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What is your essece? Who are you?


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Good day, Zeta ^^ greets you kindly.


The question is, what is your essence?


Who are you? , include anything and how did you discover it was you.



Thank you! and thanks for sharing~!!!



(I need ideas for me, I need to find out what is my essence.) rabbit12

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Good evening

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;) Your question is very hard I think. I have 28 yeas but I still don't know my essence, I still search it xD Maybe it hide from me

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What do you mean by, "what is your essence"?


I have never come across a question like this before in my LIFE. It sounds interesting but I will not hide my shock to stumbling across such a question.


I've heard of people trying to find out what their animal spirit is but essence... I am intrigued by the topic.

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I can't said what
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think about it, but for me essence in our is things which is importent in depths of your soul, making you are that you are, which makes you feel that your life makes seans.

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That is a very deep topic for discussion... Not sure many people truly know what their "essence" is.


Might think something but next day realise essence is something different. Things change, people change, circumstances change...

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Good luck finding your answer hun

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For me essence is what gives you the drive to do something. Who you are or like an example a perfume its scent is unique it defines it amongst other perfumes. I asked for the reason of what drives you? and why.? what is that essence?

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Thank you for answering. rabbit0

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essence means that which makes you you.. for example: the chair.. the essence of the chair is the chairness of the chair.. this is actually a very hard discussion because it does not solely means like "the depths of a person's soul etc".. it is much more than that.. i am sure that many repliers of this thread are having a hard time thinking what their essence is especially if they/you don't know anything about it.. here's a link talking about essences by Philosopher's Kant and Hegel.. Enjoy.

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  • 1 year later...

I am. Everything I was gifted with. Everything I am cursed with.

My Personal Concious. My Personal Subconcious. My Collective Unconcious.

My Genes. A Human, but more...

My Goods. My Flaws. My Experiences. What I was taught to Like and what Not. What I Like and Not.

My Past. My Future.

My Way. Maybe Nothing of all that...

A Brother, A Friend and Enemy.

Lonely? Hungry?

A Thinker who prefers to not to Think...

Someone who prefers to not be put into one Drawer.


But of all That I would prefer

A Dreamer.


I am M1st3rSk3l3t0n...


(P.S.: Add: Imma pathetic rambler! o.O)

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...Funny enough, I was about to watch anime when just happened to poke through the forums.

how to put it, I firstly think we should talk about the essence of a human.

how far you are from it, and how close yet you get to it. Frankly, the question divides

into two main points, the existence of a human being, its characteristics

and the subjective conscious of your essence, what you think you see or feel.


Simply enough, I don't think a human is capable of wrapping up the full meaning of 'own essence'.

Though it'd be intriguing to try it.


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-san - My bad, I missed it the first time I read it. Thanks for the hint though. Got it the second time around.


*stares at your forehead* One day Saga-san, one day ...


Anyway here's my answer -


Okay first off, interesting question. Very interesting question.


Let me start with a quote I read.


“The energy of the mind is the essence of life.”

- Aristotle -


*thinks* Okay, so I don't agree with this quote. I mean I do, but not completely. Sorry Aristotle. No offence ._. But yeah, while he does make a point, I beg to differ. And while I could go on and on, I'll just make this short and sweet. For me,


The essence of a person is who the person is.


*grins cheekily*


I'd like to end with a quote as well.


"We can invest enormous time and energy in serious efforts to know another person, but in the end, how close can we come to that person's essence? We convince ourselves that we know the other person well, but do we really know anything important about anyone?"

- Haruki Murakami -


If you read this, thanks xD Be happy I didn't ramble too much.

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Two greats minds out from your quotes.

My favorite non-philosophical writer is Haruki Murakami. (:


However, I do agree with Aristotle.

But before I state how and so, they say, if you don't oppose a great mind,

you will never reach their level. Even if the opposing side is not completely right.




The mind is something indifferent, until you give it a meaning.

A dead spirit can never move forth a healthy body, however a ruined body can be moved by a strong spirit.

Here though I'd like to explain the sub-meaning of 'spirit'. To me, spirit is bound to the mind.


Life has an essence once the mind is awake.

No one says what your reason of living is, simply enough for your mind's essence difference.

Frankly enough, the mind is indifferent when you reach balance between the bad and the good.

Then again, can we say that the true essence of one is based fully onto the subjective balance?

Because being a human is not as easy as it sounds, and yet...it's so simple to be.


-grins plainly-



To be, or not to be- that is the question:

Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer

The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune

Or to take arms against a sea of troubles,

And by opposing end them.


'Essence' will never spin solely around your own 'personality',

for it is a result of one hundred reasons. And 'essence' could fit

the title of a one-hundred-and-one reason.

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That's just what I thought about reading those quotes...

Then I thought "Blueberry Pie!!" then "De-di-du-de-do-de Batmaaan!"

Then about how I'd look like in carbonite...

And then that ZETA originally wanted to ask with this thread, what THRIVES us...

If our lives were a cart, then our past would push the wagon and our future the carrot that taunts or... humiliates us :p

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Eeeh, no!

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Theres just that Three Meter Big Monster in my Head that tells me the whole Day that Im NuTz!

Then it forces me to do shit for giggles aand...

Then it rapes me...

(Quote about my essence = End)

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Yep. Definitely on weed-cookies. Anyway, let's not spam this thread.


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I will reply to your reply tomorrow.

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truth of it is Saga I never realized I'd get to see you on this old thread of mine. It is nice to see you, my intention was a brief explanation of a drive. I suppose that the who idea of being put, or evolving into what we know as a human on earth is similar to a child lost in a forest. Usually there is no way to answer everything without invoking new questions. I think of one's essence as the drive to push forward and allow one to live. It is hard to think of it in depth and I guess this is one of those questions that surge each time I think of my own existence. As my affinity to blue roses, since they don't physically exist I suppose that is the impossible, no matter how impossible is you still believe it exists. I think that is what essence in my idea is a something no matter how impossible is your drive and that is your essence.


I apologize for making you, or anyone who read this dizzy I am a foolish "person". .


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