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Criminal Love


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Author's Notes: I may have written this but I had a lot of help from SakiOda 0.0 She sorta became my editor. She makes sure I focus on point or else this story would be really messed up and a random unicorn would pop up out of nowhere o3o it really would. So she helped me come up with the concept of this story. Thank you!


Also if it is just in italics it is a flashback


If it is in italics and bold it is Jack's thoughts




8 months ago Jack Mills lost the love of his life and his whole world crumbled. Now 8 months later he is coping by starting to work under his father in the FBI. What surprises and twist await him as he enters this new chapter in his life.


Status: On-Going





A Little Tipsy Mistake


A lone man walked out of his empty home and looked around the front door then made his way to the jet black car parked under the snow on the street. It was mid October and it had already started to snow. He looked up at the grayish blue sky no sun in view. Not that it would matter. His days had not been bright since his lover’s death. He had buried the only man he would ever love this last January. He walked to the car and slowly opened the door to set his eyes on the picture on the dashboard. It was them. He remembered clearly when they took that picture. It was the day of their first date in the park.


“Come on Jack just one please.” He begged his boyfriend. “You are such a child. Why keep pictures?” Jack snickered and held the man on his lap. “I want to catalog these memories. So you will always remember me and I will always remember you, Jack.” Isaac smiled as he looked up. Isaac saw the boy’s perfect deep forest green eyes and soft hazel hair that framed his face just perfectly. He couldn’t help himself anymore he tilted the younger boy’s chin upwards and kissed his tendered pink lips softly as Jack snapped the picture of them.



Jack shook his head and smiled softly as he ran his thumb softly at the boy’s face on the picture. He missed every part of him. The waking up in the morning to a pillow in the face and if he didn’t wake up the first time Isaac would get his little squirt gun and start shooting him with it. He missed the brunches and just sitting on the couch and cuddle while Isaac watched his crime shows. Still it had been ten months since that faithful day. He can’t keep wallowing in the past anymore. Jack turned the car and let the hum of the motor and the mindless talk of the morning radio host slowly take him away from reality as he drove to his work.


It was a normal day nothing had changed and even if it had Jack wouldn’t have noticed it he didn’t notice much these days. He stopped at the stop light and looked around at the people in the streets all bundled up and saw a couple in the corner of the street holding hands and then his heart started to sting like someone had stabbed him in the heart. That used to be him holding Isaac’s hand waiting on the sidewalk. He looked closer at the couple and stared at the younger man of the couple as they walked across the crosswalk in front of his car.


The light turned green and he kept on driving to his job. Jack Mills was the son of the Director of the FBI. He decided to follow in his father’s footsteps and joined the FBI this past month he passed his test and today was his first day as a Special Agent. He pulled into the parking complex and drove all the way up to his place. He got out and made his way to his new job. It was basic procedure at the door he got searched and all metal items and his shoes went into the box as he walked through the metal detector. On the other side he received his items again and then led to his department.


“Hey, Mike I will take him from here.” A young man that could not be that much older than Jack himself called out as he intercepted both of them. The man he now knew as Mike smiled and nodded. “He is all yours Kevin. Better an ex newbie to lead a newbie around. You are in good hands kid.” Mike said as he walked back to his position in the front of the building.


“Hey kid I am your partner. They thought it be funny to stick two of the newest people together. I do not mind. Alright so this is your desk and right across of it is mine.” Kevin explained as he pointed to the two old desks with old coffee mug stains stuck in them. “They aren’t exactly the best but you know budget cuts only the big dogs can afford to get new desks. Come one we need to get you your badge, ID, and gun. There is a case already that the boss wishes us to work on. Ready to get your feet wet newbie?” Kevin asked.


It took awhile for Jack to take everything. He was finally here. After all he has had to endure the last few months with all the emotions in him trying to tell him that it isn’t worth it anymore that he should just give up that there would not be anything that would make his life worth living again after his death. Jack smiled a bit and quickly caught it and went back to his stone face façade. “Yeah let’s get going. So what kind of assignment is this?” Jack asked curiously.


“Well lately he has been assigning allot of the agents to this old assignment. Apparently close to a year ago there was a breach in security and thousands of files were stolen. Because of that mistake a lot of the witness protection people had to be relocated. The hole that allowed the leak came from the FBI network. Ever since then the CIA, DEA, NCIS, and the entire alphabet have been our asses. Especially the Marshalls they had to work all night long to try and get all the witnesses relocated. So right now the FBI is not on good terms with anyone. Our job is to see how they got access to our network and what exactly they took. The boss said he wanted new eyes on the case so he summoned us.” Kevin explained as they walked to a huge meeting room.


Jack had heard about it on the news. It was a huge scandal. Some secret details about our troops and firepower had also been taken. He walked into the meeting room and everywhere around him where papers and other agents discussing and pictures of different type of international felons all over the walls. Jack was handed papers and told to sort them out in different piles. Some of the things on the sheets had been crossed over with black marker. So he started his first day.


Kevin looked at his watched and smiled. “Alright everyone it is 9 pm you know what that means, time to go home. Well you do not have to go home but you cannot stay here. I’m talking to you Jason I heard the old lady laying into you earlier today. Haha” It had already been 10 hours since he had arrived to his first day. He stretched and got up from his chair. He was so soar had not gotten up from that place since this afternoon after lunch. “Hey Jack you coming newbie? They guys and I are going to the bar. We are going to keep Jason from the wrath of his wife a bit longer!” Kevin joked as he winked at Jason. “Man at least I got a lady to go home to what do you have Showtime!” Jason shot back. Everyone in the office laughed. It had been awhile since Jack had gone out. “Alright I will go.” He decided and headed out to the local bar with them.


“Alright! Alright! Listen up you drunks! Today we dedicate this toast to our new agent! Jack all the drinks are on us today drink up buddy and suffer the hangover tomorrow.” Kevin laughed as he down his shot of vodka. Jack was given shot after shot. He tried to reject them when he felt himself getting too drunk but it was futile the shots kept on coming and then his vision all started to mix into one big blur the rest of that night was black. He could not remember any of it.




“Stupid alarm clock!” Jack yelled out as he tried to reach and destroy the wretched thing that emitted that awful noise. He couldn’t find it so he gave up and nuzzled deeper into the naked chest of the person on the bed…..wait…..naked chest……..


Jack shot up from the bed and looked back down on the bed it was Kevin. It was his FBI partner Kevin in his bed. In his bed NAKED!! What exactly had happened last night? Did he and Kevin….No they couldn’t of…Could they? Jacks cheeks turned a deep red as all the possibilities ran through his head and then he heard a groan come from Kevin….




Author's Note: I will be posting a chapter of this story on the Monday's and Friday's of every week so expect a new chapter new Monday!

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My computer has been down and I have lost all my files including this story's one I apologize and will get this story on as soon as I can retype it all out.

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