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rp with animelover19912014


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"Its time for you to go to your father. And don't try to get free. Master Fuji made these. You need his blood to open them". The butler pulls Yuma to him and shifts to the battle field.. when the guard gets to the battle field Fuji turns to him and says "bring him here." The guard brings Yuma to Fuji.

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Yuma continues to struggle to get free of the chains he was currently locked in and then looked at his father shaking his head telling him not to give in to the man

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Fuji takes hold of Yuma and looks him in the eyes. He smiles like a wolf and says "Your son has been well taken care of and I took him to prove a point not because I can't win." Fuji says to Yuma so do you have the guts to attack some free roaming demons that had not hurt anyone to start a war because you were board too? Just like your father." He spits the word father like it's poison.

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Yuma glared at him lightly "I would right now but that is because you have kidnapped me" Yuma then slammed his head in to him trying to get out of his hands so that he could get to his father and go home

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Fuji laughs and says "So that's how you are. Your just like your father..." Fuji pulls out a dagger and holds it to Yumas neck. "If that's the case then neather you nor your father should be allowed to love." He then Slashes deeply into Yumas neck. Not enough to kill him but enough to paralyze him. Fuji releases Yuma and steps forward.

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Yuma crumbled to the ground unable to put pressure to his neck he knew that he would soon bleed to death. seeing his son bleeding on the ground sent the king in to a rage and he charged at the demon

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Fuji moves out of the way easily. His body that of a wild beast when he moves. He licks the dagger and his blood starts to boil. He he became the demon king because of an ability. The ability to change form. When he gets the blood of a victim in his mouth he can change more easily... into a golden wolf. He growls at the Elf king and bares his breath as a sign of challenge. The other demons start to yell "yes our king is serious. He will get revenge." But one speaks up that no one knows. "That man was not originally a Demon. He was a child just like any other. His parents sold him to the demon king prior and he was turned into one."

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not caring what he heard the king charged at the wolf determined to get revenge for his son and his people. Yuma slowly faded in to darkness. seeing that his son was fading fast the king move quickly so that he could get him home

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Fuji leaned over Yuma and growled at the Elf King. Fuji after a little while rips into his leg using his death and let's his blood drip into the young prince's mouth. His blood having healing properties will heal Yuma but it will make him like Fuji a half demon.

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the king growled and continued to attack him he knew what the blood would do to his son and he wasn't going to let it happen. the king was angry he knew this was now going to keep his son from taking over the throne when it was his time

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Fuji growled and jumped back. He wasn't going to let Yuma die and this man wouldn't stop him. He launched himself at the ing and bit down on the kings shoulder.

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The king Growled and tossed him off and then charged at him. The king was furious he couldn't save his sone since he could already see that blood changing his son

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Fuji dreaded himself from being thrown back and runs toward the king. Suddenly the voice that had been bugging him in his dreams surfaces and says in such a commanding voice that runs through his body. Fujis body freezes and makes him unable to move. He growls and for one split second his eyes go back to that of a normal elf. Which is what he was originally.

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the King froze for a moment when he saw the eyes of an elf but not for too long cause he knew if he did that he would be leaving himself open for an attack and he didn't want or need that cause for that moment what he needed was to get his son and get him home where they could help him and turn him back to an elf

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Although Fu j tries to move he is unable to. The small voice has taken over. Unable to move he can't protect himself from the Elf King.

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Seeing his chance the King stabs him and then pulls his sword out and then walks over to his son and picks him up holding him close

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fuji looks at the king and says, "for the chance to change back you must feed him my blood and manderine root." fuji then pulls out the manderine root and smears his blood on it. "this will counter act the demon blood." fuji says while taking a few steps forward. his body going numb. his eyes that are usually bright start to go dull as he starts to die.

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the king did as he needed to and then he ordered his men to tend to the demon man. Yuma was then picked upa nd taken to the kings tent so that he could be tended to

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Fuji starts to go back to being an Elf but that will take a long time. If he survives. The other demons that were watching and others start to revert back to Elves as well.

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the Kings men tends to him making sure that he lives so that the prince can decide what happens to him since he was the one who had been taken

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Fuji continues to slowly change. His old dirt colored hair starts to turn a bright gold making his face stand out. His brown eyes start to look alive.

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