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My Penpal Is A WHAT!? (Esteron)


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Name: Jinero Patterson (goes by Jin)


Age: 22


Bio: Jinero was born in Japan but lived most of his life in the USA from the age of 9 due to his father's job. During middle school he met his penpal through a year project to learn about people in other countries. Even after the project was over he continued to write letters to the other and became very close friends with him.



Looking at his watch Jinero sighed softly as he ran his fingers through his two colored hair seeing a green lock teasing against his nose. Today was the day he'd meet the person he had written to for the past 8+ years for the first time ever face to face. Smiling lightly he couldn't help but feel giddy but at the same time feel nervous as hell as he could already feel the sweat building on his palms. Biting his bottom lip Jin took a few deep breathes as he did his best to calm his nerves and sighed feeling as people stared at him as they walked by.


Then again he was sitting at a table beside a large window with black and green hair and a full on black and green outfit with guyliner around his eyes. Sipping his coffee the male looked at his watch once more seeing it was about five more minutes before the designated meeting time. Jin had worked hard to make sure he got to the right cafe a little earlier than they had planned to, he was in a whole new country for that matter having braved a 18 hour flight across the world away from home. Just thinking about being alone with a stranger made his adrenaline rise but knew he could handle himself if trouble would strike out at him. Glancing out the window Jinero continued to watch for his friend hoping they would be able to recognize each other from their phone call earlier.

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Name: Nagaki Kushimoto (only called as Naga)

Age: 21


Nagaki - short Naga - was borned and lived in Japan. He was an excellent studdent and had to be adult very fast, because he had to take care of his little siblings until he moved from home. Now he has got his own apartment and is still studying science. After all he is sometimes really clumsy and causes trouble with this behavior. Since he was thirteen he had got a penpal with whom he still wrote - and today was finally the day they would met each other...



Naga had a look on the clock of his mobile. 'Oh dear! Only five minutes to get to the cafe!' he said to hisself and rushed forwards. He woke up late, because he studied for the next exam and had not much time to dress decent. So he only wore a non-ironed shirt and black pants and his hair were a bit messy, too.

Of course the traffic light turned to red just before he could reach the cafe. The streets were still wet after the heavy rain before - and his bad luck continued. A car drove through a deep puddle and the dirty water splashed towards him. His white shirt had now brown spots and he was nearly complete soaked.

'You're kidding!' Naga thoughts angry and cursed lightly. Then the traffic light turned to green and he rushed further.

Finally he entered the cafe - It was one minute after the meeting time. 'Green.. green clothes... black and green..' He looked around and saw a young man with green and black hair and clothes sitting beside a large window sipping his coffee. He walked towards him, but missed a step so he stumbled and fell on his knees. 'Ouch...'

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Sighing Jin began to play with the his stirring stick as he checked his watch once again to see that it had been a minute past the meeting time. "Hope he didn't change his mind..." Just then the male was about to get up but jumped startled and yelped falling back but caught himself with his hands in time to see someone in his lap. Blinking it took a moment before he sat up straighter and looked down at his visitor. "Kushimoto-san? Nagaki Kushimoto?" The male carefully spoke then stood helping the other up brushing him off as he did then noticed that it was indeed his friend he was going to meet up with.


"Holy crap you really did run into me!" The male laughed teasingly and patted his shoulder. "Its finally nice to meet you in person, and its me Jin if you forgot..." The boy teased winking to the other and smirked. "Oi sit down how about I get you something to drink then maybe we can catch up alright?" Jin couldn't help but to smile feeling so happy his friend didn't ditch him and now they could get to know each other more face to face, all nervousness began to vanish from him and be replaced with excitement.

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Surprised Naga looked up and was helped to get on his feet. 'Y-yes. I am Nagaki Kushimoto.' he replied still disordered from his clumsiness.

After he heared that the young and handsome guy was really this Jin he smiled relieved. 'It is really you! Finally we are able to meet each other for real.' He was happy to see him face to face and that he managed it to meet him. 'That is nice, thanks. How was your journey? Sitting for about 18 hours in a plane has to be very exhausting. Well, we can go to my place so you don't need to carry your baggage any longer.' In Nagas opinion Jin was more handsome in reality than on the pics he sended him in the past. It was the right decision to resolve it and ask him about meeting each other.

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Hearing the offer to go to Nagaki's house already was relieving but at the same time a little nerve wrecking since this would be their first outing and everything but then again getting his heavy bags off his person sounded like a great idea at the moment. "Sure sounds great, we can always come back for tea...do you mind if I shower? I'm pretty sure I don't smell like a basket of roses..." He shyly chuckled and then picked up his duffle bag and grabbed the handle of a much larger suitcase. "Shall we be off?" The male smiled softly looking to him gently as he started to follow after Nagaki toward his home as he wondered what it was like.

