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No Deed Goes Unpunished -Private- (18+)


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The magic faded once more, leaving Vass standing in the circle with Alden. Vass winced, angels weren't supposed to be in Hell, but it didn't mean that they couldn't be there under certain circumstances... and that wouldn't stop everyone one in Hell from knowing that he'd brought one back with him. The Master wasn't going to be very happy with this, but perhaps His rage would be calmed when He found out why. Vass brought his fingers to his lips and whistled.




Vass looked over his shoulder at his "butler" Geyron. At the moment, he looked like an earthly butler, dressed with an impeccable air. His true form was that of a fiery Centaur, one of the Guardians of Hell. "Gey, I uh... kinda need help with this" he indicated Alden in his arms, "Then I'm going to need to you to take a message to the Master." Gey bowed, then vanished.


Vass looked down at Alden, his face creased with worry, the stupid angel had started to mean something to him. He mentally shook his head, I'm always taking in the strays, this one is no different. Though he couldn't deny that perhaps Alden was a little different, only in the way he'd been placed in a situation not of his own choosing, and Vass couldn't help but at least try to do the "right" thing by him. Being around for millennia has made you go soft he frowned to himself. Whatever feelings he was having now, he'd just have to sort them out later.


Right now, he had a demon to try and purge.

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Alden coughed and he opened his eyes feeling the magic around them fade. He looked up at a worried looking Vass. He reached up and touched his cheek to help sooth him. But instead he noticed his hand left blood on Vass's cheek and he teared up. "V-vass...i-i'm sorry..." He said in a whispered voice. It was full of watery sound and new blood formed on his lips. He knew he was in no danger of dying but the thing inside him had thrown pain into full gear and was hurting Alden more than he could almost take. He pulled back his hand and his eyebrows creased together as he moaned out in pain. He had one hand clutched in Vass's shirt seeing as he was the only person he knew in hell and wanted him never to leave. He heard him talking to someone but he was in silent, or rather simi-silent agony. he felt them move and next thing he knew he was on a bed. He looked up at Vass with a scared look in his eyes. He could feel the thing inside him, "Alden. Alden. I'm going to break you from the inside out. It said over and over or made new threats before a new sharp pain dug through his body. He arched his back and screamed as he pushed back the thought of him pushing through his feilds. He couldnt keep him down and his body relaxed and his eyes closed after looking at Vass and he spoke softly for him to help him. Alden was pushed back, the demon had the floor now. He had aldens body too.

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Vass stared at Alden, sensing the change within him. It tore at him to hear Alden whimper and moan, begging him for help. There wasn't much that he could do until the demon inside him showed himself.


"So you like pain..." Vass carefully wiped Aldens blood from his face, "That narrows down what sort of demon you are quite a bit. Just so you know, you're in my house, under my Rule, and there is nothing you can do that I won't know about." A cruel smile played around his lips, "I can even read your thoughts demon... you should have tried harder to stop Alden from coming here... you can't kill him here, but I can, so where will that leave you, when I end his life right here?"


Vass folded his arms across his chest as he leaned his back against the wall, "Just so you know, the Master is on his way. It doesn't matter who are little demon, you can't hide from him, so why don't you just... give up now, and maybe the Master won't kill you..." Vass licked his lips, "Perhaps the Master will let me have you for my own personal pleasure...

Vass pushed himself off the wall and began walking towards the door. "I'll leave you to think of which one will be worse..." he said softly, shutting the door behind him.

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Dace looked around the room. He moved his fingers and smiled, "What now Alden? You are too weak to keep me out anymore. I have control over your body now." He said under his breath. He lifted up his chin, "VASS!!" He yelled out in Alden's voice. He knew that the Prince had feelings for the boy and knew that he would do anything if he was in danger...or he hoped he would. "Vass!" He yelled again louder this time sitting up in the bed coughing lightly. He felt Alden move in him but it was weak. He was trying to push him out but it was a sad attempt. "Y-you are horrible...y-you just want him to touch you. You arent even here for me! You just hurt me cause i was in the way of you and Vass having sex! Sick!" Alden yelled into Dace's thoughts. Dace flinched feeling Alden's voice break through his barrier. He chuckled lightly and smiled, "Yea. You are right. I only decided to hurt you cause i wanted to piss of you boyfriend so he would fuck me then tell me to leave. haha no that would be wonderful seeing as it is your body he would be doing it to. I dont have a physical form but i would get..oh wait haha you would be here too feeling everything. Oh sadly you are a virgin too meaning i cant feel the pain but you can. See either way i win." Dace said back shushing Alden. Alden was thinking quietly over and over that he didnt want Vass to touch the other male. He didnt want him to do anything to him either.

