed angered. 'I don't know the details, but I heared they was trapped in an ambush.'

'That is still impossible...' Yamihiro-sama said, took the letter and opened it. Everyone was quiet while he read. 'Nnn... damn it!' He gave me the sheet and ran up the stairs inside the house. I was absolutely confused. 'A-and... what is now...?'

After a short time he came back in an silver-grey noble armor. Well, he wore a silver corselet and a light grey swordmans robe. Over his arms he wore black long mittens. His boots were black, too. On the right side of his belt there a katana was enthroned in a scabbard. The capricious noble man became a handsome swordman.

'Arashi-san, I need my horse.' he said very serious. 'Of course, milord. I am on the way.' Arashi-san rushed outside to the horse stall on the left side of the house. To the messenger Yamihiro-sama said: 'Messenger, please wait for me in front of the main gate. I have still some things to do.' 'O-of course.' 'Iori!' he turned to me 'You have to stay here. Take good care of my property when I am away. And take care that everything will be okay when I'll come home.' He looked deep in my eyes. I teared up. 'Y-Yamihiro-sama... I-I... let me go with you...' He shaked his head. 'No. Definitely not. I would be worried seeing you on a battlefield.' 'But..you...' 'I MUST go and I have not the purpose to die. So don't worry. I will be back soon.' He hugged me. 'Please promise me that you will stay alive.' I whispered.

At that moment the earth quivered and an explosion was seen in the middle of the city. 'What the...?' He pushed me away. 'Damn it! Are they already here? It can't be...' 'Master!' Arashi-san came worried with a white horse behind him. 'They are here!' 'Yes, damned. How could they be so fast?' He looked serious and worried. I was scared. The war was here? 'Arashi-san, take Iori with you and ride to the north. There you two should be save.' 'Understood.' Arashi-san replied.

'But...' I said. 'Take my horse and flee!' Yamihiro-sama shouted 'You can't stay here any longer!' Arashi-san climbed up the horse and pulled me up. Then Yamihiro opened the main gate. 'Now escape! Ride to Shivas. There we meet again when the war is over.' Then he ran away and Arashi-san set spurs to the horse.

'No...' I looked behind to the man I loved so much and who ran towards his doom. 'Do not worry about him, Hitsuji-san. He is a good swordman. He will not die so easy.' Arashi-san spoke calm 'The sole sorrow we should have is to get out here alive. Probably the city is surrounded.'

As he said the next side entrance was blocked by some soldiers. Arashi-san stopped the horse and hided behind a corner. 'What the? What are these soldiers? They are not from Bournia.' 'What? But I guess the war is between Bournia and Mizura?' I asked confused. What did it mean? 'It seemed so. Maybe this is Bournias auxiliary, but I have never seen the crest they wear. Where are they from?' 'But how can we escape now? The entrance is blocked.'

'Good question, because I do not know their strength as well.' Then suddenly the sky got darker. Dark shadows flied above our heads. Majestic and terrifying creatures apeared at the grey sky – black dragons. I had never seen dragons in my whole life. They were only legendary creatures of so many tales, but now I saw them for real. 'Dragons...?' 'We have to get away immediately! Even if we have to fight those soldiers! It is defenitely better than fighting dragons.'

'But what about Yamihiro-sama? It doesn't matter how strong he is, he can't beat an army of dragons!'


But Arashi-san ignored me and used the moment when the soldiers went deeper into the town. 'Now it is the best chance to escape.' The horse dashed towards the entrance. 'We can't leave without Yamihiro-sama! We can't!' But we already left the town and rode over the green field of Mizuras plains. I wondered that there weren't any other soldiers. On this side there were only these we saw before. 'Ameryu-sama is the only hope for that town at the moment. And I have got the quest to bring you to Shivas.' 'I can travel there on my own. You needn't to guide me. Damned... I am so helpless...' 'But I can not let you go by your own. What would I say Ameryu-sama if something would happen to you?' We rode and rode over the green plains which would became a battlefield. I couldn't look back. To know that we left him there in this already lost town was so cruel. The sun went down and the night came closer. 'We should take a rest here.' Arashi-san said 'This tree looks nice. We should stay here.' He stopped the horse and we dismounted from the horse. 'Here?' I said wondered. Arashi-san nodded. 'We can not reach the next town tonight. And to be fit we have to sleep. Even if it is under a tree.' I sat down and layed against the trunk. 'If I were stronger... if I only were able to use a weapon... I could be a help...' I cursed and hit the ground. I hated myself. I was weak. 'Do not blame yourself. When you were at his side he can not fight like he wants. It is better like this. He has got only one thing to protect now.' Arashi-san sat next to me.

'Well, you should know I am worried, too. Exactly because the soldiers. Where are they from? How can they control dragons? And why did they attack the city? But it is sure that they knowed that the city has got a low defense now.'

'I never thought that dragons really exist.'

'Really? Well, I knew that they are exist, but not the fact that they can be controlled. I hope he is alright...'

We didn't speak very much this night. And I didn't sleep very much either. How could I after this sudden twist of fate?

~Chapter 7 will follow soon~

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Chapter 7: A rainy day


The next morning was gloomy. Big clouds were on the sky and big raindrops fell down on the earth. We were already on our way to the north.

'The weather is not in a good mood today. We should stop in the next dorp.' 'No, Arashi-san, we can not stop again.' 'You act foolish since yesterday, Hitsuji-san.'


He was right. I acted weird since we left, but I was overstrained with this kind of situation. This didn't feel like reality. Suddenly my happy life with Yamihiro-sama was destroyed. I thought I could be like this forever, but destiny decided against it.

We reached a small dorp with only about ten houses. Everyone was inside their houses besides a farmer with his coach. It seemed like the coach got stuck in the mud.

'We should help, Hitsuji-san.' 'O-of course.' We dismounted from the horse and stepped closer.

