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+~+~~+~+Beauty In Death+~+~~+~+ October.Night&Vallewida (18+ [No Joke...])


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Sebastian heard a thud, and a small cry. Nothing got past his demonic hearing. He spun around and flung open the double doors, and found his charge sprawled on the floor, trying his damnedest to crawl. His face melted into an exasperated smile.


"My Dear Ciel...." He cooed. "You're as stubborn as you always were." He walked over and knelt to lift Ciel's head up. "Might you need some help, young Master?" His smile was coy, and exceptionally teasing.


Sebastian had no idea why he had to keep doing this to Ciel, but he had to keep on top of this one. No matter how powerful he was, Ciel was always foolishly up to challenging him. This boy was not one to go down without a fight, nor was he easily broken. If he didn't hold fast, he'd lose his grip on him. But oh, how he missed the old ways. But now, Sebastian had to own up to this, he had to take the reigns now. The demon kept telling himself that.


Never before had he dealt with such an insubordinate...subordinate! Ciel wasn't used to sitting next to the throne, only on it. It was a plush seat he refused to give up without a fight. Such a spoiled little brat. Coming to his senses he realized that the only way Ciel was to learn his new place, was to be as cold and ruthless as he was. Not like that really should be a problem. Sebastian was a feared Demon in his realm, and he refused to let a human child show him up. How dare he show that weakness for a second! He hated himself! His own demonic crown was at stake! So it was a fight of crowns, and Sebastian hated to lose. If only Ciel knew how much he had already lost.


"Mmmm...Ciel..." he ran a thumb over Ciel's lower lip. It was then that Ciel suddenly realized, his gloves were off. He could feel the demon's skin against his own. "I don't think you realize the situation you're in, and you're still fighting like there's a chance. Let me put it into perspective...." He then grabbed his chin and held it roughly. "You've lost. You're mine. Your mind, your body... your soul. Your part of of the contract is over and done. Fighting is going to get you nothing. I am more powerful than you, and I'd advise against forcing me to prove it. You're already broken beyond repair, no sense in completely destroying you....yet."

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  • OctoberNight


teal hair hid the face that looked up in shock to see Sebastian standing there. He was supposed to be downstairs in bed... Not here looking down at him like a Master and his... his Pet! He felt humiliated laying there on the floor at his feet. He grit his teeth firmly as he caught sight of that smile of his. It enraged him to see that smile, to see him look so amused to see him laying there on the floor. His body ached laying there at Sebastian's feet, the fall bruised his elbows from hitting the finely polished oak floor.


"You're... Teasing me again! I just wanted to get into my night clothes... There is no need to tease me like this Sebastian." Ciel grit his teeth as he made a very strong attempt to keep a cool level head about this situation. He was in no situation to fight back or to mouth back at him. A soft growl rumbled in Ciel's throat as he watched Sebastian simply stand over him.


Even just a simple movement from the bed to the dresser was difficult for him. How could Sebastian have made him so weak? It was almost as if that when he was taken by the Contract, this Demon intentionally made him weaker. Was this apart of his plan? Bring him back to slowly devour his soul and sit and watch in amusement as he tried to move around? Ciel had never seemed to come to the full realization that Sebastian was indeed a Demon, a twisted one at that.


As he looked away and tried to move again, disregarding the Demon to back to his task of getting himself dressed, those fingers dipped low to caress his lips. He stopped frozen on the floor before turning back up to Sebastian. Those eyes calmed down, like the ocean after a storm. Confusion flickered in their depths as he listened to him. What did he mean still fighting? Was he not supposed to try and do things on his own?


"Sebastian... Am I suddenly not allowed to move on my own? Is it uncouth of me to try and get my own pajamas? What happened to being an Adult Sebastian? Agh!" He winced when Sebastian grabbed him by the chin and forced him to listen. What was he crazy!?


"Sebastian! Let me go! Are you crazy!? Do you think I don't realize this! I just tried to get changed for bed!" He yanked his chin from Sebastian's grasp before glaring at him. "Are you afraid of me challenging you Sebastian? If you are well then, don't let me challenge you... Instead lets play a game... My pajamas..."


Ciel smiled as he lifted his arm to gently dab the clothing against his lower lip to remove the feeling of Sebastian's fingers on his flesh.


"Fetch Boy..."

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Red eyes flashed in anger at Ciel's words. Throwing his head to the side, Sebastian stood up and adjusted his coat.