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Vass was leaning against the wall next to the door, "listening" the internal monologue between the Demon and Alden. He smirked to himself. Here, in his house, he could hear everything. Every thought and every whisper. There was nothing that could be hidden from him. Dace eh? he thought to himself. A name was a name, and didn't necessarily point to the identity of the demon, but it could end up being useful later on. Vass pushed himself off the wall, and walked down to his library. Geyron would let him know when the Master arrived.


Vass chewed his lip as he walked. Contacting the Master was always a bit... dangerous. He was pure evil, and only did things for himself. Whilst Vass was a demon, a Prince of Hell, a being of evil, he wasn't that evil. The evilness of the Master was enough to make him shiver. How would the Master respond to this latest development? The battle between Heaven and Hell was eternal, neither side really winning or losing. What Gabriel had done, that went beyond everything that they all "stood" for. It was cheating. Vass smirked, it certainly wasn't angelic behaviour.


What would happen if Gabriel fell?

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Alden opened his eyes looking around. He stood and looked around and shook his head. He reached his thoughts out gently searching for Vass and for him to come to him. "V-vass? You there? I'm scared...Where am I?" He asked in his mind gently pushing the thought to Vass like he had taught him to. He sighed and he cringed feeling a new pain in his body and his wings say limply next to him blood running down one of them staining the white feathers. He let out a groan and he pulled the feather to him and touched it gently wincing at the feeling. He had no powers down here, he couldnt heal himself. He was happy that Dace had shut the hell up. He looked around and he looked under him noticing the pool of blood and he touched his mouth his hand coming away red. "Asshole." He said aloud and spit at the floor sitting back down on the bed pulling his legs up to him. His stomach hurt but that was it. He sighed and winced closing one eye pushing his hair out of his eyes. He pulled his wing to him again and started stroking it. He teared up looking at the blood going down it staining its pure white. He still saw the faint blue color of his wings but it was faint from the lack of angelic power down here. He leaned against the head board and called out to Vass again, "Can you come please? I dont want to have my wings out when your boss gets here." He said conceiling his thoughts to only Vass. He was ok at this but it could be sniffed through if someone really wanted to know what they were talking about because it would take force which was painful both to vass and Alden.

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Vass massaged his temples, the angel still had the finesse of a sledgehammer. Just stay put, it will all be over relatively soon. If I pretty you up, the Master probably will be sadistic enough to make an even bigger mess of you. The more pathetic and helpless you look, the happier he's going to be, and the chances of you being unmolested by him remain relatively high Vass smirked a little, You thought that I was going to be bad, you don't want to know what you'll be like by the time the Master has finished with you... Vass frowned a little at that thought. Whilst he may be sadistic, he only ever pushed beyond what he considered to be "normal" boundaries, a little pain, a little humiliation, it was all part of the fun. The Master on the other hand... Vass shuddered at the memory of corpses being tossed like garbage back onto the streets where they most undoubtedly came from. Not many could survive being the Masters "pet".


Vass felt a sudden chill in the air, the aura of evil nearly suffocating. Shit! He's here already! Vass stood and released the demonic magic that hid his true form, the wings, the horns, the hooves all appearing. In reality, he was much bigger than what he was in the apartment, and he truly was a terrible sight to behold; a terrifying beauty. He could feel the energy crackling through his palace, causing it to stretch and grow to accommodate him. He took long graceful strides out of the library, the ground slightly shaking with each step. He entered the foyer and stood in the centre, waiting for the Master to appear.

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Alden hearing him blushes softly hearing what the master would do to him if he decided to take him as a pet. He sighed softyl looking down at his hurt wings and he winced pulling them behind him. He knew that he looked hurt and wounded and lost. He know that he looked scared. He sighed again pulling his legs up onto the bed, he felt the power rush into the home and his head jumped up and he looked scared. He looked around for a way out not finding one he sat on the bed again and just decided to wait for his fate. He knew that the master would have to be greeted by Vass and that he would hopefully stall him...Thinking about it Alden knew that vass didnt care about him and that he is just a thing. That he isnt acctually meaning anything to the demon. He layed back on the bed wincing again feeling a pain shoot through him once more. He coughed once more blood splattering out onto his lips and the sheets which were stained with the red blood. He hadnt ever bled like this...and the fact he couldnt die made him happy though death seemed more inviting than this torture. Then again that was what hell was all about, everlasting torture...


