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What Did You Dream of Last Night?

Black Rose

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I had my friend's iPod, and I was trying to figure out how to make videos on it to post on YouTube.

And then Daesung came out of nowhere (Don't know if it was a video of him or what.) and he was speaking fluent English and sounded like a normal American.


Pretty sure I should stop staring at my Daesung wall scroll before bed...or else Daesung will talk to me. DX

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  • 3 weeks later...

I dreamed I was taking an exam in school and as each time when I dream of school and tests, I didn't recall anything of what I had learned. :Angry:

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I dreamed a lot of random thing but the most one I remember is saving a street cat from fleas by rubbing a piece of cloth on it until it sticks then removing it with the fleas XD like waxing

PS: that's not how it is in real life XD

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I dreamed that I was touching a frog with gloves and a jar in the science room in my school because I have a experiment tomorrow, I'm a coward so.. I'm scared *sigh*

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  • 1 month later...

I dreamt that I was looking up a sort of...sister site to ZeldaUniverse called PokeUniverse...only, when I went to it, it had been bought out by the people who run PhantomsOpera. Like, every time I tried to go to PokeUniverse, I just got redirected to PhantomsOpera.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Last night i dreamed about my ex's mom saying that she will accept me as her daughter-in-law if i pop a pimple on her back… that gave me a cold shiver.. it was awkward and gross

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I dream about want to go a vacation prepared everything when I about live started very heavy rain with ice after it becomes disaster my house fall down because of thunder my mom started to scream after that so much happen i don't remember it's a weird dream ::Excited:

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actually the dream was me and my girlfriend are sitting on the stairs she was stradling me and grinding and forcing herself to me, on the background is beyonce's song surfboard, surfboard beyonce's voice we had the most explosive climax love was flowing everywhere while my girlfriends cute voice fills the room. then i woke up with a woody that i cant conceal.....wheew what a night

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  • 1 month later...

I dreamed how i meet someone who apparentlly was dead (he mentioned it later). And that person was saying that i should kill myself and get to hell, among other reasons he mentioned, he said hell is nothing i believe it is (i remember this very clear). So i killed myself and went to hell, and he was right, actually it was nothing from what i imagined it would be, except one thing that it was really nasty, and i can't say it. Someone came and took me, i felt like a god, i had this feeling that i have a power i can use it however i want on doesn't matter who, and do whatever i want. Anyway...in the end, before i woke up i remember i started to feel really really sad, because i realised that everyone will forget about me (family, friends), now that i no longer exist. I remember every moment thinking about it saddened me more...


Good thing i woke up.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

Last night, I dreamed about some kind of a funeral and my old classmate was wearing a white formal suit preaching. O_o (he was a troublemaker back in the days) Some were crying and some were just talking casually to each other...

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ohhh I dream ahhhhhhhh? I think I already forgot hahahaha!!... but a little I remember it's kind supernatural or Sci fi I don't really know what... some of my dream change in diff. kind of place an scenery...


I dream that I was running for something dangerous and this black long hair guy he dress red too that faceless.... and there my dad help me to run away so that faceless guy so it will not get me.... so this s fear some that I turn into a girl that long hair red and my body it's kind a white that it's look like I'm naked but not really naked it's like a white paint covered my body... then my dad stop into ware house... I don't know if it's ware house.... it's look like were tired so we rest there.... then my dream change I was in the bathtub there a two people that standing beside me..... then there a kind a boy he help me to get away... then it change again... where in the car and there a rope were pulling it..... and that faceless guy is there too chasing us.. after we pulling it the rope the car slant and this guy with me he have this wound in his left belly so many blood come out. then the faceless guy is here standing beside that guy I was thinking if I will help him but I run away.... why? then I woke up...


So scary, that faceless guy.

I don't know what happen to my dad after that..

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  • 2 weeks later...

I dreamed about two stray kittens in a box. It said to only take one kitten, but of course I ignored it and took them both. I can only remember the time when I was feeding them when I got home. ;-;



-Ramentan yoyo6

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I dreamed that I was at a swim meet with my team, but for some reason, the water was ice... and then people started swimming in the ice, and up next was me. I dived off the diving board, and then I some how cracked the ice... and started swimming...? I don't know... it's winter, it's cold... so weird.

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I dreamed that i killed my childhood friend with a knife and keep stabbing him until his last breath...when i realize that i killed him i cried and scream keep screaming but no one would help me they just walks away..i stands up and start to stabbing each person i saw..[than suddenly my dream changes] "Ehh? where am i?" start to walking outside there was blood all over i saw Onii chan and kazu bleeding.. so i run to them but everything start to turning into black and i wake up....


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Eh, same guy wearing the same coat I've been dreaming since I was a kid. After that, my friend. We were talking about random stuff until we fell asleep. When I fell asleep in my dream, that's when I woke up.

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A psycho woman who tortured people to death. And I was conscious throughout the dream. First, it was in a bedroom - a woman. Second, its a male doctor/nurse and third... myself I think?


The dream repeated twice. Luckily I know how to induce out the pain.

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  • 2 months later...

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