"Get them yourself if you're such an adult." He stepped back and then sat down in a chair, eyes locked upon Ciel with a twisted grin. "Go on then...if you know so much, and are so willing to prove it..." he took a pause, to clasp his hands together. "That is, if you can even dress yourself, you self-entitled git."


Shadows of his true form danced over the form he took. Images of his horns protruding regally from his head, dark feathered wings cast eerie images on the wall behind him.


His look taunted Ciel, forcing him to make his own effort. "You will not always be this weak." Sebastian commented. "Perhaps when you're feeling more... 'up to par', you and I can play, but I don't think now's the time to be setting game rules, do you?" It was time to really let out the poison. "Now....do what you must...stumble...crawl...whatever need be, while I sit here and watch from my throne." he crossed his legs curtly, eyes still afire.



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"What did you call me you Filthy Hound!?" Ciel snapped loudly. completely outraged he fumed as he watched Sebastian easily glide across the floor, stepping over his quivering form as he laid there by the bed. He needed to watch his tongue, first he wants him to regain his movement, the next he is off about how Ciel is challenging him. Now he wanted to see him crawl and make it to the dresser So be it.


Through every jab that Sebastian spewed at him, mocking his position as he crawled along the floor. Ciel pushed through, as he turned away from Sebastian, going so far as to pretend he didn't exist for the moment. It had been so easy before. all he needed to do was sit there, and Sebastian was there to undress him and redress him, day and night. He didn't need to worry about anything. Now without that support he was on his own.


The candle in the corner of his room cast a soft glow over the furniture and Sebastian's face. It made it appear as if his ephemeral form was phasing in from the shadows. Ciel pushed through and crawled, painfully slow across the floorboards as Sebastian sat there and waited.


"If... Hnn.... That is... Hnn... Your Throne... Hnn... Then you have a long way.. ah... to go before you get to... My Throne..." Ciel kept pushing as he pulled himself up to the dresser. Pushing hard, Ciel forced himself to sit up and lean against the wooden structure to catch his breath. He smiled over at Sebastian as he reached up to pull the drawer out that held his pajamas.


"It's not Checkmate... Not yet..." No not until Sebastian had him quivering with fear... With this... Strange need he felt. It was like an over abundance of energy that kept building inside of his body without any way to dispel it. It had been like being a cat in heat that didn't know it was in heat.


Ciel groped around in the drawer until he pulled down the white sleep shirt he had worn. Of course what he had pulled out was the old sleep shirt he used to wear... It was much too short for him now. He glared over at Sebastian for a moment.


"Is there any sleeping clothes available that will Fit me Sebastian? I would have hoped that someone so Intelligent who was keeping a body to make it age, would have gotten some clothes that fit other than a suit..." Ciel nearly spit the venomed words at Sebastian.

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Sebastian let out a deep, amused chuckle.


"Of course I did...." He said, gesturing with his hand to the standing wardrobe that was across the room closer to him. "Since you didn't need to be reaching them, I put them somewhere more accessible to me." He sneered. "Come and get them."


He was relishing in this. It was so absolutely delicious.

"Oh and trust me, my dear Ciel....your throne is gone... I guarantee it. The closest thing you'll have to a throne now, is the floor at my feet, or my lap as you bow your head and lick my hand like a dog."


Did he just say his lap?!


He beckoned Ciel with his finger, like a pet.

"Don't make me whistle for you, Ciel...."



The demon's patience was growing thin. A small light at the horizon was coming up, and he was frustrated with this back and forth. "Come on, Ciel, I thought you liked games....? Or do you only like the ones where you make the rules?"

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It was that moment that Sebastian gestured to a standing wardrobe that Ciel's stomach sank. He had been playing with him. He had been... He knew he would go for his dresser, knew he wouldn't be able to walk over and simply grab what he needed. He couldn't walk, and he wouldn't be able to not without support... Support it looked like he wasn't going to be getting...


Stormy hues widened as he just stared at Sebastian for a moment. It came down to this... Crawl up and beg for his night clothes, or be forced to sleep in day clothes. Neither choice was appealing to him. He didn't want to do either. His teeth grit down as he threw the child's night shirt at Sebastian as he spoke in that taunting tone.


Ciel forced himself onto his throbbing knees and hands as he forced himself to crawl over to Sebastian. He was expected to sit down and beg, or be obedient, but no. Instead he grasped onto Sebastian's pant leg and then reached up to grasp onto the arm of the chair as he pulled himself up.