He held his side and wiped his lips with his hand getting it off his lips. He didnt like the color or the smell that filled the room. "Get out of me..." He whispered softly to the thing inside of him feeling his insides move. he hated this. He wiped his cheeks of all traces of tears and sighed again composing himself and he pulled his chin up waiting for the master to open the doors to the room he was in.

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"I heard you had something delicious to share with me..." Vass' knees trembled slightly at the sound of the voice, and he swallowed hard as his Master, the Lord of Hell, strode into his house. Vass clenched his jaw slightly in anger. Just like he owns the damn place he thought. The Lord of Hell arched a perfect eyebrow and purred, "Ah, but Vass, I do own this place, I own, all of it, everything, there is nothing down here that I cannot say that is mine..." A delicate looking hand reached to cup Vass' face, fingers gently digging into the skin, until the grasp tightened. The Lord of Hell leaned forward to whisper into Vass' ear, "and that includes you" A hot pink tongue rasped against the sensitive skin. Vass could feel himself starting to burn...


He knew that the Master was just playing with him, the way that he'd always "played", but even after the centuries had gone by, Vass could never get used to it. He wanted to hate it, told himself he hated it, but as soon as the Master touched him, he trembled. An arm slid around his waist, pulling him close, and he closed his eyes. It was useless to fight against the Master's will. The seductive voice continued in his ear, the breath fanning across his flesh making him shiver. "Gabriel's monster can wait.... I've missed you"

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Alden heard the male talking and he stood going to the door and he pushed it open and looked out. No one was outside his room and the door was unlocked. He had been able to leave the whole time. He looked up into the hall and it was gold and black with a red tint to it. He clutched his side the pain stopping for a moment then coming stronger. The only bad part about being in hell...was the master of both the home and hell could smell you and know you were with them in the same room or home.


Alden walked his feet leaving blood untill they dried and it left nothing. He knew that one of his wings were at least broken and he felt blood falling down it. He knew that he would have a trail either way. He looked around the corner seeing a large thing that looked like vass's true form. He heard the two things talking to one another seeing the larger one hold close to vass making alden get angry.


He sighed softly not able to move anymore without them knowing for sure he was there. He could smell himself all through the home and he knew that vass wouldnt notice but the Lord of Hell would. he hoped that the lord wouldnt say anything to vass and just take vass let them have their play time then come kill alden. He wanted it fast though he knew that the master would slowly hurt him till he bled out or didnt die at all. He shivered watching the eneraction with the other males and it made him blush acctually. Not cause of the master but because of the look vass had. Alden had developed emotions and feelings to this demon. He was dead in heaven...they wouldnt let him back knowing he liked the prince of hell. He breathed out slowly hoping neither of them noticed as he evesdropped.

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Vass pushed against the Master weakly, token resistance was all that was required in situations like these. The Master knew your deepest thoughts, your darkest desires, and he'd use them to his advantage whether you wanted him to or not. "You can't have missed me," he said weakly, "You can have me whenever you want..." he licked his lips, "If you'd missed me, all you had to do was come and get me." The Master brought his face close and grinned wolfishly at him. "I was seeing if my little pet would come back to me without me having to call him. You were doing such a good job, collecting delicious souls for me, I could hardly interrupt your work." The Master gave him a searing kiss that made him gasp for breath and his knees wobble. "You're such a sensitive little thing aren't you..." The Masters breath across his ear made him shiver again.


Vass gritted his teeth, the Master made him feel so good, and that was torture in itself, to be brought to the brink so many times only to be left hanging, until the pleasure turned into pain, that even the release couldn't make it go away. He was always left feeling so miserable, so raw after the Master left. It had been years, nearly a century since the Master had last come to him, Vass was sure that he was going to make up for the time. The taloned hand moved across the skin of his chest, one of the nails catching his nipple. He gasped and clutched at the Master, hating himself for his weakness. If that one little touch was all that it took, he didn't think he was going to survive the rest of it.