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Naga laughed. 'Of course you can and if you like you can take a bath instead. Since I moved I finally have a bath tub.' Seeing the boy carrying the heavy baggage he added: 'Let me carry one, too. You needn't to do it by your own.' He said and took the large suitcase off. Outside the cafe a cold wind blew in his face. Today's weather wasn't in a good mood and turned bad again. 'We should hurry a bit. It is getting stormy again. But fortunately my home isn't far away from here - it is adversed the university of science whose top you can already see over there.' He pointed down the road.

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Smiling Jinero nodded at the thought of submerging himself into a tub of hot water sounded simply divine, it made his stomach flip flop as he could hardly wait. Walking with the male he was about to protest about Naga taking his bag but soon let him. Stepping out the cafe he looked over to see the rumbling clouds in the distance and the cold air whipping his hair around his face making him shiver. "Yeah we better hurry, it looks like it's gonna storm any minute." He smiled and started walking in the right direction as he couldn't help but look at the architecture of the buildings. The city was beautiful but so busy with all the people walking around here and there, "Do you go to the university there?"

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He quickened his pace when it started raining. 'Yes, I am still studying there. So I can sleep longer and go by foot to get there. It is really useful. Oh dear... why couldn't it rain only ten minutes later...?' He looked worried to the heavy clouds and hoped it wouldn't turn into a typhoon. Currently it was the typhoon season and the town was untroubled by them until now. 'Are you able to walk faster? The weather may turn really bad - and then we don't want to be outside in any way.' Naga added sorrowful. 'And the window in the kitchen is still open...'

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Suddenly Jinero felt the ice cold water start to fall onto his body making him tremble and start up a light jog nodding. "Nah a typhoon wouldn't develope this fast outside of warm water, the worse we can probaly get is a flood and severe thunder storm! Don't worry I'll help you clean up your kitchen but right now we better hurry before your place floods!" The male laughed as he continued to run with Naga feeling the cold water splashing against his legs and the clashing of thunder drumming above them. Once they reached Naga's home Jin was soaked all the way through his clothes as he could feel them sticking to his flesh and it made him shiver from the cold air. "Oi Naga you should take a hot bath too, would hate to have you spend your vacation in the hospital fighting pnemonia." Smiling lightly the male set his bags down and followed the other into the kitchen as he started to help close the window feeling more of the cold rain slapping against him.

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When they reached Naga's home he rushed directly into the kitchen and fought against the wind. 'Y-yes, I know, but you should take a bath first. Meanwhile I can clean the kitchen. You're my guest, you know? You shouldn't work.' he laughed and looked to the drenched boy. 'You look like you took a bath with everything you're wearing. I'll let the water into the bath tub. And you need some dry clothes, too.' He said while walking into the bath put the bung into the efflux and opened the water-tap. Then he went to his bedroom, took his shirt of and gibbet it over the backrest of a chair. 'So... what clothes can I offer you?' he said opened the small cupboard. His wet hair dropped and the water ran down his back.

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Looking down at his clothes Jin laughed as the male spoke and followed him into the bedroom tugging off his shirt and hung it over his shoulder as he looked around the incredibly tidy room admiring it. "Oi you should at least dry your hair." He chuckled and shook his head, "Its alright I have some clothes in my bag, I'll go get them and head for the bathroom alright?" With that Jin winked to Naga and walked off going into the living room opening up one of the suitcases to take out a simple band shirt, some boxers, and a pair of shorts to wear since it didn't look like they'd leave the house now. Walking back to where Naga was Jin softly waved to him, "I'll be in the bath now, don't work too hard okay?" Winking he headed for the bathroom slowly shutting the door behind him then proceeded to strip out of the wet clothes softly humming to himself.


After a hot bath Jinero walked out into the kitchen patting a towel on his head, "Oi that bath really hit the spot, I started running some fresh water for you Naga, so go ahead and take your bath now. I promise to still be here when you get out." The boy teased his friend as he had smelled of lavender and vanilla from the soap he had brought from home.

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While Jin was in the bathroom Naga cleaned the kitchen. He mopped up all of the water with a floor rag and sighed after finishing. It was new that someone visited his flat so he was nervous doing everything right and being a good host. But while he put the floor rag away into a small corner in his bedroom he tripped over it and made some noise. 'Damned...' he cursed lightly. Embarrassing he took a towel out of his cupboard and rub his hair with it to dry his a bit. Then he went back into the kitchen and prepared some tea when he heared Jin coming out of the bathroom.

'That's nice. Thank you, Jin. Hope you don't freeze anymore? So you can have some tea when I take a bath.'

When he passed him the smell of the lavender and vanilla was streamed into his nose. It was a likeable smell he thought and went into the bathroom.

There he undressed hisself and went into the bath tub. The smell of Jin's soap was still in the air.