"Nnno.... Nnnneed.... Hhhhnnn... To Whistle..... AGH!" Ciel cried out as he pulled himself up to his feet. His entire body quivered horrendously as he forced himself to his feet as he supported himself heavily on the arms of the chair. He stared down into those blood stained hues with nasty glare.


"I'd... Rather... Rot in... Prison... Than be treated... Like a dog... Besides... I thought you.. Nnng... Hated dogs... Even ones with pedigrees..." Ciel mused to him with a smile as he trembled standing there before him.

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The demon merely watched the shirt flutter harmlessly to the floor nowhere close to him. He looked back up as Ciel started to crawl towards him. An evil grin spread across his face as he watched his former Master come up to him like a pet.



Sebastian's heart then gave a start as Ciel grabbed his pants leg, using him to pull himself up. The touch to his leg sent shivers shooting down his spine. For a moment, he was rendered speechless, but as soon as Ciel opened his mouth again....that deeper silky version of his voice. So different from when he first was laid to rest. Sebastian had almost forgotten about that little detail. And hearing him older, did something to his brain, something....to his body that he couldn't explain.


He soon regained his composure and watched Ciel struggle to hold himself up.

"Well, I had plenty of expertise with Pluto. Besides, were you not the Queen's faithful watchdog? I'd say that makes you a dog. One that I've become accustomed too, I'm afraid." He lifted his hand and put a finger over Ciel's silken lips. "Now, quit your yapping, pup. If you want into bed before daybreak, I'm afraid you're cutting it close."


For a moment, Sebastian's red eyes locked with Ciel's. There was silence.

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He couldn't believe how foreign his own voice sounded to him. It was deep, but it still retained tenor. He stared down hard at Sebastian for a long moment as he quipped at him again. Yes he was the Queen's Watchdog. However he was just that. Was The Queen's Watchdog. He was no longer such a person. He allowed Sebastian to have the last word there. There was no need to speak after such lines.


The sickening sound of a smack echoed through the room after a few moments....


Ciel stood there, with his right hand now crossed over his chest and Sebastian's head turned slightly to his own right side. His palm throbbed as he dared to strike Sebastian across the face. He had only struck him once in the past... After that strange encounter with the puppet... He waited a moment as Sebastian simply drank in what had just happened.


Like last time, Ciel simply turned away and began to transport himself over to the wardrobe. He stabilized himself against it as he pulled one of the doors open. Moving in silence, Ciel grabbed the newer outfit... There was a soft cotton shirt and pants... Was this new sleep clothes? They would have to do. Continuing to ignore Sebastian, he let himself slip back down onto the ground where he didn't have to fight to stand.


"If I am a Dog and you are my owner, then you should do a better job of taking care of me." Ciel muttered as he began to undo the buttons on his suit to begin peeling off the layers.

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Shock. Pure and simple. That was the first thing that shot through Sebastian's mind as he stayed still for only a moment. Then, a heat, an anger, blood boiling at the audacity Ciel had after he clearly stated the situation he was in, dared to even....


He was upon him in a rush of ebony feathers. Long sharp claws wrapped around his throat as he slammed Ciel to the floor on his back, straddling him, wings out and poised. Fangs shining, eyes on fire he stared down into those deep blue pools of his former Master's.

"You pathetic, miserable, weak little fuck!" He snarled. "I've met some stupid humans in my day but you're taking the cake on this one. There is a fine line between bravery and stupidity and trust me, you aren't the former in this case. Only a fool would continue to mock me as you have...."


Sebastian knew he could control himself better than this. But he was in charge and he hated being treated like he wasn't. All the things he had put up with over the years. Even the first time Ciel laid a hand on him in such a manner, he swallowed his pride as a demon and merely put an expected look of shock, and then a fake smile upon his face. Like he knew he deserved it, and was forced to apologize. No. No, not this time. Those days were over now.


"I was going to be relatively gentle the first time, but now, I feel you like it rough, Ciel." Those words sent a shiver down Ciel's spine. Why had those words been so alluring and embracing. Sebastian, didn't seem to catch his phrase and its dance into the realm of double entendre. "I think...." he continued in a low, threatening voice. "You like it better when it hurts....."

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His trembling fingers managed to get two buttons undone before the massive wall of muscle came barreling into him, forcing him back against the floor. The sound of his skull cracking against the wood echoed through the large room followed by a soft cry. Ciel's nightclothes drifted from his fingers to the floor as he tried to regain his surroundings. His brain was muddled while his vision swirled. He heard Sebastian curse at him just above his face as he laid there pinned to the floor.