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Alden jumped feeling a hand come down on his shoulder and he turned while a hand went around his mouth. He was walked forward not seeing the male that had his arms behind him. They both walked closer to the two males that were standing in the entry way playing with one another. Aldens breath came faster as he was reading vass's breath and his face. The big ugly monster was going to fuck him. Alden only about a half way to them bit the mans hand and rammed his body up against the wall with his back. The male let out a scream and alden's eyes shot up at the two men that had to have heard it. He felt the male behind him release his hands and when he was about to run off a hand clasped around his wing making him scream out in pain and his legs buckle under him.


He lay crumbled on the floor the butler who had captured him standing behind him with feathers in his hand. Alden pulled the broken wing up close to his broken body and he scooted away from the butler hoping the other men hadnt heard but knowing they had. He saw blood on the floor and he started to cry. The butler walked to him and picked him up by his arm dragging him the rest of the way to the master and vass throwing him down on the floor before them. His body shook from the pain of the fall and he cried out when he hit the floor.


He picked himself up some to look up at vass and his body looking broken but his eyes, looking into vass's, looked hard and cold. They didnt look scared or frightened or even broken. They were the eyes of someone who had given up. He didnt look at that though...he looked down at the masters hands on vass and a wave of jealousy hit him. He looked at the master next and the sight didnt faze him really.

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"Looks like we have a spectator.." The Masters breath was hot in his ear, and the warm wet tongue that followed made him tremble. Vass smiled weakly at the broken angel on the floor. "What were you expecting? Red skin and warts? He did used to be an angel after all..." Vass gritted his teeth and panted heavily as the Master found yet another sweet spot to torture. He could tell that his face was going red, and his eyes becoming heavy-lidded. His body twitched and trembled as skillful fingers teased and tortured him. When he felt the Masters hand reach between them, he felt his knees give way, but still the Master held him up with a knee between his legs.


"Oh I can see that we have a lot of catching up to do..." The Master looked over his shoulder at the pitiful angel on the floor and smirked, licking his lips. "And you can't have any of him little monster." The Master let Vass fall to the floor, grabbing a fistful of his hair. "Show the little monster just what he missed out on..." The voice was far more seductive than any tone Vass had ever used. It was dark and full of terrible promises. Vass winced as the grip on his hair tightened and opened his mouth obediently. "Such a good little boy" the Master cooed as he thrust in. Vass closed his eyes, and got to work.

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Alden looked down away from the two males and he pulled himself to a standing position. He held one arm which was limp, "You are a fucking liar Vass..." he said softly tears coming to his eyes. "You fucking lyed to me...I know your a fucking demon but really you dont lie about feelings you asshole!" He said looking at him and slamming memories of the two the way alden noticed vass looking at him when he would tease him. He pushed his thoughts into vass's mind and in his anger he was able to just push it to him.


He didnt push it to the master and he couldnt see them either. It was clouded only for vass, no one else in the room or house could hear his thoughts. And he showed him his feelings. He pushed onto Vass the emotion of anger and jealousy. He added onto that a spark of affection and even some attraction to the other male and possibly a hint of love for him. His shoulders slumped and his thoughts quieted, He looked away from vass once more his thoughts only a small whisper to vass. "I thought you were meaning it...and out of all the people...I thought it would be okay to let you touch me...Let you love me...but damn..was i wrong." He said looking up to the butler. "Take me away...I dont want to watch love making its disgusting." He said walking to the butler a light limp in his walk but he straightened through the pain and walked normally.


He didnt look back at the two but stopped for a moment sucking in a breath, "And...When you are ready and finished playing with him "master" I'm assuming it will be my turn to have you talk with me." He said spitting out the name master as if it was disgusting. "I'll be waiting." He said and continued walking leaving the two to their business.

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Vass closed his eyes as the thoughts were pushed at him, Alden was mistaken in thinking that no one else could see them, after all, they were in Hell, and standing in front of them was "The Master", Lord of Hell, Satan himself. The Master smiled down at Vass, brushing a tear away with his thumb, "The little monster seems to be jealous" he said softly. Vass looked up at him, drinking in his terrible beauty. A face so cold and hard that it hurt just to look at him, the face that caused the heavens to be torn asunder. The Master looked almost... kind, and then he groaned and shuddered, his lips curving once more into a wicked smile. His thumb wiped at Vass' chin, "Ah, your teary face gets me every time" he smirked, "But you mustn't waste any..." He said as he pushed his thumb into Vass' mouth, Vass licking at the thumb eagerly.