'Excuse us' Arashi-san began 'May we help you?' The farmer looked around and seemed happy about the nice offer. 'Oh, the goddess sends you! Please, I need every help I can get. This coach stucked in this damned mud. If you can push it that would be a great help.' 'Of course, sir.' Arashi-san applied. He went to the left, I went to the right backwheel of the coach. The rain fell cruely down and the whole earth was muddy and slippy.

I pushed with everything I had. This coach was really heavy, but I heard the farmer said: 'Good! Good! A little more! Only a little more! It moves!'

Then the coach springed forwards and I lost the balance and fell down in the wet mud. 'Damn it...' I cursed lightly. Arashi-san came to me and helped me to get on my feet. 'Are you okay, Hitsuji-san?' he asked gentle. I nodded. 'Yes...'

'Holy goddess! You did it! Thank you both!' the farmer said happy 'Please let me be your host. You owe me a lot.' After that he looked at me and added: 'And you may get some new clothes, too. My wife will clean your clothes and of course she will make you two a bath. Please come with me.'

'Thank you very much, good man. We will not refuse.' Arashi-san replied.


He took us to his farm which wasn't far away. 'Come in.' he said gentle. Inside the old house a fireplace burned. It lightened up the wooden interior. The walls were made of red bricks and big spiles beared the roof. The floor was wooden as well and partially made of stone. I never was in such a farmers house and it looked like I always imagined. A small chubby woman with brown long hair entered the living room. 'Welcome back. Who are these two men? They seem to be some noble men. Why are they in a small farm house like ours?' She looked confused.

'Those guys are my guests now. Please prepare the bath with warm water. And then they need some good food.' 'Sure.' she said and turned to us two and bowed. 'Please feel welcome in this moderate house.' 'Thank you very much, milady.' Arashi-san said.

The farmer's wife prepared the bath and after a few minutes she attended us to the bathroom. I was impressed. I thought they were kind of poor, but the bathroom was roomy and two tubs were filled with steaming water. On a wooden box there layed towels and some new clothes. 'Those clothes are the best we have. After you take a bath I will clean your clothes. Tomorrow they should be dry, so it would be a pleasure if you be our guests and stay over night.' Then she left the room. 'Exactly what I expected.' Arashi-san was satisfied. 'What?' We were in the tubs now. The water was comfortable warm and I enjoyed the heat. Especially I was glad that the dirt was washed away.

'I like the mentality of the farmers in Mizura. If you help them they will be in your debt. And because of the circumstances he had no other choice than let us stay at his house.'

'So that is why we should help him?'

He laughed. 'Sure. That was my imagination. So do not complain. We have got a nice host and it is a good place to stay.'

'Hm... okay. But staying here over night?'

'Our clothes are wet and dirty. You would get a cold if you would still wear them.'

He was right. I remembered the way from Shivas to Thorajon took five days. Maybe our journey would took not so long, because we had a horse and on my way down back then I got lost a few times. Well, maybe it should took three or four days. It was better not to get ill.


After the bath we sat around the wooden table in the homey livingroom. It was next to the fireplace. 'May I ask for your names?' the farmer's wife asked politely 'This is Komugi amd I am Ume.' She served some nice hotpot with selfmade bread.

'Of course. It is Arashi Kishiro and this young man is Iori Hitsuji-san.' 'It is a pleasure to meet you.' Komugi-san said 'Are you travelars?' Arashi-san nodded. 'Yes, we are on our way to the north.' It was strange to see him in other clothes than his butlers tailcoat. He wore a red shirt and blue trousers. Okay, those clothes I wore were unusual for me, too – a blue shirt with brown pants and a black vest.

Then Ume spoke: 'Well, you both seem to be noble men. Am I right?' 'No, Iguess you are wrong. We are only normal travelars.' I raised my eyebrows after Arashi-san said this. Did they really believe us? Travelars who was dressed like butlers? Unlikely.

In the evening when we were in a guest's room I spoke to Arashi-san. 'Do you think they believe us? We wore tailcoats when we met Komugi-san.' The room was small and only two beds, a small bed table and a small cupboard matched in this room. And it was really dark, because it had only one small window. 'It seems so, hm? And tomorrow we will travel further. So it does not matter if they do or not. But they must not know that we are clerks Ameryu-samas. Otherwise it would cause a lot of trouble.' 'That is for sure.' Then I sighed. How was he doing? Yamihiro-sama. I layed back on my bed and another sigh left my mouth. I was still worried about him. 'Please, stay alive!' I thought 'Who was those soldiers? And why came dragons?'

'Are you okay, Hitsuji-san?' Arashi-sans voice sounded. I quivered. 'I...I... uhm... yes' 'Sure? You sighed so sorrowful. Did you think of Ameryu-sama?' I blushed. 'Ehm... y-yes... I hope he is alright. Somehow.'

'Just believe in him. That is all you can do.'

'I know...' And that was the worst. Not able todo anything for him. Only escaping. 'I am tired of it!' 'What, Hitsuji-san?'

'Being useless.'

'Stop saying this. It is nonsense. I think you are more useful for him than you can imagine.'

'How can I?'

'He has got someone he can fight for. And someone he would alive for.'

I sat up hasty. 'Eh?' I blushed again. 'Yes, you heard rightly. He would do anything to see you again.' Arashi-san spoke further. His voice sounded so calm and the words he said teared me up. I tried hard not to cry in front of him. 'So do not worry. He is alive.' I layed on my side and closed my eyes. 'I will believe in him. At least I'll try it...' While I said it tears ran down my face. I was still worried. Surely! And even Arashi-sans kind words didn't change it at all. But I wanted to see him again. As soon as possible.

'Alright. Sleep well, Hitsuji-san.' 'You, too, Arashi-san.'



At midnight a heavy thunderstorm blustered above the ranch house. I was awake and got a bit afraid. The roof didn't seem so solid and the wind soughed a lot through the seams and it was cold. Arashi-san slept meanwhile. The lightnings lightened up the entire room everytime though the windwo was so small. I stood up and went there at the window to look into the sky. Man, what a thunderstorm. It was somehow creepy.