The mark in his right eye began to flare to life with the anger of Sebastian's, forcing his eye to throb. His palm flew to the eyelid as he closed his eye to apply pressure to it.


"AHGH!!" His cry spewed from his lips before he could bite down on them and silence his pain.


It took him several moments laying there before he was able to even attempt to comprehend and make sense of Sebastian's words. What had he meant by the first time being gentle? Hadn't he already killed him? His death was supposed to be painful, not what came after...


His body trembled as he looked up into those stained orbs searching their depths as he lapped over his lips.


"I won't back down... I didn't back down when I was being sacrificed to that cult... I won't back down now..." His words were only partially true. If Sebastian could break him down so far that he would not be able to fight back, only then he would need to back down. Though as he laid, he still saw room to move.


"What... Do you mean I like it better when it hurts... What exactly is IT?" The last word he said with a sneer as those eyes continued to glare and challenge him.

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"Of course you didn't back down with that cult." Sebastian snarled. "Because you ended up sacrificing and selling your soul to me for help!!" He placed his hand over Ciel's painful eye. "And because you don't back down, you end up giving away next to everything just to prove your way. In the end....you're the one who suffers. Now is no different. "And the it I speak of... is just that. Everything. You sacrifice, and you brood, you hate everything that displeases you, and push everyone away. Anything that hurts you, you seem to have a passion for. A lust. The demon's fingers slid down Ciel's face away from his eye to his cheek, cupping his face again, and moving with in a few inches of his former Master's admittedly scrumptious looking lips. "You crave pain, you yearn for it. The more tore up inside you feel, the more at peace you are with your world. Am I---incorrect?"


Sebastian had a daring sneer on his face. He made a point. Everything Ciel endeavored in had hurt him in some form or fashion, and he always came out on top. He may have become colder, more desensitized, and dark, but he seemed to enjoy feeding that side of himself. Constantly.


"The harder, the darker, the colder something is, you gravitate towards it...." His lips danced mere centimeters now from Ciel's flesh. "You wanted pain when you died. Most normal humans want as little pain as possible in their lives, especially in Death, but not you. You're a fucking masochist. And I have to say, as a demon, I am more than impressed with you. But your arrogance grows tiring." He reached is hand into his pocket and pulled out Ciel's family ring. "And its time you passed your crown...." He fingered in with his free hand. "I had to take it from you soon after you died to get it readjusted. Do you deserve to wear this now?"


God dammit. That was cruel. Sebastian knew that Ciel could live up to his name again, but the fun of him trying was almost irresistible. He goaded, he taunted, he teased and he pushed. Knowing him for years gave him the advantage of knowing which buttons to press. He chastised him for him fighting back, but loved every minute of it. If anyone could strike a fire in this young man's belly and make his blood boil, it was him. The soul was more delicious in a struggle. A fight for control. It sweetened it.

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Sebastian struck every nasty cord in his body as he held him there against the cold floor. did he crave pain? Was he really the person Sebastian called him out to be? For as long as he could remember his life was painful. Even the joyful moments when he didn't have to deal with some strange investigation, he still had to handle Elizabeth and her incessant crying. Was he really so blind to his own actions? Ciel recalled when he wore the corset to go undercover in an attempt to figure out what had been happening to the women of London who had been murdered. It hurt so much... But he wore it... Danced in it even.


Ciel grit his teeth as he took those words with a grain of salt. Sebastian laid everything about him right on the table. No he wasn't wrong... The evidence was there. He felt at home when things were dismal and painful... He even requested his death to be painful... He was... Right...


There were no words Ciel could find to talk back with. For once this whole evening he was silenced. He had no retort, no words to fight back with... Everything he had was completely disarmed by Sebastian. He had nothing to work with. Looking up into those dark hues he quivered as Sebastian sneered at him in the way he had. Turning his head, he wanted to look away, to try and regain some of his ground he had.


In the corner of his vision, he spied a blue flicker in the candle light. Looking back he saw his ring. His beautiful cold ring, said to be cursed to it's wearer...


Those words outraged him....


Did he deserve to wear it?


He trembled as he tried to hold back his rage. However, he was unable to withhold his emotions. Not allowing his moment to pass, Ciel leaned forward and clamped his teeth down onto Sebastian's lower lip. biting hard, he split the flesh as he reached down to withdraw the ring from Sebastian's hand to slip onto his thumb where it belonged. Pulling back, Ciel let the flesh slip from his teeth as he growled at him.


"Mutt! Diseased ridden Mutt!" He yelled at him.