The Master looked down at him, stroking the side of his face with a long, delicate finger. "You were always one of the pretty ones Vass" he said softly. The Master pulled him up into an embrace, falling back onto the couch behind them. "Forget the silly monster, he couldn't see you for what you were, too absorbed in himself. Possessed by a demon or not, he certainly isn't worthy of you. I'll exorcise the little shit and we can send his body back to Gabriel." Vass shivered, feeling the Master moving underneath him. His body felt hotter than Hell itself. He licked his lips, like a man dying of thirst, "C-can't I keep him?" he asked, his body moving with the Masters, "I p-promise to feed him, and make sure he d-doesn't shit on the c-carpet..." The Master laughed, the sound echoing deep within Vass' heart, "I'll think about it..."


As Vass' body was repeatedly abused with the most exquisite torture imaginable, he couldn't help but pray that the Master would let him keep Alden... Alden's very soul depended on it.

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Alden felt the change in the air and he moaned softly now getting thoughts from the master and Vass. They were having sex and the master was torturing him in ways that even alden thought were cruel. He shook his head tears forming in his eyes. He was sitting on the bed now chained to the end of it just so he was able to walk around the room nothing more. He could almost feel the pain and lust in the air with his own body. He had always been sensitive to emotion and touch and really anything. But never words...he never really cared if someone called him something. It was a fact of life that he would be called something foul eventually. He sighed softly and he looked over at the guard that was guarding him. He had to get to the portal or else he couldnt get out of here. He stood and took off the shirt that had blood all over it. The guard watched him and he looked over at him licking his lips. Lust was already in the air and being what he was he pushed thoughts into the mind of this little guard telling him to come to him. The guard walked over to him and reached out a hand touching Alden's wing. At that moment all the color left Alden and the eyes of a cold blue filled them. A wicked smile creeped over his face and Dace smiled, "How about you and I play? They are...you must feel slightly...frustrated?" He said running a finger down the other male's chest. He looked up into his face seeing he really was a demon but he didnt care. Dace didnt anyway...Alden was screaming on the inside. He only wanted to touch and be touched by one person.


Dace laughed softly pressing Alden's body against the guard. "Ohhh....look here...you are hard." He laughed again running his free hand down the guard's side to his crotch moving his hand over his erection. Dace loved lust it was one of the joys of being what he was. He fed off of it and he loved the very feeling of another's hands on his host's body. He smiled lightly the guard moving his head down and kissing his neck a soft moan coming from the demon as he bit down hard on his neck making a sound come from inside Dace instead of himself. Dace liked the sweet lovey kind of sex but he would take the kind Vass was getting too. Alden inside of him on the other hand seemed to like some of the pain. He had moaned feeling the male bite him. "nn...is someone Sensitive here?" Dace asked in his mind feeling Alden shiver as the tongue moved up his neck to his ear biting it roughly he felt the other male grinding against hmi as he was pushed against the wall. dace thought to himself if he let Alden take over..with how jelly ish he is right now he wont be able to fight back...Dace smiled and he pushed Alden back into his body letting him have control again.


It took moments before Alden took the hand that was in his pants and pulled it out twisting it around and pushing the guard against the wall. He kicked his knees and he grabbed his head ready to snap his neck for touching him.

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  • 3 weeks later...
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By the time they were finished, Vass was reduced to a shivering mess, he didn't even have enough energy to pick himself up off the floor where he'd eventually ended up. The Master was sitting on the couch, legs crossed and smoking a cigar, for all the world looking like he'd just come in for a cup of the tea.


The Master took a deep drag of the cigar, nonchalantly blowing a smoke ring. "Glad to see you're finally awake Vass. Your little pet angel seems to have been a bit busy while we were catching up. You're lucky I didn't decide to discipline him..."


Vass groaned quietly and mentally searched for Alden, finding that he'd already assaulted a few members of the household; the angel was starting to become a problem...

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Alden came to his senses and looked at the scared gaurd and he dropped his hands away from the males head and stepped back, "I-i'm sorry...t-that wasnt me..i-i didnt..." Tears came to his eyes as he looked at the hurt male that lay in front of him. The gaurd stood and back handed Alden easily making him fall against the wall holding his cheek, "You whore..." he said and left the room yelling down the hall for the gaurds to get the master for him to be taken care of wither to be a pet or to be killed. Alden shivered ligthly pain shooting through his stomach again "D-dace...g-get out of me...please..." he said softly and moaned lightly before lifting his head feeling the presence of Vass's mind close...he and the master had "caught up" which ticked Alden off. Sadly, he didnt want to admit it, He liked Vass alot. More than he though he did and he hated e was with that man.