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Simling Jin nodded and waved to his friend watching the male walking off as he looked to see the tea waiting for him on the counter. Walking over he took the cup and had a little sip in time to watch Naga walking away, "Don't drown in there, I'll be waiting for you in the living room." He spoke then went into the living room finding the tv remote and turned it on sighing happily as he relaxed back into the couch careful not to spill his tea. The small place looked really nice and tidy, he was guessing Naga was good at housework but either way didn't mind if he wasn't but was flattered to see the place so clean for his arrival.


Once Naga came back Jin was on his second cup of tea and smiled to the other, "Oi about time I was getting lonely out here." He casually teased as he stood up and walked over to Naga patting the boy's head, "Thanks for the tea, it was so delicious I had another cup. Oi how did you get that bruise?" The male pointed out a small dark mark on the boy's shoulder looking very worried. "Did you fall again? Are you alright?"

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The hot water was very comfortable for him and enjoyed the time. Then - he almost fell asleep - hurried to get out of the tub. He went out and toweled hisself and put the dry clothes on: A bit far darkblue pants and a shirt which was woren open.

So he went out the bath and went over to the living room seeing Jin sitting on the couch with a cup of tea. 'Ah, so you already feel at home.' Then hold his shoulder embarrassing. 'Unn... I tripped again when I went out the tub... I am so clumsy..' he said and ran his hand over his shoulder. 'It is the third time today...'

Well, he was glad that he hadn't hurt hisself too bad when he tripped. He laughed lightly. 'I am used to it and could survive until now. Well, are you hungry? Should I cook something?'

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Shaking his head he softly sighed and smiled kissing the light mark on the male as he patted his head. "You gotta be more careful Naga...its dangerous." With that he ruffled his head once again as he heard the question and his stomach began to growl. "Well I hope that answered your question I'm starving, urm how about I make you something instead? You've already done a lot for me so its my turn to do something for you." Honestly he was terrified of what could happen if he left Naga alone in the kitchen with a lot of sharp knives and not to mention the stove.

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'Eh...' he blushed and was short speechless, then heard Jin's stomach growling. 'Haha... Yes, that is a powerful answer. And you really want to cook? You are certainly exhausted from the long trip, but if you want it it is okay.' He shrugged and tilted his head. 'I look forward to taste a meal what is made by you.' Then he laughed lightly. Maybe it was better to let him cook their meal - Naga was a good cook, but when he was in clumsy-mode it could happen that the meal wasn't more than something burnt. 'So what do you want to cook? I'll help you and tell you where the things are you need.' He smiled and showed Jin the inside of the cupboards - where the dishes, spicery and pots were.

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Jin smiled as he was allowed to do some cooking for them and paid attention to where everything were as he nodded then smiled to his friend. "Alright I'll make something delicious for us to eat!" With that the male took out a few pots and pans, spices, the ingredients he'd need, and cooking utensils. "You go relax and I'll call you when its ready okay?" Smiling Jin shooed the male off and then looked over everything he had set out, "Lets cook!"


It took at least half an hour for the male to cook up something but once he finished he called for his friend, "Naga! Dinner!" Looking at the counter Jin had made a chicken and vegetable stir-fry with noodles, a side salad, and a little bit of soup with some fresh warm tea to drink.

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Naga exploited the time while Jin was cooking with tidying up his bedroom and put some dirty clothes in the washer. In the morning he wasn't able to do some chores so it was the best time to do it then when Jin wasn't really be able to see it. Then he sat down on the chair to take a short break - he was kind of nervous since Jin was here.


After a short while he heard him calling for him so he went to the kitchen and saw the huge meal Jin conjured up. He was really impressed. 'W-wow! I didn't expect that you could come up with such a great meal made of the ingredients I had here. You're a great cook, Jinero.' He laughed and added 'And it is been a long time since I could eat a meal like this. During the week I don't have the time to cook really.'

Naga helped him to carry the dishes to the table where he sat down on a wooden chair.

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Hearing such sweet praises the male couldn't help but to lightly blush a little surprised and smiled wide, "Its no problem I live alone so cooking for myself has given me a lot of practice..." He chuckled lightly as he let Naga help him take the items to the table. Taking a seat he smiled gently to the other as he picked up his cutlery then dug into his meal feeling very hungry. "I hope its not too spicy for you, I do enjoy eating some spicy foods every now and then..." He lightly smiled as he continued to eat and glancing to the other every once in a while. "Yeah I can understand being a student it must be tough doing everything on your own, especially eating a healthy nutritious meal instead of takeout or pizza every day..."

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  • 2 weeks later...

'I am used to live alone, too and to cook by my own. Since my father was so busy with his work and my mother past away. So I had to take care of my little siblings.' he said and smiled sadly. 'But my father married a short while after I left home so she is taking care of them.' Then he tasted the great looking meal and laughed. 'It tastes as it looks - really great. And I do like spicy food as well.' Happily he continued eating hungrily. 'Well, when I would always eat such unhealthy food during the week then I woulnd't be not so small like now.' he laughed. 'Sometimes of course, but I usually visit the cafeteria in the university.'

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