Another smack echoed through the room as he backhanded him this time. He let the ring nip across Sebastian's flawless ivory skin.


"If you want me to back down! Maybe you should stop baiting me Demon! This ring has one place and one place only! I should be asking if you're worthy of devouring my soul..." He ended on a venomous note as fire danced in the depths of his dark eyes.

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That's it. That was it.


Sebastian had told himself before he'd never do this, but he had had enough. It was completely unnecessary for Ciel to treat him as such, especially now since the tables had turned. He had quivered at the bite, although shocked from the force, and he jerked back slightly, but when Ciel's hand had come back around to make contact with his face, his brain snapped into his new realization. He had to do this. It was the only way....


Sebastian's eyes flared and he pulled back his own hand and slapped the young man across the face. Another echo.


"Insolent little brats like you should be taught their place! No matter how defiant. Spare the rod, spoil the child they say." He simply then got up and ran his finger across his split lip and looked at it with mild interest, before licking the rest away from his finger and his lips. "Now now, who's the mutt? You're the one snapping and biting. Perhaps should muzzle the mongrel, hm?" His voice then ventured low with a dangerous tone. "I would highly doubt that you're that stupid, Ciel. If anyone is worthy of devouring your soul... it is me. After all, you owe me this debt."

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Shock set into his body once again as his face turned in the direction of the slap. He reached up slowly to press his palm against his cheek before looking up at Sebastian. His mind reeled as he made an effort to comprehend what had just happened. As Sebastian stood and stepped back, Ciel let him speak whatever he wanted. He was tired. Ciel wouldn't admit it out loud, but he was tired and wanted to sleep. As Sebastian called him the mutt and spoke of using muzzles, he looked up at him with a neutral face.


"I owe you a debt of my soul... Nothing more." His voice was flat as he reached over to grab his pajamas and began to continue to undo his clothes. His fingers stumbled on the buttons as he finally undid the vest and removed it, dropping it uselessly to the floor before turning to undo his bowtie. It took him a few tries sitting there but he managed to undo it. When he finally slipped it off he gently heaved a sigh as he looked up at Sebastian.


He wouldn't admit that he was enjoying the taste of his blood in his mouth as he sat there staring up at him. His body was on fire again. Why was it that being so close to him forced his body to spiral down into this intense heat? Ciel fought to push those strange feelings off to the side before looking away from him.


"Are you just going to stand there while I undress and slip into my night clothes Sebastian?" He tried to keep his voice soft and low, trying to seem indifferent if he stood there or not.

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Sebastian gave a simple smile.

"Haven't I always?"

The truth was, he didn't want to leave the room. He watched Ciel remove his clothes. My how that body had changed. Ciel had to have taken notice as well. Sure, Sebastian had changed his clothes as he grew, and admired, but now, he was conscious, moving, heart beating, blood flowing. The pink was back in his cheeks. Even his scent was now of course, more intensified. It wafted underneath the demon's nose as Ciel sat there, clothes dropped, flesh to the air. It carried. But not like a stench. No. Far from it. It was as alluring as roses in spring, as comforting as deep spice in fall.


Damn this boy. No matter how pissy, Ciel got. How many tantrum's he'd throw, arguments he'd start, ego trips he'd take, at the end of the day, Sebastian couldn't get enough of him. And seeing him like this, so pale and perfect. Damn him.


"Need help into bed, Ciel?" He asked, with a teasing smile. Deep down, he wanted him to say yes, and this one time, after all his harsh words tonight, and refusal to help---he'd comply with this one. Deep down he'd probably regret it, showing that bit of kindness, but he couldn't help it. And that in of itself, as a demon, he hated.

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Now that he was an adult, was it so appropriate for Sebastian to be watching him dress like that? Did he even have a choice in the matter? Ciel sat there muddling with his buttons as he leaned back against the bed. He had indeed grown so much in what felt like such a short amount of time. His arms were long, and his fingers... His legs were longer and his body was bigger. It felt foreign to him to sit there in this body he woke up in.


His white dress shirt fell open to allow Ciel vision onto his pale torso for the first time in years. His eyes widened as he ran his hands down his chest. It was no longer just soft. It had a little bit of muscle to it, and figure... He was completely fascinated with himself. Swallowing softly, he slipped his arms out of the shirt and placed it off to the side before grabbing the new night shirt and slipping into it. The soft cotton felt nice...


For some reason that he didn't understand, Ciel felt a deep flush seep through his flesh, reddening his cheeks as he stole a glance up at Sebastian. Was he really going to watch him undress...?