In the north were I was born and lived thunderstorm were truly rare. Sometimes I saw them in summer, but never such a heavy one. I let my gaze wander through the darkness of the night. Huh? What was that? A small blue flame burned in the near of the ranch. How could a flame burn during such a rain? And why a BLUE flame? I wondered. Maybe it was a magical flame, because I had never seen a flame with this color. It made me snoopy. What was it? I put over the clothes from the day and the brown boots they gave me. Quiet and carefully I left the room.

The whole house was dunked in a curious darkness. In my opinion thunderstorms gave the place where it was always a magical atmosphere. I sneaked to the wooden stairs which directed to the spacious livingroom. The steps creaked loud so I went down slowly.

A cold shower ran down my back when I reached the main room. It was cold and kinda suspecious. A foreign house, a foreign ambiance and I stumbled here through the deepest night. Slowly I opened the door. A cold wind sweeped some raindrops in my face. The only light source I saw were the lightnings they flashed up. At the doorsill I had a look outside, but there was no blue flame. Did I imagined it only? I stepped a bit forwards. Ah! There! I saw the flame not far away from the ranch. The curiosity grew and I went outside into the rain.

Suddenly the blue flame moved! It moved towards me! I got frightened and wanted to run back. 'Hold on! Don't be scared.' a smooth voice sounded. 'Eh?' I turned to the still burning fire again. 'Is magic so suspecious to you?'

I looked closley and recognized that under the fire was a pale skinny hand. This hand belonged to a human in a dark coat which hided most of his face. 'S-so this is magic?' I asked carefully 'I had never seen some magic.' 'Oh, do you?' 'W-what do a mage here during the night and in such a thunderstorm?'

The young man who wasn't much taller than me was kind of creepy.

'Good question. Coincidentally are you be called Iori Hitsuji?' I was shocked. Why did he know my name? 'From where do you know my name?' 'You're more famous than you think, Iori-kun...' His flame changed the color into yellow then into green, red, purple, white and blue again. It changed them faster and faster. Suddenly I felt dizzy and everything turned blurry. 'Good night.' Everything turned dark and I fell down. Then I felt nothing. Was I dead? Was there only darkness after life?

I couldn't die now. I couldn't die without seeing Yamihiro-sama again. I had to live!

~Chapter 8 will follow soon~

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Chapter 8: Trapped


Then I felt something. It felt like I layed on something hard - propably made of wood. So I wasn't dead after all, but where was I? Slowely I opened my eyes. They saw a stony ceiling. Came to thinkg the whole room was made of stone. I sat up. Where the hell was I? I remembered the night of the thunderstorm where I met this mage with the blue flame. Did he cast a sleep spell on me? I still felt dizzy and held my head. Why did he know my name? Who was he? Wait! Did he kidnapped me? I stand up quickly. 'I have to escape!' was my first thought though the spell still worked a bit so I collapsed again. Damned! I couldn't stand on my feet! Then I stopped breathing. There were footsteps which came closer.

Fear appeared in my mind. What would they do with me? The door was opened and a young man with long black hair and a dark purple robe entered. Over his robe he wore a black coat. It was the mage I met before. 'So you're awake, Iori-kun.' he said with a smirk on his face. His pale skin made him look ill and I noticed that his eye color was different – his right eye was red, his left green. That made him more creepy I thought. 'My spell caused a deep sleep on you. I was surprised that you are so weak against magic.' he added. I tried to reply something, but no word left my mouth. Eh? What was that? I couldn't make any sound.

'Oh, did you notice that you can not speak? It is a spell as well' he told me while he looked down at me 'But I guess I can cancel it.' I felt that my vocal cords weren't so heavy anymore.

'Why did you kidnap me? What do you want from me? And who the hell are you?' I asked angry. His sleep spell still did his job – I couldn't move very much. 'Don't be so loud, Iori-kun. I won't cause you pain. As long as you're honest of course. You are in the land of Kageria – far away from the country you know. Kind of Mizuras neighbour across the sea.' he explained calm.

'Across the sea?' I was astonished. 'On which continent?' 'Kageria isn't part of a continent. It is an island. Maybe you heared of it as the island of fate.'

My knowledge wasn't bad when it came to geography, but I had never heared of such an island. 'N-never heard...' I said lightly 'But what do you want from me?' 'Don't you get it? You're our hostage. You're the tool we can cause pressure with.' The creepy man smirked when he saw my confsed looking face. 'You have no plan? My... my.. how sad.' he said and sighed. I didn't understand in any way. 'I will tell you soon, Iori-kun. I will, but not now – I am busy now.'

Then he turned to the door. 'My... he has got tastefulness.' He had a short look at me and left the room again. I heared how the door was locked.

His words – whose name I still didn't know – confused me more than before. A tool who caused pressure? I am? On who? Ah! Could it be on Yamihiro-sama? It was the only thing I could imagine. 'Damn it!' I hit the ground. Helpless! Useless! I was only a burden! I cursed and bursted out in tears. 'I am sorry, Yamihiro-sama. So sorry...' I layed down on my belly and burried my face in my arms. Damn it... damn it... damn it.


Later a silent man brought me a bowl of soup and a cup of water. Then he left again. I still layed on the ground. It had to be like this for hours. My complete will to live was gone. From the top of the highest mountain of pleasure the will to live fell down in the deepest ocean of despair.

I sat up and looked around. There were no possibility to harm myself. I sighed and decided not to eat or drink anymore. Tediously I climbed up to the wooden bed and layed down there. I couldn't stand this situation any longer. Somewhen I fell asleep.

In my dreams I met Yamihiro-sama again. We went back to his property where we stayed again. Arashi-san welcomed us and served us a tea and some chocolate cookies. Then everything got ddark and Yamihiro-sama slipped away. 'Noooo!' I shouted panic 'Don't leave me!' He fell into a sea of lances where he was stabbed. 'Nooooo!' Drenched in sweat I sat up. My sight went trough the dark room. My heart beated fast and my breathe was fast, too. Then I sighed. It was just a dream, no reality. Or was it a forboding?

