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Iwatobi swim club 1x1 with azuneko


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my character

♥︎Name: Matsuoka Rin

Appearance: rin has mid length red hair, he is fairly tall and muscularly slender. His teeth are shark-like and wears his uniform 90% of the time, his swimming gear are long-legged and have two red stripes on the outer thigh

Personality: Rin has been previously bubbly and kind hearted as a child, after returning from australia he has become rude, obnoxious and uninterested with much other than swimming, though he shows pride towards his abilities. His best attribute is butterfly but his obsession with beating haruka has turned him to turn to freestyle.

Orientation: gay












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my character

Name: Haruka Nanase

Appearance: Haru has short black hair, he is muscularly slender. He wears his swim trunks 100% of the time under his clothes, his swimming gear medium-leg and have purple criss-cross design

Personality: He is a strong and quiet person. His swim style captivates many and he has a strong fixation towards freestyle swimming. His love for water is so strong that he often strips down to his swimsuit at the sight of water and even considers encountering a waterfall to be a romantic experience.

Orientation: gay


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Rin started a in a light jog, his hair plastered to his neck as his feet echoed on the wooden boardwalk, he frowned, he had heard the iwatobi team was here." Nanase... Haruka..." Escaped his lips softly as he let his crimson eyes hover over the darkening sky, then to the ocean, his eyebrow raised, and he sulked his body position, slowing down to dig his hands deeper into the samezuka tracksuit's pockets." Kss." He stared down at his watch," dammit!" He kicked a stone, in those moments he had been slower than his previous time, it had been rin's sixth jog today.


He leaned back as he set a slow walk, seeing his sister and what looked like a short teacher wander into a cabin." What are you playing at.." Rin had wandered if his sister knew about his wherabouts. He didn't want the added pressure of Haru's team around. "Ah." He stopped and leaned over to hold his shin, under strict training sessions, he ached everywhere.


Rin watched as a light shower began to spit down, it cooled his skin and he sighed.

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Haru and his team had just finished their final lap around the islands. Nasagi was helping Rei who happened to have been behind them but only slightly. He had done pretty well for his first attempt at something like this. Haru sits on the sand and glanced over at Makoto. He could tell just being out in the water still bothered him. He couldn't figure out why he agreed to this trip in the first place.


The skies began looking gray and everyone prepared the tents for the night. Haru went close to the waters edge as he stares out at the ocean. He began thinking back to the race with Rin.

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Rin kept walking along the shoreline, his eyebrow twitched at the sight of a couple of tents." Ch." he had an idea of who would be stupid enough to sleep beside the ocean." Iwatobi." He muttered, upon nearing their makeshift campsite, he spotted haru by the water's edge. Rin watched intently, he'd always known of haru's fondness of the water.


" wasn't a real win." He muttered to himself in angst." They're not even prepared." Rin felt cheated with his own victory, he was hesitating, but he felt the need to wander over there, "oi. Haru." He acknowkedged.

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Haru continued to stare out into the vast ocean before him. His mind trailed further down memory lane as he went back to the time Rin visited from Australia. He could almost put both scenes as similar if he hadn't known any better. Though out of the blue a familiar voice called his name. Haru turned to see Rin standing there.


Somehow he found himself at a lost for words. It made no sense why he's come over here to see him. "I thought we promised not to meet until the prefecturals." he asked Rin wondering how odd it was to see him after only noticing him just earlier that day.

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Rin looked at him coldly. Dammit. A surge of aggravation from the other boy's blunt reply caused Rin to frown, and to try think of an excuse in order to explain." You shouldn't be camping this lose to the waters edge." He grumbled, leaning backwards into a casual stance." Not that i care, but if you all drown in your sleep i won't be able to race you.


Rin was relatively happy with his answer, leaving his eyes to flow over the boy's face for a moment." Besides, i decided otherwise."


He stole a glance backwards into one of the open tents, makoto was sound asleep, of course they were sharing a tent." If you two spent any more time together people'd think you were together." Rin muttered with angst pinned to his hoarse voice.


Refusing to look pathetic, The red haired male folded his arms tightly against his chest, staring at the wild manor of the ocean in the slight rain." Seems a storms picking up."

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"The tents are at a safe distance. Besides we can swim before drowning becomes and option." he said staring at Rin. He noticed the rain and wind starting to pick up. "No one would mistake something so little. I'm going in and you should head back before the storm gets worse." he said heading into the tent.