He buried his feelings, locked away these strange new things he felt that he didn't understand. With a deadpan face, Ciel worked out of his suits' slacks and sat there in his underclothing. Things definitely were different... He found himself flushing again as he thought about making an attempt to explore his new figure. Though with Sebastian watching him, he couldn't quite feel like he could do it now... He'd wait until Sebastian went to bed.


One leg at a time, Ciel slipped into the new night pants. they were loose and comfortable. It felt good having both legs covered... When Sebastian spoke he looked up and caught those ruby gems staring down at him.


He wanted to say no, wanted to do it himself as Sebastian had made it quite clear that he was an adult. Instead the proud Earl gave him a soft nod.


"Yes, please... I would appreciate it..." He inhaled softly. "Sebastian..."

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With a smile, ever too familiar, he approached the young man and laid a hand gently around his waist, before bending over and taking his legs up over his arm, picking him up with ease. No matter child or adult, Ciel seemed to fit perfectly in his grasp. A shiver ran down Sebastian's spine, and he tried desperately to ignore it. Demons were wonderful at hiding and deceiving, but also being creatures of base instinct, he was wrestling intense feelings.


As he felt the warm body against his, the image he had just seen of his pale and perfect flesh flashed through his mind. The demon closed his eyes only for an instant, to reshuffle his thoughts. But his body betrayed him, and he sighed, almost moaned before opening his eyes again, heartbeat racing. He hoped Ciel hadn't noticed.


With great care, Sebastian lowered Ciel into the warm and fluffy bed. It was just as he had remembered it. He took up a little more room on it, but not by much. Only lengthwise. In width, he still had so much lonely empty bed on either side of him. Pulling the covers up over his charge, Sebastian let out a sigh. It was content. So many memories washed over his mind as he tucked in his former Master. Without thinking, he ran his fingers through Ciel's hair, caressing his face.


"Sleep now. You'll need your strength." He peered outside the window and the sunlight had started to rise up over the horizon. Slipping his gloves back on, Sebastian strolled over to the enormous drapes and pulled the cord. The slid shut over the window, barely leaving even the tiniest speck of light to spill onto a small strip up on the floor. "Does this satisfy you, My Lord?" The words again, slipped from his tongue before he could stop them. Fuck it. Say it, what would it matter now? Titles are useless. Whichever one he used, this boy was still his. "Is there anything else I can get for you?"


Damn this boy. Damn him for pulling these niceties from him even in this situation. Finally he could call the shots, a time he had so desperately waited for, but he still spoke to him like old times. Why? Why was this happening?!

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His body was warm as he flushed, his cheeks reddening to the colour of those blood stained hues. It was impossible to hide what his body was craving. And what his body was craving, he couldn't figure it out. There was a fire, its flames danced along his insides burning him alive with it. The sensation was akin to being overcome with energy, a need to constantly move and keep from sitting still.


Twilight eyes flickered up to look at Sebastian when his ears caught the slight sound. Was that Sebastian? He had never made such a sound before. The sound that caught his ears sent a shiver through his body. He bit down on his lower lip, stifling himself long enough until Sebastian lowered him down onto the soft bed. It was exactly how he remembered, save for the fact that he sunk a little lower in it. With his height he had become heavier.


Ciel couldn't clutch the blankets against him fast enough as he tried to hide his body's symptoms. Perhaps he was sick... that must have been it. He had never experienced such things before. Pain may have felt good, though this, this must have been an illness, a disease. He kept it inside though, trying not to think about it and give Sebastian reign of his mind once more letting him know he was ill. No, he wouldn't let it get the best of him.


He said it again... Lord...


It certainly was out of habit at this point. He wasn't being nice, he wasn't doing it out of memory. No, just... Habit... Ciel shook his head gently to him.


"N... No... This is fine... Thank you for the assistance... I should be able to walk come nightfall as I assume it should be nightfall by the time I awake. Hmm... It seems I will be adjusting to a new schedule." He muttered softly as he laid back, flopping down into the pillows.

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"As you wish, My Lord." He started to pull away before stopping and observing Ciel again. "May I say though, you feel quite hot." Forgetting the gloves again, he pulled them off. Any chance to touch him flesh to flesh again. But he wouldn't say that out loud. Sebastian placed his hand back upon Ciel's face.