While I stood up I noticed that the spell was away. Finally I could walk again. My mouth was so dry so that I had to drink something. With the cup of water I walked to the small barred window.

It was daytime. Since the sleep spell I had no sense of day and night – or any sense of time. I even didn't know how many days I slept.

How was Yamihiro-sama doing? What happened to him meanwhile? Or what did Arashi-san after I was kidnapped? Then I remembered Yamihiro-sama said that we would meet each other in Shivas again. But under this circumstances I wasn't be able to get there. Or to escape, because I didn't know where this island was in any way. I only could stay here and that's all.

The door was opened again and when I turned around I saw the weird young man. 'Good afternoon, Iori-kun.' he greeted me gentle. 'How ironic wishing a prisoner a good afternoon.' I said annoyed. 'I am only politely to you, Iori-kun. Nothing more or less. So do you want to come with me?' He pointed me outside. Was it a trap? But I was glad to left this stony room. A spiral staircase layed behind and downstairs there began a huge castle. It was made of black gleaming stones. At the walls were red, purple or blue flags. I recognized the cress of those flags: They were the same from the soldiers who attacked Thorajon. I stopped moving.

'What is wrong?' the curious man asked and looked at me. 'So this nation – Kageria- attacked Thorajon back then.' 'Yes we did – and still do. You are an useful tool, you know.'

I gritted my teeth. 'Don't say anything stupid, Iori.' I told myself. 'Come on. We shouldn't talk on the floor. Let us go to a more comfortable room.' Later we went through a throne room which was empty. That let me wonder. 'Where is your king?' I asked then. The man laughed lightly. 'The king? He walked around the castle, because he is very busy with other things than sitting on a stupid throne.' In a noble and comfortable room we stopped. There were some purple armchairs around a glass table. On one side of the room was a fireplace. 'Sit down.' he offered and went to one armchair and sat down. Why was he so kind to me? Hesitant I sat down as well. 'Our talk will last a little longer so I thought it would be better when we're here.'

A short time later a young man with a tailcoat came in. 'Milord, may you and your guest something to drink or having a snack while talking?' he asked politely and bowed. 'For sure, Jian. Two hot chocolates and some cookies. And he is not our guest, he is my prisoner.' 'Understood. I am on the way.' The shortspoken guy left. I noticed that he called him milord, so the young wizard had to be a nobleman. 'I hope you like sweet things?' he asked and layed back. To admit he was a handsome guy and reminded me of someone. I nodded shyly. 'Y-yes, I do...' The hot chocolates and cookies were brought. Both tasted good and very sweet.

Yamihiro-sama... I wished I could bake some cookies for him or make some vanilla milk – like always. Like during happy days. I missed him so hard. His voice, his kisses, his touches – everything. Tears dropped down my face. I missed him so...

'Hey, Iori-kun. Why are you suddenly crying?' a smooth male voice sounded. I startled and was back in reality. Well, after these memories I saw Yamihiro-samas face in the face of the wizard. I shaked my head. What a cruel joke. Probably I became insane now. 'I-it is nothing at all. First of all you should tell me who you are in any way.' 'Oho? Well, it is a direct question to a king, ne? But it doesn't bother me. My name is Kageyami and the regent of Kageria.' I was shocked – HE was the king? But he didn't look like a real king. 'You are the king? Eh... I mean... why does the king hisself speak to a prisoner?' 'Because you are the most related person of Yamihiro-kun.' 'What? Why Yamihiro-sama?'

Kageyami sighed. 'He really didn't tell you anything. Should it be the cae that he didn't trust you complete?' Didn't trust me? Of course! He told me everything. Back then he said he was glad to have a person like me he could tell everything. 'That's not true! He totally trusts me!'

'Really? Why didn't he say anything about his real status? Or do you know that he is the son of the king Mizura's?' he asked calm.

He had nver told me.... he had never told me that he was the prince of Mizura. 'I-it doesn't matter who he is. Probably he didn't want to make me insecure. It is not that he doesn't trust me.' 'And his secret? Why he have to fight til the end? He didn't told it either, ne?'

I got more and more unsure. 'Why do you know so much of him?' He winked. 'It is a secret, ne? Maybe you will notice soon. But you can know that the city Mizura hides an ancient artefact that has the power to destroy the world. And I want to have this – and you're the exchange for it.

There is no way he would abandon you.' He smirked dark. A frisson flowed down my back. An artefact that could be destroy the world... anything like this really existed?


Suddenly someone knocked at the door and Jian-san, the butler, appeared. 'Milord, the council has arrived. They awaits you in the throne room.' Kageyami sighed. 'It's troublesome... but I can't change it. Well, Jian-kun, please take Iori-kun back to his room.' 'Of course.' Then the wizard stood up and said whil leaving: 'We'll talk later, Iori-kun.' When he left the room there was silence then the quiet butler said: 'Iori-san, I have to guide you back to the room. May you follow me?'

I stood up and followed him. Since the end of the talk with Kageyami-san I thought about escaping. When we walked through the big main floor it was the best chance. Well, the butler walked in front of me. Hastly I turned around and ran to the stairs which brought me downstairs.

I didn't know where the exit was, but I knew I had to walk downstairs. After that I reached a pillar where I hided behind for a short time to look about. Man this was a huge main floor. So the exit should be on the ground floor. There! Those stairs over there should guide me further to the exit. Carefully I looked around and ran as fast as I could towards the stairs. The next stairs were reached and I went down. Yes! I was right! Here was the ground floor. Now it was important that nobody saw me so I walked along the walls in the shadows.

'You can't escape!' A voice sounded behind me. I startled like crazy. Behind me there was Jian, but I ran further though he pulled me down to the ground. I felt his knees on my back. It was over, I couldn't flee. 'You should know where you stand, Iori-san. I would find you everywhere in this castle. You can't hide from me.' He growled angry. Well, he sounded creepy as well. 'I-I won't do anything stupid...' I stammered scared. 'If you act like this you make it more difficult to everyone. Don't force us to kill you. My master was kind to you all the time and didn't harm you. So it would be wise if you don't overdo it.' After he finished his sentence he stood up and helped me to get on my feet. 'I have not the purpose to harm you either.'