Haru glanced back at Rin before closing the tent up. He still couldn't grasp why Rin came all the way out to the beach to confront him. Though it seemed like the kind of thing he's do just because.

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Rin bit his bottom lip, his teeth tearing into it slightly, he grumbled at Haru's easyness, did nothing boil the blood running through haru?


"Senpai! " he heard faintly, sure enough, nitori was waving and thrashing his arms about. "Nuisance." Rin spoke coldly, wandering back up the beach to meet his little follower.


" Nitori... I'm heading to the pool." He stated, swinging his leg and dodging the small grey haired boy, who flinched.

" but senpai, it's late, everyone's looking for you.

Rin stopped for a moment before continuing to walk." I gotta make sure i win." Haru's calm personality had set him on edge. He felt like he had been mocked.


A few moments had passed since Rin had first slashed through the water's calm and dead stillness. His thoughts clogged his mind as all he could think of was Haru. Haru this. Haru that, having small flashbacks of the other's previous conversations, he growled slightly, his arm slapped over the side of the pool as he looked at the time, he'd done it. A new personal best.


Rin floated in the water for a few silent moments. He realised Haru was the key to his success.

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Haru went straight to sleep after realizing Rin had finally left the beach. His mind only focused on himself and the water which he loved so much. Surprisingly his dreams take a spin and somehow he was dreaming of Rin and himself back when they were younger. It was nice to see a smile on the other's face. Though that no longer was the case these days. He was resting peacefully though that was instantly interrupted by an odd sound.


Haru gets up to see Nagisa by the water. Once getting a better look he notice Rei and Makoto out in the rough seas. Without much thinking Haru ran towards the waters to help his friends. The waters were a lot rougher than he expected but he continued on. He and Nagisa reach the two. Though at that moment a huge way crashed down separating Haru from the three.

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Rin got out, oblivious to the four boy's trouble. He changed back into his sweats and cooled his skin with his waterbottle, he then flung his towel over his shoulder and attempted to walk home. Attempted.


Rin had to check on haruka.


He wandered past." Shit. The sea's rough* he squinted, looking at the tents, from the behind they looked normak, but only when rin went to walk away, he spotted they were empty, rin frowned, he looked around himself. Where would they be in the middle of the night?


He looked at the ocean again, suddenly, a couple of heads bobbed through a swell.rin's eyes widened, without thinking he tore off his shirt and dived in, he couldnt see haru.

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Makoto, Rei and Nagisa made it back to shore in enough time to see Rin dive in to find Haru. The wave knocked Haru too far out from shore. He looked around in the darkness trying to find some sort of land where he could get out of the dangerous waves. He started to swim towards where he remembered one of the islands were.


The waves kept crashing down on him and soon he ended up on land. He had no idea where he was and it was far too dark to see much of anything. He stared out into the water wondering where the others were. Surprisingly the first person that came to mind at a time like this was Rin.

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Rin bobbed up and down in the water for a moment, he thrashed around, an island was close, but he remained fixating on finding Haruka." OI!" He yelled." HARU!" He went under for a minute, then came back up with a breath, he spluttered, and waded in the waves that rolled around him. He frowned, the island before him looked dull and quiet, and he became a little more frantic, he was going to give him a stern swipe when he found him.


Rin began to swim towards it, hopefully haru had been drifted in this direction by the wind. Eventually the red head arrived on the shore, he shivered from the draft of wind which licked his bare skin." Haru?"

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Haru sat upon the shore before getting up. He started to look for a dry place to get warmed up when he could have sworn he heard someone call out to him. He stopped and looked around. He wonders if it was his friends looking for him. He peered out into the water to see if he could see them. Haru suddenly could make out someone in the water but wasn't sure as to who it was.


He stayed still until the figure was soon upon shore. "Rin....?" he mutters surprised to see him here. It was highly confusing to him at the moment as he wondered if the others or Kou had gotten him to search for him. He stood there looking at him before slowly holding a hand out to him.

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Rin looked at the hand, then took it roughly, pulling himself closer, and then letting go." What in earth did you think you were doing, flailing around the ocean like that, i know you have some weird fetish for water, but this is a bit far..." Rin teased slightly, looking at the somewhat blue Haru.


Rin breathed out, fighting against the current made his muscles ache." The others are back at the shore, im pretty sure theyre all safe." Rin cleared his throat." Not that i care at all." He grumbled, looking backwards." We can't swim back either, not tonight."


Rin started walking." Help me find a dry area." He fired backwards." Im freaking cold."