"You shouldn't feel sick...." he claimed. "Bringing you out of your slumber shouldn't have done anything of the sort." A confused look flickered over his face before another thought dared creep into his mind. "You're so flushed, My Lord." Sebastian's keen eye noticed with each touch, Ciel's heart picked up, and his face went redder. "Are you----" he trailed off. "My dear, sweet, young Master...." He slid his hand to the boy's neck. More heat. To his chest; more heat, sweat even. "And your heart, is beating....so fast." These were the same symptoms he had only moments ago.


No. Couldn't possibly be.




Looking into those gorgeous bi-colored eyes, he could sense something. It was primal, but also a swirl of confusion. Sebastian didn't know how much longer he could take this. Ciel did kiss him earlier. And that was completely outside of Ciel's personality. Should he? Should he even dare do what his instinct was telling him to do?

Demons and humans. This was so taboo, it was so beyond sinful and breaking the rules that it almost enticed him more. He leaned down and put his face close to his Master's.


"Ciel..." he whispered.



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He breathed a sigh of relief when Sebastian made a move to step away. He would be able to examine himself to see what was happening soon enough when Sebastian would turn and step away to exit through those double doors. He did turn...


Ciel hadn't expected Sebastian to turn back around, looking down at him with those falsely concerned eyes. He was playing with him, toying... Pale hands flew to his sides to push himself up against the pillows that fluffed around him as he watched as one by one, those fingers slipped out of the perfect gloves revealing the blackened nails. He tried to calm his heart, tried to keep Sebastian from touching him.


"I am just sick... Sebastian! St- Ah!"


His words caught in his throat as the air caught and stuck in his lungs. Sebastian's hand was chilled compared to his head, his body stiffened as that cool cruel hand trailed down to cup his neck, feeling the blood pulsate rapidly through his jugulars before it lingered over his chest. Heat seeped through the cotton giving him perfect feel to it's intensity while his heart thumped.


the pulse picked up when those stormy hues caught sight of those stained rubies. He knew that he was feeling something.. He knew he wasn't sick. If he wasn't sick then, what was it?


The closer Sebastian got, the worse it became, the pent up energy burned through him like the sun. Ciel was on the verge of hyperventilation as Sebastian slipped closer still. He gave a soft jerk, pushing himself back against the pillows further before he attempted to gain his composure. He grit his teeth, lips dead pan as he stared at Sebastian...






With his name called so sultry so seductively, Ciel worried that his heart would burst.


"Se... Sebas... Tian..." He breathed deeply as he held his spot firmly.

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Fuck it. Fuck it all.



Sebastian could feel Ciel's temperature rise, fuck, he could smell it. A scent that was musky and masculine. Of blood and heat. There was no fooling him. Not a Demon. His senses were too keen. Ciel couldn't hide this and he wouldn't hide his.


Sebastian lowered his lips to Ciel's, pressing gently. He tasted him officially, intimately for the first time. When Ciel had done it earlier, Sebastian tried his best to push it down, to ignore it, to keep his composure. But now, fuck it. Who cares? Ciel could for a moment think he gave in, he knew he'd get a rude awakening later, Sebastian would make sure of it.


His entire being was on fire. Soul and all as warmth spread through each and every nerve. The demon's lips were surprisingly warm, and inviting, as he dared bring forth his tongue, sliding across Ciel's lower lip. Was this a wise move? He didn't know, and again, he didn't care. Not now.


He leaned it. One hand went to Ciel's head, caressing through his hair, the other, on the young man's chest, feeling his pounding heartbeat. As long as he hadn't misread----but still a very small part of him expected to get reprimanded with a resounding slap. He steeled himself for it.

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Panic set through his body and hummed, like a string was plucked and the note played through him. Ciel stared at him, never letting Sebastian out of his sight. His eyes became dry. As he began to falter, trying to keep his eyes open, he saw Sebastian move closer...


He blinked...


Within that very instant, he felt those warm velvet lips gently crash upon the satin shores of his own burning lips. No! Sebastian was playing with him! Playing a cruel horrible game... One he didn't want to be a part of. Yet, his body reacted, flaring to life as his mouth moved back, pressing gently into Sebastian's in that sultry sweet kiss.


His first passionate kiss...


Or it would have been if it were genuine. Ciel wanted to push him, he wanted to force him away and spit a retort to the man who was toying with his body's emotions. His mind was confused on what to do as his lips fell open to admit that warm muscle entry while Sebastian's hand entwined in his hair, his other hand pinning him down into the sheets.


Ciel's arms lay dead pan as he moaned. The animalistic sound reverberated in his throat as heat pooled below in his gut.



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Sebastian moaned against Ciel's lips as the boy's mouth opened, allowing him entry. Fuck, yes. His heart was thumping wildly against his ribs.