Alden sighed again using the wall to stand as he alreay was going to hell hey not kill the man...? God had already banished him...Gabriel was taking his wings from him. Alden looked out he room and held his shoulder walking slowly out of the room looking for Vass. He had to tell him how he felt before the master killed him. He had to tell vass that he cared for him...maybe even loved him from first sight.

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Vass picked himself up off the floor, easing is battered body into one of the armchairs. He wearily snapped his fingers, summoning a black silk robe to cover himself with. Pinching the bridge of his nose he gave a sigh, The Master watching him with an amused expression on his face. "Why must I get myself involved with these things?" The Master gave a chuckle and took another puff on his cigar, "No idea, but I have fun when you do..." Vass made a face at the Master, "You tell me what I should do, seeing as I'm sure that this is the reason for you coming to visit... What have you and Gabriel cooked up this time?"

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Alden's mind called out for Vass's as he walked slowly following the frequency he could. He was breathing hard and losing alot of blood, "Vass..." he said softly as he fell slightly seeing a door not to far from him that seemed to be where his mind was pulling him. 'Vass...please...listen I know it hurts for me to talk but j-just listen...please...' He reached out his mind knowing that he was weak and was going to die thanks to the damage done to him. He closed his eyes and sighed again before he smiled slightly, 'Vass...I love you...I did ever since you first talked to me. You helped me out and I am happy for that..and thank you so much...I love you Vass...I love you..." he said softly in his mind passing it to Vass and he didnt even try to hide it.'Come get me vass..please...leave him I-I want to be with you...dont leave me here to die...at least let me tell you to your face before Gabriel pulls me out of here and then has Dace kill me...Just let me tell you before I go.." he said softly and he pushed on the floor trying to get up yet he couldnt.

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Vass groaned slightly as he got up from his chair, wrapping the black silk robe tightly around his body. The Master was still looking at him with a smirk plastered on his face, "You hear that Vass, the poor little thing thinks he's dying." Vass grimaced as Aldens thoughts battered at his mind like blowfly against the glass. He gingerly took a few steps, testing out his body's recovery before slowly walking out into the hallway to where the angel was lying. He prodded Alden with his foot, a long suffering look on his face, "Oi, dumbarse, haven't you been paying attention to anything I've said? You're in hell, you can't die down here. The absolute worst that can happen to you is that you live forever in the pain that you're in... that's the whole point of this place..."


He squatted down next to the angel, brushing the hair from his face. "The Master and Gabriel seem to have cooked something up together, so all you really can do is just, sit and wait for whatever it is that's going to happen... but you can't be doing it in the middle of the hallway, so I suggest you either get up and crawl back to the room, or sit here and wait for someone to come and get you... I'm in no fit state to be lifting anything heavier than a cup of tea right now..."

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Alden heard vass and he opened his eyes and sighed closing his eyes again at the feel of his hand, "Vass...it feels like i'm dying tho...a-and I'm losing my wings Vass..." he said looking up at him with tears in his eyes and he sighed picking himself up slightly so he could touch vasses cheek. "I-i...i love you vass...I really do..." he said and went for it. he kissed Vass there and then as he sighed softly against his lips openeing his eyes again and he looked at vass. "Please...I know you have an attraction to me you cant stay off me...Vass I dont know why but i care about you...a-and I want you with me and not him..." he said motioning to the large male in which was watching them. He looked at vass as he winced hearing Gabriel in his mind. 'Times almost up Alden...Dace wil take over.' He thought a moment and sighed as he looked up at Vass. "Gabriel...he made it so I cant be here anymore when Dace is in my body...when he takes my wings from me Vass, Dace takes over and I dont exist anymore..." he said softly as he looked in his eyes as he touched his cheek again. "I'm sorry b-but I should have told you sooner...I knew this would happen since he told me I would fall. I just...I love you so much and I dont want to die Vass...I want to live and I want to be with you." he said softly and looked up at him again. "They take me out of here vass...to make me fall back down yet I wont come back. It will only be dace in which you will speak with when my body falls back from heaven. Please...j-just...I wish you and I could have had time! I wish you would love me!" he said as his arms gave out from the pain and he fell to the floor just barely catching himself.

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