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What Did You Dream of Last Night?

Black Rose

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I'm just curious, because I love dreams.


You don't have to tell about a dream you had last night. It can be from anytime, a nightmare, or one that repeats itself. It can be any dream you want to share.


If you have trouble remembering your dreams, then keep a dream journal. Also when you wake up, don't get out of bed automatically. Stay still for a bit and try to remember as much as possible, then write it down.


My Dreams


Last Night: I was in a two story house with Sasuke. We were sitting in a recliner chair. The chair somehow fell backwards when we kissed. xD After, I got a call from Naruto asking to do something about my plants. I told him it was fine. Itachi came up to Sasuke and I and asked if that was Naruto. Sasuke got pissed when I said it was, then drove me back to my house in the pouring rain. When I came back to his house, no one was there.


(I don't even know why I had this dream. I haven't watched/read Naruto in so long. Also, I don't have plants or an apartment.)


Nightmare: I was on my bedroom and was paralyzed. The bed was rising, so that it would be standing. There was a monster or something standing in front of it. I was trying my best to move. Somehow my right arm was able to move a bit, so I grabbed a razor off a table to cut my wrist. The cut woke me up.


(Probably doesn't sound much like a nightmare, but it was bad since I had sleep paralysis during it. Also I could feel the cut on my wrist. Kind of like Nightmare on Elm Street, except I didn't actually have a cut on my wrist.)


Repeated: Sometimes, I dream of being chased by a shark, but it takes place in different places.


When I was little: I dreamt of killing my parents and then confessing to the crime when the cops came. When I got into the cop car, the cop gave me a teddy bear.


(This one also repeated itself a couple times. It was mostly the exact same thing, but one time I was auctioned off after going to jail.)

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I dreamed I was running to catch a bus in a really windy day, which made me run very slow and I could see the bus arriving, while I was as slow as a snail. In the end I lost the bus >_>

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I don't dream often. But in one of my favorite dreams a few years ago I was alone in Cloral (the water world) from the Pendragon series. The whole time I swam around and ate fruit. Not bad.

Also the only time I've dreamt of anything from a fictional universe.

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My dreams tend to be pretty bad when I get them; I either don't dream at all, or I get nightmares. My nightmares tend to be about being alone; about my family not being there, or them dying in one way or another. Because, I guess that's my biggest fear.


However, I do sometimes get good dreams, but I can never remember them, I just wake up and go 'Wow, that was weird.'

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Thank you everyone for sharing. :)


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, you dream ever night. It's just that you can't remember them.


My dreams are very random or they're horrible...I can never forget my nightmares...

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last night,, i can't remember everything,, but what i do remember is my First Love's Ex is trying to get back the bracelet's she gave to him that end up being with me because i forgot to return them when i borrowed them.. after all this years.. lol

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All I remember from last night is walking on a board walk. I saw a girl in a black lolita like kimono along with a group of people lined up. The girl had black hair and black wings with purple glitter. Everyone flew into the sky.

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last night i dream about a monster in human form =___=

seem like he was cursed when the time come he will lure his preys, he cut their arms, separates their body parts, digs their eyes out

and the victims are like the zombies, they still can walk and talk <.>

and i almost become one of the victim too, luckily i wake up on time ;p

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  • 3 weeks later...

Last night I have more then one dream. I dreamed That I was a pokemon master and traveled around the world with my pokemon. My starter was charmander. At the end my team was Mew, lugia, Arcanine, Julton, Hunter, and typlosion. (sorry if that names as miss spelled)


My next dream I was in a forest running for my life. A pack of wolves was chasing me, they were going to rip me apart, I know becase they have caught me before, but this time I made it out, to the valley were the forest wolves can not go.


:D my dreams for the night. Im sure there is more but can really recall much of the others to write about

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This wasn't last night but the night before. There were three scenes in my dream.


1. My family and I were running away from a group of people with high caliber guns and we jumped off from a big bridge and we landed in a black coloured river. In that scenario, it's like the main point of us jumping was because we were infected by some sort of air-born disease and we're the only family who knows the disease will go away if we jump off to that black thick, almost muddy river. The surroundings was similar to an apocalyptic scene. After that, we hid.


2. I stabbed someone, it's like what I did in my dream was a self-defense and I do not look like I was scared. I didn't go to jail and there was a small girl wearing a pink ruffled dress. I know in my dream that small girl wasn't my daughter but she was crying and hugging me while I was hugging her as well.


3. I was with someone I know I know in my dream but I just can't be sure because we were running, I was on his right back side and I can only see a fine right cheekbone and a nice jawline. The place was a very long road, similar to an autumn scene. He was tall, black shoulder length hair (half-tied), white complexion. In my dream, he was wearing a white t-shirt, black pants and black boots and he has this black accessories on his wrists. We were just running. Weird because I do not know anyone who looks like that in the real world. (Dreamed of this six times already and I still don't care but i'm writing it here.)


After that, I fell off from my bed and hit my forehead and the song "Bad Day" of Daniel Powter was playing from my iPod. My forehead still hurts.

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It was like a CSI: Miami thing. My friend and I were trying to get to safety without getting shot. Something happened to my friend and I had to save her daughter. Awhile later, I was at a camp site with my friends daughter when the cops came to ask me questions. They said that they were going to take the daughter away, but i wouldn't allow it.

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I dream about going to Macau and robbed some casino with

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.. ..and spent the money at Yaoi Con in California..


what a nice dream.. rabbit8

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  • 1 year later...

I had one AWESOME Dream!

Setting was a future that wasnt too far away and looked like today:

A bunch of friend's friends and me were brought to my familys ciuntry house

and we were all bored as Eff.

Somehow our basement got enlarged and there were a couple of... well, next-nextz gens super gaming computers

pods and other gear to create a TRULY immersive Game! For example a suit that let us feel what we'd fell in the game!

So, we all decided to play the most epic rounds of Hide and Seek!

2 or more seekers hunting one. I ended up as the prey and we played in the virtual village. I had an advantage. But the rules werent simply "Seek and Tag" but "Seek and KILL!" It was awesome!

How we were hunting ourselfs with martial arts and parcour...

Cant WAIT till that gets real! :D

(The conclusion of that dream: Imma narcisstic, antisocial UBER-NERD! XD)

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Just recaptured that dream and recognized that thats a kinda uninventative dream...

I used to have dreams, that defined the meaning "Fantasy" for me...

Still, one Awesome Dream! :D

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