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Haru nods a bit as he listened to Rin. he knew it was not safe to be swimming though he had only jumped in because Makoto was out there. "If they are safe then that's good. I was worried for Makoto." he said softly. Once the other was standing before him, he gazed out at the sea. "Its true we can't go back tonight. I guess there's nothing more to do." he said


As Haru was thinking to himself he suddenly heard Rin talking to him again. He follows the other as they begin to search for a dry and warm area to rest up. "What about over there?" he asked pointing to a building off in the distance

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Rin looked at the distant figure across the area, and nodded." Looks alright." Rin had grumbled internally, he knew makoto was probably the reason for haru's heroics, and he hated the fact the two were oh so close.


Rin walked up towards the lighthouse, it was pretty dark, and he wandered if it eould be light enough." Come on then." He budged open the door, it squeaked and groaned as he pushed it aside." Hope you're not afraid of ghosts.." He joked, keeping his calmm attitude until something scuffled between them and out the opening, Rin grabbed onto haru's arm for support. It was just a mouse.


He tightened his grip before almost throwing haru's arm away from him. " sorry." He muttered.

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Haru approached the lighthouse along with Rin. He could tell the place looked unused and deserted. He wonders if they'd find anything useful inside to hold them get warm. Once by the door, Haru watched Rin open the door. He was caught off guard when Rin gripped his arm; frightened by a mouse. "Its more scared of you than you are of it." he said walking inside.


"Its seriously dark in here. What should we do now?" he says glancing over to Rin. He continued to walk to see if he could find anything useful.

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Rin had found a match and lit a candle, light soon flooded the room and he rested his eyes over the old furniture, rin looked to haru, he hadn't yet asked why rin had been there to rescue him, and he was glad, what could he say? That he wanted to see haru?


Rin sat himself down at a table." Well, theres hardly anything to eat, but im freezing." He complained, resting his elbows against the old wood."what would you want to do haruka?" He used Haru's full name this time, and he placed the candle on the table so he wouldn't have to hold it, he grumbled, trying to save The boy only resulted in him freezing himself.

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Haru looked around as Rin lit a candle. He went to sit beside the other with a sigh. "Its odd but why did you come out to save me? It doesn't make any sense." he said looking at him. He was wondering what had caused the other to jump in the water. He knew it was impossible for him to have seen out into the ocean from where his team was staying.


"There's not much to do but try to get warm. If we freeze here then we can't swim together." Haru said softly as he stares straight ahead. His eyes fixated on the flicker of the flame.

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Rin looked up, his hands were locked together on the table." Why would i just let you drown..." Rin made up some sort of excuse." I came by because i.. Dropped something, and your teammates were all in the ocean, you weren't around so... I took the matter into my hands, " rin exhaled, then haru caught his attention again, his eye widened, did haru want to swim with rin? He blinked once, then nodded and the comment.


" how would one go about getting warm?" He made the phrasing sound deliberate. More like a proposition, in the purest sense. Rin let his eyes fall onto Haru, in the light he looked so sincere, and, rin wouldn't admit it aloud, but good-looking.


"..i mean, theres only one candle" he grumbled slightly.

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"Arigato! If it wasn't for you I'd be stuck here alone or I might have gone back out into the ocean to find them." Haru says still staring at the flame. He figured if his eyes stayed fixated on it it may make him feel a bit warmer. It was clear that getting warm would be a major priority in such a situation.


He turns to face Rin. "Why don't we try huddling together. It may be odd but its a survival method." he said looking at him. His blue eyes shimmering from the fire's light. He didn't care if Rin was male. They were friends at one time and it was only to warm one another up.

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Rin swallowed a little." Uh.... " rin wasn't repulsed by the thought of it, but he didn't see no other option. " ah, sure.." He shifted around the rounded table to where The male was, he let his shoulder press into him at first, it was true, soon after a few minutes the body heat seemed to act ws an insulator between them, rin hesitantly wrapped his arm around the boy's shoulders in a attempt of warming them up more, dragging the candle closer towards them." No problem, by the way, your'e an idiot to of jumped in though."

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Haru stayed silent as he let Rin move closer to his side. He slowly felt some sort of warmth forming between them. "The storm doesn't seem to be letting up at all." he mutter as Rin suddenly had his arms around his shoulder. Haru glanced down a bit. "It was just pure instincts besides my love for water. I just reacted without a second thought. Though it was nice to know you were the one to come after me." he said

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