Jian took me to my prison in the tower. Back in this cold and lonely room. I was so disappointed. My escape failed.... and it seemed it was useless to try it again.

This Jian was very creepy. While he served the drinks and guided me he was very kind – like a pet dog. But after he got angry he turned into a mad wolf. His yellow eyes confirmed my thoughts. Everyone I saw in this castle were kind of creepy until now. They were dark and mystic. What was this island which was called the island of fate?

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I love fantastic stories and i think this one is one of the best I read!

I read it all today and now I'm impatient to see how it'll continue.

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Chapter 9: Soulreading


The next days were calm and lonely. Neither Kageyami-sama nor Jian-san came. It was so cold here. I cried all the time. I had enough of being a prisoner, being alone and helpless. The only thing I wanted was be at Yamihiro-sama's side. Happy and without any war. Unfortunately it stayed as a dream. I often learned that the reality was hard and that nothing stayed as it was, but had the proof be really so hard?

I sat on my wooden bed and stared at the ceiling. Please, if there was a god – or a spirit who could hear me – help me! Help me to get out of this misery! Or let me die here and now. The death would be better than this life now.


While I was sunken in my depressions someone went in. 'Iori-san' Jian said calm. I looked up surprised. 'Jian-san.. it's you...' I was happy to see someone and to speak with someone. It didn't matter who it was. 'Ehm... yes...' It seemed like he noticed I was down and patted on my head. 'Come on, Iori-san. The master want to see you.' 'Eh?' He helped me to stand up. We left the room and walked downstairs. 'First of all you must take a bath before you face Ameryu-sama.' he spoke gentle. 'What? Wait a minute...!'

Did he really say it? 'Jian-san, did you really say Ameryu-sama? And you meant Kagayami-san, right?' The young man strugged and replied: 'Yes, for sure. You know Kageyami is his first name and Ameryu his last name. And calling the king by his first name is more than rude.'

'B-but Yamihiro-samas last name is Ameryu as well!' I shouted. 'Ah, you mean the prince of Mizura? Yes, it is only natural – they're siblings.' I was totally speechless. Yamihiro-sama and Kageyami-san were brothers?!? That made no sense! Everything made no sense. Why should he attack the kingdom of his own brother? 'I don't understand anything...' 'Hm-mh, we shouldn't speak on the floor. We can talk while I clean you.'


In the bathroom he washed my back. 'Well, earlier I said too much. I wasn't allowed to say you anything about their relations. Please don't mention it in front of my master.' 'I won't – if you tell me more information I should know.'

'That's extortion you know? Well, I don't know much because Ameryu-sama is a person who doesn't speak much about hisself. I only know that he is the younger brother. So your master is the older one.' 'We're kind of similar as well, hm? Both of us are the butler of an Ameryu.' I spoke and giggled. Jian agreed: 'Come to think of it – you're right.' 'So when we're similar... do you have feelings for your master?'

Jian blushed and shaked his head. 'W-what are you talking about? He is a guy and I am as well!' 'It doesn't matter, or does it? I love Yamihiro-sama and he loves me. We're a couple even if we're guys.' While I spoke these sentences I felt happy and full of courage. 'Y-you're gay? Hm...' Meanwhile I was finished and wore new clothes. We sat on a white bench in the spay bathroom.

Jian looked away embarrassed. Honestly, he looked cute when he was embarrassed. 'Maybe... I.. like him...' he whispered then. I smiled. 'See, we're similar.'

'But I guess he would never reply my feelings...'

'Why not? You are a very kind person and a handsome guy as well.'

'Eh? Uhm... that's not true...' He blushed darker. I was surprised that he was actual so shy – and so nice. He was my enemy, but he was also a kind person. 'Well... you wanna hear some more information, ne? The reason why you was captured was... the master wouldn't kill his own brother. So he kidnapped you to extorte him.' 'I... see.'

'Even if he is Mizuras enemy and he wants ultimate power his heart isn't bad after all. But he wouldn't admit it.' Jian sighed and looked surprised when I giggled. 'What's so funny?' 'You really like Kageyami-san. That is so sweet when you talk about him.' He blushed. 'Stop talking such stupid things and don't call me sweet!' he complained confused. 'Okay, okay. Would you continue?' Jian nodded and spoke further: 'I don't know much details but during his research in dark magic he figured out he can turn godlike power into evil power when the medium has got a black heart. And the only artefacts with such a power rest in the countries Mizura and Bournia.'

'Eh? But those are the currently in a war.'

'Yes' the shy guy continued 'It was the master's plan to involve both in a war. Both countries have a huge army of skilled soliers, so it was the best way to weaken them.' 'So... Kageria actually killed Bournia's king?' I asked carefully. My head was feeling like it would be mellow. 'Yes... honestly, it was... me.' Jian looked down. 'What? YOU did it?!? You killed Bournia's king?!? But why...?' I was shocked. Jian was a really gentle young man. I wouldn’t put this crime past him, but it seemed that he was an enemy after all. 'I had to do this. You know, I am Ameryu-sama's butler. He gave me the mission an I fullfilled it – nothing more or less.' 'You knew what you would cause?'

'Yes. I sneaked in the castle, wearing clothes with the Mizura's cress and killed the king without hesitation. It was for my master – it was for the man I love.' Then he looked at me with a sad sight. 'After this Bournia declared on Mizura and everything took its course.'

A burdensome silence filled the bathroom. Only a quiet ripple of the shower was heared.

'It is the truth. I am a murderer...'

It was difficult to believe. I sighed and looked on the grey ground. To admit I started to like the calm butler and now I knew that he was a murderer. And liking a murderer was like liking to kill people. But when I looked at Jian-san I still saw him as he was. He did this for the man he loved. He killed a human for the man he loved. Those words had a very bitter taste.


'Now, we have to leave.' Jian spoke suddenly 'Ameryu-sama is still waiting for you.' 'Ah, you're right. I almost forgot it.'

