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Just thought I'd say "hello" and introduce myself. :) You can call me italics and, somehow, out of all the times I've looked for yaoi, I've never stumbled upon this site. So far, I'm super impressed; not only with the content, but the poeple here as well. You're all so nice! I feel so at home here. ^///^


I am a computer and network tech for a trucking company (though it is soon to be absorbed by swift) and have been in love with yaoi ever since I stumbled upon it at 13. ^^; I am 23, a guy, gay and am pretty shy in real life, though on the internet I've always been a bit more open. I am also a chatter box, enigmatic and quite random; my prefered choice of phrasing being a mix of stolen classic terms and oddly childish things as well. *Blushes* (For instance, I just found out that "learnt" is no longer in the dictionary. Holy shit.) Although I am a computer tech, with my recent coming out, I am planning to do something I've always dreamed of doing instead. Plan to start going to school to be a beautision. I've always loved doing make-up and nails and I think it would probably be the one thing I would never tire of.. That or being a concert pianist, but I'm no where near good enough for that. ^^;


Anyways, feel free to ask me anything you'd like.. I'm all up for meeting new friends. :D

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! It's very nice to meet you and I hope you will enjoy yourself here~

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Hallo italics. Nice to meet you and a warm welcome to the Yaoi Otaku community. My name is Paul and I live in Amsterdam, Holland. I hope you will have a happy time on this Forum. :)




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hello... can i be your friend too?... :)

oh...and welcome to the YO community...im sure you'll have loads of fun here..


>>Sugoi! :_red_fox 6 i think you're awesome..

(unfortunately for me..everything i'm a no good at...computers, fixing myself and music *laughs*)

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, i wish you all the happiness you deserve!...

good luck with the new chapter of your life..ganbatte!

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hello... can i be your friend too?... :)

oh...and welcome to the YO community...im sure you'll have loads of fun here..


>>Sugoi! :_red_fox 6 i think you're awesome..

(unfortunately for me..everything i'm a no good at...computers, fixing myself and music *laughs*)

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, i wish you all the happiness you deserve!...

good luck with the new chapter of your life..ganbatte!


Arigatou gozaimasu, demo mada jozu jarimasen! ^-^;


*bows low and quick*

Kokoro atatakaku omotenashi kudasari, kokoro kara kansha moushiagemasu! Douzo yoroshiku onegaishimasu, Fibi-sama. ^//^




--- PS: I totally can't speak japanese worth a shit anymore. ^^; I also seem to only remeber kana, katakana and romaji. :/ Time to pick up japanese again! ---

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It is nice to meet you!

I hope you make friends here and enjoy your time with us.

Welcome to YO!

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Welcome to YO! ^^

I hope you enjoy your stay here! :)


Have fun! :D


PS: i have many things to say! XD

"learnt" is no longer in the dictionary? the hell?! O_O i had no idea!! ahhah oh boy... i should check the english dictionary once in a while! ^^''

Also, if you really end up going to school in order to become a beautision, good luck! ;D

i think it's a good thing to work as! making people more beautiful and make them feel more happy about themselves! :)

and i would love to know how to play the piano! *_*

oh well, i guess that's it. :p

sorry for the spam!

have fun here! ^_^

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whew!! i definitely have to google what you said up there

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*pats your head, laughs*


wow.. too many things to do ei...


well remembering umm...kana, katakana and romaji.. its a start..

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I didn't think of your message as spam! I have been kind of ranting.. *blushes* I went on about so many random things, it only makes sense to comment on some of them. lol

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AH, yes, sorry. ^^; I saw the 'sugoi' and 'ganbatte' and though maybe you spoke japanese. :x I don't often meet people that do, so I have a tendency to try to speak it at them, only to fail miserably and reaffirm just how bad my japanese has gotten. lol

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Sorry, my bad Dear... i only have few japanese phrases stored in my head, mainly from the anime i watched. . .

i just really like such expressions because by themselves,,, they have this certain, umm... impact.

(i don't know though. maybe it's just in my head)...:_red_fox 14


but when i say them... i definitely mean them, not just to sound cool :)

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Wah, kawai desu~! >////


I'm happy that you accepted my friends request.. you really seem sweet!

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sweet?..neh,,, you're too kind... *embarrassed*

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..we're friends now...*smiles,messes your hair*

now prepare yourself because i'm gonna annoy you for all eternity...leaf2

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*Giggles and blushes* Ok! And I'm sure I'll be perfectly happy to be annoyed by you. rabbit4

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