He rolled his tongue into Ciel's mouth, tasting every savory inch. Just as Sebastian expected, and more. He was delicious, sumptuous. It was the most delicious thing. Bittersweet, and rich. It was almost indescribable how satisfying it was. He wanted more.


"Ciel..." he breathed. "Ah---hmmmm..." the words were lost as they melted into nothing but moans and small sounds of pleasure. Sebastian had received no slap, no ill words, no venom. But Ciel's arms lay beside him, not moving. And that almost seemed worse. He wanted to be touched. Dammit! That was such a human need, he mentally kicked himself for feeling it, but Ciel wasn't returning any other caress. The kiss started to feel forced from his end before he heard him. A primal growl. In a human, was this good, or bad?


The demon took another deep breath, taking in scent again, and only receiving more unspoken go-ahead. Now nothing was stopping him. The hand on Ciel's chest, moved to slip underneath him, cradling his lower back, and lifting him up into him as Sebastian put one knee on the bed for support. He could feel Ciel's warmth and slender muscle that came with his age. There was more to him now than when he was 13, but he still boasted a bit of a scrawny frame. It was enduring. So much bile and pain, yet so much intelligence, and well-bred pedigree came in this seemingly small form.

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Ciel was a vision of bittersweet innocence.


His mouth trembled as he felt a self panic rise up in his center. Was this safe? Was this something that was real or was Sebastian simply fooling him again? Something inside him snapped though, it no longer mattered to him. He was losing himself in the sweet fire that consumed him. His body trembled as he began to slowly move his hands, reaching up to grasp onto his shoulders tenderly. His fingers kneaded the muscles slowly, gently rubbing the fine cloth of his suit, sending the sensations down to his skin while his mouth gently massaged against Sebastian's, rubbing and pressing into him as he beckoned his former Butler to consume him. Consume what he was...


The sensation was burning him alive... The way those teeth nipped at his lips sent shivers down his spine, he trembled in his embrace as he was forced back farther. Ciel knew he was trapped, though it was obvious there was something from this Demon he wanted.


Heat boiled in the base of his gut as his flesh sprang to life, hardening and reaching up, begging for more as he let himself slip down into this... Passion. Was that what it was? Passion? Another sound reverberated in his throat as his hands slowly moved up to tangle in those ebony strands of silk. He toyed with their tips before burying those nimble fingers into the base of his tresses. Gripping him firmly, he pulled that sweet face closer as he began to become more confident. Whatever this feeling was, the fires were being stoke by touching him, kissing him... What else would fan the flames he wondered.


Slowly, Ciel lifted his chest up to press himself more firmly against Sebastian with a moan.


"Nnnnnmmmghh... Sebas.... Tian... Hhnnngh... Wha... T... Mmmmgh... Is this.... Sensation...? What... Are you... Doing to me..?" He asked meaning to sound more firm, colder... Though his meaning was lost in the breathy soft delivery of his words.

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Sebastian didn't answer immediately. He kept rolling his tongue over Ciel's, twisting and massaging, running it over his teeth and tender pale lips. But they didn't stay pale for long. As his heat rose, and his body reacted, they flushed an alluring and luscious pink. The demon didn't have to look to know, he could feel the heat emanating from Ciel's undulating body, and as the young man pulled himself closer, twisting his fingers around his hair, shivers rand own the butler's spine.


Out of the sin, the taboo and the bubbling lust, he had no choice to pay attention to a small detail his brain kept bringing to the forefront of his consciousness; this felt right.


Oh so right....


This small creature was his. He had fed him, clothed him, protected him, provided for him, soothed him. By all rights, all rights, this young man was his.


Sebastian refused to fight it any longer. This taste was divine, and he knew he was only scratching the surface of the multitude of tastes this boy had to offer him. He had already tasted his blood, and his body ached for more, what he had taken before definitely wasn't enough. He would break his skin and drain him.


As much much as he hated, to, he pulled back for a quick breath, and to let his charge do so too. He almost literally panted from the ministrations and the heat. Looking into those sapphire eyes he got lost for an instant before finding his voice:

"You love this...you're eating it up, Young Master." His tone was wispy and low. Sultry and silken. "Your body---is reacting, I think it...you..." He paused and managed a mischievous half-smile. "You're getting randy..." his hands found themselves running down the slender virgin body, and admittedly, trembled as each finger ran over a seasoned young muscle. Every dip, every curve his body took made Sebastian's heart race.

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