We left the white bathroom and walked over the red carpet along the corridor. Jian-san was a murderer... those thoughts hunted me while I watched the guy walking infront of me. And those thoughts were heavy. Without a word we went in the throne room and towards the door which leaded to the noble room where I talked to Kageyami-san before. Inside the room the young man with the long black hair already sat there and tipped with his fingers on the armchair. His eyes glowed full of anger. 'Jian!' he growled and forgot any politness 'Why are you so late? What were you doing?' 'I-I apologize, Ameryu-sama...'

'Nnn... now leave us alone and do not interrupt!' Jian bowed guilty and left the room immediately.

'Well, Iori-kun' he said after he calmed down 'Sit down.' He looked at me with his heterochromia eyes. Now I wanted to hear everything Jian told me from himself. So I started slowely after I sat down on the armchair adverse him. 'He called you Ameryu-sama...'

'The name sounds familiar to you, ne?' His mouth turned to a smirk. 'So why do you have the same last name as Yamihiro-sama?' I tried to sound politely. 'See? He had not told you anything. Otherwise you would know that he has a younger brother...' Kageyami sighed. It was really true that they were siblings. 'Why do you harm your own brother? What is the reason for all these things?' 'He is my enemy and the wall to reach my goals. It is only for the sake of my land. You know it is the duty of a king, ne?'

'In which case would it help your folk when you attack Mizura?' I frowned not understanding. 'There is no need to explain it and would be pretty troublesome to do it.' He sipped some hot chocolate. Well, he had some similar behaviours and facial expressions like Yamihiro-sama. His manners to smile or his sympathy to sweet things. And both guys were pretty handsome!

A brief flicker of a smile appeared on my face. 'You also like such sweet things. I guess you are more similar to your older brother than you would admit.' I said in a calm voice. Even they were my enemies, even they killed people and started a war I couldn't hate them. Kageyami-sama and Jian-san... I felt that both were kind persons.

'Tse, do not compare me with him!' he said snippy and looked away. I added: 'And when I see you this way, Kageyami-san... well, you seem a kind person as well.' 'Ha?' He looked at me and laughed gentle. 'You are weird, Iori-kun, you know? I am the enemy of your lover's kingdom, you are my prisoner and you call me kind? What a refreshing personality!' 'A-and from whence do you know my relationship to Yamihiro-sama?' I asked confusing and frowned.

'My spies are everywhere. Encapsulated on this island this is my way to gain every information I want to have. The person you called nice can be pretty malicious. I searched for any weakness of Yamihiro-kun, but I never had found it, but then you appeared in his life. You must be a very impressive person. His heart became softer and I was surprised when I heared about you. You became his greatest strength, but his greatest weakness at the same time.'

I clenched my teeth. No, don't mention it again... it was my fault to provide a weakness. 'Why do you tell me this?'

' I only tell you the truth Yamihiro-kun hide from you. It is only your right to hear about it.' Then he stood up and walked towards me. 'But I didn't call you to have a small talk. Currently I am busy, so let us end this conversation.' He grabbed my forhead rude so I was forced to look into his eyes. 'Ah! What are you doing?' 'Just gaining information...' he answered and his voice let my blood running cold. He looked deep in my eyes. It was creepy, somehow.

After a short time he put his hand away and returned to the armchair. I was still shocked about the weird situation just before and only looked at him. 'Seems I scared you. You know the eyes are an open book for me to read someone's soul.' 'Eh? Someone's soul? What the hell...? You read my soul?' That scared me even more. The black haired young man nodded. 'Yes, I did. Now I do not need you anymore. Jian-kun should take care of you. Bye.' With these words he went to the door and left the room without any more words. What was that? Still confsed I looked to the door where Jian-san appeared. 'Iori-san, my master told me to lead you back to the tower's room. So please follow me.'


'Ah, yes...' I stood up and followed him. While walking through the huge and dark corridor he asked: 'What's up? You're so quiet and look like you have seen a ghost.' I hesitated but told him about what happened in the room before. 'Reading your soul?' he wondered. 'Is it really possible? He is able to do it, Jian-san?' 'Yes, since he was into the dark magic he easily gained this ability. I wonder why he did it...' He seemed contemplative. 'You have no idea why?' 'No, actually not. But I'll experience it for sure. Then I'll return to you.'

'You're going to tell me it? But why are you going to do it?' I tilted my head. We arrived at the cold room upstairs the tower. 'Well... I guess... I like you...' he said quiet and lowered his head. I smiled and said: 'Thanks, Jian-san. I like you, too.' 'Eh? Well... I have to lock you in this room again – even if I don't want it.' 'Y-yes, I know...' So I was alone again. Alone in the cold room of despair. A big sigh left my mouth when I sat down on the wooden bed. How long was I doomed to stay here?


~Chapter 10 will follow soon~

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Chapter 10: Escape


The pale daylight disappeared and the night came closer, but Jian-san didn't come. I was disappointed and looked outside the barricaded window. Behind the cryptically clouds the moon shined and reached my face. The light was dunked in a creepy red and cold like the death. Was it a foreboding? After all Kageyami-san's last words were that he didn't need me anymore. Maybe I was useless now? Would they kill me? I shook my head resolute. No, I would find a way to escape and return to Mizura. But I didn't know where Kageria was and how to return there...

I didn't realize that I fell asleep, but I startled whe the pale sunshines woke me up. The sleep was like a short death – I didn't notice that it came and didn't remember any dreams. It was like a gap in my mind.

Suddenly the door was flinged open. 'Iori-san!' I turned around surprised. 'Jian-san. Why are you in such a hurry?' 'Ameryu-sama... he... left the castle just before. He head to Mizura's kings town Thorajon. His guardians and he took the black dragons and are on the way there.'

'What? And why are you still here?'

'He left without telling me anything, but now there is no time to talk. Hurry up and come with me! We must follow them!'

'Eh? I-I don't understand...' '

'Just come!' he said energetic and dragged me outside the room. I barely fell down the stairs. He dragged me through the entire castle towards the entrance. 'What are you doing?' 'We need a dragon to follow them. So we have to go to the dragon hangar.' It was the first time I saw the landscape outside the castle. The air was filled with a strange dust. I coughed and had to stop. 'Ah, sorry, Iori-san. I forced you too much. You aren't used to breathe the dust of doom.' He patted my shoulder. 'Are you okay?' 'Y-yes... I guess? But what is the dust you call the dust of doom?'

'This was created by the gods. The dust of doom surrounded the entire island and kill the population of Kageria.' 'Eh? Why should the gods kill you all?'

Jian-san sighed. '...We aren't creatures of the gods so we aren't allowed to live on this world. Our death is our fate – so this is why it is the island of fate. Well, we wasted time. Can we keep on? We have to hurry, really.' 'Y-yes.'

We ran down the stony hill where the dark castle was. Actually the whole island was drowen in a dimly darkness. At the foot of the hill there was a huge town. The ground and houses were made of black stones which looked like obsidians.'Wow, the city looks beautiful with its obsidian-like stones.' But I had no time to look around because Jian dragged me again. We ran towards a huge building which looked like a huge barn. 'Normally there are quite a number of dragons.' Jian said unsure, but when we entered the dragon hangar was empty. No dragon was here. 'Damned... they used all of them....' 'And.. now?' 'We have to go to the haven and try to get a ship. Aaargh... it will take too much time, but we have no choice.'

We left the hangar again. 'And where is the haven?' 'We have to leave the town and follow the main path. It is a half day trip, so we should go immediately.' Again he dragged me in a hurry. We kept the pace while we went through the town. There were only a few and – I thought – dubious people. I wondered why there were only a few. ' It is because of the dust of doom. A lot of Kagerians already passed away. And to reply your mention later: The houses are all made of obsidian. Kageria has got a lot of small and one big volcano, so obsidian is pretty common here. As a contrast to the dark color most of the window and door frames are bright agates.' 'Wow, yes, I see the frames. The houses are beautiful. I guess when the sunshines would reach the city it would sparkle even more beautiful.' 'You said rightly – WHEN. But this city and the rest of Kageria won't see any true sunshine anymore. Since the volcano Ketsuro appeared and blew out. After that everything turned dark.' I tilted my head. 'The dust of doom was caused by a volcano?' He nodded. 'Yes, it was the hugest one. It appeared a long time ago and was a creation of the gods to determinate our fate. Ketsuro blew out and judged over us. Its lava destroyed a few towns and now its dust will rot us to death. Just turn around.' We stopped and turned around. Jian pointed to a huge mountain very far away. 'You see it over there?' I never had seen such a giant volcano. 'This is Ketsuro?' 'Yes, that's our judge. Well, its name means 'judgement' or 'determination' so it is an adapted name.'

Jian turned to me and said: 'And I don't want that you stay here any longer, too. So there are two reasons for you to escape from this island.' 'But why didn't you all leave the island already? When you would leave the island you wouldn't die.'


We already left the city and walked along the main path. The vegetation on Kageria suffered under the dust as well. No plants and only sere trees.

'Yes, that's a good question and just normal. The climate of Kageria is unique. We're ablet to survive only on this island- So there is no other opportunity. You know... we're no humans.'

I looked at him surprised. 'What do you mean? No humans?' [/i]'Just as I said. All Kagerians – except our king – is something you would call... a demon.' he said and his sight turned cheerless.

'A demon? So you're a demon as well?' 'Kind of. The only human is Ameryu-sama.'

Then I stopped and frowned. 'But why did he become your king?' 'He promised to rescue our land.' Jian turned to me and his sight was serious. 'The story is too long to tell you now, but Ameryu-sama has got a kind heart.' I was surprised. Kageyami-san seemed to be a strong person – and, yes, pretty kind. 'But one point doesn't go with another...' I mentioned 'You told me Kageyami-san plans to gain the power of the two artifacts of Bournia and Mizura and turns them into evil power. But I guess it is only possible for a person with a black heart?'

Jian agreed. 'Your mind is pretty sharp. Of course it doesn't goes with each other, but I don't know what he is thinking – he is a master of the dark magic. So we need to hurry.'

We stopped the conversation and rushed forwards. The path to the haven was truly simple – it was the main path after all.

I felt the heavy air which flew into my mouth and filled my lung. It was difficult to imagine that Jian and the other people from Kageria lived here and breathed this heavy air every day and every night. With every hasty step it turned heavier to breathe. I couldn't stand this. My lung felt like it would burn and my mouth started to hurt. And I felt like I wouldn't inhale enough oxygen. I collapsed, fell on my knees and hold my chest. 'Ha.... ha...'

Worried Jian cowered to me. 'Iori-san, what's wrong?' 'I... can't...' I gasped 'I can't breathe. The air is too heavy....' My heart beated fast and fear appeared in my mind. I felt like I would choke slowly. 'Oh, no... I am sorry, Iori-san...' Then he carefully gave me a piggyback. 'Please hold on. We will leave the island as soon as possible. If it is the only chance I carry you like this.' With this words he kept on moving with me on his back. It felt better this way and honestly it was kind of comfortable. Being on his back wasn't so exhausting and I could see that his dark grey hair had a black hairline and his hair had more than only one grey – interesting.

'Hey, Iori-san, are you hungry or thirsty?' he asked careful 'Do you need anything?' 'Hm, yes, I would like to drink something.' Then he stopped and put me down. My legs were shivery so I had to sit down on the ground. 'My, my... you're getting weak very fast...' Jian-san said and removed a small bottle from his belt. 'Here, it is water inside.'

'Thanks, Jian-san.'

It was a pleasure to feel the cool water running down my dry mouth. While I was drinking Jian-san sat next to me and I was able to lean against his shoulder. He was always so nice to me.

Suddenly he strained his body. 'What's that over there?' His voice nearly was a growling. 'There are some horsemen! The people from Kageria possess no horses. So who the hell are they?' I slowly looked up and saw a small troop of five horsemen riding towards us. I recognized the older man on the white horse who rode in front of the others. 'Ah! Wait! That's Arashi-san!' 'Who? You know him?'

When they came closer the man on the white horse recognized me, too. 'It can not be! Hitsuji-san, is it really you?' Arashi-san spoke while dismounting and cowering to me 'Oh, I am glad you are still alive.' 'Yes, Arashi-san and I am glad to see you as well.' I smiled. It was nearly a miracle to see him again. 'And who might you be?' he appealed to Jian-san. 'It's Jian. I am from Kageria's castle.'

'He helped me to get out there.' I added and coughed. It turned bad again. 'Arashi-san, we need to get away from this island. Iori-san is in a bad condition.'

'In a bad condition? What do you mean?' Arashi-san asked a bit confused. 'Just believe it. So it would ne the best when he would sit on your horse.' 'Sure. It was my purpose to search for him. In that case we can go back to the haven.' Then Jian-san picked me up and carried me gentle to the white horse. When I sat on its back I remembered: This was Yamihiro-samas horse. I cuddled the male and whispered: 'You belong to him as well, ne? So let us return together.' The stallion neighed as if he would understand what I said before. Arashi-san took the reins and leaded the horse. 'We head back to the haven, now.' he spoke to the other four men. On their armor was the cress of Mizura. I was too exhausted to ask any questions, so I simply enjoyed the presence of Arashi-san and Jian-san who walked besides the white stallion.

'The ship should be still in the haven. I was lucky to get a fast ship.' Arashi-san explained. 'But no ship is as fast as a dragon...' the young butler grumbled. 'Dragons? Why dragons?' I heard the older butler speaking. My eyes were closed and I listened to their conversation. 'My master, the king of Kageria, went towards Thorajon with an army of black dragons. So we're in a hurry to get there.' 'I am confused... you are the butler of Kageria's king?' I felt a fierce atmosphere between them. 'Ah, please lower your spears! I am NOT your enemy, otherwise I hadn't saved Iori-san, right? I have my reasons to help him.'

'So I should believe a Kagerian? I heard that a lot of Kagerians are assassins and good liars.' That wasn't good and I interfered: 'Stop it! Stop it, Arashi-san! He is not our enemy! That's the truth! Jian-san helped me in so many different ways. Without him I wasn't able to escape.' Arashi-san saw my sad gaze and sighed. 'Fine, I believe you. Let us go.'


The situation between both stood difficult. We reached the haven at the later afternoon and I noticed that even the haven was so empty. It was really scary. 'Really so many Kagerians passed away?' I asked Jian-san. 'Yes... Kageria has got just a few children and old people. The weakest ones died in the first place. Now most of them are in the castle, because Ameryu-sama was able to create a barrier to lower the damage of the dust.'

'So the master's younger brother is now in Kageria?' Arashi-san interrupted. 'Ah, right. You are the butler of the whole family.' I remembered 'So you know Kageyami-san as well.' 'That is true, a very introverte person. I do not know why he choose this way.'

We arrived at the midsized green ship where we had enough space for everyone. It slowly left the grey and lifeless haven and seesawed. Arashi-san leaded the ship, Jian-san and I sat on a wooden bench behind him. I leaned against Jian-sans shoulder again. 'But when Yamihiro-sama and Kageyami-san had the same childhood... why left Kageyami-san the kingdom?' I asked quiet. 'That is the reason why I am still wondering.' Arashi-san looked sharp on the motion of the sea. The wind was strong, but he had the ship in his grip.

'You know, Hitsuji-san, I know both royal children of Mizura since their birth.' The light grey haired sighed. 'Kageyami-sama always was the weaker one. He could not handle with a spear or with a sword. It is tradition in Mizura that the king must be a distinguished swordsman. So since their youth the throne was promised to Yamihiro-sama.'

'What? My master isn't weak at all!' Jian growled angry. 'I must contradict, Jian-san. Kageyami-sama had got a weak body when he was a child. He barely died when he was a baby... his heart was too weak. But actually he became a great wizard.'

'My master is a strong person. He helped my folk and we all are proud that he is our king.' Jian-san became louder. 'I can imagine that he would be a good king, but I wonder why he chose Kageria...'


The sea was rough and let the ship bob up and down. Then the light became brighter and a refreshing breeze streamed in my mouth. It was like the night turned into the day. We left the dust of doom and the air was better to breathe. It was a relief. 'We escaped!' I sighed delight and jumped on my feet. But I was still too weak so I fell down on my knees. Jian-san laughed. 'Haha, don't overdo it. And I am able to see you complete now.' He winked and hepled me to return to the bench.

'Wow, your hair is beautiful, Iori-san! Such a nice blue!' He looked surprised. 'Eh..? What?' I was surprised, too and blushed. 'That's not true... what are you talking about?'

'Of course it is! You look more handsome during the daylight. Iori-san is cute though.' He smiled and seemed happy. I blushed darker and looked away. 'No... not at all...' Then he hugged me. 'I am glad you're feeling better, Iori-kun. Please call me Jian-kun as well, okay? 'San' is too formal.'

I giggled. 'Sure. Why not, Jian-kun?' Finally I found in this young butler who wasn't much older than me a new friend.

'You two are getting along pretty good.' Arashi-san interrupted and threw a glanze behind him where we sat. Actually we did. We were on the same wavelength and in love with an Ameryu. 'Yes, Jian-kun became a friend of mine.' I said smiling. 'You're too kind...' Jian-kun looked down. 'I never had a friend who lives not in Kageria.' 'What about Kageyami-san?' 'He is not my friend, only my master. Unfortunately...' He sighed and I patted on his shoulder. 'Cheer up! I am sure he likes you a lot, too.' 'Hm...'

'Just to think about it... how old are you, Jian-kun?

'Eh? Well... I am about 22 years old. And you?


After this time in prison and loneliness I escaped and found a new friend when he was necessary. And now I was at Arashi-sans side again, too. Maybe I was able to return at Yamihiro-samas side, too? We would see when we would reach Thorajon.


~Chapter 11 will follow soon~

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